
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Feb 27, 2006
I had Aonghus put to sleep this morning, after a long walk and a game of fetch and a breakfast of ham.

Fiery, Sophia is such a cutie. I think I needed that right now.

MG, I''d definitely drive at night. Worked so well for us when we moved.


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 11/21/2009 2:16:31 PM
Author: Blenheim
I had Aonghus put to sleep this morning, after a long walk and a game of fetch and a breakfast of ham.

Fiery, Sophia is such a cutie. I think I needed that right now.

MG, I'd definitely drive at night. Worked so well for us when we moved.

Blen, I'm awfuly sorry about Aonghus. I am sure it was incredibly difficult.

hey everyone! Another drive by post frm me... A is at such a nice age. Eight months today. Where has the time gone? We got some pro pics taken yesterday and I can't wait to see them. He's crawling like a champ and is just so sweet natured. He has 2 new teeth for a total of 4!

Sabine Sounds like teething to me too.

Robbie You mentioned feeling angry a lot. I've had times that I have felt that way too since becoming a mom (and I am now a SAHM.) I think it had a lot to do with giving up control and flexibility and feeling like my whole life turned upside down while DH's changed some but not nearly as much. Also, sleep deprivation made me much shorter tempered. Things keep getting better for me as time goes on and I adjust to the "new normal." I think many things must be harder for working moms, but some things are hard about being a SAHM too - like sometimes I have low self esteem from feeling like I am not using my brain, talents, degrees, and potential. Sometimes it can be lonely not having the built in social interactions of work. Sometimes I get annoyed with picking up the same clutter and doing the same laundry OVER and OVER. Sometimes I feel trapped inside my house especially when the weather is bad! It's not easy either way, that's for sure.

Ebree I am so, so, so in love with your new ring.

MGal We are planing a driving trip of similar length in a couple weeks. I am kind of dreading it. I wish we could go at night, but it doesn't work as well in our schedule plus DH tends to doze off when driving at night. I hope yours goes well. Keep me posted! If necessary I could split ours up into two days of driving but I'd rather just get there and have more time. We're visiting family which should be nice but can be stressful too given some family dynamics, so I hope it will be a fun trip.

Got to run.... sorry to ignore most people!


Dec 16, 2007
Fiery What a little cherub! And don''t worry about using CIO sooner than you thought. I think we moms rarely do things as we thought we would

DH would have been dead meat. But I like the idea of a tether. The bob has a break that ahs a tether, I may be sure to keep a hold on it when I am out too...


Jul 23, 2006
hi all!!
i''ve been busy with a teething crying baby and a 3 year old.....dd will be 5 months old next week and this week she cut her 1st tooth. she keeps playing with it with her tounge.

i''m going crazy from sleep deprivation and cio just doesn''t seem to work here--she''s cio right now. i feel like the only way for her to stop whining and crying during the day is for me to hold her. at night she will sleep from 8-1 and then she''s up within an 1 1/2 for the rest of the night. HELP!!!!!

i totally feel trapped in my house because i''ve decided to be a sahm but only for this school year.
tandog...i feel the same as what you wrote and sometimes i feel guilty for being short tempered, because i''m lucky to be home this year with my kids, but on the other hand i''m used to working and being social.....
dh just keeps saying at least you don''t have to go to work--i sometimes feel like i''d rather be at work just for the social aspect and feeling like myself again.


Dec 16, 2007
Blen Ooopss, I missed your sad news yesterday
I am so sorry!


Mar 22, 2008
So after a week and a half of Evan sleeping in a perfect pattern , my husband took him friday night so I could get some sleep. He then took him for some of last night.....I''ve been up with him since 3 a.m. when my husband finally got hiim to go to bed...Personally I think my husband was up playing video games or something like that. Then my husband goes to bed and snores in my I head to the couch. He brings the baby to me at 4:30 and we''ve (Me and Evan...husband went back to sleep) been up ever since. Did my husband screw with his sleep cycle in just the two nights he was with him??

