
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Sep 24, 2009
Fiery, your party sounds like it'll be SO fun! Take lots of pics

China, I can't bake--and I'm a mediocre cook at best--either. I'm a little embarrassed to say that DH made Axel's first b-day cake. It was a hit and so incredibly good, though.

Tacori, can you believe T will be 3. THAT is old, I have to say. :cheeky: I like when P can give her input on things like b-days. If I was a good cook/decorator/planner/martha stewart I'd def do themed parties and make cupcakes and coordinating party favors/invitations and all that awesome stuff. I wanna go find pics of your cupcakes now.

Had 15 month appt/shots this afternoon. 50%tile for weight and 75th for height. Pedi said that if Axel doesn't say more words at the 18 month appt that he will need to see a speech therapist. Now I'm worried. This is new territory since P was early/advanced in almost everything...walking/talking/reading/math... Pedi also said it doesn't help that he's a boy AND a younger sib and older sib does all the talking for him. Double whammy. :(sad


Feb 27, 2006
PenelopeJane - not that I'm an expert by any means, but it seems like the peds of the women here have all given different advice and had pretty different thresholds at which they'd be concerned, and from what you've said in the past, it seems like Axel falls well within what some of the peds would consider "normal". He and George sound pretty similar with language and George's pediatrician isn't concerned... plus as you said, boys and little siblings tend to talk a bit later anyways. And worst case, it sounds like you guys are on top of it and he's in good hands, you know?

China - we just had family over and served lots of food. The one snag that we hit is that everyone wanted G to open his presents in front of them, but he was too young to "get" the whole present thing and just wanted to go off and do his own thing. It was getting to be a chore after about two presents, and meanwhile his 2.5 year old cousin was on the verge of breaking down because G got all those presents and she wanted to unwrap presents and get her own new toys.... If he was old enough to appreciate opening presents it would be one thing, but in retrospect I would have just opened them for him afterwards.

Fiery - your party sounds like a ton of fun, I hope you guys enjoy it!


May 9, 2006
Hey mommy friends!! I don't have a ton of time to get properly caught up but wanted to pop in and say hello! It has rained a ton here lately and the kids have been sick so I was a bad mommy today and had the kids out most of the day....meaning lunch was at the mall and dinner was poolside at the country club. I just couldn't bare being in the house any more.

China~For T's first b-day we invited our friends because T didn't really have a bunch of friends (what 1 year-old does). Some of our friends had kids but there were maybe 5 kids there besides Tayva....they all just played with Tayva's toys. I served appetizers, fruit trays, veggie trays, and had cupcakes and a cake (I didn't even attempt to do the baking but I did make all the appetizers). It was low key and very nice. Oh and we did a lady bug the invites and the cakes/cuppies. Can't believe you're planning a first b-day party already!!!

Fiery~Sophia's b-day party sounds like it's going to be a blast. Can't wait to see pics!!

Penelope~I wouldn't worry. I'm already prepared for Kade to be a mute forever....Tayva doesn't shut up so I'm not sure how he'll ever get a word in!! :wacko: Seriously, though, one of my bff's second son is 21 months now and has maybe 10 or so words while her first was saying his ABC's at the same age. Her pedi just chalks it up to being the second child and says it'll come when he's ready.

Okay, I think the coast is clear to workout....Tayva has seriously had to "go potty" (as in I just want out of my bed and I know if I say I have to go potty mommy won't say no) like 5 times since I put her to bed. I think it's been an hour since I put her down and she's just quit talking and moving about so hopefully she'll fall asleep!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Since the search function isn't working, here are the cupcakes my mom and I did for T's parties. Princesss generously helped us with the animal ones. They were easy just time-consuming.





Aug 17, 2007
Tacori- Ummm, those are seriously the cutest cupcakes I've ever seen! How fun to have a bday near Halloween.

Blen- Hi there! Good point on the presents. I don't think we'll open at the party. Either I will wait till his actual birthday, or open them before the party while his grandparents are there.

Burk- I know, I'm in total denial that he's almost one.


Sep 24, 2009
Blen, true on all accounts. My pedi was very concerned and kinda did a double take asking me twice if he says anything other than mama and dada. Hope G is doing he still at the same in-home daycare?

Burk, thanks, i have to laugh when you say T doesn't shut up cause that's totally the case with P! Sounds like T is completely potty trained and that is great!! Oh and saw K's pic in the newborn thread..sooo stinkin cute.

