
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Nov 18, 2004
LOL.....that fart story had me laughing so hard.
That''s so funny and cute :D
Sorry that you are having a hard time weaning Sabrina.
Don''t have any tips yet since I don''t know if what I''m doing is working.
Hopefully Jas12 and MrsS can offer some Jake is completely weaned and Co is down to 2 feedings now.


Jan 3, 2005
janinegirly: ur right, each kid is son stood (holding on to the edge of something or the other) at around 8 months, but only started walking exactly one month after his birthday..

Burk: Yeah i know..i took a week off 3rd week of June and plan on baby sitting then...only thing is that i completely forgot that i fly out that weekend with K and Mom to Qatar and i definitely will NOT be confident enough to travel with him without pampers!

bobo: hope B is feeling better now
it must have been very rough on u guys

SB: heheheh..too funny about Sabrina relating the sound to a duck! too cute :)

puffy: i would honestly postpone the trip...being that far along, on a ship with a 2 year old would prompt me to go into early labor!!! i wouldn''t be able to handle it and im sure B will forget about it and wont mind that it got postponed :)..okay..i just read till the end of this page and realized u''ve already pushed it back till next year!! yay on getting the credit!

Jas12: Hope u had/have a good weekend! how was it being away from Co?

Natalina: sorry to hear ur not feeling too good
i dont have much input as luckily i didnt have to suffer thru a cold, but im sure others will chime in with some solution..


Jan 3, 2005
HI mommies
i have missed you gals. we are back in TN but were without internet until just a few hours ago. it''s amazing how out of touch you can feel with no cable or internet or how reliant I''ve become on it

anyway, will check in again later but wanted to just pop in and say hello. we''re getting ready to head to my mom''s for dinner. our furniture including my pots and pans won''t arrive until tuesday.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
For the bay area mommies I will be in town in a few weeks. We are going to have an informal GTG at Gypsy''s on father''s day. Let me know if anyone of you are interested! FYI, Tessa will NOT be there.


May 9, 2006
Hello friends!! Sorry I''ve been MIA all weekend-we had a lot going on. I did manage to read up this morning while T checked out all the avatars. She knows that there are babies on my computer and whenever she sees it, she asks to look at babies. She has learned most of the avatars already and it was so cute to hear her say some of your kiddos names over and over!
9.gif catch up....

SB~Thanks! We have a lot of plans. All fun stuff like children''s museum, zoos, ect. She''ll also be in the gym with me three mornings a week while I run conditioning for my volleyball team. I think she''ll love it because she loves balls and running around which is perfect in a gym. Glad to have you back over here!

puffy~Sorry I missed out on your vacation dilemma. I would have done the same thing. I would have been nervous being so preggo on a ship. You''ll get to do it with both kiddos now!

Jas12~Hope your wedding and weekend away was fun!

Tacori~I''m jealous of the GTG! Wish I lived in the Bay area.

lili~I''m so excited about the start of my summer break. T has already tried my patience this weekend (her allergies are really bad so she''s pretty crabby and is struggling to sleep which is making her even more crabby.
) T did eat some of the cupcakes on her first birthday. She loved it and then tried to feed me!

bobo~How''s little B doing?

msb~That''s great that you were able to take a week off to work on PT. Not so sure I''d feel confident traveling without diapers, either after only a week. I just bought diapers today and DH was like "why did you buy so many" and I was like "do you think she''ll be diaper free after one day of potty training...this takes time!"

mrss~Hey there! So glad you''re home!!

I have an appt with my OB tomorrow to look at my charts and discuss TTC. I''ve been researching and very often docs prescribe chlomid for late ovulators (which I am....VERY late) so I''m a little nervous about the appt. Wish me luck!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!


