
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Sep 21, 2006
good to hear bobo!

puffy, those are gorgeous earrings!


Oct 6, 2004
LILI, glad you are okay. we miss you!

JAS, good to see you posting here more often.

PUFFY, your new earring are GORGEOUS! I LOVE them!

BOBO, so sorry to hear about your bedrest. Is it modified or strict bedrest? I know it's no fun and I have no idea how you're doing it with B. Do you have help? I hope so. I don't know anything about progesterone during early pregnancy, just learning about progesterone for PTL. How is your hcg level? Was the doc concerned? Is that why you were put on bedrest? Sending lots of good thoughts your way!

Sorry I can't respond to everyone individually. I'm here reading but I've been soooo tired (no energy!) and sick. I've had nausea on and off. I really hate the 1st trimester. Hoping it goes by fast. I have another u/s next week to date the little bean and check for heartbeat. Can't wait!

D is teething but otherwise a very happy boy. He's showing more interest in walking but mostly when holding your hand. He's still very cautious walking by himself. He is talking a lot. He keeps me busy and is lots of fun!


Dec 16, 2007
OK, I am going to have to start hanging out here more often. The under 12 mo thread is too fast for me! haha...

I have a question for you gals who are on to number two or thinking about it anyways. How did you decide on the timing? Was there method to your madness? DH and I are trying to think about when we want to TTC again and it just seems there are so many factors to think about when planning. Just curious what your plans are!


Dec 16, 2007
snlee I didn''t know you were expecting! congrats! How old is D now?

Gosh, it is going to take me forever to get caught up in this thread! haha... eventually.


Jan 3, 2005
starting backwards here in my responses :) :

DD: when DH and I thought bout #2, we said that we wanted #1 to at least be ''vocal'' so that we can communicate with him and understand his needs/wants...we knew it would drive us nuts if we had two kiddos who couldn''t really communicate and would cry etc etc...i''m preggo with #2 now and by the time i deliver they will be 3 years apart..i would have preferred a 2.5 yr gap or so, but it didn''t work out that way, but im happy with the gap :) plus that means when they go to college i''ll only have to pay for 2 kids simultaneously for 1 year ;-)

Snlee: sorry you''re not feeling well
hope M/S passes soon! yay for D walking on his own :)

MrsS: sorry Jake is back to waking up earlier!! hope this phase passes sometime soon!

,,,i would have KICKED DH if he did that in front of my boy!! K also copies his dad in almost everything and the thought of seeing K sliding down the stairs is just too much for me to handle :) good luck with all the unpacking..5 boxes a day is too much for me :) actually...i have no problem unpacking the boxes..its ''placing'' the contents of those boxes in their location that is a killer!

!! good news to hear back from your doctor..

Puffy: STUNNING studs!!!!

QT: We have free wifi in our room and we''ll be taking our laptop :) so i''ll most probably be posting on FB with pics and updates, but not as much on PS..


Jun 18, 2004

Lover in Athens – I hope you’re enjoying the games! How did the flight go?

Janine – I was a bit bad, and we let Kyle sleep with a blanket animal from about 6 months. He moves around like crazy in his sleep, so I’m not too worried. I think they’re probably fine after a year?

Mrssalvo – more snow? I can’t even imagine. It’s 77 here today, sending warm thoughts to all you snow-bound mommies!

Jas – that sounds like something my DH would do

. Hopefully the boys don’t try it again! And they can open the front door? Oh my!

Puffy – the earrings are amazing!

QT – the pedi actually didn’t say anything about the paci, and we did give one to Kyle while he was looking him over (Kyle didn’t like the stethoscope), but in the paperwork he gave us it said we should start trying to get rid of it. I’m not even going to try until after our trip in April. He’s down to just taking it at night now, and the sitter hasn’t been giving it to him for naps for like 6 months, although I do on the weekends.

Bobo – it sounds like things might be going better, take it easy and let the little bean grow.

Snlee – sorry you’re not feeling well, but it’ll be over soon.

DD – come on over! I couldn’t keep up with all the little ones over there either, and I realize I’ve forgotten sooo much about the infant stage already.

So what is so different about my bed compared to the crib? Kyle woke up coughing at 4am, I went in and rocked him back to sleep, but the minute I tried to put him back in the crib he started balling. I left him a few minutes, then gave up and put him in our bed. I didn’t cuddle or even touch him once I plopped him between DH and I. How do they know? At least he went right back to sleep until 6:15am.


