
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Dec 16, 2007
China Try putting him down for a nap after being awake for 45 minutes to an hour. Hunter would only be awake about that long at that age, and then he slept for about an hour or so (I think?? How quickly we forget)... but I know he was NOT awake for 1.5 hours at that age! I bet that will help.

Hunter is 6.5 months and started army crawling
I don''t want him to be mobile, I''m not ready!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 9/8/2009 5:24:44 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
China Try putting him down for a nap after being awake for 45 minutes to an hour. Hunter would only be awake about that long at that age, and then he slept for about an hour or so (I think?? How quickly we forget)... but I know he was NOT awake for 1.5 hours at that age! I bet that will help.

Hunter is 6.5 months and started army crawling
I don''t want him to be mobile, I''m not ready!
LOL, I''m dreading that! Start child-proofing that house... or are you buying a ''child cage''?
I can''t believe he''s already 6.5 months, seems like yesterday he was born.

Advice needed please...

I got Daisy a Bumbo about 6 weeks ago in the hope that it would entertain her to look at her toys from a new angle and help her learn to sit. Well, she hasn''t learnt to sit, but she has learnt to get out - by making her body go all straight and throwing herself backwards. The Bumbo''s aren''t weighted and if I hadn''t happened to see it in time (by sheer chance) she would have hit the back of her head on the floor. I thought it was perhaps a fluke but the second I put her back in it she tried again.

She''s also trying to get out of the bouncer - but I have straps
and she is thwarted for the moment...

Has anyone else found that kiddo gets bored very fast? Daisy used to love doing certain games and rhymes in the bath and now just looks at me like I''m a looney. I have to keep thinking up new fun things but two days later she doesn''t want to do it anymore. I can''t buy toys for slightly older babies (we have ducks at the moment in the bath) as she doesn''t have the motorskills to cope with any of them and just gets very frustrated. I tell you, it''s me that needs the naps these days - not her!

Oh, any game ideas gratefully received... I dare not ask DH after I caught him singing ''Old MacDonald had an abattoir'' to her the other day...


Jun 18, 2004
DD - I can''t believe Hunter is crawling! I think Kyle''s going to skip the army crawl and go straight to hands and knees. He''s even managing to get up and his hands a fett and do the stick bug, but still no real movement. I''ve got a "cgae" I need to set up for him. My mom''s recomendation was to put them in it before they move so their used to it and accept walls.

Pandora - "Old MacDonald had an abattoir''"
. Have you done peek-a-boo yet? That was a big hit for us. And cardboard books. Kyle started squirming like he was going to escape the bumbo at about 5 months also and we gave up on it and moved him to a high chair. So far the best toy for us has been this She may be a bit young for it, but we took the legs off and set it on the floor, then sit with the baby and let him hit all the colors/lights/sounds. Now that he sits on his own, it keeps him entertained for 20+ minutes.


Dec 16, 2007
Pandora I meant to say congrats on finishing the negotiations with the evil empire. I am jealous of your new kitchen, our place needs one, but I suppose you earned it

Hunter does not dig the Bumbo, he sits in it for feedings but otherwise hates being tied down. He also does the plank
I would call him a handful for sure! Holding him is like holding a writhing snake. Before he got more mobile we went through a very tiring phase where I basically just carried him with me everywhere and went for lots of loooooooong walks with him in a carrier. This seemed to be the only thing that he was happy doing. I am not, I admit, much of a game playing mommy. Now that he is more mobile he will amuse himself for a while -- 15 to 25 minutes -- either in his excersaucer (do you have one? You must get one if you do not, they are a life saver because the kids is "stuck" and also has lots to play with, so you can get things done. Or read a book
) or more recenlty "crawling" around on the ground, which basically involved me clearing a large area on the hard wood and scattering toys around him and letting him roll and grunt and army crawl his way around to get to the toys. And the chords for variaous things. And the boxes for moving. And all the other terrible things in our completely non-baby proof house. When he is in a fussy mood I put him in the stroller and go for a 1.5 hour walk just strolling really slow. That always amuses him, he likes watching the world go by.

