
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/7/2009 2:36:52 PM
Author: Pandora II
OMG... I just got a call from the Chief Whip of my political group to say that they desperately need my vote tomorrow night so could I attend even though I''m officially on leave till September.

DH is working tomorrow evening so Daisy has to come too. They said they''ve checked the rules and there is nothing that forbids babies in the Chamber, so they are giving me use of the Mayor''s Parlour if I need to change her, and otherwise feel free to breastfeed from the benches...

The Press will have a field day
and DH is sulking because she''ll get to sit on the benches before him! I''ll try and get some photos!
You must get photos! Alse, be sure to BF when you sit on the benches because that is a great polical statement! LOL!


Jun 18, 2004
That''s awesome Pandora! I hope Daisey behaves herself


Feb 27, 2006
Hey! We''ve been super busy lately and so I just haven''t gotten a chance to post. Chicago was a blast, and George did very well for the most part (exception - major meltdown on Magnificant Mile). We''re also trying to address some of the stuff that the stagers want us to do with the house. Still waiting to hear back about the job, which is driving me nuts.

Love the new baby pictures. Daisy just looks so incredibly sweet, and what an awesome opportunity for the two of you! And Romeo is just adorable.

I don''t think I''m going to be able to get caught up past that, but I just wanted to pop in for a moment!


Sep 13, 2008
MGAL- woooohoo for sleeping...that schedule sounds so great! congrats and i hope this is def a lasting pattern!!! urgh to teething...i am not looking forward to that!
jackie does pretty good with my sis at night but there are good nites and sis has her own methods (she uses a self administering bottle...its called the Podee duno if anyone heard of sells at BRU) so jackie can eat on her own and at her own pace...some nights she doesnt hear a peep from her and others its same old. she like to fall asleep in the boppy or in sis''s bed ...i think its ok bc its too early for them to get attached to sleeping in bed?
33.gif hoping jon gets back to his old self and gives mama some sleeeep!

Pandora- woowweee! i cant wait for pics...and DD had a great idea for a nice scandal!

welcome back Blenie


Dec 29, 2004
Aw, love the new pics of Daisy and Romy!


Sep 13, 2008
so i think jon mixed up evening and mom put him down at 630pm and he slept til 1am!...i mean for me that was a blessing bc i got to rest and actually watch some tv
<---havent done that in 3mos! but then he was up til 3am and then at i duno should i have not let him sleep that long in the evening? how to get them to know when nightime is? jackie slept really good thank goodness.

? ur babies stay outside most of the day now that its nice weather? MIL thinks its a necessity to keep them in the carriage on the balcony all day...but they dont sleep good in the carriage so i get pissed that they arent taking good naps during the day and sometimes they get overtired and dont sleep well at nite....
she has really struck major nerves with me...and i decided to get a nanny and i will be with nanny raisin kids...finished with MIL!


Jun 18, 2004
nyc - 6:30pm isn''t that earlya bedtime as far as babues go, so I wouldn''t worry. I try not to bother Kyle if he''s sleeping... As for the outdoors, it''s 110 degrees here today, so we haven''t had him out much, but when it was nice I only really took him outside for walks each day and that was it. I''ve never heard that they have to be outside, and if it interrupts naps then that''s probably not a good thing.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Back from the meeting...

Daisy was an angel - we were there from 6pm till 10.30pm and not a squeak out of her.

She was awake for most of it with eyes like saucers watching everything. I did feed her a couple of times when I thought she might be getting a bit tetchy (loads of the women asked me to make sure and breastfeed in the Chamber
) and then she slept for the last hour.

Loads of people kept coming over to talk to her - including lots of the opposition - and she did lots of smiling.

She''s now gone down for a schnoozle - hooray!

I expect complete hell tomorrow!

I had photos done with her and the Mayor and with the Mace (beat that for a rattle!
) - she was very taken with the bling. Sadly I didn''t manage to get one of her on the benches...


Feb 27, 2006
Pandora, that's great! And good for you breastfeeding her there!

NYC - George goes out on walks and on errands, but doesn't go outside to nap - the mosquitos are terrible here. I hear that some cultures place a very high emphasis on babies sleeping in fresh air though. Maybe that's what's going on with her?

Does anyone else's husband choose... interesting... clothing for their baby? DH and George come by my office about once a week for lunch. DH brought George in just a diaper and t shirt once, and now each time he comes everyone asks if George is going to be wearing clothing this time. And then I came home to this today. Seriously, what's going on with this outfit? DH couldn't understand why I was laughing at it. The orange and yellow thing is a sleeper gown.

DH Dresses George.jpg


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/8/2009 8:36:07 PM
Author: Blenheim

Does anyone else''s husband choose... interesting... clothing for their baby? DH and George come by my office about once a week for lunch. DH brought George in just a diaper and t shirt once, and now each time he comes everyone asks if George is going to be wearing clothing this time. And then I came home to this today. Seriously, what''s going on with this outfit? DH couldn''t understand why I was laughing at it. The orange and yellow thing is a sleeper gown.
That is just PHENOMENAL.


Jul 12, 2008
Blen, that''s hilarious! I love it!