Jan 3, 2005
dreamer, we''re looking forward to having you over in this thread
as for the timing of number #2, we started talking about it right before my oldest turned 1. Hubby and both wanted 2 and he actually wanted to start trying sooner than me, mostly b/c he''s 8 years older than I am and didn''t want to wait too long. So, we talked about it and I had just weaned my first and we decided that I would not go back on the pill and we would just see what happened. I''d heard that it can be harder to get preggo with #2 so I figured we might as well go ahead and maybe I''d be preggo by Christmas (it was march). well, i''m not joking 2 weeks later I was preggo with #2. I did not feel ready at all and was so surprised I got preggo so quickly. I had baby #2 by my girls are only 20 months apart. I will say having 2 in diapers was hard and much of that time is a daze for me but they are the best of friends and play together all the time now so I think the age difference is great. of course we added a 3rd 4 years after that, but that''s another story!

msb-looking forward to updates on FB. a vacation sounds so nice!

Mgal-Kyle probably just feels safe and comfy in the bed with you and your hubby. also, is it any warmer in your room/bed?


May 1, 2005
puffy, very nice earrings. Your DH is so sweet.

THanks MrsS, sounds like Jake is a early bird. package from pearlmans, how exciting. A late valentine gift?

Thanks Jainegirly.

Thanks Snlee, OB just said she don''t want me to work and want me on bedrest until I''m 13 weeks so I put myself on modifed bedrest. In the morning DH still take little B to my MIL''s and at night DH come home with little B and he''ll get dinner ready and I''ll just lie down on the sofa and watch t.v. with little B.

OB didn''t took my hcg level at my last visit with her, she keep saying I''m pregnant, I don''t need to get my hcg level checked. I guess it''s the progesterone level that need to be checked. I was spotting at 5 weeks and they did a ultrasound on me and last friday I was at the ER due to I was bleeding a little with red blood. I guess OB didn''t like what she see on the second ultrasound that was done at the ER. Compare to the first ultrasound the bleeding had increased and I think that is why she want me on bedrest.

DD, DH and I don''t want the kids to be too far apart age wise so we started trying when little B almost turn two and bam I got pregoo like right away which we didn''t expect will happen this fast.

Thanks MG.


Dec 16, 2007
Bobo I hope everything turns out just fine! How many weeks are you?


Nov 14, 2004
Gorgeous earrings.
J is doing well. He has been waking up frequently to nurse the past few days, and just more awake/alert time overall.

No real routine with the 2 kids. I have help from MIL with M, so I just play and eat with her when J is sleeping. I feel bad though when I have to go check on him b/c she''ll cry like I am leaving her.

I wanted a 2 yrs gap between my kids, so ideally we wouldn''t have TTC until M was 1 yr old. But since it took us over a year of not preventing to conceive M, I told DH that we should start TTC sooner in case it''ll take us a long time to conceive again. So we started not preventing when M was 7 months, and to our surprise, it only took 2 cycles of not preventing for us to get pregnant the second time.

M is way behind then. She is still using paci at 19 months, and she is pretty attached to it. She''ll ask for it, but we don''t give it to her except for nap and bedtime.

Glad you are doing well. Try to rest when you can. It''s tough being pregnant with a toddler.


Oct 6, 2004
Date: 2/17/2010 1:40:28 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
snlee I didn't know you were expecting! congrats! How old is D now?
Welcome dreamer! Good to see you here! Thanks! I posted on the other thread but here it is again - I've always wanted to have at least 2 kids. DH wanted 3 but now (after having DS) he is thinking 2. We're not closing the door on 3 yet. We'll wait and see if our family feels complete with 2. I've always wanted my kids to be close in age. I thought that 2-3 years is a good age gap. After having DS I didn't think I'd be ready to be pregnant again anytime soon - I had a hard pregnancy with PTL and bedrest and the newborn stage was rough! 3 years apart looked good. But as DS approached 1 and become more of a toddler and not a baby, DH and I both wanted to have another one sooner rather than later. We started TTC baby #2 when DS was 1. DS is almost 17 months now and we're expecting baby #2! Our kids with be almost exactly 2 years apart.