Nov 20, 2006
mrsS glad to hear that you have internet!! how are the kids?

msb yeah, thank god i got the credit back cause if i didn''t, i would haul my 8 month preggo butt out there and make sure that DH was as miserable as i was. haha, just kidding, kinda.

lili glad to hear that J is doing well, except for another possible ear infection. i really hope she doesn''t have one. it''s progress that she is taking some whole milk at daycare. haha, funny thing is DH called today and i purposely did not pick up, and he left me this crazy message being all concerned and asked if he should catch the next flight home. haha. it was pretty funny. but i did call him back and laugh, i had to basically tell him that he is barely around anyways, which i don''t blame him for, and even if i was having issues with B, i am with him enough to make him happy and normal again. i don''t think ill be contributing to BPF, but we will see.

bobo how is little B doing? hope his recovery is going well.

tacori i so wish that i could join. i highly doubt it, but i will definitely try. why is my FIL, who NEVER cares about stuff like this, all of a sudden concerned that father''s day is not about him? so annoying!!!

burk good luck with your appt tomorrow!!! i was under the impression that clomid is prescribed for those who don''t ovulate? i don''t know. hope T is better with her allergies!! poor mama and poor girl. when is your DH back in town?


Jan 3, 2005
Mrss: good to hear from ya! and i say, enjoy those few days without pots and pans and let someone else do all the cooking for u :)

Tacori: i live close to 'a' Bay area...a few hundred thousand miles away from the area ur talking about, but still...can i come too? :)

Burk: good luck on ur appt! im not doing any charting yet and since ive been off the pill, AF has been all over the place..i dont have a proper cycle yet, but am too scared to start charting or anything like that..weird ha? i want to get preggo but dont want to do the work before it in preparation!! such a lazy bum...hope T feels better..

puffy: any new/cute B stories? his stories are always so entertaining :)


Jan 3, 2005
and heres a funny pic of K from this weekend..we set up this mini pool/sprinkler thingie in the garden and this was him enjoying the water coming out :)



Sep 21, 2006
hi gals,

thanks for the assurance on 8mo's and not yet standing. I know all babies have their own pace, but still when it's your own, you can't help but wonder!! It's just the way it is. She seems to be progressing on the crawl forward (did it one or 2 times). I think C is just cautious and a bit spoiled too..she loves being carried! hehe. I do try to prop her on her feet now and then, but she doesn't stay long. We took her to the park for her first swing ride, and she was so funny in the beginning! Like I said she's a cautious one, and her legs were stiff as a board and she had one hand clinging to the chain while maintaining eye contact with DH back and forth. Finally she started to enjoy it and relax, and then it was all stare contests with other swinging babies, haha.

in other news, I think I'm going to be approved to work from home 1x a week. It sounds so piddly, but I have been in negotiations for it for FOUR months. IT's been grueling and frustrating, but I work for a large firm and there was a lot of red tape, and alot of convenient passing of the buck. I had to push and push and push in not a great market, but that one day home means a lot. I hope to leave the door open for 2 days at home eventually, but for now, I'll take it (it's a trial period to start).

sorry for the me-centric post, but I've vented to alot of you over the year about the challenges of work/commute and baby, so thought I should update with some good news, albeit slight! thanks for all the support along the way.


Sep 21, 2006
msb: what a great photo--such joy in his eyes! Isn't summer great?

burk: that's so cute about T looking at avatars. C only looks at pics of herself so far..and she smiles like it's her best friend, hehe. You must be getting excited about the summer break. Hope your appt goes well!!

bobo: hope you check in soon!

puffy: that's good that you postponed the cruise, and now you can come up with another vacation option!


May 16, 2006
Burk--ya for being on summer break!! I don''t get break until the end of July
, but i am looking fsd to it. Do you have some road trips planned or are you just going to stay close and work on the house? I posted soe fb pics of our progress so far ( footing etc.) I forget what''s going on this week but framing is next week.
Hope the appnt goes well. Didn''t know you were having concerns about ovulating.Let us know what you find out.

MrsS. --glad to hear from ya--hope you are getting settled

I survived my first night away from the co-man
It was fine actually. Once i knew he went to bed easily, right after we left on friday night, and didn''t throw a nursing tantrum at 7am the next morning i was relaxed for the day. I pumped a few times while away and resumed nursing when i got home. I''ll take this opportunity to drop one more feeding so full weaning is in the near furture!
It was a good weekend to put my mind at ease in preperation for our august 4-day trip to NYC!!


Apr 9, 2005
I''m behind again, darn it! I''m just going to look back at this page first and then try to catch up!

msb, that photo is amazing!! He looks so happy!

mrss, hope the move is going well. You must be so excited!! Enjoy the lack of cooking utensils--take advantage of it now!!