But I would say his attention span is that of a gnat. I would blame my husband who is somewhat attentionally challenged, but I suspect it is the nature of babies.


And I cannot believe that he is this old either
It is my favourite age so far, so interactive. He talks a lot -- says "mama" and "gaga" and "tata" and "thhhplllaaat". He laughs all the time, and he likes to make himself cough/choke because it sounds funny to him. He also likes to make a high pitched screeching noise which we hope is a phase. But all together tonnes of fun!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 9/8/2009 7:02:12 PM
Author: MustangGal
DD - I can''t believe Hunter is crawling! I think Kyle''s going to skip the army crawl and go straight to hands and knees. He''s even managing to get up and his hands a fett and do the stick bug, but still no real movement. I''ve got a ''cgae'' I need to set up for him. My mom''s recomendation was to put them in it before they move so their used to it and accept walls.

Pandora - ''Old MacDonald had an abattoir''''
. Have you done peek-a-boo yet? That was a big hit for us. And cardboard books. Kyle started squirming like he was going to escape the bumbo at about 5 months also and we gave up on it and moved him to a high chair. So far the best toy for us has been this She may be a bit young for it, but we took the legs off and set it on the floor, then sit with the baby and let him hit all the colors/lights/sounds. Now that he sits on his own, it keeps him entertained for 20+ minutes.
I don''t know if I would call it crawling exactly, but he can move a few meters/yards in diameter by rolling and scootching and basically wiggling about. I suspect it won''t be long until he really crawls, he is very motivated to get into stuff! He can balance sitting up but he isn''t doing it on his own yet. I don''t have that toy you mention but I can see he would love it! His favourite thing on his excersaucer is hitting the music buttons and hearing the sounds and music.

And we got a pack n play for travel sleeping, is that a cage? He will be spending lots of time in it me thinks. Our new home has a family room that I plan to make a play room, right off the kitchen but down a short bit of stairs, and I am going to try to make it as child proof as possible so that he can go wild in there withough to much worry.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I''m glad other people''s kids don''t ''do'' the Bumbo either - I''d heard great things about it and was feeling rather annoyed that we''d only got a few weeks use, ah well, donate to brother I suppose! I''m going to look into an exersaucer - they sound good!

MG, books have been a huge hit - especially the cloth ones from Usborne that have different textures, flaps to open, bits to scrunch etc (really recommend them). Peek-a-boo is a complete waste of time - she just looks at me like I''m slightly nuts and then watches something else. I think she''s probably a bit young still maybe so I''ll keep trying it.

Yes, my husband cannot be trusted - I dread to think what bedtime stories will be like... my poor disturbed daughter

Does anyone else have problems with tummy time? D manages around 30 seconds before a complete meltdown and absolute refusal to attempt any kind of movement other than turning straight back onto her back... I have kind of given up the fight.

Kyle''s stick bug sounds so cute - do you have pics??

DD - Trust me, the current kitchen is downright dangerous - there are no lights so we have a table-lamp in there. The freezer and fridge (separate and tiny) don''t seem to keep things properly cold and the door keeps opening on one. How we are still alive I don''t know! Plus no storage at all.
The new one will be IKEA solid oak - but painted white - with decent appliances and nice taps/tiles etc so it shouldn''t cost an arm and a leg.

I sympathise on the high-pitched scream - Daisy sounds like a corncrake most of the time... truly painful!

Thanks for all the recommendations for amusements!


Sep 21, 2006
hi all, sorry i haven''t been here much--with C turning one in less than a month, it feels like I should be in the other thread! but wanted to pop in and say she did not take to the bumbo either. Just sat there leaning back as if to say "what am I doing here??". She preferred to be fed in the stroller at that point. So we returned less plastic item the way I look at it!


