
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

Bella - what a cutie! So glad that everything's going well so far. I have no advice on potty training (I need to start that battle pretty soon), but it sounds like he's almost there in terms of training. Thanks for sharing the pics!

China - thanks for thinking of me. :)) I'm still here, lurking away....Emotionally, I'm hanging in there. The last two weeks after the D&C were tough but I've been feeling better this last week and a half. I'm looking forward to upcoming cycles and trying again sometime soon, although I'll be a lot more anxious when/if it happens again. On that note, is that something that you struggle with, now that you're ttc? How are things going this cycle?
Bella, your son is absolutely stunning! Congratulations!
Hi Sha! :wavey: Glad you are hanging in there. Not sure if you know that I suffered a loss in March at 13 weeks but it was pretty brutal. Physically the D&C was almost unbearable (I didn't have them put me out, but I should have). My physical recovery was actually ok after that, but as you know, mentally it's just really tough. They gave me the go-ahead to TTC right away but I was simply not ready. I am *finally* feeling ok, but still terrified of the same thing happening. But I also think that the worst has already happened (well, not the worst, they are many worse things that could happen, but this particular bad thing has already happened) so chances of it happening again are slim (I don't believe that, but my OB assures me at least that there is no INCREASED chance). I also should mention that for us, there was something wrong with the baby and it wasn't viable, which we found out after the NT test and a CVS. I thought long and hard about trying again- on the one hand, our life is really great with just the one kid. He is happy and healthy and a true joy. If he's all we get, I'm blessed. OTOH, we would like one more. So the question is which I would regret more- not trying again, or trying again and going through the same thing? I think I would regret more not trying again. Also, if it happens again, then at least I know what to expect and I know I can handle it. It sucks, but it won't ruin me. But it's really taken me a few months to get here. I am scared, but I am also calm and ready to give it another go. I most definitely wasn't calm and ready even 2 months ago. So take your time. I'm around and trying to be here more, so if you need to talk or vent or just need some support, I'm here.
ChinaCat|1312828519|2986590 said:
Hi Sha! :wavey: Glad you are hanging in there. Not sure if you know that I suffered a loss in March at 13 weeks but it was pretty brutal. Physically the D&C was almost unbearable (I didn't have them put me out, but I should have). My physical recovery was actually ok after that, but as you know, mentally it's just really tough. They gave me the go-ahead to TTC right away but I was simply not ready. I am *finally* feeling ok, but still terrified of the same thing happening. But I also think that the worst has already happened (well, not the worst, they are many worse things that could happen, but this particular bad thing has already happened) so chances of it happening again are slim (I don't believe that, but my OB assures me at least that there is no INCREASED chance). I also should mention that for us, there was something wrong with the baby and it wasn't viable, which we found out after the NT test and a CVS. I thought long and hard about trying again- on the one hand, our life is really great with just the one kid. He is happy and healthy and a true joy. If he's all we get, I'm blessed. OTOH, we would like one more. So the question is which I would regret more- not trying again, or trying again and going through the same thing? I think I would regret more not trying again. Also, if it happens again, then at least I know what to expect and I know I can handle it. It sucks, but it won't ruin me. But it's really taken me a few months to get here. I am scared, but I am also calm and ready to give it another go. I most definitely wasn't calm and ready even 2 months ago. So take your time. I'm around and trying to be here more, so if you need to talk or vent or just need some support, I'm here.

Thanks for your reply, China. Yes, I read about your mc in one of the threads...I forget which...when I was in 'lurker' mode. I can't imagine how hard it must've been to go through that at 13 weeks, just going into your second tri.... :(( :(( :(( And I can't imagine going through a d&c without general anesthesia either.. :shock: Wow. I'm glad you've gotten through it and are feeling ok about trying again. Like you, I'm anxious about the same thing happening again, but not anxious enough NOT to try again, I guess. ( It's good to know there's no increased chance of miscarriage the 2nd time around. I hope that's true in both our cases.) If things didn't work out for a 2nd, I think I would be happy with just DD, but a part of me would always be thinking about the baby I didn't have, I guess. I'm 35 already and feel like I don't want to put things off much longer, in case things get a bit more difficult with age (I have mild pcos too). We'll see what happens. Best wishes for a sticky bean this time around! :))
Bella - what a beautiful boy you have now and I hope it went okay traveling back home. hope B is adjusting well.