Tacori, LOVE it. Those are truly awesome. I need to hire you for my future events. ::)

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
China, I think it is fun for her too! Of course she was suppose to be born BEFORE halloween...guess it doesn't matter now ::)

PJ, they were easy to do. Seriously. Like I said I like themes. For the animal one I had the cutest plates. I bought some cheap but cute stuffed animals from IKEA to use at a center piece. I am too lazy to go all the way. I just do the basics. Haha. I was a late talker. My pedi told my mom as long as I could understand what was being said to me he was not worried. My older sister did ALL my talking. I wouldn't worry.


May 9, 2006
Tacori~Love the cupcakes...wish I had the patience to try to do my own! :praise:

China~There better be pics posted!

Penelope~Thanks! Yep, we're potty trained. Yay for not having two in diapers! :bigsmile: If P is a talker I bet that's really playing a part in A not saying much. At any rate, I'm sure he'll be talking your ear off too in no time!

Okay mommies, I need some thoughts on K's sleep. Tgal, Fiery(I think I remember you saying you did something similar with S), Tacori, everyone, please let me know your thoughts because Tayva was a pretty good sleeper and gradually just made her way to 12 hours. K, not so much. He's 5 months and still waking once to eat (and has been waking once to eat since like 10 weeks-I thought he'd just gradually get there like Tayva boy was I wrong!).

So, I'm really hoping by 6 months (only a few weeks away!!) I can eliminate the night feeding and need your guys' thoughts on how to go about this. He goes down at 7pm and usually wakes somewhere between 3-5am to eat. He goes back down and wakes for the day between 7-8am and eats right when he wakes up. I have tried to soothe other ways when he wakes (paci, patting his back, even tried rocking with no luck). I have tried letting him cry-started just letting him go 20 minutes but have tried up to 40 minutes and he does not give up until I feed him. He's a big boy and eats at least 30 oz a day (and lately closer to 40 oz!) plus solids 1-2 times a day. He is always hungry within 3-4 hrs of the 3-5am bottle so I think he's actually hungry but wondering how....I mean he's 18 lbs! I've started to make the 3-5am bottle less and less and last night it was only 4 oz. Do I just keep doing that? In a few days try 3oz and then 2, ect? Any thoughts appreciated!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Burk, I remember my pedi saying the goal was no nighttime feedings at 6 months for my T and she was NO WHERE near 18 lbs. Before that I was to feed on demand b/c she had weight issues. I would suggest sending your DH in with a bottle. That way you can know if it is food or comfort he is looking for (you are BFing right)? Also how long do you wait when he cries. I did the 15 min. rule. I CANNOT believe he is almost 6 months! Holy cow, where does the time go???


May 18, 2008
Morning ladies :wavey:

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We didn't do much. We did some b-day shopping for last minute things and saw Inception. Great movie! We have to see it again since we had a 1 year old that decided to tell us her life story throughout the movie. That pretty much told us that she's not ready for a regular movie theater (we were at the drive-in).

She's starting to put her feet flat a little more. We've been practicing walking with her and we sit on two different couches and have her walk back and forth between us. She gets really excited when we let go of her and ends up falling over but at least she's getting over the fear of standing on her own.

Burk-I think your approach sounds good. It was around 5.5 months when we eliminated the overnight bottles with Sophia as well. We first did it when we noticed that she was taking much less than she normally had so we stopped and instead would soothe when she woke up. At first we had to rock a little, then we'd stand holding her, and finally patted her back. Within a few days she slept through it.

What we did to help her with the transition was increase her bedtime bottle by .5-1oz. I don't know why but that small extra amount was enough to hold her over a couple more hours. We did that with both feedings (she was waking between 10pm and midnight and again between 2am and 4:30am).


Dec 16, 2007
Long time no see mama! I am going to try to get into this thread again, but won't try to catch up...

Burk I think trying to gradually decrease the amount mught give you an idea if he needs that feed or not -- if less means he is less satisfied or wakes earlier then you will know! I sort of believe that some kids do need to eat at night and would personally be happy with one wake up at 6 months, but every parent and child is different. I just would not let an arbitrary age determine when you try to stop the night feeds, but instead try to go with what you think K needs.

Tacori Love those cupcakes! And is that your house in the background of the one photo! Gorgeous! I am jelous, our house is not near where I would like it in terms of decore but this housing market has made us house poor so we are making do with the decor we have...