I''m thinking I might have to cancel my birthday plans today because I''m going off of little sleep...I''d rather sleep than go out to eat.


Mar 22, 2008
I was able to catch about 2 extra hours of sleep....I think I'm good now..Had a mini melt down last night apparently! haha

ETA: Scooting in the bassinet. My husband freaked yesterday because he glanced in the bassinet and the baby wasn't in there, and he saw me walking around and I wasn't holding the baby and the carseat was empty. Come to find out the baby had scooted to the far back of the bassinet (completely in the different direction then he was placed). He have a sleep position in there, so I'm assuming we should get rid of it since he is getting more mobile.

We also elevated one end of the bassinet and he wound up scooting up that also and laying sideways at the top of the bassinet where it was elevated.


Mar 20, 2003
Blen, my condolences for the loss of Aonghus. It sounds like you gave him a wonderful last morning.

Robbie, I hope you're having a restful weekend. I've been thinking about you.

Tao and Pandora, you're freaking me out about these disappearing baby stories! Although I must confess that I have had the opposite problem; twice I have forgotten about Claire when she was in her pack and play and then I heard a little sqwack and was like, OMG I have a baby in there! Isn't that scary? It makes me feel like I could be one of those parents who forget the baby in the carseat.

Claire slept in her room for the first time last night! She has continued to be great at night -- she only wakes up to eat. She hasn't gone more than 4.5 hours for her long stretch at night (usually more like 3.5 to 4), but she goes right down between feeds for at least 8 hours at night. So I can't complain.

I'd been meaning to follow the Baby Wise/Baby Whisperer model of eat/wake/sleep because that's what I've seen work for my sister and some friends, but the best laid plans, right . . . She's a sleepy eater, and it's everything I can do to keep her awake to get a full feeding half of the time. Then she's out until the next feeding. Other times she's awake the entire time between feeds. It seems unnatural for me to try to deprive her of sleep after each feeding just so she can have five equal length naps a day, and I haven't read anything that explains why this is better for the baby than fewer, longer naps. I think the point is that I want a baby who can fall asleep without being nursed or held to do it, and we do work on that at least once a day.

Claire will be one month tomorrow. In addition to moving her out of our bedroom, we're going to move the Pack and Play out of the dining/living room and down to the basement soon. After the C/S when I wasn't supposed to go up and down stairs too much, it was great for changing her and for naps, but I don't want to live with diaper changing stuff on my dining room table and baskets of baby clothes everywhere forever.

We were almost certainly exposed to the swine flu this weekend. We went up and saw my siblings, and one nephew had been sick for over two weeks with symptoms that were most likely the swine flu (his doctor's office told him not to come in so as not to infect the other kids!), and of course his brother came down sick this morning, as did my sister. I hope Claire escapes unscathed.

Thanks for the BC tips, all. I'm considering Mirena and possibly the hormone-free version of the IUD as I like the thought of being hormone-free, and the side effect of heavier periods may not bother me as much as some other women as they've always been pretty light. Hmmm . . .


Mar 20, 2003
Here''s a picture of my cutie. Her shirt (which she has spit up on in this picture) says, "Snow Cute" on it. Aw.


Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Tao, Happy Birthday!

In general I''ve come to the conclusion that men + small babies are rarely a good mix. Tiny infants are deadly dull most of the time - unless you are their mother - and when they are crying Daddy is rarely what they want, so after 3 minutes of attempted interaction men tend to stick child over knees, turn on TV/ open book/ play online poker/ video games and occasionally go ''ccooochhhy ccoooo''. The baby falling asleep tends to be entirely unrelated to the paternal efforts!

