
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

burk i''m sure T will do great with PT since she is telling you she has to go. when you''re done with school, will you be home with T all day?

bobo haha, it is pretty funny that he shows his underwear to random people. today he had on cars, and he was telling people, "look, cars!!" as he was trying to pull his pants partially down to show his underwear. i have no idea what the signs are for PT, but i started with B cause he would always grab his crotch area when his diaper was even the slightest bit wet. then i just brought him every now and then to the bathroom and took his diaper off and told him to potty, and he took to it. i figured he''s so young, he might take to it, but no big deal if he doesn''t. and i am so glad that he is doing so well with it.

mrsS glad to hear that jake went to sleep tonight!! i''m doing pretty well, thanks for asking. and i hope that the little bean''s doing well too. we''ll see in 1 week.
oh wow..another split in the thread!! honestly, it was getting a bit overwhelming keeping up with the original thread especially with the addition of all the new mommies!

So here i am trying to catch up with everyone!

Burk: Ur girl is so adorable! Love the plan of the new house..must be really exciting to get ur house built to YOUR liking not having to 'live' with what there is u know?

MrsS: Sorry to hear about that..hopefully like the others said this is just a phase and yay on the standing/walking!! he'll be running around the place in no time! yay on the weaning!

Curly: how r u doing super mama?? Lily is 2 already!! i can't believe how quickly our kids are growing up :))

lili: good luck with the weaning!!!

Tgal: Little K just figured out the straw thing a few months ago and he's two!!! but its SO funny seeing him suck on that thing to drink his milk/juice!! he ends up sucking in so hard that his face looks like a fish :)

Jas12: Can i join the club for potty training? im WAY behind in doing so, but i just don't have the energy! (nor the time off to be able to go at it for one full weekend/week!)

for almost diaper free B!! can i send K ur way after he's done with Jas12?? :)

Tacori: Hope all is well on ur end!! we're all here for u if u feel like venting/talking ...big hugs...
msb-glad you posted here. I think a lot of people were feeling overwhelmed with the size the thread was getting. several new moms started posting in the newborn thread saying that they were intimidated by the other thread so I think making them smaller will be able to meet the needs a lot easier and it will be so much easier to keep up with. how is little K doing? is he going to go to pre-school or a mommies day out in the fall?

tacori- i hope you are doing okay. please check in when you can.
Bobo~jas posted a potty training readiness site in the mommies forum..I''ll see if I can dig it up for you!

puffy~I''ll be home with T all day for all of June and July and then part of August. When I go back to school in August I''ll teach from 8-11:30. I''m looking forward to summer and think my schedule when we return to school next fall will be much easier on T (and me for that matter) than my current schedule.

msb~Good to *see* you! We''re very excited about the new house. Not so much looking forward to the number our builder is going to give us next week. I may have to limit my shopping!

When I got to daycare to pick T up yesterday she was identifying all her friends by name. She would walk over to a kid-point, say their name and then give them a hug and move on to her next friend. It was hilarious.
Hi ladies. My youngest, Ruby Rose, just turned 3 on the 7th. She has NO interest in actually using the potty, but loves wearing pull-ups!

I''ve tried bribing her with the "Potty Fairy", who comes if she uses the potty for five days in a row (can''t get her to keep her tushie on there for more than five seconds!), and I really don''t know what to do.
Hi Melissa, one of my daughters loved the princess pull-ups too. what finally worked for us was taking her shopping to pick out big girl panties. I told her though that they were special and she couldn''t go potty in them. I think she maybe had one accident and feeling the pee pee running down her legs was enough to not let it happen again. she was pretty close to 3. It might not work for your daughter but maybe worth a try? we also did a sticker calendar where they got a sticker each time they went. then after so many days they could pick out a special toy. I made it 15 days or something so it was a real achievement. I had a harder time potty training my second than my first. my oldest wanted to do it and caught on right away. my middle one just didn''t seem to care. Like your daughter she was happy in the pull-ups. I think I also started making her sleep in the cheapo diapers so she could start really feeling when she was wet. the diapers and pull-ups are so absorbent these days that they are comfy and give kids no reason to change. sorry for the rambling post..
I don''t want to miss pictures and updates on all the toddlers so I''ll have to hang out here too!

PUFFY, that''s awesome that B is almost potty trained! How funny he keeps showing people his "unnn-daa-weer"! If you are up for a GTG, let me know when you are free. I''d love to meet you and B! How are you feeling?