Sha (and ChinaCat) - I am sorry to read about your loss. I also had to have a d&c with my mc and I was so mad at my body for not knowing what to do and that I walked around for weeks with my "dead baby" inside me. Gah! that sounds horrible. anyway, indeed one mc does not mean you should expect another (especially if you had no issues conceiving your first) and my gynae also said I could try again as soon as I got my 1st period (6 weeks after d&c). for me it was better to start trying asap, but then again I didn't already have a child at home. much strength to you in whatever your decision.
Thanks for the support, noelwr. :)) I didn't know you had had a mc as well. They seem to be so common, unfortunately! Anyway, it gives me hope to know that you went on to have a beautiful daughter afterwards. I hope my next pregnancy will be successful too.

Hugs to Skye! She's growing more and more beautiful every day!
Sha~ I've had several MCs over the years and have 2 beautiful healthy children. I had another MC this past Dec. I understand the pain and I pray that you are able to have another baby when the time is right.

Lily is almost 13 mo old. She has her 7th tooth coming in. She has been teething miserably for weeks now. She wants nothing to do with orajel. I've been giving her tylenol and teething tablets to sleep at night. She won't chew on anything. I've tried teethers, frozen washcloths, teething biscuits, and even the rubbery toys of JTs. She just doesn't want anything touching her gums. Any ideas to help her?? Thanks.
somethingshiny|1313162851|2989335 said:
Sha~ I've had several MCs over the years and have 2 beautiful healthy children. I had another MC this past Dec. I understand the pain and I pray that you are able to have another baby when the time is right.

Lily is almost 13 mo old. She has her 7th tooth coming in. She has been teething miserably for weeks now. She wants nothing to do with orajel. I've been giving her tylenol and teething tablets to sleep at night. She won't chew on anything. I've tried teethers, frozen washcloths, teething biscuits, and even the rubbery toys of JTs. She just doesn't want anything touching her gums. Any ideas to help her?? Thanks.

Thanks ss! :))

Wow, poor LIly. :(( I'm sorry she's having such a miserable time. I have no advice, unfortunately. D wasn't a bad teether - just some drooling and irritability, thankfully. Hopefully someone else will chime in with some tips.
What about ice-pops?
Allie~ I didn't even think about ice pops! duh!! Thanks!
Hi everyone and welcom Bella - what a cutie and already almost potty trained? Wow!

Things are good with me - I updated on the preggo thread but we moved C into her big girl bed and it's been a success. She was happy with the bed when she saw it, but when she saw the bedding (pink floral) she was estatic! And she's not the estatic type (got that from me,lol). She beamed, jumped in and said I LIKE IT!!!! and burst into giggles. When DH sat on the bed though she got more serious and said "you have your OWN bed." Haha, so this part was more successful than PT at least. She's been ok in there (with bed rails) for 2 nights, so so far so good.

How is everyone else - C turns 3 in a month so planning a party with kids at the house (I'm sure I'll regret it). I'll be 8mos pregnant, but I want her to have her special day still. So far she is more defiant than at age 2, but also very sweet and loving to me. She will say "it's ok mommy" if I get frustrated and help me clean up..which is big progress. Preschool (2hrs. 3x per week) starts in a month too, so lots of transition!

Hope everyone else is good..we need more updates!
Wow Janine 3 already. Incredible how time just escapes you. I hope you are doing well with your pregnancy and yay for big bed success!!

Bella congratulations!!!!! Oh he's such a handsome boy! So happy for your family and a big hell yea to potty training!

Sha continued love and hugs. Hope you're getting extra snuggled from my future model D. Love that girl. She's amazing.

AFM, or I guess us, all is well. Sophia turned 2 last month. Finally stopped walking on her toes. Just kind of got over it. She talks a lot and has a great imagination. Sometimes I'll just stand by her door and watch her play. I love watching her expressions as she plots her next move. I find her fascinating. The way she looks at books, how her small hands move, what her likes and dislikes are. All amazing things to me. It's also somewhat of a relief I guess in that I never really cared for toddlers. Loved infants and young children but temper tantrum throwing tots didn't call my attention too much as terrible as that is. I was worried i wouldnt enjoy this phase too much. But each day that goes by I just fall more and more in love. Im always excited to see what the next day will bring and so excited to see her grow!