Okay, maybe I''m a tad unfair... seriously though, I found the best plan was to get DH to take Daisy on a Saturday or Sunday morning for 2 or 3 hours while I slept. He would get up when she woke up and they''d go out for a long walk - I''d feed her before he left or he''d take a bottle of formula (we did mixed feeding at the beginning). If he was looking after her at home, she''d eventually start crying to the point where I had to get up because I couldn''t sleep through it or he''d come in insisting she needed feeding when she definitely didn''t. If they are out then they a) can''t just pass the baby back to you and b) have to deal!

I don''t think babies really have sleep cycles that are consistent - everytime I think hooray, I''ve figured a pattern then everything goes to pot - so I wouldn''t think he had screwed his sleep cycle.

Sympathies on the lack of sleep - It''s only the last month that I''ve started getting reasonable amounts and it does much a big difference. Friday night Daisy slept from midnight until 9.15am, she fed a couple of times during the night but didn''t really wake me. Sadly this morning wasn''t quite as good, but DH took her for 2 hours which was lovely.

Blen - I am so sorry

Thanks for the comments about my horrible husband - I have read them out to prove that I am THE most normal of wives and not a hysterical haridan!

I''ve ''almost'' forgiven DH, but still makes me feel icky thinking about it. We went out yesterday for his birthday and ended up at the Olympia Antiques Exhibition where I sinned and bought my ''Daisy'' ring. I had no intention of buying anything at all, but one of the exhibitors had a stand full of the most incredible Victorian, Edwardian and Deco jewellery and I stupidly asked about old cuts... I don''t have all the details yet and I pick it up on Thursday but it''s an Edwardian 3 stone OEC or TC in an 18k yellow gold setting. I''m normally such a terrible analyser of any purchase and this was just a total ''I HAVE TO HAVE THAT'' feeling so I hope my heart over head decision was a wise one! I pick it up on Thursday!

We left Daisy for the second time in 6 months with my BIL and his wife last night while we went for dinner. She screamed for the first 45 minutes but after that was fine. They said that when she woke up from her first sleep she was super smiley and not looking for us, so that was good. She also helped herself to my SIL''s pizza and apparently really enjoyed it! She was fast asleep on my SIL when we arrived to collect her and stayed asleep for the hour that we were there before going home, so not too traumatising for anyone although the 45 minutes howling at the beginning possibly cancels out any chance of using the creche when we go away next week: if the baby cries more than 20 minutes then you have to come and pick them up...

Food is definitely becoming a big hit so I can''t wait for my kitchen to be finished! Lunch was sausage, bacon, cooked field-mushrooms, spinach and poached egg all of which disappeared pretty fast.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 11/21/2009 2:16:31 PM
Author: Blenheim
I had Aonghus put to sleep this morning, after a long walk and a game of fetch and a breakfast of ham.
I''m so sorry Blen. My deepest condonlences.
They are like family members.....


May 18, 2008
Blen-really sorry about Aonghus
I hope you guys are doing ok.

Tao-Happy Birthday!

PG-Claire is such a beauty!

DD&Mela-congrats on your PS milestones!

Pandora-I can''t believe DH did that! I would have freaked out too!

Sabine-sounds like teething to me too. Poor Jacks.


We had Sophia''s 4 month appointment yesterday. I had the nurse give me a history of stats because I had my info all mixed up lol. She now weighs 14lbs9oz and is 24.5in. So a little over double her birth weight and grew 5.5in!

We talked about solids. Pedi''s exact words were "what''s your rush?" But then he made a weird comment. He asked about her sleeping patterns and I said she wakes 2-3 times a night. He then said ok well you can give her some solids now. That seemed weird to me since there really is no proof that solids will lead to better sleeping but whatever. His only rules were one thing at a time and if she doesn''t like something, don''t force it.