MRSS, yay for weaning Jake!

LILI, good luck weaning J.

TGAL, good luck getting Amelia to drink from a straw and off the bottle!

JAS12, yay for getting Co potty trained for poop! Good luck weaning Co.

TACORI, thinking of you. Hope things are okay.

MSB, hope little K is doing well!

WINKS, good luck potty training Ruby.
Hi winks,
I agree with Mrs.s.
I would skip the pull ups at least during the day, and let her have accidents. The pull ups make it very comfortable for them.
I did sticker charts and big girl underwear too. It worked. Good Luck!
Hi winks, I agree with the others and would eliminate the pull-ups. When my DD went to an in-home daycare the care taker (who had been doing daycare for 20 years) said she hates pull-ups and would never use them for potty training because there is no discomfort for the child when they have an "accident." I don''t have any experience potty training really (unless you count the 3 days my 14 month old was potty trained
) so I am not sure but would think it would be worth a try. Also, my SIL bought little one dollar prizes for my nephew and gave him a little prize at the end of every day with no "accidents." Just another thing you could try. Good luck!!
Wow Tessa is so far from being potty trained, though changing her diaper has become a royal PITA! Things have gotten worse in my life but I know everything happens for a reason. Thanks for all kind thoughts. Sorry I cannot be more specific but it helps to know people care.
Tacori~So sorry things are not improving. I wish I could help. Thinking of you!
Date: 5/13/2009 2:07:12 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Wow Tessa is so far from being potty trained, though changing her diaper has become a royal PITA! Things have gotten worse in my life but I know everything happens for a reason. Thanks for all kind thoughts. Sorry I cannot be more specific but it helps to know people care.

So sorry to hear that
I have been thinking of you and hoping the opposite.
Stay strong
tacori- just sending you a virtual hug!! I didn''t even mess with PT until my girls were 2 1/2 and started showing interest. my oldest was a few months away from 3 and because she was so ready, interested in the potty etc. she never had an accident or ever wet the bed. Lily took longer, I think she was just over 3 due to lack of interest on her part. I just didn''t push it and figured at some point she''d be ready and she was. she only had the one accident in the big girl panties and never wet her bed either. I think it''s great if a kid show''s interest and can catch on early, heck I''d love to be able to stop buying diapers but I think like all things, they do things at different times and none of them go to kindergarten without being potty trained. most pre-schools do require it now so I think 3 is a good age to set as a goal.
Tacori--another *virtual hug*. I truly hope everything works out/turns out okay.


I got a bunch of my potty training info from one site
There are several different articles. I also read a bit in baby whisperer book. She advocates starting at 9 mos. That is super early for most north americans, but her theory did make sense. There are so many different approaches--i don''t think anything is right or wrong.

Burk--i had it bookmarked so that''ll save u from searching the mommy thread

Jas12- that is a really interesting article. I missed it in the mommy thread before. totally makes sense. I think parent dedication part is a key though. thanks for posting it again. I''m going to pass it on to my sister who I think would be interested too.
Thinking of you, Tacori! I''m sending you positive thoughts...
Tacori, just stopping in to give you hugs - I am sorry things are not any better. If you ever need an impartial, snarky person to talk to, just do a search on the obvious for me.
tacori sorry to hear that things aren''t getting better. we''re all here for you!! take care.

burk that is great that you''ll be home with T during the summer. and your new schedule sounds awesome too!! are you and your DH TTC? i thought i read that or something on the TTC thread. that''s so cute that T knows her friends. what a funny girl she is!

mrsb haha, i would love to take little K, he is so cute. honestly, i wasn''t really pushing the PT cause i''m sure if i forced it and he didn''t take to it, it would have all back fired on me, but since B took to it so well, i just kept at it. it really sucks when we are out though and he tells me he has to potty. funny thing is that the automatic flushing toilets scare the living crap out of him. haha. so i always have to avoid those if possible.

winks totally not an expert on potty training, but i do agree that pull ups just won''t really do it cause they really don''t seem to care if they have an accident. but good luck with ruby.

snlee how are you and D doing? he''s still sleeping well i hope. everything is going pretty well over here. B is as talkative as always and a handful and i''m feeling pretty good. thanks for asking.
Jas~thanks for re-posting that link!

mrss~That is an interesting article, isn''t it. I''m so glad Jas posted it because I hadn''t even thought about potty training at the time and when I read it T had so many ready signs.