Jun 18, 2004
This is what we''re using as a "cage" We set it up last night in a hexagon shape on the carpet. Now Kyle can''t go bonking his head on the tile, and we can hopefully keep the dog hair off the carpet in there at least so he isn''t constantly covered in it. The pack-n-play doesn''t give them much room to move around once they''re mobile. This thing we can also take outside and put him on the grass, etc. I put him in it this morning for the first time, he seemed intrigued by the fence, and the cat was playing with him through it, sticking her paws through the holes.

Pandora, the cloth books have been a hit too, he loves the crinkly ones. We do have one with a squeeky piece in it that drives the dog bonkers though!

And for pics, DH and I haven''t been the best at snapping pics these days, I''ll have to get some of the stink bug pose. Here''s one for now from the BBQ last Saturday. It''s very rare that DH actually gets me in a pic, he''s always focusing on the baby



Jul 12, 2008
hi all! Sorry I haven''t been around much - been kinda busy getting ready for our trip back east tonight and reigning in our little terror - she has decided that she does NOT want to nap any more which is ridiculous since I *know* she needs to because she''s clearly tired. Ug. Some days are pretty miserable. But she''s a joy when she HAS slept which is fun. Yesterday she full on laughed which was awesome since she doesn''t audibly laugh very much. Usually we see/hear just one "ha!" followed by a huge open mouth grin that looks you can hear her laughing even though she''s just silently beaming. Anyway, it was great and I was able to get her to do it again and captured it on video so now I go play it whenever she''s screamin away in protest of a nap and I think I might lose it.

In other news, I got an Ergo carrier for our trip since I think it''ll be a full flight tonight (were taking a red eye) and I think she''ll be more comfy in that than just in my arms. She seems quite comfy in it and immediately relaxed into a nice little snooze when I took her for a walk in it before her nap. Of course, she woke up and screamed bloodly murder when we got home and I tried to lay her in her crib.
side note: for anyone wanting an Ergo, I recommend getting it through and having them price match another online retailer giving 10% off - there are a few doing that. That way you needn''t pay for sales tax or shipping AND you get it for less than regular price. I was thinking of getting one used on ebay or craigslist but I''m glad I got it new since she started sucking on it right away...

I''ve also been giving her a bottle of expressed milk now and then to try to get her used to bottles again for when I go back to work and in case she needs to eat while I''m at my bros wedding this weekend and she''s with her grandparents. She''s been fine with it which is a relief since she didn''t have a bottle for over a month.

I finally updated my resume - it still needs a little work but I''m glad I at least updated it some. My last day employed with my old firm is the 13th... I''m looking forward to the severance check though it will be a bummer not to get a paycheck every two weeks going forward.

Anyway, I hope you''re all well! Please send us good vibrations tonight for a smooth flight with no crying!

nycb, I hope you''re feeling better - I was sorry to read about your struggles!

Mgal, I love that pic! You guys looks great!

yay for having the mess with your crappy employers behind you! congrats!

DD, how are the move preparations going? Like Hunter, Sage is doing that plank thing these days and she gets bored and MAD about it regularly. I think her attention span is very short when she''s tired and since she''s not been napping well... ug.

fiery, how''s Sophia doing? sleeping better I hope!

Sabine, Have the reflux gotten any better? Sending calm tummy vibrations your way! Love that pic you posted

cdt, great pic! Lex looks adorable!

Welcome China! Liek other said, Oliver may need to sleep sooner than every 3 hours. I hope you''re doing well!

TDM, I''m sorry to hear about the blisters you''ve got! ug! I have no advice but I hope they get better soon.

Courtney, are you here? How''s staying home going?

Blen, I''m thinking of you, your DH & George, hoping your move preparations and job stuff is going okay!

everyone else!

Sage is almost 6 mos old (next week!)