Burk, hope everything goes well at your appointment. Looking forward to your TTC journey--hope it''s a short and easy one! I love that Tayva looks at all the avatars. Every baby picture that Lily sees, she thinks it''s Lucy! Even pictures of herself as a baby!!!

puffy, I''m glad you were able to postpone your trip. You''ll feel much better about it.

janine, don''t worry about Chloe. She''ll be crawling in no time and then you''ll be cursing yourself for wanting it to happen!!! Lucy is an overachiever because of her sister but I really hope she doesn''t walk any time soon. She''s been pulling up for a while now but not really cruising. She just likes to stand up while holding on and hang out. She''s also a food beggar. I can''t believe I''m saying this but we''ve pretty much been giving her everything we eat and she''s loving it! I''m thinking that as soon as I get through my stash of baby food, I''m going to move her to strictly table foods. I know it''s early but she''s a piglet and not picky at all yet so I think I''m going to try to take advantage of it!

Congrats on working from home for at least one day! I don''t know how intense your job is and I don''t want to scare you but do you think you''ll be able to concentrate with Chloe around? A lot of my friends who work from home still have help so they can actually do their jobs. Are you going to keep your mom around or hire someone else? It may not be necessary for you but just wanted to mention it.

jas12, is this really the first time you''ve been away from Co since he was born? It definitely gets easier the more you do it. I hope you''re doing ok.

Tacori, I wish I was going to be in the Bay Area but no such luck!
BTW, I''m definitely going to have to go back to Charlotte at some point--from what I could tell, it''s really nice! I''ll let you know if that happens, of course.


Dec 16, 2007
Any moms who used forumla, nycbkgirl is having some issues and could use a little advice over in the new moms thread!


Nov 18, 2004
Poor T again. I hope she feels better soon.
And how stinky cute is that she''s getting to know all the PS babies

It must be funny the way she''s saying all their names huh?
Good luck w/ the appt -- keep us posted.


Nov 18, 2004
Haha, your hubby must have had a scare there. So sweet though that he calls to check up on you and B.
Aweee...not contributing to BFP? You gotta and throw B into those pictures too

Great pic of K. Looks like he''s having a blast w/ his new toy.
He''s always so happy when he''s playing w/ water huh?
Bummer about your AF being all over the place.
How many cycles has it been since you were off the pill (not that I would know what the normal time it takes for your body to normalize after the pill :razz:)?

for Chloe crawling and for the 1x/wk telecommuting.
I agree w/ what Curly said about possibly needing help to tend to Chloe while you are working at home.
At this age, babies are more mobile and will find way to get between you and the computer.
I would literally get only 5 minutes on the computer before J come over and wants to get on as well.

That''s great that Co (and you) doing so well w/ first night away.
I think you''ll definitely have him weaned by your auguest 4 trip.
Which feeding are you going to drop (which 2 feedings are you doing now?)


May 1, 2005
Thank you ladies for thinking of us. Little B is doing well except he keep trying to scratch his stitches. The stitches came out today, the minute he saw the pedi with all his tools he started patting his chest and said "scare" in Chinese. Poor thing, he pick up the word from us after all the ER visit.

Thanks Stephens!

Thanks puffy, he is doing good, just want to scratch
his wound every chance he get. How did you get B not to scratch with his?

Thanks Janine, little B is doing better but all of us
surrounding him is scared every time he start to run or jump...

Thanks Jas12, DH and I were actually talking about #2 few hours
before the accident happen. After that I was like "nope, no #2 for me."
my heart is not strong enough. I cried way harder then little B did at
the ER my DH was embarrassed.
Yay on survived your night away from Co. bet you must miss him like crazy.

Thanks Tacori. *sigh* so wish I can attend the GTG. take loads of pixs.

Thanks lili.

Thanksmsb700, we're pretty traumatized. with his kawasaki and now this,
even his pedi is asking little B how many lives he have left. Love the picture
of K, look at that smile...

Thanks Burk, little B is pretty much back to normal with more running
and jumping. Not so good on me and DH's heart. Good luck with your appt.

We had a appt. with pedi today to take little B's stitches out. The pedi said we were on his mind over the weekend because he was working urgent care over the weekend and one of the kid there have Kawasaki and had a aneurysm in his heart. I was so sad...the pedi reminded us how lucky we are...