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
DD, thank you, it is my house. Seemed the easiest place for her first two birthday parties. I honestly haven't spent too much (compared on what I would LIKE to spend :Up_to_something: ) on my home. You would be surprised. A few key statement pieces and paint really make it seem put together. My house is a slooooow work in progress. Next project, the master bedroom. I CANNOT wait. If you felt comfortable posting interior shots of your house (in a thread) I would be more than happy (and I am sure MANY other PSers) to help you come up with ideas.

BTW: you can see T's old "cage" in the one picture. Honestly, it is a pretty big area!


Sep 24, 2009
Tacori, I am inept when it comes to being crafty. Bought P's b-day cake. I like the idea of your stuffed animals as center pieces. And I love IKEA even more. P has an adjustable IKEA bed. The width is twin size and the length starts out toddler size, then can be pulled out gradually to desired length (the longest being twin size). Sheets and canopy from IKEA as well of course. We will do A's room from when the time comes. Kinda comforting to hear that you were a late talker. ::)

Burk, I like the ideas of increasing the last bottle before bed and gradually decreasing the middle of the night one. Hope it all works out! We did CIO at 6 months, but A hadn't been eating at night for a couple of months...just waking for the paci every 2 hrs.

Fiery, I really want to see that movie. Sophia is so good! A would never sit in a non-moving car for any amount of time!!

Went shopping yesterday for 2 hours at the outdoor mall. Spent too much money, but it felt so good!! If I have an addiction it's that. Oh, and I THINK Axel said another word yesterday, but I may be reaching. I asked if he wanted some cheese (his fav food) and he ran to the fridge trying to open it and said "Chssssssssssss....chssssss"


May 9, 2006
Hi all! :wavey:
Tacori - those cuppies are TDF. The upcoming 2 year old party plans are underway and you have inspired me!
PenelopeJane -- Hee! "Chsssss" was one of the earlier words here. It definitely meant "cheese." Hooray! That's Kraft-astic!

I realize that Logan may be that one kid in class who pukes every other week all over his desk. This displeases me about as much as his puking all over the floor during my Mom/SIL's joint birthday party last week. I think he gets over excited and then blarghs everywhere. Jackson has *never* thrown up...not even spit up. That just means he's saving it up.

I always have the classiest posts.

Of course, L's blarghing may be because my mom is kinda losing it. She has a lot of demons, and over-compensates with the boys. Everything is over-the-top...she's SUPER happy with them and everything is SUPER exciting. There's no quiet/calm when she's with them. This is increasing of late because she has a lot of insecurities elsewhere in her life so she's trying to compensate in this relationship. My brother picked up on it, too. Then wesaw her stuffing both boys with treats every time they raised an eyebrow just thinking about complaining about something. She has an eating disorder, and food was always the enemy in our this is just a weird extension of that, I think.

So I'm really looking forward to *that* conversation with her. I can't of course tell her to calm with them in the way I'd like to tell her, so I'm trying to find the words.

Anyhoo, took the boys to Target the other day. I called it "The Day They Really Turned Two."

We inhereted a baby pool and they are in thrillsville with it. I will post a video elsewhere of their first dip. They squeal! They squeal!
Hope you are all well.


May 9, 2006
Jas~Sorry about your mom. That has to be hard for you to watch. Looking forward to a pool video!

DD~Thanks! I'm def. not going to starve the kid if he's hungry...I was thinking maybe he might be eating to soothe/out of habit which I think was kind of the case because a decrease in the amt didn't bother him. It's hard because T was such a good sleeper-12 hours at 3ish months so this is just different...and um not good different. :praise:

Penelope~Thanks! yay for shopping!

Fiery~Thanks...I thought I remembered you saying that was what you did. I WISH K would go with that plan but he won't let me rock, bounce, soothe him by holding him at all anymore! :nono: The kid practically climbs out of my arms half the time. I wish we had a drive in movie theater here!! My sister and I went to that movie the other night and DH was mad I went without him...oh well! :bigsmile:

Tacori~Yea, he's huge so I was assuming he really didn't need that extra bottle at night but was more using it for comfort or as a habit. He is bottle fed. The kid weaned himself at 4 months. :rolleyes: so I kept pumping until 5 months when my supply was next to nothing and we've been using up the rest of my freezer stash since then. He's pretty much on all formula now at 5.5 months. Right after his 4 mo. shots he got sick and went like 3 weeks waking every 1-2 hours so then he got in that habit and I did a little CIO then but was (and probably still am) only comfortable letting him cry 20 minutes or so.