Dec 16, 2007
Mrs we have the rgo too and LOOOVE it! Hunter falls alseep in it every time. A word of warning about using it on the plane -- you can''t actually have your kid in a carrier during take off and landing ad any time the seatbelt sign is on. They worry in the event of a crash that the straps etc will catch on something. So you have to hold the baby in your lap in the nursing position of the shoulder burp position. Maybe your airline will be different, but that was our experience the 2x we have flown with Hunter. Packing is going well but it is so overwhelming! Still, it is getting done and almost everything is organized.\

MG We don''t have a cage. My hope in our new place is to have the fmaily room be a cage. But in the end we may need something like that, we''ll see how it goes.


Nov 8, 2005
Sorry for the drive by - just a few quick hellos, sorry to miss lots of people!

DREAMER You said in the preggo thread that the second 6 months of nursing really helps take off the weight. I've still got 20 of baby weight and 20 of weight I should have lost pre-preg. That's a lot of weight. I'm eating healthy, no fast food or packaged junk, going to the gym 6 days a week and trying to get my carbs just from fruits/veg and not bread/pasta. Doing all the right things but SO frustrated that weight loss is this hard. Anyway, PLEASE tell me more about the nursing weight loss in the second 6 months. I could use some good news!

MRS I am confused, I thought you were already finished working for your company? Regardless, I hope you get to enjoy some time off and then find the perfect job ASAP! I have about a month to go working part time for my employer. I will miss certain things about it, but will be relieved about other things. We have the ergo too and we love ours. What color did you get? Ours is the black and camel. I could not do anything without that thing. It is great. Worth every penny. As a heads up A doesn't like to be worn in it while I am sitting down, but maybe Sage is more easygoing about such things.

MustangGal What a cute pic! Kyle is so cute and you two look so happy together!

China how are things going on naps?

NYCBKGIRL I hope things are getting a little easier and that you have better weather this week.

Pandora I meant to say before. Congrats on reaching the settlement with your employer!!!!!!!!! I am sure you are incredibly relieved. I hope the kitchen reno is fun! We have a bumbo chair on loan from a friend. He is happy in it for about 5 min. I'll keep a careful eye on him. I had no idea it was so tippy. Thanks for letting us know. If you don't have an exersaucer, I would second the recommendation to get one. A loves his! It takes up a lot of room and doesn't really fit your modern design tastes (or mine), but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

The blood blister just sucks. But it is getting better. I have been soaking it in warm salty water and I think that's helping. Man. Ouch. I have to be more careful about his latch I guess.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 9/9/2009 9:04:40 PM
Author: TanDogMom

DREAMER You said in the preggo thread that the second 6 months of nursing really helps take off the weight. I''ve still got 20 of baby weight and 20 of weight I should have lost pre-preg. That''s a lot of weight. I''m eating healthy, no fast food or packaged junk, going to the gym 6 days a week and trying to get my carbs just from fruits/veg and not bread/pasta. Doing all the right things but SO frustrated that weight loss is this hard. Anyway, PLEASE tell me more about the nursing weight loss in the second 6 months. I could use some good news!
You and I sound like twins
I also want to lose about 20lbs from my pre-preggo weight. Anyways, I gained about 60lbs, lost 30 immediately, then 10 very slowly over the course of 2 months, then got stuck for about 2 months at about 10/15 lbs up from my pre-preggo weight. Nothing came off!
But I found that about 3/4 weeks ago when Hunter hit 6 months that things started shifting again and I have lost about 6 lbs in the last 3 weeks
I am about 6/8 lbs from my pre-preggo weight now and can fit into some of my pre-preggo clothing, which is really nice.

I think that Hunter is indeed eating more and I notice it mostly because I feel more hungry. He usually drains both sides these days at each feeding, whereas before it was one at a time, and he nurses on average every 3 hours and also 2x at night. So that is a lot of milk!
He eats solids 1x per day, he isn''t interested at other times and the doc said if he seemed satisfied with milk then I should stick with that for now. So far so good!

Anyways, I also started keeping a food diary, something that I have always found worked in the past. I aim to eat 1900-2100 calories per day (I am taller and heavier, so I didn''t want to go too low. This is about 300 cals more than my nutritionist told me to eat when I lost 30 lbs about 7 years ago, to compensate for the BFing), and I go for about a 4km walk almost every day.