I''m thinking about switching pedis but not sure. On one hand I really like him because he''s laid back. He doesn''t push things like formula to us unlike the other pedis there. And his motto is that babies will do what they do when they do it. He''s not worried if Sophia isn''t interested in rolling over, doesn''t believe in STTN, things like that. I like it because it takes the pressure off. On the other hand, he doesn''t spend any time talking about what her milestones should be at this age and if it weren''t for all of my reading I wouldn''t really know what''s normal or not. Plus he''s really fast, doesn''t take time to explain stuff. Its good for the working mom that needs to be in and out but most of my appts are on the weekends. I don''t know, we''ll see. The nurses are really the ones that do all of the work anyway and his nurse is fantastic. I may keep him just to have her.

I''ve also gotten over my sadness of having to supplement. Today I''ve done only boob and she''s been really fussy all day. I finally realized she isn''t getting enough to eat, gave her 4oz of formula, she gobbled it up (a little thanksgiving humor lol), and was happy. Oops.

Oh and my friend recently had his little girl who was born with down syndrome. I''m meeting her this week. I''m so excited to see her and offered them all of Sophia''s old clothes. She''s a peanut (only 5lbs for 2 weeks old) so the NB and 0-3 stuff she''ll fit into for a while. She''s a cutie. If he''s ok with it, I''ll share a photo of her. We talked for a long while about her. He and I used to be BFFs back in middle school and HS until he moved away. I''ve known him for 15 years now! Very excited to see his little girl and introduce him to Sophia.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Fiery, on the starting solids thing, one of the things that has really suprised DH and I is how ''grown-up'' Daisy seems with her food. She spent so long watching us and practicing chewing movements that by the time she was allowed them she has no problems manipulating the food around her mouth and swallowing it. The food also automatically goes straight into her mouth and so she is a very unmessy eater (except the hands!). No doubt this will soon change and I''ll be scraping it off the walls!

One of the reasons for this is that her ''tongue thrust'' reflex has pretty much disappeared. This reflex prevents a baby from swallowing anything non-liquid and potentially toxic. When I remember how any tastes of things I gave Daisy around 4 months would automatically be pushed straight out of her mouth whether she liked the taste or not, it has being really interesting seeing how nature acts to evolve capabilities at the time that they are needed, and makes me feel that we were right to wait until 6 months and her to be both really keen and physically ready (this evening she was sitting on my knee and grabbed my sandwich off my plate and bit into it before I''d even got a chance to pick it up myself).

I''m not convinced it helps them sleep longer, but I haven''t read any of the research into that.

That said, I think it''s up to each of us to do what we feel is right, and if your pedi says you can and you want to then there is no reason not too, but if you''d rather wait longer then it''s not a bad thing either.


May 18, 2008
Pandora-this is why I love you ladies cause you''re all so knowledgeable! That''s so interesting about the tongue thrust reflex. I get what you mean. I gave Sophia a very tiny taste of some mashed potatoes that my mom made for the pre-k students (so just potatoes with very little butter and nothing else) just to see what she would do. It all ended outside of her mouth lol and she made the funniest face.

We''re going to wait for the most part. I''m going to giver her some cereal this weekend just out of curiosity. The rest we''ll wait until late december. One of the things I''m grateful over is that my MIL is a huge fan of making baby food and she said that when we''re ready, she''ll help me prep a bunch of food for her.


Dec 29, 2004
Blen, I am sorry to hear about your loss.

Date: 11/22/2009 7:33:06 AM
Author: taovandel
So after a week and a half of Evan sleeping in a perfect pattern , my husband took him friday night so I could get some sleep. He then took him for some of last night.....I''ve been up with him since 3 a.m. when my husband finally got hiim to go to bed...Personally I think my husband was up playing video games or something like that. Then my husband goes to bed and snores in my I head to the couch. He brings the baby to me at 4:30 and we''ve (Me and Evan...husband went back to sleep) been up ever since. Did my husband screw with his sleep cycle in just the two nights he was with him??

I''m thinking I might have to cancel my birthday plans today because I''m going off of little sleep...I''d rather sleep than go out to eat.