Nov 20, 2006
bobo glad that little B is doing better. it was actually easier for me to watch over B and not have him scratch his wounds cause he was all wrapped up where his burns were until they were almost healed. and when they were to that point of the skin growing back in, the doc said it would be fine for B to scratch here and there as long as his nails were kept short. B did that same thing, the "scared" thing when we went back to the hospital for all his outpatient care. it was so cute but sad at the same time. i hope little B continues to heal fine!!

msb when are you and your DH planning on getting preggo or trying anyways? i have crazy amounts of B stories. he is just so dang hilarious. it cracks me up. the thing that he loves doing now when we go out is telling everyone, even strangers, that i have a baby or a "puppy" in my belly, then he''ll kiss it. and tell them that he is a big boy who loves his mommy''s belly. people crack up when he says that there''s a puppy in there. of course i have to explain to them that he''s really hoping a puppy comes out of there and not a brother or sister. haha. little K looks so cute and happy all the time!! what a great pic!!

janine yay for C crawling! she will be just fine with all her milestones.

curly how are the girls doing?

burk how did the appt go? are you enjoying your summer break with T?

jas12 glad your trip away went well. you''ll have him weaned in no time!!

lili haha, i don''t about DH having a scare, maybe more like WTF? he obviously did not see the humor in it at all. so he called today and i picked up and told him everything was fine and to leave us alone. haha. i was napping of course and HATE to be woken up! B has been so rebellious with the camera lately. it is so hard to get decent pics of him. it''s become more stressful than anything. once he sees the camera, he throws a fit and screams to the high heavens, "mommy, i said NO WAY!!!" of course i laugh at first, but it totally just eggs him on. how is J doing?


May 9, 2006
My appt went well. My OB is so laid back. I love him. He said we should plan our BDing (actually TTC) the next few months and if we don''t have any luck to come back and see him. He said he thinks that I''m most likely not ovulating because my cycles are sooooo long but that we should at least give it and I quote "the old college try"
before starting drugs. He even suggested I quit temping to take the pressure off. I felt very much at ease when I left. In T news, we were supposed to start PT full time today. She woke up this morning crabby as can be (she feels terrible b/c of her allergies) and when I tried to put her on her potty she said "no potty mommy." I am not going to make it a fight.

puffy~Dh is back in town (as of Sunday) and he doesn''t leave again until the end of June! I had always thought chlomid was only for anovulation too...but not always the case. T''s poor allergies kicked her butt all day. I felt terrible for her. She kept saying "eyes" and pointing at her eyes...I think they are itchy!
When does your DH return?

msb~I had no intentions of ever having to chart but when 3 cycles in a row were longer than 35 days i figured I better do something. I don''t want it to be work getting preggo, either. Cute pic of K!!

janine~YAY for one day working from home!

Jas12~If your break doesn''t start until July, when do you go back to school? I''m sure it''ll be here before you know it. T and I have a lot planned for our days (zoos, kids museums, play dates, ect) and we have a family vacation the first week in August that we''re really looking forward to. So exciting that you''re actually able to see your house in progress now. I can''t wait for that. Hopefully we''ll have our hole next week.

curly~Thanks! That''s too cute that Lily thinks all babies are Lucy. T can''t understand that all the baby pics around our house are of HER. She just says "baby" and "cute."

lili~Thanks. It was pretty cute to hear her pronounce all the babies names. J''s name was probably the funniest because it''s long.

bobo~So glad B is back to his old self.


Sep 21, 2006
curly: thanks! I also have a few friends who work from home 2 days and have someone come and watch the baby so they can work. And my company also requests that I be able to work consistently, not in spurts so I may have to commit to someone watching her so I can work straight. However, my job is not that intense and a lot of it is on my own schedule. So I''ll most likely try to get as much done as I can the 4 days and over the wkend if need be. If it''s too challenging, I''ll have someone come watch her--but I feel like I can manage with it only being one day. It''ll just means less downtime while I''m work..which obviously I have alot of if I''m always posting here :). We''ll see how it goes though! Lily sounds great by the way...I think it''s funny how you call her a little piglet. Well she''s definitely doing wonderful, so it''s obviously all working out great! Is it getting easier to balance 2 little ones now that Lily is older?