I have known about six BFing mamas who all lost all their preggo weight plus about 5-15 lbs and they all BF for 12 months or longer. And they noticed the most weightloss in that later time. I figure why should I be any different? Still, I think that keeping a food diary really helps because it makes sure you are not going overboard with the cals. But I am eating when I am hungry. You don''t want to starve yourself because your body will try to protect the milk supply and lower your metabolism! I dunno, they say 9 mo on 9 mo off, so I am giving it until then before I worry


Sep 13, 2008
MRS: naps were tough around here before i decide to use helped A LOT! i can sense the tiredness right away and i put on stomach and tap butt, and cio and i am now human again lol..i actually get some time to myself believe it or not! but the little buggers have stopped sttn and thats taking a toll..granted u give them a bottle and they generally go back to sleep right after and its only once per night, and dh usually takes on the night shift but still a lot to deal with at the moment
..glad u love the ergo...i bought the baby bjorn and returned it...quite a pretty penny and boy what a contraption! good luck on the resume! i wanna see more pics of the gorgeous miss Sage!

TDM: thanks for thinking of me...i am better, and i have really got the hang of it! which is awesome, i can deal with both myself better than if someone is helping
...i guess bc other than dh and i no one cares for cio lol. my 80 yo granny is a BIG help but she wont ever let them cio and they dont sleep or nap well bc of it but gotta love her she is like a 20 yo lol. weather is now getting cold out lol....we go for walks but mostly stay on balcony bc they like to rock and sleep and eat its nice....weight gain is such an issue for me at the moment....during pregnancy i wouldnt eat and was sick for a while so i ended up losing more weight and was skinnier after pg than ever before and i felt so good and now ive gained 15lbs and feel terrrible!

when i put jon on his feet (holding his upper body) he stands on his tiptoes,...anyone else have that? some say thats normal, others say its not good and he needs to have therapy (which i want anyway bc they preemies)


Dec 16, 2007
hunter stands on tippi toes. I think it is normal.


Jun 18, 2004
teething sucks!!!
My easy happy baby has turned into a grump!


May 18, 2008
MG-sorry about Kyle''s teething. Hope he gets better. You both look great!

NYC-glad things are easier now!

Pandora-Sophia reminds me of Daisy so I''ll be curious to see whether she likes the bumbo or not.

Re: carriers I''m going to try to return ours. We have the bjorn but haven''t used it and I feel like her legs would fall asleep.

We''re getting her accustomed to her crib. Every night gets a little better. The first night was a disaster. Yesterday it took an hour to get her to sleep in it because she kept waking up. She finally fell asleep at 10 but woke at 11, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Yesterday she fell asleep right away at 9:30 and woke at 1:15, 4:30, and again at 6:30. Little by little...


Aug 17, 2007
Thanks everyone, for your input on the napping.

I have been putting him down after being awake for an hour (including feeding) and I have my happy baby back! Now he obviously doesn''t go to sleep right away, it''s a whole process but he doesn''t fight sleep and scream like crazy like he had been doing. AND even better, when he wakes up or when I wake him up to eat, he''s generally happy. It is a world of difference, and makes for a much happier mama.

TDM and Pandora- I do think that there are some babies who don''t nap well or for that long- my BFF has one and she tried everything. And Pandora, I''ve seen your gorgeous little one''s pictures and she has that don''t mess with me look on her face for sure! So cute.

For me though, we had a week where he was sleeping well and was being pretty easy and then he started fighting sleep and I could tell he was so overtired and I was getting so exhausted and frustrated. I just "knew" the way you know your baby that it wasn''t normal and he was unhappy so I just want to try to do everything to make it easier for him and make sure it''s not my fault that he wasn''t sleeping. And I definitely was keeping him up for too long and he was getting overstimulated. I do admit that I do want him on a schedule as soon as possible and I am determined to work with him to figure out what works. My DH went back to work this week, so I am treating it like a project, a la Dreamer. As much as it was wonderful to have help from my mom and DH, it''s much easier to deal with O when it''s just me.