So the night I posted about his sleeping K went 12 hours without feeding!!! He woke at 5am and I gave him binky and let him hold my hand for a few minutes and he went back down until 7:15! I wish I could say that was that. He did it a few more times but never straight through and two nights I had to feed him at around 2am because he was just not consolable by patting, holding, ect. I think it's progress. He's working on his bottom two teeth and is starting to crawl :-o so I'm not really comfortable letting him cry much because I'm worried he's in pain or just upset because he's practicing crawling. Oh, and I did decrease the night feeding to 4 oz (from his normal 6 oz bottles) and that worked well the few times he's needed to eat. And, we are "tanking him up" before bed..... 2-3 oz bottle around 5, solids at 5:45 and an 8-9oz bottle at 7. So, he's eating more than enough to sustain him 12 hours I think....would you guys agree?

In other news, we're leaving for vacation tomorrow. T is SOOOOO excited. She has been helping me pack and it's so funny but she insists on helping choose what I'm packing for K. She keeps saying, "mommy pack this outfit. It's cute and adorable" :bigsmile: She cracks me up. Hope you are all doing well!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Well Hello everyone! Long time no fact. This is my first post on 2.0, and I admit, I didn't even know how to log on. *GROAN*
I felt like such a "mom", ya know, like when you're mom is trying to take a photo and turns the camera off by accident instead. Wa wa wahhhhh.

So, here we are...Romeo is now 14 months today! He's 100% walking and has two words: baba (bottle/sippy cup of milk) and bubbles. lol.

I'm kinda going to pull an Ebree here...and announce that I'm 12 weeks pregnoid!!!!!!!!!! Lovechild is due on Valentine's Day. I'm feeling pretty BLAH and super tired, but hoping that I start to feel better soon.

Anyways, I'm not sure how much I'll be posting, as I've been going to bed at 8pm exhausted recently. Hope to end my PS hiatus though soon.

Just wanted to pop in and say "hello" and CONGRATS to all the mom's (first and second time'rs) and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY's to all the babies who've turned 1 recently. I didn't really know where to post this but I figured most of my "peeps" are here on this thread now. :wavey: Ciao for now!!!!


Mar 22, 2008


May 9, 2006
Congratulations Mela!


Nov 14, 2004
Jas - sorry about the situation with your mom.

Mela - congrats. Romeo is already 14 months.


May 9, 2006
Thanks for the concern re: Mom and my boys. I'll just have to keep an eye on it. She's going through a rough patch and I think she's trying to "heal" herself via the boys. Intentions are good, of course. It was more of an "Oh, that's why he's sick!" moment for me. My brother and I are going to deal with this one together. She's more receptive to him than me, which I'm ok with.

On a more positive note, we are filling out the ream of papers for nursery school. I am very excited! The teachers meet with each parent/kid one-on-one (or in my case two-on-two) before school starts, which makes me happy.

Also, there is little better than having an almost-two-year-old reach up and want to hold your hand.

Birthday party plans are starting!


Sep 24, 2009
Jas, sorry to hear about your mom. My mom has had her issues, too. Wasn't very affectionate towards my sis and I growing up, loved/took care of us of course, but wasn't snuggly and didn't say I love you much at all that I remember. Her mom died when she was 3 and her step-mother was as evil as they come, treating my mom like a worker/slave of the house at most so I get it. Since having my DD, she is completely changed, hoping not to make the same mistake and is on the other end of the spectrum, i.e. overly affectionate/spoils them rotten. I hope your mom heals soon. How exciting about school coming up. Can't believe it starts in 3 weeks for us. YAY for birthday!

Burk, yeah K! Now you KNOW he can go 12 hrs and will get there consistently in no time. Have a great vacay!!

Mela, congratulations!!! Do you have names picked out?

Axel is officially on a 1 nap schedule. ;( BOOOOO. I thought 16 months (on the 5th) is a little early, but he's ready. When he wakes up soon from his nap, we'll be going to see DH's friends that are in town from China. They have 2 boys and a girl so that should be fun for A&P.


Feb 27, 2006
MELA!!!! Welcome back! And congratulations - that is just awesome!

PenelopeJane - yes, G is still at the in-home daycare. He really likes it these days - sometimes DH will get there for pick-up and G will run in the other direction when he sees him! Enjoy the friends this evening.

Tacori - cute, cute cupcakes! And I agree that your house looks very nicely decorated.

Jas - sorry about your mom.

Burk - hope you have a good time on vacation.


Aug 31, 2005
Hey there! Long time no update, I know. My little monkey (and my WAH job) keep me pretty busy. This won't be a super thorough catch-up because I'm nursing, typing and working all at once.