Nov 20, 2006
burk so gad to hear that your appt went well today!!! DH gets back on the 15th, which is almost...seems like time won''t go by quick enough. haha, but i''m sure i''ll be glad to have him back home. poor T, i feel so bad for her. i know my allergies kick my butt, so i can only imagine how the little girl feels. i am so glad that B doesn''t have allergies. PT can wait until she feels better, which i hope is soon! enjoy the BDing!!

so B is sick again, another slight fever. i kinda knew it was coming on cause when he woke up this morning, he was not a happy camper. but the funny thing is that he said to me, "brady feels sick, mommy." haha. he''s been doing that a ton lately. he always calls himself by his name or "baby." so strange. he took a really long nap in the afternoon, and even went to bed early. i put a pull up on him tonight so i told him he didn''t have to get out of bed to go potty. i''d better go check on him.


Jan 3, 2005
janinegirly: thats great news that ud be able to work from home!! and good for u for not giving up!

Jas12: good to hear from ya! glad to hear the nite away went well :)

lili: hmm..i''ve been off for 3 months this is my 3rd cycle off...the 1st cycle i knew nothing would happen coz hubby was away, so technically i only had two trial runs ;-)...K LOVES the water...its funny though coz he wouldnt even go NEAR the part where water ws coming out and then hed stuff his face directly in the line of fire..go figure! how''s ur cutie pie doing?

bobo: good to hear from u! must be really hard to keep B''s hands away from his sure they itch as the wound was he through the process of getting them removed? must have been very uncomfortable for the both of u!

puffy: well we''re not ''avoiding'' getting preggo :) lets put it that just seems that when i''m Ovulating he''s either busy, or im out or we''re both two exhausted to do much except pass out! oh well..wat to do! so funny about B saying theres a puppy in ur tummy!! awww..such an adorable kid..sorry hes not feeling very well

Burk: glad to hear that ur appt went well and that there isn''t anything to worry about :)


Jan 3, 2005
hi all...still overwhelmed with the big move, plus my kids are out of school and with me 24/7

our furniture is scheduled to arrive today...finally but that means a lot more unpacking.

can''t completely catch up but here''s my best try..

burk- glad the appt. went well. i hope you are enjoying your break thus far.

jas12-yay for the night away from cohen. sounds like you had fun..july will be here before you know it.

curly-glad you checked in..

bobo-i''m glad little b is doing well. it is hard being a parent and seeing your kids get hurt

puffy-i''m sorry B is sick again..I hope he feels better soon

msb-how''s the cupcake business going?


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 6/9/2009 10:48:16 AM
Author: mrssalvo

msb-how''s the cupcake business going?

Hey ! good luck with all the unpacking, and having 3 kids hovering around while doing it! eeeeck...don''t envy u on that one :)

as for cupcake business, its going well..i''ve got more and more orders coming thru, but mostly thru word of mouth and friends of friends...working on finalizing my menu/brochure which i plan on distributing :)

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
hello mamas! Tessa has been so funny with her doll. She loves to push her around in her doll stroller and not her favorite "game" is putting the doll in her high chair. The doll fell once and T actually hugged and patted her back. So funny. T is crabby from teething. Blah. She actually was such a pill this morning I asked her if she wanted to go night, night. She started laughing, said "ni, ni" and ran upstairs. Okkkkay....

MrsS, glad you are finally HOME!

Burk, I wish you could too! How is the house coming along? That is adorable T knows the babies names and liked to look at them. My T has no interest. I agree with your OB. No need to rush into using drugs. After all you had no trouble with T right? Good luck and hope to hear some good news too.

puffy, bummer about your FIL. Oh well! Glad you got your credit back! You will have MUCH more fun next year. Sorry B is sick. Hope he feels better soon!

msb, too bad it is not the same bay area I will be. LOVE the new pic of K. So adorable.

Janine, I am sure she is on track for her but if you are concerned ask your doctor. Hope you get to work at home some.

Jas12, glad you survived! None of us doubted it. Haha. You will have an awesome time in NYC.

Curly, glad you liked our humble city. I do love it here. Bring the girls we will have a blast!!!

Bobo, will take pictures. It is good to count our blessings on a regular basis. Little B is a survivor.


Mar 16, 2005
Hi, Mommies! I have a quick question....does anyone have the Maclaren Techno XLR stroller? I really love it with the chocolate brown/pink or blue combo and like that it can be used from infant to 65lbs.....just wondering if anybody here has any experience with it. I did a search, but a thread with 7,000 post came up, so I couldn't find it. Thanks



Dec 29, 2004
Hey gals...