May 9, 2006
The Awesomeness Fairy visited my house yesterday, because all L&J wanted to do after dinner was put all their toys in the toy bin. They were so serious about it, too. I tried very hard to make sure they didn''t see me LMAO.

Hey Dreamer -- well, we started with two, but we''re going to start talking about a third one. For us, it''s a question of sanity and age (ours...I''m 37, he''s 41.)
msb -- in my world "unpacking" means throwing all the stuff that was in a box onto a flat surface. :) What is this "putting it away"?
puffy --
mustang -- i''m so sorry about the sleeping stuff. ugh.
bobo -- you must feel so stressed right now. I''m sorry about bedrest, but it seems like you''ve got a good system worked out.

Sorry if I skipped anyone. As I have mentioned before, I keep losing my mind. I think it''s in an "unpacked" pile of miscellaneous items.


May 9, 2008
Date: 2/17/2010 2:15:26 PM
Author: snlee

Welcome dreamer! Good to see you here! Thanks! I posted on the other thread but here it is again - I''ve always wanted to have at least 2 kids. DH wanted 3 but now (after having DS) he is thinking 2. We''re not closing the door on 3 yet. We''ll wait and see if our family feels complete with 2. I''ve always wanted my kids to be close in age. I thought that 2-3 years is a good age gap. After having DS I didn''t think I''d be ready to be pregnant again anytime soon - I had a hard pregnancy with PTL and bedrest and the newborn stage was rough! 3 years apart looked good. But as DS approached 1 and become more of a toddler and not a baby, DH and I both wanted to have another one sooner rather than later. We started TTC baby #2 when DS was 1. DS is almost 17 months now and we''re expecting baby #2! Our kids with be almost exactly 2 years apart.
dipping my toes into this thread as well - hi ladies

my son is 13 mos old and things are rolling on by smoothly. the biggest adjustment for us when he turned 1 is my return to work! it took J about 3 weeks to fully adjust to the nanny but things have been going well since then. I may start to wean him in the next couple of months as well - just wanted to wait until he settled in with all the change that was happening re: work/nanny.

snlee, your story is almost exactly like mine. we''re hoping to start TTC for # 2 sooner rather than later :) congrats on the pregnancy!
puffy, those earrings are GORGEOUS

bobo, i hope everything is fine, please take care of yourself
qtiekiki, M isn''t too bad, my nephew didn''t stop taking his paci @ night until he was 3 yrs old

btw, in case we do get preggo sooner rather than later, does anyone have any experience with nursing WHILE preggo with #2? is it even a safe idea?


Nov 14, 2004
I was still nursing M when I got pregnant. My OB wanted me to stop BFing and his reason was that BFing causes contractions, but everything I read online says it was safe. I continued BFing, but my supply started to drop. I wasn''t able to pump very much at work, and it wasn''t enough for M''s daily intake (I think I was around 8 weeks pregnant then). So I stopped pumping, and just nursed in the morning and night. Eventually I just stopped.
Funny you said your nephew used the paci until 3, b/c so did our nephew and he was drinking milk out of a bottle until 4. SIL was too lazy to wean him off the paci and bottle, her words not mine.


Nov 20, 2006
mrsS thanks! sorry to hear jake is back to waking up early. did your DK make it back to you yet?

janine thanks!

snlee thanks! YAY for your ultrasound soon!! sorry to hear about the nausea. hope it gets better. D sounds like he is doing well.

msb thanks! hope you have a wonderful time!

MG thanks! hope kyle is back to feeling better.

bobo thanks! that''s great that your DH is helping out so much so early on.

qt thanks! it''s cute when they are more alert during the day. B was "reading" a book to noah today while i was doing dishes and laundry. it was so sweet. i love watching B being a big brother...he''s so great at it, but i am a bit biased. how often is J getting up to eat? hope you are all doing well.

jas thanks! haha about the boys wanting to put their toys away. that''s great though!

sbde thanks!

DD DH and i always wanted at least 2 kids. i would have been happy with 2, DH was more like 3 or 4. and we wanted them to be fairly close in age. but at the time i became preggo, we weren''t "trying" but we were also not preventing. and it happened so soon, like it was our first time without preventing. so it wasn''t at all "planned," but we were of course thrilled none the less. as B turned 1, we discussed it a few times, and decided that we were going to wait as we were both loving the stage that B was in and i wasn''t ready to take away from my time with B just yet. i became preggo when B was about 16 months and they are just about 2 years apart, which for me works real well because B helps with everything, and i mean everything. he''s helped with diaper changes, laundry, he tells noah stories, "reads," "plays" with him. it''s really great.

it was the cutest thing this morning, i come out of the kitchen to find B reading a book to noah and showing him the pictures and telling him what''s going cute!