It has nothing to do with him, IMHO. Babies sleep well for a about the first two weeks. People bring them home thinking they are lucky the baby is so easy. Then 2 weeks later, wonder what the heck is going on when the sh*t hits the fan. There is a reason why colic doesn''t kick in until 3-4 weeks. Babies are pooped after they make it out...takes them a little while to become the little creatures that wreak havoc on our sleep.

There really should be a warning or something over on the preggo thread. I''ve seen a lot of the new moms lately say their babies are wonderful and easy, and then get surprised at that two week mark.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 11/22/2009 10:19:05 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Blen, I am sorry to hear about your loss.

Date: 11/22/2009 7:33:06 AM
Author: taovandel
So after a week and a half of Evan sleeping in a perfect pattern , my husband took him friday night so I could get some sleep. He then took him for some of last night.....I''ve been up with him since 3 a.m. when my husband finally got hiim to go to bed...Personally I think my husband was up playing video games or something like that. Then my husband goes to bed and snores in my I head to the couch. He brings the baby to me at 4:30 and we''ve (Me and Evan...husband went back to sleep) been up ever since. Did my husband screw with his sleep cycle in just the two nights he was with him??

I''m thinking I might have to cancel my birthday plans today because I''m going off of little sleep...I''d rather sleep than go out to eat.

It has nothing to do with him, IMHO. Babies sleep well for a about the first two weeks. People bring them home thinking they are lucky the baby is so easy. Then 2 weeks later, wonder what the heck is going on when the sh*t hits the fan. There is a reason why colic doesn''t kick in until 3-4 weeks. Babies are pooped after they make it out...takes them a little while to become the little creatures that wreak havoc on our sleep.

There really should be a warning or something over on the preggo thread. I''ve seen a lot of the new moms lately say their babies are wonderful and easy, and then get surprised at that two week mark.
I have noticed this too... I made a little PSA the other day about it, but who knows if anyone reads it!


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 11/22/2009 10:54:34 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 11/22/2009 10:19:05 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Blen, I am sorry to hear about your loss.

Date: 11/22/2009 7:33:06 AM

Author: taovandel

So after a week and a half of Evan sleeping in a perfect pattern , my husband took him friday night so I could get some sleep. He then took him for some of last night.....I''ve been up with him since 3 a.m. when my husband finally got hiim to go to bed...Personally I think my husband was up playing video games or something like that. Then my husband goes to bed and snores in my I head to the couch. He brings the baby to me at 4:30 and we''ve (Me and Evan...husband went back to sleep) been up ever since. Did my husband screw with his sleep cycle in just the two nights he was with him??

I''m thinking I might have to cancel my birthday plans today because I''m going off of little sleep...I''d rather sleep than go out to eat.

It has nothing to do with him, IMHO. Babies sleep well for a about the first two weeks. People bring them home thinking they are lucky the baby is so easy. Then 2 weeks later, wonder what the heck is going on when the sh*t hits the fan. There is a reason why colic doesn''t kick in until 3-4 weeks. Babies are pooped after they make it out...takes them a little while to become the little creatures that wreak havoc on our sleep.

There really should be a warning or something over on the preggo thread. I''ve seen a lot of the new moms lately say their babies are wonderful and easy, and then get surprised at that two week mark.

I have noticed this too... I made a little PSA the other day about it, but who knows if anyone reads it!

Yeah I have too in the past. I think it''s one of those things that no one wants to hear from an experienced mom because they "know" better and think their kid is the exception. Either that or they are just saying "LALALALALA" and are in denial.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I''ll post this in the good buys thread as well, but thought it was a great one for here...

Yesterday we discovered this in a restaurant - the minui handysitt.

I''ve tried Daisy in loads of high-chairs when we''ve been out and they have either been too big, too dirty for me to want to use, or she has screamed blue murder and we can''t always have the pram next to the table. The owner of this restaurant has an 18 month old and a new baby and so has test-driven various products and chose to buy this.