Fiery- Oh no, is this something I have to look forward to with the crib transition????? Hang in there, she''ll get used to it. O just looks soooo tiny in his crib! Right now he sleeps in a moses basket.

Pandora- Congrats on your settlement!!! Finally. Now you can focus on Daisy and DH and your life again and put all of this behind you.

Hi to everyone else! Looking forward to soaking up all the great advice on this thread. Time to feed Oliver, but will come back on my next "break" to post a picture.


Sep 13, 2008
Thanks DD..I figured its normal too but jackie didn''t do that so I wondered.

7.gif he fussy all the time? Orajel/teether don''t help much?...I asked pedi if they are teething bc hands do not leave mouth...he said no they just found a hole and stick fingers in it lol.

Fiery- are u dealing with all the wakeups at night by yourself or do u take turns? O man I remember those times..realllly tough (imagine me with 2 both on diff schedules lol)...but the nights will be slowly but surely getting better ;-)...hang in there mama!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Euughhh - I am so ANGRY... yes, my sodding employer... they''ve screwed up by mistakenly overpaying my salary in August and forgetting to alter the amount that they are paying me as a settlement. So now, they want to tear up the ''legally binding contract'' and write a new one. It''s my choice as to whether I agree to it or just say tough. I can''t believe that they are so incompetent. My brother has rung their attorney and given her hell down the phone. They are playing the ''it was an act of kindness as we didn''t want to leave her without funds in August'' - Er, pull the other one...
I am just so frickin tired of the whole thing and now I have to go and check figures and make calls etc

Plus... Daisy has been up since 7am and only went to bed at 7.15pm. I''ve put her down 3 times for a nap and the longest was 7 minutes. She can recharge enough in 5 minutes to keep going for another 3 hours. I did loose my temper and shout at her this afternoon - and she laughed at me
so I''m obviously not very frightening! I felt really bad about it - I hate letting my stress affect her.

In the end I ran another nice warm bath and we both got in - with the Bumbo! Bumbo''s and baths are a fun combo (as long as you are in the bath as well as the thing floats) and I think I have exhausted her completely!

DD - Daisy seems to want to eat the way Hunter does. Drains both breasts at each feed, eats every 3 hours and wakes up twice a night (and that is going to bed at midnight or later and morning being between 7 and 9am). I can''t imagine anything along the lines of STTN for the forseeable future!

Although she''s eating like a monster, she''s firmly on the 75th percentile line for weight and has been since birth so she''s not overeating. Weirdly she''s on the 25th percentile for height - considering that I''m 5ft 10" and come from a family of giants...

Fiery - I have the Bjorn Active and really like it. It''s very comfortable to wear and Daisy seems happy in it - although she won''t have the top part done up when she''s facing outwards...

Is Sophia''s crib in your room or her own? Is she napping in it during the day or are you keeping it for ''night-time''?

I am dreading the day I decide to move Daisy out of ours - won''t be till she''s at least 6 months, but I''ll really miss not having her there nexxt to me...

China - Glad to hear things are better with Oliver (and that he''s a sleeper - unlike mine!). Have you got the Baby Whisperer - it''s great as a flexible routine I think.

You are right, madam here has a definite mind of her own. Right now her big thing is getting my glass of water when I''m drinking - arms outstretched, mouth open in that way they do when they want feeding and little legs kicking away, so funny and she gets super-angry when she tips it all down herself!

These little people are definitely designed to manipulate though - I am the WORST morning person and it kills me having to wake up at 7am after not much sleep, but whenever I open my eyes she always has her face as close as possible to mine and does this huge big grin that melts my heart and I''d forgive her anything!

MG - You have my sympathy in bucket-loads. My SIL is bringing me back Hyland''s teething tablets from the US, in the meantime I use Calpol if things are really bad aand Dentinox if they''re so so. They look so grumpy with it...

