
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
TDM, oh driving is MUCH easier. When we rented a beach house it was four stories so that''s a lot of stairs to look out for. T was only 6 months so it wasn''t an issue for us but our friends both had toddlers. Bring lots of beach toys (put them in a small laundry basket), a beach cabana is nice to have for shade, LOTS of snacks, sippy cups, a couple swimming suits, umbrella stroller, lots of swim diapers. You will be fine.

MrsS, is this the same DK toy had before? I must be out of the loop. Sorry to hear about Jake. Hope he feels better soon!

Puffy, she is entertaining. She was blowing kisses at the TJ''s employees today.
Can''t wait to see your new necklace!!!

Janine, you will figure it out. I don''t think having an older dad is the worse thing in the world. But ultimately you need to be okay with just having one or he needs to be okay with being an older dad. KWIM?


Jan 3, 2005
Janine-my hubby is 44, was 43 when we had Jake. You''ve got plenty of time. seriously, I know how it is to be a planner and just want to know but life can change. my hubby actually wasn''t on board for #3 at the same time I was. I wanted to try a few years prior. But, life changed, we got more financially stable and he changed his mind. So, you just never know. But, if you really do want another don''t give up, there''s nothing wrong with waiting a bit.

tacori-yes, same DK. long saga and i tried to consign it. so glad it didn''t sell though and I''m getting it back.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
MrsS, it is a BEAUTIFUL ring. Hope you can enjoy it


May 9, 2006

QT~Thanks! The best part was when we actually did go to my sisters last night and T was trying to talk my sister into leaving with us and telling her where she should sit! Oh, and way to go keeping the gender a secret. No way I could do that!!

Tacori~New stuff is fun! DH will be driving this vehicle but he''s been out of town so T and I have been cruising around in it!
It''s really big and I''m not sure I''d even want to drive it on a daily basis but still fun to play with.

mrss~Hope Jake is feeling better! YAY For DK coming back!! I expect new pics!!

puffy~Yea, just always though 4 was the magical number. This pregnancy is making me think 2 might be just fine but we''re def. not ruling out the 3rd yet. The new car is fun, but like a told Tacori it''s for DH. I''m probably getting a new one, too, we just haven''t decided what to get! Can''t wait to see your necklace!! Yay!!

janine~I think I''ve mentioned this before, but my DH is 42. He worries about the age thing too but we''re not ruling out number 3 (which would mean he''d probably be 44 or 45 at that time!
) You''ll figure it out! Good luck!


Nov 20, 2006
janine i''m sure you and your DH will figure out what is best for the two of you. definitely kinda crazy to even think about #3 right now, but i''m not 100% on board but not 100% ruling it out either.

tacori heehee, what a cutie!! it''s so cute when they blow kisses all the time. B now blows kisses only to the females and gives the males a high five. it''s kinda funny.

mrsS how is jake doing?

burk ooohhh, a new car for you as well!! DH and i have been talking about getting a new car for MONTHS, but i think right now i''m ok with my car and there really is nothing that i want anyways. the denali is HUGE!! my BIL has one and i can barely drive it. haha.but it must be fun to think about what you''re going to get. how are you feeling?

picked up the necklace today before the gym. i love love love it. it''s a DBTY necklace, but i had the 2 end diamonds replaced with a blue topaz for each of the boys. so now, next project, a noah ring. i''m thinking a 5 stone since i got an eternity with B. who knows, my mind changes daily. be back with pictures later.


Oct 6, 2004
MrsS, yay for your DK coming back! I hope you enjoy your gorgeous ring!

Puffy, I LOVE DBTY necklaces! Can''t wait to see pictures! Yay for your new necklace and new ring. I''ve always loved 5 stones but what about saving that for an anniversary or something? I would do another eternity band for Noah so you can stack them. :)


May 9, 2006
puffy~You better get to posting some pics of that necklace lady!!! I wanna see...sounds gorgeous! I like my current vehicle a lot (Acura MDX) but DH is a car freak so we typically only keep cars 1-2 years max. The Denali is huge so I''m really glad it''ll be what DH drives but I think it''ll be great for road trips with the kids. I wouldn''t be opposed to another Acura but have gone out a drove a few others as well. I am feeling pretty good, thanks for asking. I actually slept really good last night. I would not be sad if I were to go into labor any time soon, though!!