D went in easily, was secure without a harness (that she hates) and was super happy for the whole meal. Although we had to keep an eye on her and talk to her, all 3 of us were able to eat at the same time and with both hands.

It folds flat and is small so you can keep it in your car, and is great if you don''t have much space or for grandparents.

Can you tell I like it???


Mar 20, 2003
Am I one of the la la la new mothers? Probably! Claire has gotten more fussy in the last few days; ever since Thursday she has had an afternoon crying spell and doesn''t want to be put down to nap. If I pick her up, she calms down and falls asleep, then I put her back down and, well, you can see where this is going. If her cries sound tired and not frantic I let her cry for fifteen minutes to see if she''ll fall asleep on her own, but the majority of the time she outlasts me. Before that I swear my baby never cried at all, so I really can''t complain, and thankfully she has restricted her fussiness to the daytime, not night. But it''s definitely not fun dealing with a crying baby for a couple of hours a day.


May 18, 2008
I had sort of a different experience. Sophia was a super easy baby from birth until her 6 week growth spurt. After that all hell broke loose and she didn''t go back to "normal" until about 9/10 weeks. I''m very lucky that she still is an "easy" baby in that she hardly ever cries or gets really fussy. She even wakes up smiling

PG-How old is Claire again? I wonder if she''s going through a growth spurt. Unfortunately at that young of an age she doesn''t really know how to self soothe so even leaving her to figure it out doesn''t do much. Have you tried a sleep positioner? Some people don''t like it but it was by far one of my most favorite baby items. We started using it when Sophia was around 2 weeks old and I think it really helped her sleep since she liked feeling really snug and the swaddle just wasn''t enough.

FI always tells me that if I don''t tell him what I want for Christmas he''s going to get me a can opener and some laundry detergent

Sort of/Kind of CIO update: Getting Sophia to fall asleep on her own hasn''t been a problem. I put her down drowsy and after a conversation with God knows what, she falls asleep. The problem is getting her to stay asleep. So last night she woke up around 3:45am and I wanted to see what she would do. I shut off the monitor in the bedroom (as to not wake up FI) and sat in the living room next to her room. For about 10 minutes she was "complaining", then she got quiet so I thought maybe she fell asleep but nope she was playing with her feet. She did that for about 10 minutes, had another conversation and then fell asleep. I felt kind of bad since I usually just go in there and feed her but lately she''s been having 5 minute meals in the early morning so I don''t really think she''s hungry and I figured if she is then she''ll get up again. She didn''t wake up until I got her up at 7am.


Mar 22, 2008
Operation Get My Money''s Worth (AKA Please Baby Sleep in Bassinet) went pretty well last night. It was definitely better than I expected.

At first he would get up every hour and cry and then I would pick him up, cuddle with him and then put him back down. He would go down for another hour. I repeated about two more times (and fed him once) and then he was down for the rest of the night (got up at 8:30--which is when he always gets up).

After the one bad night, he''s been back to being my sweet baby. I know it won''t last...but I like that he changes it up---and isn''t a terror multiple days in a role.

Went to a baby shower and he was great. Went out to eat for my birthday and it was our first time taking him to a restaurant---he was great again.

At least he is an angel in public! I can deal with him being a hot mess at home.

Fiery: This is going to sound crazy---but last night, I had a weird dream where I was playing bingo (We played Bingo at the baby shower) and there was this tiny tiny baby wearing one year old clothes and it was Sophia---but just a tinier version of what she looks like now. It was bizarre---but she was sooo adorable in the dream. I''m thinking I saw your pictures of her before I fell asleep last night.

Blen: Sorry, never got to send my thoughts to you with the loss of your doggie. It''s really hard to lose a member of the family.


May 18, 2008
HAHA Tao that''s so funny! Hope she was a good girl in your dream, otherwise I''ll put her on time out!
Glad Evan is getting better!