May 1, 2005
Thanks DD, I''m 9 weeks right now.

Thanks Jas, how cute of the boys putting their toys in the toy bin. I wish this will happen to our house everyday.

Thanks sbde.

puffy, your B is just a sweet sweet boy.


Dec 16, 2007
Thanks for answering my question! Funny, it seems that most of you were surprised at how fat it happened... hee hee... I will keep that in mind. Although we think we want to wait until hunter is about 18 months, I find myself thinking about it a lot these days and that means I don''t think it will be that long. There is so much you can''t predict about TTC and about raising kids. In some ways it seems that you just have to throw caution to the wind and go for it, with lots of aspects of parenting. Hunter is such an easy baby, generally speaking, that it makes me think having a second woulsn''t be soooooo bad. And having kids close in age means getting the whole "sleepless nights" thing out of the way faster, haha.

MGal He likes to smell his mommy and daddy!
Hunter has never slept with us... not that we wouldn''t like it, it would be nice to sleep in a little on weekends maybe, but he just wants to use us as a jungle gym if we even try
6am is his wakeup time! I hate it, but I shouldn''t complain. Somehow I tricked DH into getting up with his 6 days a week and letting me sleep another hour and a half

MrsS You are a SAHM right? Have you been all along or did it happen more recently?

QT Figures it would be fast when you think it will take longer! How is it having 2 babies around right now? I''m glad you have help!

SNlee How far along are you?

jas Wow, adding another little monkey to the zoo! Imagine if it was twins again
Where did you move from and to? (generally) Is it closer or further from the fam-damly?

sbde As of today I am officially no longer visiting Hunter at daycare to nurse him!
He just isn''t all that interested in the day time. So he only nurses in the am and before bed, basically, and more often on the weekends if he feels like it. I''d like to keep nursing until I am preggo and maybe continue. I figure he doesn''t really get much milk at his age so it can''t possibly cause too much havoc.

puffy I am jealous of your earings! You got a few nice pieces recently!


Dec 16, 2007
Oh and I just wanted to share the news that I will officially have my first graduate student come fall! One of the two students I admitted accepted the offer today. It is so strange to be the prof now and not the student. But it is exciting!


Jan 3, 2005
puffy-my DK got here this morning. i've worn it all day even though I was in my house for most of it

dreamer- I am a SAHM. I actually went to part time just a few months after I got married. I have 2 step kids who were 10 and 7 at the time and my job was super demanding so I decided to quit and just teach spin classes part time. I did that for a few years but then shortly after my 2nd was born i decided to quit altogether. I went back to work last year for a few months but it was just teaching swimming lessons for a couple of hours a week. I'm going back now and will have a very flexible part time schedule. congrats on getting your first grad. student!

tacori-hope you're having fun with your mom!!!


Dec 9, 2002
Burk: OmG K is adorable. You look beautiful! congratulations on your precious new baby.

Puffy: those studs are jaw droppingly gorgeous, enjoy them! And if you don''t like them, send ''em my way.

Bobo: how many weeks along are you???? Try and survive. I''m sorry you are on bedrest.

Dreamer: I got pregnant with D when Jake was 2. So my kids are exactly 2 years and 9 months apart. I had 2 in diapers for about a year and it was no fun (My son was a major late potty trainer...he didn''t do it until a month before his 4th birthday)...but that''s not the norm. He just was scared of the potty. Of course, once he did train, it was overnight and we''ve never had an issue. Seriously.

I felt that a 3 to 4 year gap was good. For my sanity and that reason only. If I were younger I''d have done a 5 year gap instead. But DH was pressuring me have them close (we are both 6 years apart from our siblings) and it was too far to be close growing up. But my little brother is also a poo poo head so that might be part of the problem.


MrsS: have a fiddler for a Zumba Instructor. I try to NEVER futz with my music. The "celeb" Zumba instructor here (she''s featured on most of the Zumba DVDs and travels worldwide to train other instructors) always futzes with her music and flips back and forth on her ipod looking for songs.