Love the photo of you both - he''s so cute and you look gorgeous!

NYC - If he''s just started standing when you hold him then I think that''s normal. Daisy started out on tiptoes, then moved to one foot flat and the other sideways and now puts both feet flat but it took quite a long time. My niece walked on tiptoes all the time till she was nearly 3, my sister had her checked out and they said that nothing was wrong and that she just wanted to walk that way. One day she stopped and that was that.

Glad to hear that the CIO is working for you - you sound a lot happier!

Mrs - Sorry about the napping... hopefully it''s just a phase! Good luck with the flight - I''d be interested to know what you do with regards to their ears ''popping''?


Jun 18, 2004
fiery - thanks for the compliment! We used a front carrier pretty often once Kyle was about 2 months. He really liked it, and didn''t seem to be uncomfortable at all.

nyc - this morning he was very clingy, didn''t want to be put down, screamed when I tried to take a shower, and was basically a grump and not happy with anything. Last night he was pretty normal until we tried to put him down, then cried bloody murder for 20 minutes. We eventually got him calmed down and out, and then he didn''t make a peep until grumpy mode at 5:30am. We did the Tylenol and orajel, and I just got some of the teething tablets today to try out tonight. And on the tip-toe thing, supposedly my DH walked on his tiptoes until he was in school. I still catch him doing it sometimes around the house!

Pandora - I can''t believe what your old company is putting you through!!!!
I''d just make them eat it, if they void the contract they may try to wiggle out of it. Sorry about Daisy being a pain on top of the stress!

DH was being an idiot again last night. For some reason he has an irrational fear that I''ll leave him. After the crying grumpy baby last night, I sat in bed and read a book for an hour, and he thought I was ignoring him! I was trying to calm down (and it was a good book
). Then he starting going on about how I didn''t sit next to him on the couch, blah blah blah, and it makes him start thinking I don''t want to be close to him. Ugh, men!


Dec 16, 2007
LOL At your hubby MG! Mine is like that a little too.. not worried I will leave him but just sensitive about my love. When I am in a mood and he is being sensitive I always just say, "DH, I love you but I am so tired and need some space." and then I make myself give him a hug and make a sad pathetic face
That usually seems to help because all he wants is some reassurance and it is easier to just give it to him than to deal with his anxiety!

Pandora Poo on your employers, and poo on Daisy for not sleeping
Funny she is short and heavier, Hunter is tall and skinny and it is equally bizarre given DH and my physiques!

Fiery I hated the Bjorn. LOOOOOVE the ergo carrier. Totally different feel wearing it, and baby sits in it rather than dangling from the crotch. Best $$ spent. If you can swing it I''d get one! They are around $100.


Aug 31, 2005
Hi everyone! Sorry about this quick drive-by (I''ll try to check in with more detail later) but I have a question: Did any of your babies show signs of teething at only three months? Henry''s almost three months old and when he''s not nursing (which is rare), he''s sucking on his hand or trying to shove his entire fist in his mouth. Normal baby activity or teething? It seems early, but my MIL said my husband cut his first tooth at four months!


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 9/10/2009 7:10:28 PM
Author: EBree
Hi everyone! Sorry about this quick drive-by (I''ll try to check in with more detail later) but I have a question: Did any of your babies show signs of teething at only three months? Henry''s almost three months old and when he''s not nursing (which is rare), he''s sucking on his hand or trying to shove his entire fist in his mouth. Normal baby activity or teething? It seems early, but my MIL said my husband cut his first tooth at four months!

Sounds like teething.
J would mouth her fist and drool excessivly when she''s cutting teeth.
Some teeth take longer to come in than others...and I remember she was doing that for a month before her first 2 teeth popped up.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 9/10/2009 7:10:28 PM
Author: EBree
Hi everyone! Sorry about this quick drive-by (I''ll try to check in with more detail later) but I have a question: Did any of your babies show signs of teething at only three months? Henry''s almost three months old and when he''s not nursing (which is rare), he''s sucking on his hand or trying to shove his entire fist in his mouth. Normal baby activity or teething? It seems early, but my MIL said my husband cut his first tooth at four months!
It''s teething - can start 2 to 3 months before any teeth appear though. Should be a load of posts from me on the same thing from two weeks ago - and a list of things to help with it from people.