Jun 18, 2004
mrssalvo - I hope your LO is feeling better!

burk - congrats on the new car! The Denali''s are nice
. Funny about T saying where everyone would sit!

puffy - enjoy the necklace. I just got a 5 stone and love it too (just need to get it sized so I can actually wear it

One thing with planning #2 for us, is that it actually has to BE a plan... I got a Mirena last year, so trying again would entail a trip to the doctor first. It almost seems like it would be easier if we were using some other method to just have a opps and call that planning. We still have plenty of time, (30 and 31), but IF we had a #2, we wouldn''t want them to be more than 3 years apart, so I''m still on the "we won the lotto with this kid, lets not chance things again".

And we''ve had progress with the eating lumps! Kyle has had a couple jard of stage 3 now, and only pretended we were killing him a couple times. Next week I might try blending some of what we''re eating.

And any potty recommendations? I know Kyle''s only 1 (almost), but I wanted to get one to put in the bathroom so he would be familiar with it when the time came. I was leaning towards this one since it sounds small enough that he could sit on it now. We could always get a bigger one down the line if it turns out to be too small when he''s really using it.


Jan 3, 2005
Burk-any update on baby progress?

mustang gal- I used a potty seat when we trained my oldest. I hated it. It''s just gross to clean out. She did fine with it and I have friends that actually would keep and extra in their car in case they had to stop for an emergency potty break. I didn''t use one at all with my second, just trained her to go right on the potty. I''m not going to buy one for Jake either. I may get one of those little seats that you put right on top of your seat so they can''t fall in, but that''s it.

Jake still doesn''t have much of an appetite but he does seem to be doing a little better. my oldest now must have the same tummy bug b/c she didn''t keep down her dinner. oh and they are predicting snow here and they''ve already called school. so no mommies day out for Jake either! I can''t wait until next fall when he goes 2 days so if there is a snow day I''ll have a good chance of him at least going one day. i hope it really does snow so maybe we can do some sledding!


May 16, 2006
Pity post for me again (sorry guys, i am such a debbie downer lately)
Co is still not well. He hasn''t eaten in 2 days and just seems so uncomfortable it breaks my heart. i just wish i knew if it was related to the rash/virus thing. I don''t think so, b/c there is so much going around (just look at all the sick kiddos on PS right now) but who knows. Fingers crossed he''s better by tomorrow b/c i don''t think i can wait in a busy Dr. office with him like this...

To just add to the lovely week i am having (when it rains it pours right) I got some icky news today at my midwife appnt. The MW just had my ultrasound results faxed to her and she was going over it at the appnt. She started by mentioning that i should not be worried at all, but that a small cyst was detected on the brain. She said some techs do not even report them b/c they are pretty meaningless and sometimes just disappear , but since it was noted on the fax she felt it was her responsibility to relay the info (fine, no major worry there) but then she kept on reading the report and paused and said, "oh, and also it appears that the baby has only one kindey
" She was as shocked as i was . She was really great about reassuring me that although it is categorized as a ''defect'' the baby should be perfectly fine (i think it''s pretty common knowledge that we can donate a kidney and live a healthy life) Still, it wasn''t great news to hear. There is a small chance it could mean further complications, but more likely than not, it''s just a bad luck of the genetic draw. I go for another scan in 2 weeks to take a better look and make sure the other kidney is looking full size and healthy etc. Although i am confident things will be fine, i still feel sick about it.
The other kinda crummy thing is that while googling (damn google ) i came across a few sites that note that this defect is mostly in boys. The fact that i am most likely having a boy is not the crummy part, it''s that my surprise was (probably) spoiled by a stupid google search. it just isn''t the nicest way to find out. I kinda just said to charlie "oh and it''s probably a boy b/c this is more common in boys & the babies the midwife knows with one kidney are boys and they are fine...blah blah".
So anyway, i am happy it''s friday tomorrow, i spent all night re-doing a project for my curriculum writing job ( i was given the wrong document to base the project on and so i had to f*&@in re-do it) so i am hormonal, tired, pissed off and throwing in the towel!!!