She's still not eating too well. We now leave food around the house and when it interests her, she eats. But it's a continued frustration. Actually the other day she took her lunch and started feeding it to her dog saying "just one bite ok? One bite go outside. No bite, no outside ok?" Kind of funny and sad at the same time ::) Really clingy with me. Walks around the house saying "Mama 'Fiery' come here!" haha

Hope all is well!
Fiery, aww Sophia sounds so cute, and already 2! C is also a fussy eater, she was better when she was younger. Now she negotiates everything. I have to work for every bite, sometimes it is very frustrating. She is already small boned so nervous for the 3 year check up when she inevitably will be way below. It's true about toddlers - I used to get so irritated with bratty todlers, but its' different when it's your own...I don't know if it's like this for everyone, but C is a mini me and has some similar traits, so I "get" her and while sometimes I get annoyed, it's not like I feel like this is some foreign stage. Actually C's a bit more patient than me. Maybe with Sophia try feeding her less between meals so she'll have more appetite for actual meals? C right now will eat what she has to and then gets bored and wants to run off. But then has no problem finishing dessert, grr.
Bella...welcome and your son is so handsome! I have no potty advice as my kid isn't quite there but lots of good luck wishes.

Sha... I am happy to see you around here and hope you are doing ok, lots of hugs.

My update...we had his 18mo appt on Tues (3w late) and he is 26.5lbs and 33.25 inches with an 80% percentile head, giant kiddo.

We just got him a trike and I got him a new helmet (3T and it fits!) which he loves, he calls it 'elme' (almost like elmo). My kid is like a REAL BOY. continually blows my mind. He is talking up a storm, picks up new words every day, I just have to say it and most times he will repeat it... he's getting more affectionate which I love and he's super into 'mommy' right now. Finally, all my hard work and caregiving is paying off lol.

We are also planning our first trip with him this fall on a trip to EC to see G's family...freaked out about the plane ride with J but plan to arm ourselves with all types of things to keep him occupied and passengers around us hopefully not too p'o'd lol.

Here's a new pic, in his helmet, saying 'cheeese' ... lol.

JDT 18mo bike helmet cheese.jpg
O is TWO today! :appl: :o :love: ;(

I am shocked at how emotional I am. I haven't gotten emotional about him getting older ever, not when I put away his baby clothes, not on his first birthday, not when I got his first hair cut or any of it.

This is what made me cry. I got an email from Our365, which is like Babycenter that sends you weekly updates on your kid. It basically said, your kid is leaving toddlerhood and we are through with you. No more emails, nada, nothing left to share with you. I barely read these emails and yet, I was like what do you mean you're through with me???

I just feel so raw today and I'm so surprised by it. I like him getting older, like each stage better than the next. But he just seems so grown lately. He's so fun to be around lately, just talking talking talking and trying to figure things out. I love that he repeats everything we say, but especially random words. Like he walks around going "Shall we?" in this really high, sweet voice.

Still a total boy and never sits still for long or will really watch TV. Though the other night my DH was OOT and I was watching Master Chef. He climbed up on the couch next to me, snuggled up under my arm and watched like 30 minutes of it. When the commercials came on, he'd say "Noo, more cook! More cook!"

Still in his crib and sleep sack. :devil: Hasn't tried to climb out yet. Still sleeping great, eats everything though he's starting to have opinions about what he wants. His favorite snacks are cheese, prunes and Veggie Booty. Obsessed with Ferraris and Jeeps and any yellow cars or yellow fire trucks, his train table, and going outside. His favorite movie is Cars. His favorite videos are fire trucks and watching Kate Upton's making of her Sports Illustrated photo shoot. No lie, he watches her in her bathing suit and says "more more". Where do these kids come from???? Luckily still loves books. Is alternatively a total flirt, especially with teen-age girls with brown hair, or super shy and won't let anyone look at him.

He was so excited about his birthday and has been talking about his "Fast Car Cake" all week.

Starting "school" 2 days a week soon. :eek:

What else? Had a bad month or so with the tantrums, but they've been much better lately. I've been reading "Happiest Toddler On The Block" and so far it's been really helpful.

Anyways, thanks for letting me go on and on. He really is such a joy, I marvel at him sometimes.