Turns out that NOW is when those baby bibs become useful!


Sep 13, 2008
Pandora- ugh!! so sorry this nightmare of a situation will not go away!! i hope this gets resolved! yeh i figured this is normal and i think therapy should help.

MGAL- forgot to comment..pic is soooooooooo cute

i am so not looking forward to the teething stage
but i hear all babies take it differently and some do not even mind it (prayers)...have u tried giving the frozen teethers to chew on>?
my dh is the same way too! i am so freakn tired and when hes home..i just wanna lay down and REST!! and all he thinks about is dtd...alllll the time...i mean its great that after almost 8 yrs together (4 married) and 2 kids later he still wants me lol..but im not having any of it..i feel like crap and i am NOT interested!!! and i get pissed that thats all hes always thinking just cuddling, no massage, nothing else!

Ebree: i have the same issue and i asked pedi he said its not teething, they just found a place and put their hands there...but it may be the breaking thru part before the actual teething i think. jon is trying to be a thumb sucker but im not having it! i always pull his hand out and do the "no no no " finger pointing lol..he just stares and continues but i am persistent
..jackie sticks her whole fist in there..alllll the time nonstop!


Dec 16, 2007
I think babies just like to suck on their fists. Hunter started around 3 months too, got his first tooth at 6mo. He still has his whole hand in his mouth most of the time! Remember, they call it the oral phase for a reason


Nov 8, 2005
DD I hope we BOTH accomplish our weight loss goals! Today in the gym a couple of my friends told me I was looking thinner, and I proceeded to tell them all how I wasn''t, and how the scale hasnt budged and how I am discouraged, etc. Then I realized what a time waster it was to complain. Next time I''ll just say "thanks!"

Pandora Your employer!!! Gah!!! How frustrating! Good to know about the Bumbo in the bath! My friend swears by the Hyland''s teething tablets. I''ve seen her give them to her DD and they do seem to work miracles. I haven''t tried them yet just because I''m not entirely sure what''s in them and I''m not sure A is having teething pain, but man, they do seem to work great for my friend. Her DD will go from screaming to asleep in about 5 min after those tablets!

We had a rough night last night - 3 wakeups to eat. Lets hope tonight is better.


Feb 17, 2007
Hi all-just checking in to see how everyone is doing.

Ebree You''ll find lots of behaviors over the next few months that "could be teething or might not be" this is one of them. Dex cut his first tooth early at like 4.5 months but Max sucked his hands for longer! So who knows. Pretty soon Henry will be putting anything and everything into his mouth.

Pandora So sorry this is dragging on!

MRS Good luck on your trip! I hope it goes smoothly.

TDM I''m so sorry about the blister-I never had a blood blister but I had others and oh MAN they hurt.

Hello everyone else! Sorry to miss you all-just so so busy lately and I feel guilty when I come on and blather on about my babies without commenting on yours!

Our news: Max is crawling and Dexter is close. We are in trouble. They both also have 6 teeth already! Crazy. This age is just so so fun-every age is better I think.


Jun 18, 2004
ebree - Kyle started showing signs of what we thought was teething at 3/4 months, and just cut his first tooth last week at almost 7 months! Like nyc says, they''ve just discovered somewhere new to put their hands

The sitter said he got better after his morning nap yesterday, and DH also said he was fine, until I got home
. More grumpy baby. He slept all night and woke up at 5:30am crying. He was a little better today, but still isn''t himself. I gave him 2 of the Hylands teething tabs last night, but I''m not sure if they really did anything.


Aug 31, 2005
Thanks for the advice re: teething, everyone! I guess I''ll just have to wait and see. I''ll have some teething tablets and cold teething toys on hand just in case.
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