She''s a fantastic dancer/teacher, but to me, that''s unprofessional. I dunno...I used to dance, as a kid, in college, and professionally, so I have my own version of "Professionalism" and its not futzing with music. I always have my Zumba playlist set BEFORE I go to class & a CD copy of that same playlist burned in case the mp3 cord/jack is broken/missing.

I do, on occasion, hit pause to preview a particularly difficult move in a new song, but that doesn''t happen often. I did find myself needing to do that in January a lot because I had so many new students who had never taken Zumba, let alone a dance class before & I wanted them to be successful. I also have a 2 second gap set between songs so my students can adjust, but every person is dripping in sweat, red faced, and smiling when they leave my class. I''m happy to say my classes are packed and growing and I am so lucky to see the same students week after week. They facebook me and even tell me if they are going on vacation so I don''t miss them. I love it! I love them!

Welcome back to the world of group X. Its the best mommy job.


May 9, 2008
qtiekiki: thanks for your insight - good to know that it can be done. i''m not quite sure when we''ll get preggo (we''re not trying, but not preventing either) so at least now i know that there''s no immediate rush to wean J off.

puffy: omg, how adorable. B is really such a great big brother!

dreamer: congrats on your first grad student! how exciting for you - you''ve worked so hard to get here! great to hear that hunter is doing so well @ daycare. quick question, how many times does he drink milk during the day now? and roughly how many ounces per feeding? i need to look into all of this now since i really haven''t quantified j''s milk intake since it''s only been BM so far.


Jan 3, 2005
diver-lol at the "fiddler." that she def. was. somehow I can imagine that your class is awesome. wish I was close enough to come and take it!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 2/18/2010 11:13:23 AM
Author: sbde
qtiekiki: thanks for your insight - good to know that it can be done. i'm not quite sure when we'll get preggo (we're not trying, but not preventing either) so at least now i know that there's no immediate rush to wean J off.

puffy: omg, how adorable. B is really such a great big brother!

dreamer: congrats on your first grad student! how exciting for you - you've worked so hard to get here! great to hear that hunter is doing so well @ daycare. quick question, how many times does he drink milk during the day now? and roughly how many ounces per feeding? i need to look into all of this now since i really haven't quantified j's milk intake since it's only been BM so far.
He nurses 1-2 times in the am, then I have been sending about 6-8 oz. to daycare with him, and they give it to him in two sessions. He doesn't need it for nutrition, really, but he seems happier and more content since he is drinking it. And then I nurse him 1-2 times in the pm. I asked the daycare and the kids vary a lot. Some of them drink like 16 oz per say, and others drink none! I think Hunter would keep drinking until it was all gone, so I don't really know what is the right amount to send.


Jun 18, 2004

Jas – I hope the Awesomeness Fairy sticks around for you!

Sbde – Welcome! We’re also switching to milk now, off of formula though, and it just seems strange to hand him a bottle full of milk. He likes it though, and I’m planning on using the Go & Grow formula in the morning still for a while, since he’s skinny and I figure he could use the extra nutrition. He’s taking 2 sippy cups of milk at daycare (about 4 ounces each), and one with dinner (about 2 ounces), and then another 6 ounces before bed.

Puffy – B reading to N sounds soo cute.

DD – while we’re not trying for 2, a friend just had her second. She got preggo the first time while ON birth control, but it took them 3-4 months the second time around when #1 was about 9 months. They thought it would happen right away since they got preggo so easy the first time around, and got a bit frustrated with how long it took, although now she says she should have waited until #1 was potty trained.

Mrssalvo – woohoo for getting the DK back, enjoy it.

So a month after taking his first steps, then not wanting anything to do with walking, Kyle decided to give it a try again last night, and went 4-5 steps several times. I was beginning to think he was going to crawl the rest of his life!



Oct 6, 2004
sbde, welcome! It's fun having more toddler mommies join this thread! It's been a little slow lately. Thanks! We are very excited! Not trying but not preventing I think is the best way to go. Good luck!

dreamer, congrats on your first graduate student! How exciting. I'm around 7 weeks. We'll find out exactly how far along I am on Monday when I get an u/s. Can't wait!

MrsS, hope you're enjoying your DK! Nothing wrong with wearing it all day at home!