I''ve been "saving" this thread to try and savor, but there''s been no time to really kick back and savor (I''m on PS throughout the day and posting, but I''m working too so I am not exactly relaxed and in the savoring mood). I''ve been derailed these last few days because of a few things...

First, as you know, I''m having issues with my teeth. My front tooth was damaged/dead when I was a teen and have had issues on and off for years. I had an implant put in a few years ago, but then a perfect storm happened - my dentist got breast cancer soon after and I was without a dentist for a couple of years (and too lazy to find one). Then I got pregnant and found a great dentist and went to him for a cleaning, but of course he didn''t take xrays because I was pregnant. So basically bone loss went undetected for 3.5 years and the implant was damaged. So they had to wrench it out last Thursday and about pain. Think about getting your wisdom teeth pulled and what it feels like, but in the front of your face!!

So I was on drugs and had the procedure done at 10 am. Got home at noon and they told me I''d be doped up for 12 hours from when I took the meds. I slept until 3, woke up and was in pain, tried to eat something and crashed back down until 9pm!

The moral of this story? OH MY GOD - IT WAS THE BEST SLEEP I HAD SINCE AMELIA WAS BORN! Hee hee. My mom was here and TGuy took the day off work to help out. Knowing both were here, I was just able to sleep sleep sleeeeeeeeeeeep. Even though I don''t really have any complaints about Amelia''s sleep, I NEVER get to nap for long (and I love naps) and somehow, sleeping for as long as you want without worry is just something you can''t do when you become a mom.

Aahhhhhhh. I think I''m going to have to get painful dental work done more often!

The other thing is our yearly flea infestation. UGH. I thought we were in the clear this year, but nope, they''ve arrived! Exterminator comes this week and every night (several times a day, in fact), I vacuum and try to get the house in order. Fortunately, I''m the only one getting eaten right now and I think they are only in our bedroom for some strange reason.

So I''ll come back and read and comment, hopefully when the fleas are gone this week.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/9/2009 1:42:40 PM
Author: steph72276
Hi, Mommies! I have a quick question....does anyone have the Maclaren Techno XLR stroller? I really love it with the chocolate brown/pink or blue combo and like that it can be used from infant to 65lbs.....just wondering if anybody here has any experience with it. I did a search, but a thread with 7,000 post came up, so I couldn''t find it. Thanks

Steph, I can''t remember, but I don''t think any of the current moms have this one. Most have the Quest, Volo or Triumph.


Sep 21, 2006
steph, i looked into it when i was pregnant. Best idea is to go to BRU and try all versions of the Macs--I think most of them come in the pink and brown anyway. For me, I thought the Techno XLR was a great concept in that it was a one stop shop stroller (newborn to toddler) with one hand assembly. But in reality, I found it to not really acheive anything well (just a little of all goals of a stroller)...meaning it was lighter than full sized strollers, but not really lightweight. Was for newborns, but then you had to add an attachment or do something to convert (can't remember specifics). And kind of bulky compared to other lightweights (not as easy to assemble).

So I decided to do the full sized all terrain stroller (bugaboo--nice bassient for newborn, sturdy and great for all surfaces,etc) and then compensate that stroller's shortcomings (somwhat heavy, hard to assemble/disassemble) by buying a second lightweight Maclaren which could be used from 3 mo's (Quest). So I guess it depends on your reasoning for wanting the Techno XLR. However in general I would not recommend buying a 2nd stroller till the baby's here and moms have more hands on experience to figure out personal preferences,etc.


Nov 18, 2004

You sounded like you were in more pain than you did w/ your c-section -- you didn''t even use painkillers for that.
Can''t believe that flea infestation is still there. Hasn''t it been about a year and a half already?


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/9/2009 2:42:09 PM
Author: lili

You sounded like you were in more pain than you did w/ your c-section -- you didn''t even use painkillers for that.
Can''t believe that flea infestation is still there. Hasn''t it been about a year and a half already?
It was more painful. Csection was a walk in the park. Or maybe it was because I had to tend to the kid.

It happens every spring/summer. We had an exterminator come in last year and it nipped it in the bud. This is a new infestation.
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