I wanted to also give a little update on FI and me since I haven''t really mentioned much.

Things are getting a lot better. I finally feel like I have a partner. I don''t have to ask him to do stuff anymore, he just does it naturally. We''ve also gotten into a nice pattern of doing things. He takes over baby duty after 5am if Sophia wakes up. He shuts off the monitor and does whatever he does while I sleep. He''ll bring her in if she''s hungry, otherwise I don''t see her until about 7. I''ve been taking a lot of "me" time to go get my nails done, read a book, hang out with friends now that he''s a lot more confident about taking care of her. He''s also making more of an effort to help out around the house. Yesterday he came home and took his clothes off in the usual spot, walked away, thought about it, then turned around and put it in the hamper instead lol.

And things with us are getting better also. We do have to make an effort to remember to be affectionate. It was reallly forced for a while. But now we''re getting back to the way we used to be. We were never really the cuddling type of couple so that was what felt forced. But this morning he left me a note in the seat of my car that said "my favorite booty goes here" which I know seems really childish but that''s how we used to be with each other so I have a perma-smile on my face this morning


Mar 22, 2008
She was a smiley adorable time out necessary.


Jun 18, 2004
blen - I''m sorry about your dog

tao - Kyle was a master at scooting around in the crib. He even managed it while swaddled! I hope sleeping gets better for you, and have a happy b-day!

PG - I hope you all stay well and keep the swine flu away
, and cute picture!

Pandora - I can''t wait to see your new ring! It sounds lovely.

fiery - Sophia''s growing fast! I think Kyle must have been a bit "off" on his growing, he didn''t double his birth weight until 8 months. And adding solids is interesting... One book I have mentioned not starting until they get over the tongue thrust, so that food will stay in their mouth. Happy to hear things are going better with your FI too.

Kyle is back to his regular sleeping schedule, yea! He even slept in until 6:45am this weekend, which was nice. We went to a giant classic car show on Saturday, and kyle managed to loose a toy
. I had it hooked to his seat belt by some of the platic rings. I guess he got it off and dropped it wihout me noticing. When we stopped for lunch it was gone.

I got everything packed for the road trip, this will be our 4th time taking Kyle on a trip, but will involve much more driving than the previous ones. It''s tough trying to figure out what you''re going to need for 5 days, and still get it all in the car. Luckily my mom has a PNP, so we don''t have to haul that with us, and Kyle will have lots of people to play with so I figure we won''t need as many toys to keep him entertained.


Feb 27, 2006
Thanks for the support. I''m getting used to the idea and starting to feel better. The house is so much CALMER without him around.

Solids - George is currently loving greens, raw or cooked doesn''t matter: spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, lettuce, herbs... He''s so more adventurous than DH is about them, LOL.

Oh, and he''s currently cutting his first tooth. He''s in a very good mood, considering.

Pandora - oh dear, for multiple reasons there. The new jewelry is exciting at least!

Fiery - I''m just so glad to hear that things are looking better for you! I think that before starting solids you''re supposed to look for loss of tongue thrust, ability to sit on their own, and six months old. I''ve also read some sources that say that they should have the beginnings of a pincer grasp, but our pedi wasn''t as concerned with that one.

PG - hope you guys don''t get sick or anything. And she''s so cute!


Mar 20, 2003
So I had my follow up ob/gyn appointment today (1.5 weeks early because of Thanksgiving or something), and my ridiculously blunt doctor exclaimed, "Whoa! You are so narrow! You''re never going to deliver a baby vaginally!" That''s what she said at my 36 week appointment, but at every subsequent appointment she remarked about how good she felt about my pelvis, and while she had her arm up in my business trying to turn Claire during contractions she didn''t mention it being too narrow, so I''m just going to assume that in my non-about-to-give-birth state I have a narrow pelvis, but nature takes care of things like that. But thanks for being so tactful and encouraging, doctor. She actually more amuses me than bothers me, but still . . .