Aw, China, I love all your musings on O turning 2. Sorry you got broken up with by that site.

Bella, that is one gorgeous kid! Can't wait to hear more about him!

Sha, glad you are hanging in there. I've been thinking about you.

AFM, 12 weeks pregnant with #2. Not feeling well this pregnancy due to blood pressure issues. Claire is growing up so fast (almost 22 months)! We just got her "big girl PJs" - separates, not footed zipped PJs. She looks so adorable in them. She's peed on the potty a few times but isn't really capable of telling us when she needs to poop yet, and it comes on so fast that I couldn't get her undressed and on the potty in time. She starts preschool two mornings a week in a few weeks. Since was in daycare for 5 months as a baby, I don't think I'll be too emotional about it . . . but don't quote me on that!
Hey Mara! Nice to hear from you and to see 'J' again! IJust the other day I was thinking it's been a while since I've seen you around. I was wondering how you guys were doing. Glad to hear he's doing so well! He's a big boy!

China - How did O's birthday go? I hope well! :appl: They grow up so fast. it's so sweet to hear you talk about him.... :)) I know how you feel. :))

PG- sorry about the ongoing sickness. But yay for making it to 12 weeks! :appl: Hopefully the sickness will taper off as you get into the 2nd trimester, and won't be long-lasting like last time?

Would love to see a pic of C, if you care to share! She must be so grown now!

Question - when did you start potty training C? I need to get started with that... not really looking forward to it, and have no clue how to start. Have to read up on it.

Thanks for the kind thoughts on the mc. I'm getting over it - still have sad moments, though. Hoping to try again sometime soon.
Sha, I wish I had a real potty training plan. We've been winging it so far, haven't read any books or anything. A few months ago I bought a potty and a little potty for her doll, and we "practiced" sitting on it fully clothed and putting the doll on its potty. A few weeks ago we started putting her on the potty a few times a day, and now she's peeing about every other time. She gets an M&M and a lot of fanfare when she pees. Sometimes right after she pees, she jumps up triumphantly . . . it's very cute. She hasn't pooped yet. A couple of days ago we watched the Elmo Potty DVD. I don't sense that we're all that close to full on PTing. She has never indicated that she's going to pee or poop and is mostly just learning nouns and colors at the moment. She says "juice" but not "drink," so I just don't see her saying "pee" or "poop" yet. But she really does like sitting on the potty (usually) and will say, "Mmmmm-Mmmmm!' as soon as she gets on (M&M). I don't really feel much pressure yet as we're still two months away from two.

Here's a pic of Claire from the 4th of July. I am starting to get nervous about posting her pic on the internet now that she's getting older (not that I think somebody is going to kidnap her anything - just to protect her privacy since she's not the one posting), so I think I'll do what China did and make it a side shot.

Want to see a pic of D too (whatever you are comfortable with)!

I just wanted to pop in and say Mara, Sha and PHX, your little ones are adorable :love: :love: They have grown so fast!!! It feels like they were just babies!
I'm dittoing Skippy! And china, loved reading your stories about Oliver. What a cute stage! I get sad and nostalgic often at 8 months, but EVERYONE I hear says each stage is better than the next. I still want to hit the pause button. He sounds like such a sweet little boy!
Thanks for sharing, pg! She's grown so much! Love her Independence Day outfit. :love:
wow. i can't believe how long it's been since i've popped into ps + posted. i just skimmed this thread and realize how much i miss it!

em update. she's almost 17 months old. and she's awesome. she's so much fun. really into books and finally into dolls. she feeds them, gives them milk, turns them on their tummies, pats their backs and tells them night night. she also strolls them up and down the kitchen + dining room. oh the cuteness. she enjoys coloring which i'm so exited about. i love coloring with her :] i think she's going to be taller than me. she got those genes from her daddy for sure. we're introducing her to disney characters lately because we're taking her to disney this christmas. i swore i wouldn't take her before she was 5 but it's turned into a big old family vacation - a first - so we have to go. i must say that i've been waiting for this disney trip moment since i found out she was a girl. i LOVE disney :] anywho, she says "mimie" for minnie and it's too cute. let's see, what else. oh, she's still crazy about food. this kid LOVES to eat. and will eat anything. there hasn't been a single thing she hasn't eaten. craziness. i'm sure it will end at some point so i'm taking full advantage. oh you like brussel sprouts? okay! have 'em! haha.
T update: We had a BUSY summer. She took two series of swim lessons. She graduated the first one, so the second was without the back floatie which was slightly terrifying for me. This kid has ZERO fear of the water. She would just jump in and is convinced she CAN swim. Luckily she had semi-private lessons (there was only one other boy who missed half the lessons) so she improved dramatically. She can swim independently for 5-6 feet or so and doggie paddle. She has to be able to float on her back longer to move up to the next group.