promise to return in better spirits

lover in athens

May 21, 2006
oh jas12, BIG HUGS!!!
sounds like a REALLY tough week! hopefully the new baby will be just fine!
this is a totally random aside, and i hope you don''t mind me sharing a (somewhat) similar situation... a very good friend of mine is also pregnant with number 2. she WAS going to wait to find out the sex, but at the big ultrasound, they also noticed some serious kidney issues. i don''t know exactly what it was (i think some serious hydronephrosis but i''m not sure??). she was also told that this is much more common in boys than in girls (she has a 15 mo old son already). she ended up needing an amnio, and guess''s a GIRL and they think she will be just fine! obviously, i know that this situation is very different, but i hope it''s somewhat encouraging for you in some way...

hang in there! i hope you have a better weekend!!!


Jan 3, 2005
oh Jas12. I'm so sorry Co is still feeling bad. He sounds like he's got the same bug as Jake. I'm so sorry about the news on the baby too. I will send prayers your way. I would trust your midwife though if she is saying not to worry and just try to stay as positive as you can until the next appt. when they can find out more.


Nov 20, 2006
real quick before i put B to bed...

jas12, i am so sorry about everything. i really hope Co starts to feel better. it''s heartbreaking to hear about it. and i am also sorry to hear about the baby. easier said than done but just try to stay positive about it all.

be back in a bit to catch up


Dec 8, 2005
Jas - I don't know if this will make you feel any better about the kidney situation, but I was born with only one kidney. And I'm a girl! Since I'm old as the hills, they didn't do routine ultrasounds and we didn't find out until I was 10 or 11 years old, when I had an ultrasound for (totally unrelated) stomach problems. I have never had any issues with it, even when I was pregnant.

My mom recently commented that in the age of routine ultrasounds, the fact that I was missing my left kidney most likely would have really freaked her out...despite the fact that it has had no impact on my life or health at all...other than telling people that if they are looking for a kidney, they need to take me off the list!

Don't know if that helps, but I wanted to share.


Dec 16, 2007
Jas I am sorry about your day of rough news
But look at Lysser, you could be baking a girl, so the surprise is still intact! And I am sure your peanut will be healthy! I am hopinh it was a mistake on the US and there is another kidney hiding in there somewhere

I think a second shower is tacky. I know that is mean, but I totally think the shower is about the mom and it is a one time thing! A lunch celebration seems like a much better idea

Janine TGal Mustang I am an only child and turned out pretty much perfect, so if you only want one then go for it. Or don''t go for it as the case may be MGal I never went back on the pill after having Hunter, so we use condoms now, and I totally hear you on the "easier to not make the decision" thing. To be honest, we will probably just stop using protection when we feel ready an see what happens. Maybe with a little more effort at the right times of the month

TDM Great. Now you reminded me that we will be travelling accross country when Hunter is 17 months! Hopefully he will be walking. I suspect he will. I think this might be one time we spring for a direct flight.

MrsS I am glad you are getting your ring back! I say you rock that rock all day all the time and enjoy it, even if it gets a little dirty and needs repairs more often than you would like! That''s why we have insurance, right?


Dec 29, 2004
Jas, just wanted to stop by and give ya a hug. And LL''s post is heartening! I hope Co feels better. Amelia has been down for two days too. Puked two nights and also has a runny nose. Looks like the PS kids all get sick at once. They must love each other.


Nov 20, 2008
No kids yet, so I only lurk on these threads...