puffy~It is really cute when T lists off her friends at school. Some of the names sound so stinking funny when she says them. The plan was to TTC this month....not sure it''ll pan out. If I have a "normal" cycle DH is out of town for 5 days (starting tomorrow) right during ovulation so we''ll have no chance. If I have another wonky long cycle (last two were 40 days plus) and ovulate late, we will try. We shall see. We''re in no hurry really so either way we''re just kind of "whatever happens" about it. Ideally now that we haven''t gotten PG "not preventing" I''d prefer to get preggo in July and be due in April (no, not because of the birth stone
) but because my maternity leave would just extend through the end of the school year so I wouldn''t have to take any non paid leave after 6 weeks. But, I know that we really can''t plan these things. Wow, that turned out to be a book!
Thanks MrsS, I guess I''ll hold off on PT until little B can fully understand what I''m talking about.

puffy, little B will start to yell for DH after he poop for the past two days. I thought it''s just random but I think this might be a sign. DH will always take him into the shower to wash his butt after he poop so maybe he starting to understand? How you feeling? any morning sickness?

Thanks Burk, how sweet of Tayva to hug her friends before leaving. Good luck on TTC!

Tacori, big *HUGS*

Jas12, Thanks for the link!
Big HUG. Thinking of you.

How cute that T can name all her friends.
burk i am so excited for you and your DH!! it''ll happen when it''s meant to happen, but i could totally see how you would want to plan it with your school schedule. it''s pretty funny. B will come up to my belly and rub and say "baby" then give it a little kiss. but when he sees DH touching my belly, he says, "no touch my baby daddy." haha!! he''s pretty protective of his mama.

bobo i''m actually doing pretty well. thanks for asking. no real morning sickness, but just kinda nauseous a lot, but it''s not too bad. but just being tired is kicking my a$$. when B takes his nap, i have to lie down for a quick power nap as well. i think that link that jas12 posted is pretty good, so if little B sow some signs of being ready, and you guys have the time to devote to it, then give it a try.

B did it again last night, but only once. he called for me to bring him to the potty. during the day, he goes diaper free and goes to the potty by himself. i''m hoping that i will be done changing diapers for while. this morning his diaper was completely dry. i never thought i would be this happy over not changing diapers!!
I''m like you....feeling so behind already.
I like the divide too, but I''m seeing that it''s going to get overwhelming eventually when all the newborns become one

That''s great that Co got the poo part trained.
I wished J is more patient and willing to sit still so that I don''t have to deal w/ cleaning up smooshed poo

LOL....that B is too funny and indeed possessive of his mama.
That''s great that he''s feeling loving toward his baby sibling already -- he''s going to be a great big brother.
for diaper-free -- at least for another 8 months

That''s great that you are not struck w/ morning how far along are you now?
MrsS: K is doing great....he''s talking now (well not so much sentences than putting words together) and it is SO darn cute!! even when he is doing something he shouldnt be doing, but then he says it ''out loud'' it takes ALL my willpower not to crack up laughing and hold on to that stern face!..he goes to pre-school in the fall..i dont know wat i''ll do..the thought of LEAVING him with..well strangers! killing me..i feel ill be a wreck!

Burk: dont even REMIND me about how many $$ FLEW out the window when we were doing our house! (and we didnt even start from scratch!) and WOW about T saying her friends name in daycare!! she''s such a smarty!

Winks: Sorry don''t have much advice here, but good luck!

Snlee: hey!!! how''s everything on ur end??

Tacori: sorry to hear things aren''t better
big hugs to you...

Puffy: AHAHAHA poor B with those auto flushing toilets!
Big hugs to you Tacori.
Hope things get resolved themselves for you soon.
Bobo~Thanks! We may need all the luck we can get seeing as DH just happens to out of town at all the WRONG times. T is such a "people person" so I was not surprised when she started saying her friends names at home.