Also this summer we went to visit his family's lake house in Ohio and my family in Wisconsin. I have discovered T LOVES having people around. My siblings were also in WI so we had family and friends visiting us everyday. She loved all of the attention. She iced out her baby cousin the first day but it didn't take long for her to warm up. She still does not want to have a sibling, haha, but she was very sweet with the baby and made a big deal about washing her hands before she touched him. The baby (aka grandma) bought T a charm bracelet from gapkids, so that also helped smooth things over.

Now we are back in NC and she started daycare full time. It will be a tough adjustment, especially after spending so much time with us over the summer. She wants to stay home with mom and dad. I try not to get too frustrated b/c one day she will hate me and do anything to spend time away from her embarrassing parents. ;)) She has already started her birthday wish list. I cannot believe in a few months I will have a FOUR YEAR OLD. Seriously, where did the time go? We have some sleep issues (she is now scared to sleep alone) so my mom keeps telling me to watch super nanny. Every night T will cry and say she doesn't know how to sleep :roll: and their are monsters under her bed :nono: It's difficult for me to know how much is manipulation and sincerity. I would certainly never want to minimize real fears.

Not much else. She is still sassy and way too smart for my own good. She can be so sweet and the next moment so unreasonable. I am hoping 4s are better than 3s because this year resulted in several gray hairs and lots of headaches.
Howdy ladies!
We have our first children's birthday party to go to as a family! YAY! Aidan's friend Q is turning 1 and his party is on Saturday (yes, with a hurricane bearing down on us!). What are some good, relatively inexpensive (under $25) gift ideas for fist birthday party?
Hudson_Hawk|1314362251|3000101 said:
Howdy ladies!
We have our first children's birthday party to go to as a family! YAY! Aidan's friend Q is turning 1 and his party is on Saturday (yes, with a hurricane bearing down on us!). What are some good, relatively inexpensive (under $25) gift ideas for fist birthday party?

those duplex mega blocks were a hit. they're like large legos. em loved hers and still plays with them at 17 months. she got them for her 1st birthday.
Long time no post...

Sha, regarding PTing... Daisy was adamant she wanted nothing to do with the potty I'd bought her - despite choosing it herself (We got a brand called a 'Pourty' I met the guy who invented it at a tradeshow and it really is brilliant - and bigger and more stable than lots of other brands).

Everytime I even suggested it, she would throw a screaming fit - the same happened when I suggested using the loo. She was very interested in DH and I using it though.

In the end I stuck the potty in the sittingroom under her little table and she used to put toys in it and treat it like a general container for all things.

About a month ago she suddenly asked about it. I asked if she wanted to try it out and she agreed. Ta dah, wee wee produced and duly disposed of into the loo. Then she decided she wasn't interested anymore.

If we're at home I tend to let her run around without a nappy on (I have wooden floors) and the last two weeks she has been using the potty every time. She won't poop in it though - she asks to put a nappy on.

It's basically a case of vaguely suggesting it and then leaving totally alone until they feel ready - and lots of regressions. I was a bit worried that she would be a late PTer - my niece was using hers regularly from when she was a year old, and my sister and I were out of nappies at 13 months (then again, my mother had us in cloth nappies and didn't have a washing machine or drier so was pretty desperate to get us out of them). Daisy's now 27 months and seems about on schedule.
Just a quick drive-by...I"m at work and should be working but am not... :Up_to_something:

Nice to hear the toddler updates!

Pandora - thanks for sharing your PT experience! Interesting! I'm interested to see how D will take to it. Daisy seems to be growing nicely....I saw a pic in another thread of her at her wedding. Cute! And much better behaved these days, right? :appl:
8 days until I officially join this thread as mother of a TODDLER!!!!!!!!!

GAH! not ready not ready not ready......