But Jas, the only person I''ve ever met with one kidney is my gorgeous friend K, and she''s definitely female! So it looks like there''s plenty of anecdotal evidence here that you could be carrying a girl, so... you never know! :)


May 16, 2006
Just real quick but wanted to say thanks to my PS friends. You all made me feel *much* better this morn.
i got my work project completed and sent off so that is off my chest and although Co was up for a few hours and is still sick, i got a few uninterrupted hours of sleep so i am much less pessimistic today!
It seems like every site i go on (and the reports from LL !) mention how normal one''s life will be with one kindey. And like LL mentioned, if we didn''t do ultrasounds we probably wouldn''t even know about it.
And yes, i was being negative last night, we still don''t know the gender for sure (thanks for posting KatyWI --it''s neat to see new posters on here to cheer up a overreactive mom!) so hopefully we can keep it a surprise, however it looks like i''ll be going for more than one extra scan so it might be hard to avoid

How are the PS kiddies doing today? I am really hoping the whole gang is better for the weekend. I''ve said this on other threads, but the worry is what makes parenting the hardest for me. Healthy dust to all....


May 16, 2006
Puffy--i want to see your new jewels! Have to say it though, i hate you right now
You have a multitude of new luxury goodies, a new ring in the works, lost your baby flab in 4 weeks and have 2 good as gold boys. No, i am not envious

Burk--ohhhh, enjoy the new ride! We desperately need a new vehicle, but it''ll have to wait till after baby and house. I think i am one of the ''poorer'' PSers from our gang (well, i know i am) so it''ll be a while before i get new stuff (i am still holding charlie to a substantial push present), but that''s okay, i like to hear about it from you guys and i know when it comes time to research i''ll get input from all of you!!

MrsS--enjoy that ring!!! Glad it didn''t sell


Apr 9, 2005
Jas12, just wanted to send you a hug as well.


Jan 3, 2005
big big big big hugs Jas12 :* Hope you''re feeling better today...


Jan 3, 2005
Jas- I''m glad your feeling better today! yes, worrying is the hardest thing about parenting and it only get worse

so, Jake is doing much better today, thankgoodness. my oldest however is sicker than she has ever been. She was up all night sick. I actually slept in the room with her and Lily b/c our bedroom is on the first floor and I didn''t want to be that far away from her. It was a rough night to say the least. She is back asleep right now and I''m in the middle of a mound of laundry b/c she got sick over everything on her bed. poor thing! now I just have to pray that whatever stomach virus she seems to have does not get passed to any of the rest of us
. no school today due to snow. there was actually nothing on the ground when we got up but it is snowing now so it looks that the school admin. made the right call by just closing it. if we do get a few inches I''ll take Lily and Jake out to sled. otherwise it''s a long day home and indoors for us!


Oct 6, 2004
jas12, big hugs to you. So sorry to hear your crummy news. I hope everything is okay. Glad you''re feeling a little better today. I know it''s so hard not to worry!

Hope all the PS toddlers are feeling better. Too many are sick right now! Hugs from me and D!


Jun 18, 2004
jas - big HUGS, they should be able to see more the next time, when they''re really looking for those things. At least it''s good to know that 1 kidney won''t change the baby''s life.


May 9, 2006
Mustang~Thanks. It is nice and DH is like a kid in a candy store!
We have one little potty and one that you just put on the big potty and tend to use that one more....I''ll find the one we have and post it though!

mrss~Unfortunately no real news on baby progress. We decided not to check me at my appt yesterday because I didn''t want to be disappointed. I did have contractions most of the night but we all know how little that can mean! Sorry you have sick kiddos!

Jas12~***HUGS*** What a bad day you had yesterday. Poor Co!! And as horrible as it must have been to hear about the new babe it sounds like your MW isn''t concerned so that''s good right? I''m so glad you''re feeling a little better today. LL''s story is def. good news. Kids and houses are expensive...I am right there with ya!! I''m sure your push present will be fabulous and when you''re ready for a new car you will know right where to go to research!