QT~Thanks! How is M doing?

puffy~That''s so great that B is doing well with the PT over night! You''ll be out of diapers for at least a little while before the next little guy/gall comes along. Yay for you!! My goal is 18 months for T. We''ll see how that goes.
So cute about B rubbing your belly. When I was preggo with T my nephew was about B''s age and he would get so confused about why the baby couldn''t come out. Thank goodness we didn''t tell him I had a baby in there until quite a ways into my pregnancy because the poor kid was traumatized by the fact that he couldn''t actually *see* the baby.
Looks like we''ll be waiting until next month to TTC-my temp dropped so I''m guessing I''ll be ovulating tomorrow and DH is out of town until late Sunday night. Everything happens for a reason I think. I wasn''t really sold on getting preggo this month because of the timing anyway.

msb~Yep, houses can eat up money, can''t they?!?! It''s all worth it in the end, though.
Date: 5/14/2009 3:28:42 AM
Author: lili

I like the divide too, but I'm seeing that it's going to get overwhelming eventually when all the newborns become one

lili-if we have to we can always split again to a 24-36 month or something. by then we'll have enough kiddos in that age group. I thought about splitting it that way but there are only a couple of mommies who are regular posters that fall in the 24-36 month curretly.
Okay, I finally have a second to go over this thread and then I am going to try to take a nap. I keep waking up at 4:30 which is so NOT enough sleep for me.
I do have a funny/cute story. My babysitter, M, brought her 3 year old granddaughter over a week or so ago. I guess K acts about T all the time now. She asked why T always says "hi" which she does basically whenever you make eye contact. Also M explained to K that T was the same age as her cousin. K said "she is NOT the same. Tessa is a HAPPY baby." Haha. Thanks again for all the support and e-mails. I know you guys must be curious and it probably is not what you are thinking. It helps to hear those words and know that I have support and people who seem to really care. Even though we are all virtually strangers I feel attached to each of you and feel like I know you and your children. So thanks again ladies! We have such a wonderful group here and I am honored to be a part of it.

MrsS, thank you for starting this thread. I actually mentioned at our CLT GTG that I thought it was time so glad I was not alone. I think that way all the info can be more realistic and the thread will move slower. I bet jake will be walking full force soon! He is such a cutie! Tessa will throw things too and then just say over and over again "oh no!" I bet he grows out of it. My FIL babysat last night for T and tried to rock her
she screamed, wiggled out of his lap and walked over to her crib. She LOVES her crib. Haha. Yay for weening! I know Nuby makes a straw sippy that doesn''t leak. Thanks for the hug and the e-mails.

Curly, I guess I don''t intimdate easily
but this will be nicer b/c it will move slower and I like to compare notes with parents that have children around T''s age. I am out of the newborn game for awhile.

Burk, adorable! T has not said "thank you" yet (or at least I don''t think so) but she will bring me her shoes if I ask her and sit in my lap so I can put them on. How cute she was naming her friends and hugging them. she sounds like such a sweet girl! You are helping by showing you care. Hope you have your April baby.

TGal, T doesn''t know how to use a straw either. I think it is b/c I never use one so she doesn''t get much practice in. I figure one day she will learn. Glad she has the sippy down. That is a huge step.

Lili, that is tough. I have a stubborn girl too so I know how easy it is to give in but we MUST stay strong. YOU are the boss! Thanks for the kind words. I am feeling much more optomistic today.

Q, M can be our honorary toddler. We love seeing your AV. Thanks for the support and hope you can come to the GTG in June.

Jas12, that is AWESOME Co is doing so well. I would love to have T pooped trained. Too bad she could care less about sitting in a dirty diaper.
It hink everthing will work out how it is suppose to. Life is all about the bumps in the road and no one has a completely smooth ride.

puffy, yay for B! He is a smartie for sure. Think of all the money you will save! Glad you are feeling good! I can''t believe you will have yoour second soon! Thanks for the kind words. Truly, it means a lot. Hope you come to the GTG in June (you are in the Bay area right?)

msb, that is awesome he is talking so much! Thanks for the kinda words and virtual hugs. Things will get better. Just takes time.

Melissa, I am obviously not at the PT stage yet but it seems you can''t force it. My younger brother was born at 28 weeks so EVERYTHING was delayed but he was over 4 when he was PT. It got to the point where he could change his OWN diaper!
My parents tried everything. Toys, candy, special outtings...finally he was just ready. BTW he is TOTALLY normal adult now. Haha.

Snlee, thanks! Hope to meet you in June!

iluv, thank you! I am a very strong person. I think we are all stronger than we think we are.

Zoe, thank you! I am so excited for your move! I promise you will meet T one of these days.

TGal, I LOVE me some snark!
I tried searching but must be stupid. Haha. Oh well.

Bobo, thanks! Are you in the bay area too? I can''t keep track. T is SO far from being ready too. I think every kid is different.
Tacori, didja search on the site that you are on?
FB? or WP?