China- O is almost 1? Time flies, doesn't it? Weren't we pregnant just yesterday? I wish I could give you b-day party advice, but Henry's first had a total of 5 guests.

fiery- Sophia's close to walking, eh? How exciting! To answer your cheese question, as long as her diet isn't cheese cheese cheese, I doubt it's a problem. Whatever works, right? And you can just decrease the amount a little each time. It sounds like it should work. We haven't introduced cheese yet, but only because of MY issues with it. We're afraid he'll have them, too, so we're putting it off.

Tacori- How cute are those cupcakes? The little bats made out of Reese's cups have to be my favorite. So, so cute.

Burk- Go K! Lots of new milestones.

PJ- Is 15 months too early for 1 nap? Henry only takes 1 nap a day, but it's a long one. Ideally, he'd take two, but it works out better with just one because he's SO ready for bedtime at 7 pm.

jas- I'm sorry about the sit. with your mom, and I hope your talk with her goes well.

Mela- Congratulations! :appl: Weren't you considering Valentine as a middle name when you were pregnant with Romeo? Might be perfect for #2!

AFM: So...did anyone else's child cut a freakish amount of teeth at once? I think Henry's cutting something like eight at the moment. I've only seen two emerging molars, but my husband has claimed to see all four. Is that normal at 13 months?

We went to get him out of his crib this morning to find him with his first shiner. :blackeye: He didn't have it when he went to bed, so he must have hit his eye somewhere on his crib during the night, possibly when he was standing up in it after he woke up this morning. Poor little bug. He looks like someone slugged him.

In other news, I feel like all of my PS pregnancy buddies are trying to/getting pregnant again! Is it crazy that because you all are, I feel like I should be, too? :tongue: Yes, yes it is, I know. Husband and I have decided that January seems like a good time to start for #2, but we may wait until around Henry's 2nd birthday in June. We'll see what feels right. The funny thing is, my husband was the one to initiate the TTC convo. I think he's going to be ready before I am. Makes sense, as he doesn't have to do the whole baking/giving birth thing. ;))

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Thanks for the warm welcome back and thanks for all the congrats.

EB - (it feels weird to write that, since I'm used to your old screen name...anyyyyyyyways) We actually weren't ready for #2 either. At all. DH and I had no sooner finished deciding that we'd put off TTC until this fall, when I missed my period. GAK. It was like the universe heard our whispering and didn't like the change of There is def no rush. lol. Take your time for real. Being preggo with a toddler is tough! A lot of moms have done it hear very gracefully, so I'm letting them inspire me when I feel weak. But wow. Not easy.

EB - holy TEETH batman! Is that normal? I dunno...but Ro only has 4 total! :roll:

I have to figure out what I'm going to do with Romeo when baby Valentine arrives. (not the real name, only for in utero. BTW) I want 1/2 nursery school, but that's not that common in my area. Nannies and daycare seem to be the running choice. Hmmm. Decisions.

Its funny because we were considering Valentina as a middle name if Romeo had been a girl, but I'm "over" most of my fave names from Romeo's list. DH and I do NOT have the same taste in names, mostly, he has no suggestions and veto's all mine. Harumph.

Good thing I have 6 more months to think.

We're making Romo a "big boy room" now, complete with a bed. When did everyone transition their LOs into a toddler bed?

This lame-o is going to bed. I'm whipped. Great to be here :D


Oct 6, 2004
Mela, CONGRATS! how exciting! being pregnant with a toddler is hard for sure but you'll get through it!

I'm still in the hospital. If everything looks good tomorrow, I might get to go home after being here for almsot week! Can't wait! I miss DS, DH, and my bed so much!

I'm too tired to catch up with everyone but I hope you and your little ones are doing well!

Welcome to all the new toddler moms!


Feb 27, 2006
EB - I had that same thought, like hmmm, maybe we should start TTC. Haha. And G's cousin (18 mo older than him) was over here this evening and they're adorable when they play together. But we've agreed to wait until next summer, so if you do that you'll have company. And poor Henry - I hope his eye doesn't hurt too much.

Mela - G's still in his crib (when he's not in our bed, like right now), but then again he hasn't tried to climb out of it yet! I have a feeling that we're going to graduate straight to a twin bed, whenever it seems like it's time. We'll see. I really am excited for you, by the way. That must have been a bit of a shock - are you getting used to the idea?

Snlee - Ugh, so sorry. I hope that your cervix holds!