She also didn''t recommend an IUD unless we want to wait more than a couple of years to have our second baby, so I''m going on the minipill for now. She said she could fit me for a diaphragm, but I don''t like the odds with those.

Fiery, Claire is one month old exactly today. We are wondering about a growth spurt. I''m glad things are going better for you at home. I think men just need time to figure these things out.

Tao, glad you had a nice meal out!

Pandora, you too!

We had a nice dinner out last week while my mom was here, and I got to "pump and dump" for the first time. I tried to drink a cocktail before dinner but as I had not had one since before I got pregnant, I instantly felt drunk after just a few sips (although that must have been in my head), so I traded and had DH''s beer and a glass of wine with dinner. I didn''t finish either drink, but almost 2 drinks definitely hit me more than they used to despite my increased weight.

Speaking of, sigh . . . I am wearing my sister''s jeans right now. Not that I would have thought I could wear my pre-pregnancy clothes only one month out, but as I had lost weight a few years back, I have 5 different sizes of pants, and I can''t even fit into the biggest size. I thought surely one of those sizes would fit me and I wouldn''t need to keep wearing maternity stuff or buy new clothes in yet another size. But I''m very grateful to my sister for loaning me 3 pairs of jeans because it was just too depressing to keep wearing track pants all the time.

So I put on FB how Claire moved into her own bedroom the other night, and all these other moms of 6 to 9 month old babies commented that their babies are still waking up several times a night and therefore still rooming in with them. To each her own, but I really hope Claire is not waking up more than once a night at that point in her life; in fact, I''m hoping we can STTN in a month or two. Last night Claire made it until 3:30 after the 10:30 feeding. Then I woke her up to eat at 7 because I didn''t want to get started too late in terms of working her feeding around my doctor''s appointment, but I would have let her go until 7:30 a.m. otherwise. So I am thinking that if I can try to get her eating around 10:00 p.m. every night, we''ll have a good chance of a single middle of the night feeding and a reasonable early morning feed of 6:30 or 7 a.m. If she eats more like 9 p.m., then she''ll almost definitely need two feedings over night. I know you can''t always plan these things but I would love to have every night go like last night (which means I am definitely jinxing it by typing this!).


Feb 27, 2006
I meant to ask - once we''re both feeling better (still sick), I want for us to get out of the house more. What kinds of activities do other SAHMs do? How do you find mom groups in your area? I''m planning on taking the dogs for daily walks, but I''d also like things that leave me interacting with people other than my mom and in-laws.


Nov 9, 2005
hi everyone!

Blen - I''m so sorry to hear about your dog
I''m glad you''re getting used to it though. As for outings...I really would just take Lex on errands mostly. But he always LOVES going to the grocery store

Phoenix and Tao - Hang in there! Before you know it your little ones will be sleeping like champs!

Pandora - I''m not sure if I comment on what your DH did last week...I''d be so upset though!! I''d make him suffer a little longer

Fiery - Sophia is gorgeous! And getting so big! I have no suggestions on solids except do what you feel is right. We started around 4 months (just not consistently) and have had no issues. We still are doing very little at almost 6 months, but our pedi gave me the go ahead to increase solids if I''d like.

Lex had his 6 month appt today (a little early). He''s gigantic! He''s 27.5 inches and 19 1/2 lbs (our scale says 20) The DR jokingly said "You know he''s the size of a 1 year old right?"...hehee...but he''s healthy and happy and that''s what matters. I still can''t wrap my mind around the fact that he wears 12 -18 month clothes now though

And he''s crawling ALL over the place! It''s amazing how much he''s improved in just 1 week!

We took him to see Santa this weekend and he just LOVED was so cute!!!

Here''s his 1st pic w/ Santa

Lex with Santa-com11.jpg


Jun 15, 2006
CDT, what a great picture. And that Santa looks so nice (you know how sometimes they can look really scary and evil!?).
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