So sad for all the sickly PS kids! Hope the weekend is what they all need to get on the mend!!


Sep 21, 2006
jas12: i''m sorry to hear all that news, and all this stuff at once too! But then so reassuring to read littlelysser and others'' posts--real life stories are so much more valuable than dr. google! I''m still guessing girl :). Glad you''re feeling a bit better today...

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Jas12, I am so sorry. How stressful. I agree just b/c they said it was more common in boys does NOT mean you are having a boy. My thoughts are with you and your baby and hope everything will be ok. Hope Co is feeling better. Remember my status yesterday, "worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength." I know it is easier said than done but sometimes (ok all the time) repeating a quote or mantra REALLY helps me get through life.

DD, glad I am not the only one. The previous ones were a dinner and the mom to be was surprised so it was more of a celebration than a gift thing (or that is how it felt!) The two I have coming up I am just not excited about.

TGal, hope A is feeling better too. Sorry to hear about your trip.

MrsS, you poor family! Sending you lots of healthy dust!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 1/29/2010 11:54:19 AM
Author: mrssalvo
Jas- I''m glad your feeling better today! yes, worrying is the hardest thing about parenting and it only get worse

so, Jake is doing much better today, thankgoodness. my oldest however is sicker than she has ever been. She was up all night sick. I actually slept in the room with her and Lily b/c our bedroom is on the first floor and I didn''t want to be that far away from her. It was a rough night to say the least. She is back asleep right now and I''m in the middle of a mound of laundry b/c she got sick over everything on her bed. poor thing! now I just have to pray that whatever stomach virus she seems to have does not get passed to any of the rest of us
. no school today due to snow. there was actually nothing on the ground when we got up but it is snowing now so it looks that the school admin. made the right call by just closing it. if we do get a few inches I''ll take Lily and Jake out to sled. otherwise it''s a long day home and indoors for us!
I''m sorry to hear that it was a rough night MrsS, and I could have written the exact same thing!

My daughter has hives this week, has caught a cold (runny nose and slight cough) and threw up AGAIN last night. She was so agitated over it all, I slept on the floor or her room (which is like concrete and my body is KILLING me today). I had her on the ground on a cushion of blankets with me for awhile since she just wanted to be near me.

Correction: ON me.

She wanted to sleep ON me. Fine, except that she''s a mover. And then I put her down next to me again and she was all giggly and trying to poke at my eyes and burrow herself in me. What I want to know is how the heck to people cosleep with active toddlers?? I finally threw her in her crib and she protested for about 5 seconds and then realized I was going to stay in the room with her. I got to sleep at about 5 am and was so miserable this morning I actually called my boss, told him what happened and he told not to work this morning.

So can we all hope our darling PS toddlers/kids are in good health next week? Because you guys are killin'' me!!!


Dec 29, 2004
Oh, and I think this is all in reaction to Janine''s question, are we thinking of #2. I think nature is reminding us all what sleepless nights are like. NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How the hell did we all do this before? One really bad sleepless night and I''m completely useless and a wimp today.


Jan 3, 2005
aw Tgal, I''m sorry A is still sick. Jake is a wild man when he sleeps too. a few nights ago he woke up at 4:00am and hubby actually suggested i go get him and just let him come in our bed. Jake hasn''t been in our bed since I kicked him out at 6 months old but I thought heck, if it means all of us getting a couple more hours of sleep, I''ll do it. So, I got him and he just kept going back and forth, sitting up etc. saying mama, dada, mama, dada. I tried for 15 min. to get him to sit still and nope so back up to his crib he went and actually kinda reached to go in. He may have done differently if he was really sick but I know he twists and turns so no way he will be sleeping with us. I hope you can get some rest today, or at least try and nap while amelia''s napping. ( that''s what I did. all 3 kids napped and I took the opportunity to take one too. it''s the only way to make it through! still lots of snow falling so tonight is fireplace and family scrabble! (
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