We had a whipped cream incident over here tonight, that involved Dh's aunt squirting whipped cream directly into G's mouth and G wiping it all over himself, furniture, the windows, the ground, and the dog. So G and Dylan had a bath together. G thought it was the funniest thing ever. Dylan, not so much.


Aug 17, 2007
MELA! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: I've missssssssssed you!!!! And holy secret squirrel announcement! :appl: Way to make a grand re-entrance into PS world! :cheeky: So, congrats!!!!!! Can I just say that the first thing I thought was, oooh, fun, can't wait to play name Mela's baby again! Your baby name search was among my favorites. I think you are due right around the same time as my BFF (who has a 15 month old as well).

EB- And I agree, you will always be "Ebree" to me, and I have to re-type your name every time. :cheeky: I am now wishing we were going to have only 5 people. But we decided to just invite about 20 people and have an "open house" so people can just drop by, have a drink, have a cupcake, etc, but not stay for the whole time. We'll see how that works.

As for TTC#2, I am so not ready. O is so fun and getting easier and I just can't fathom throwing a newborn in there. But I didn't handle the newborn stage with much grace, so I am a bit gun-shy. BUT I am not getting any younger (d*mn it :nono: ) so IF there will be a #2, it's going to have to happen sooner rather than later. O is 1 in August, and I figure maybe after Christmas. So maybe some of us will be on the same timeline again. Oh god, writing that makes it seem real. Am I the only one scared of #2? O is just such an easy, happy baby that I will in no way be that lucky again.

Dropping naps- When did your LO do this? And how? O has started skipping his afternoon nap, but his morning nap isn't getting longer. I would have thought he'd drop his morning one. It might just be a fluke, but is it something they do on their own, or something we have to help manage?

TIA! Speaking, of my little monkey is up already. 45 minute nap. A/C is out and it's 100 degrees already. DH is working. NOT a fun day ahead!


Sep 24, 2009
China, for A, I had to organize it. His 2 nap schedule was

8am - wake up
10am - nap
12pm - wake up
3pm - nap
4:30 - wake
8 or 8:30 - bedtime

For about a week and a half, he would go down and wake from his first nap as normal, but was in no way ready to nap by 3pm. He wasn't tired or cranky at all and at first I went ahead and put him in the crib at 3pm but I could hear him talk and play for 45min-1hr then fall asleep around 4pm and slept til 5:30 or 6. That meant he wasn't ready for bed at 8pm and it pushed bedtime to 9-9:30 which was too late for us. We did this for a few days, but eventually he was too bright eyed and bushy tailed for his first nap which was the problem. I tried keeping him awake for 3 hours (instead of 2) after waking in the morning but it meant that nap would be from 11-1pm and the 2nd nap wasn't til 5 or so. Then I tried waking him up EARLY from the first nap but that resulted in major meltdowns until the next nap. So, it was time to keep him up longer....4-5 hours each way. Now he wakes at 7:30 naps from 12-2:30 or 3 and bedtime at 7:30-8pm and happy as a clam.

EB, I'm just comparing A to Penelope and she didn't drop nap til 18 months so that's why I say "early"...sounds like H is happy so nothing to mess with it! :))

Mela, we transitioned P to a toddler bed at 2.5. Some do it earlier/later for various reasons (LO climbing out, needing the crib for 2nd baby, etc). Just be prepared that if he's on the earlier side, he'll probably get up and come to your room in the night and you'll have to walk him back, but they'll "get it" eventually. P loves sleeping in her own bed.


Feb 27, 2006
China - The same thing happened with George. Our daycare said that they generally aren't ready to go down to 1 nap until about 18 months, and that we should start waking him up earlier from his morning nap so that he'd be more tired for his afternoon nap. His current schedule (~16 months) is wake-up at 6:30 or 7 am, morning nap 9:30-10:30, afternoon nap 1- or 1:30-3, bed sometime between 7:30 and 8.

Mela - I'm also looking foward to you naming baby #2. It's strange - I'm no longer wild about our top names from George's pregnancy either. I think I have new names picked out though, for when the time comes.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Mela, CONGRATS! Hope you feel better soon.

Jas, I'm sorry about your mom. I know your relationship is complicated. Yay for nursery school though!!! The boys are growing up.

Burk, don't think I would be okay with more than 20 mins either!

Blen, thanks. I do my best. :)

One naps, can't remember when she switched. I think before 18 months. I was sad but it actually made life easier. Wish she didn't drop her nap. I think she is too young but she seems to disagree.
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