MG, yay for Kyle walking! It may take awhile but they do eventually walk when they are ready. D finally walked when he was nearly 16 months. Yesterday, almost a month later, he decided to do a lot of walking on his own. He can walk a little faster now and it's fun to see! He still loves to crawl though!


May 1, 2005
Thanks Diver,I just turned 10 weeks.

MG, how exciting that Kyle is walking...soon you will have to chase him around.


May 16, 2006
Burk--how''s mommyhood with two? Hope you T and K are doing well!

Dreamer--hello!! So cool that you have your own student. I am sure he/she will like having you are as a supervisor -esp since you were in those same shoes not long ago.

Diver--wish i could do your zumba class, it sounds fun! I know you would be a teacher full of spunk!

Hi to everyone else--busy weekend, will catch up more later.
I had a 24 week u/s and the baby def. does not have a functioning kidney on one side. There is no main artery going to that part of the body, so looks like it just didn''t develop. We have to look into a few more things, but it appears as if the baby will be good and healthy. Everything else is measuring normally, and there is no sign of the brain-cyst any longer (yay!) so he/she must have outgrown that (which apparently usually happens)
So all in all it was an okay check-up. I find out this week if i can still go ahead with the homebirth. Obviously i won''t if there is any concern from either the OBs, pediatrics, or my midwife. My middie was checking with pediatrics this month and will fill me in at the next appnt. however, she doesn''t foresee any reason why i can''t since the potential problems from having one kidney are not something that would be associated with childbirth, more like things down the line like UTIs etc. So we shall see...


Jan 3, 2005
Jas, I''m so glad that the 24 week ultrasound went well and although little babyjas only has one kidney that he/she will be good and healthy! Yay for the brain cyst disappearing!!! that is truly wonderful news.

burk-we miss you girl but I hope you''re napping when your munchkins are napping and getting a lot of much needed rest you need being a mommy to two.

not much going on with us. we have had some amazing weather this weekend, sunny and 65-70
we got to go to my little brothers college baseball game yesterday. it was a 2.5 hour drive, a 3.5 hour game, back to my parents hotel for Christmas present''s b/c we were not able to get together with them over the actual holidays then a huge family dinner at Outback and then the 2.5 drive home. the kids were troopers and my poor dad spent the entire game just following Jake around b/c obviously there is no way to make an almost 2 year old sit for that long. Thank goodness for the wonderful weather though b/c we all just loved being outside. My oldest was able to get a foul ball and after the game she asked my little brother (who is 21 and not really so little) to autograph it for her. It was just so cute and he of course did. He''s a celebrity in her eyes and it''s just too sweet.
I hope all the other mommies had a great weekend too!!


Jun 18, 2004
Jas - that''s great that it looks like just a kidney issue, the baby should be just fine!

mrssalvo - the game sound fun, I''m sure you''re little brother appreciated you all making it, and being able to sign a ball like the pro players!

Kyle''s got the walking thing down! He just started last Thurday, and yesterday he was making it about 10 feet across the living room.

We''ve got an odd teething issue though. He was pretty cranky and drooling like a mad man all weekend, and when I was feeding him I noticed he has a tooth coming in on the bottem that looks like a pre-molar, about half way back along his gums. He only has his 2 front bottom teeth (along with 3.5 on the top), isn''t it a bit too soon for a pre-molar? It looks soo huge and painful!


Nov 8, 2005
hi ladies! Can I ask your help on a birthday wishlist? Aaron turns one in a month (aagh!) and lots of people are asking me what to get him. His gift from DH and I will be a Cozy Coupe.

I''ve gotten great ideas from the Awesome Toy Thread and here is what I''ve come up with. Can anyone suggest anything else that would be great? I am a SAHM living in NC where we have long, hot summers!

- Anything we can use outside this summer
- Shape sorter or stacking toys
- Kid music, i.e. The Wiggles
- Anything Melissa and Doug that is age appropriate (specifically the cutting food, latch board, and bead maze)
- An exersaucer type pool float

Any other ideas? TIA

Oh, and this morning I opened up our new box of Pampers to find that horrible new style! I am going to attempt to return them (plus my other the unopened box) to Target. Wish me luck. There is no way we are using those. I may as well put a paper towel on his butt. Thanks to PS ladies I know this is the new (bad) design, but I''m going to play dumb at Target and just say that they are defective! Note to self, ALWAYS save receipts even if you don''t think you;ll need it. I wish I had.
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