Mela, thanks for asking how I''m holding up. I''m okay but it IS exhausting to be up multiple times at night and then have to work all day. I''m finding that S doesn''t eat all that much at DC so I think she tries to make up for it at night which is why she''s usually up at least twice these days. I wish she would go back to only waking once at night though! I miss those days!! It''s hard too since pumping enough to get three 4 oz bottles ready for her each day isn''t easy! And then having her only eat about half what I''ve worked so hard to provide is frustrating! I don''t want to send her to DC with less though since I worry she might go hungry one day whenever she does decide to eat well... I was sorry to read of your clogged duct - I hope you''re better now!

Pandora, Yay for Daisy doing so well on the benches!! That''s so cool that you were able to bring her there and she was so well behaved!

DD, How''s project eliminate one wake-up going??

nyc, sorry you''re struggling with your MIL. I like to give S some fresh air every day if I can but I certainly don''t think babies need to be outside as much as your MIL does... good luck with that! I hope the twins sleep well for you tonight!

Mgal, it sounds like Kyle is doing great! That''s great that he sleeps so well now!

Everyone else, how are things?

All is well here. S is going down to bed at night around 7PM without a peep these days and it has made my life MUCH better. It''s such a relief to put her in her crib and have her sleep without any fuss. Now if only she would STAY asleep for most of the night. Last night she was up at 11:30 and 3 which isn''t terrible but I would be much happier if she would only wake once. Oh well.

I''ve been traveling more for work which means pumping in my car which is kind of a pain but it''s working out okay so far. I''m so sick of washing pump parts and bottles though... ug. Speaking of which - gotta go wash some more.

hope you''re all well!!!


Dec 16, 2007
Blen Seriously, that had me laughing out loud!! LOL!

Mrs I''ll let you know tonight! On nights 3 and 4 DH just popped the binky in and Hunter ws out like a light, and last night he didn''t wake at 1:30 at all (but woke at 11:30 when DH went into the room
Still, DH soothed him without me needing to BF Hunter and that was a first!) Tonight we will sleep in our own room so please everyone, cross your fingers that Hunter doesn''t wake until 3am!!


Sep 13, 2008
MGAL- thanks. i agree that if it is interrupting their sleeping schedule then it is not mandatory! i can keep the shades and windows open in their room and it is fine. wow its hot where u r! it is nice in the mornings and the evenings here in nyc...from noon til 7 its humid and hot so if they stay on the balcony for an hr in the am and hr in pm i think its just fine!!!

PANDORA- cant wait to see some pics!

BLEN- yeh it is a cultural thing, she always says her kids were outside all day and so were everyone else'' like well your kids are extra special i guess mine are not as great (sarcastic of course!) urgh! mosquitos are bad here too but i have the nets on the carriage so its not bad.
/....that pic is a riot!!!

MRS- BF''ing sounds really tough and i applaud all the moms that stick with it! im glad S is going to sleep easily..thats smthg i wish happened here we spak jon is driving me to DRINK!...the sleeping issues are diasastrous and i think are the roughest part of motherhood no??...honestly if babies slept well i might consider having more...but this is a dealbreaker lol!


Dec 16, 2007
Success!! Hunter only woke once last night at 4am for a big chow down! Woop woop! So any other moms with similar age babies, try the method that we used (wich Tacori originally sugested) and offer a bottle at wake up one. If baby doesn''t take it, then you can try "weaning" them off the feed!

NYC BFing is really convenient and easy IF you have a good maternity policy! I think it is the combo of trying to BF when you work full time with a small baby that really makes it killer
. I feel for all the moms who have to go back when their babies are only 12 weeks
And yup, you MIL has some interesting theories! can''t say wepractice any of them! LOL!


Jun 18, 2004
Blen - that pic made me chuckle
, fortunatly DH doesn''t dress the baby often. When he does it''s just a onesie.

DD - congrats on only 1 wake up! We did something similar with Kyle. He does occasionaly still wake up during the night, but now all it takes is a paci and some music and he''s right back out. I hope hunter keeps up that schedule for you!

Mrs - maybe Sage doesn''t like the bottle? Could that be why she''s not eating as much at DC?

Well, I think Kyle has started teething. The sitter mentioned it this morning after I was suspecting it also. He''s been a little grumpier the last 2 days, muching on anything including his hands, and last night he kept running his tongue along his gums
. I felt his gums and didn''t notice anything, but they might not be to the surface yet. Darn, I was hoping to have a little more time before teething.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Blen that picture is fantastic!

I showed it to my husband who says that you should be relieved that it demonstrates that your husband is 100% heterosexual!


Oct 6, 2004
Date: 7/8/2009 8:36:07 PM
Author: Blenheim
Does anyone else''s husband choose... interesting... clothing for their baby? DH and George come by my office about once a week for lunch. DH brought George in just a diaper and t shirt once, and now each time he comes everyone asks if George is going to be wearing clothing this time. And then I came home to this today. Seriously, what''s going on with this outfit? DH couldn''t understand why I was laughing at it. The orange and yellow thing is a sleeper gown.
Blen, lol, that picture is hilarious! Surprisingly, my DH dresses our baby very well. Color coordinated outfits down to the bib most of the time.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/9/2009 11:10:34 AM
Author: Pandora II
Blen that picture is fantastic!

I showed it to my husband who says that you should be relieved that it demonstrates that your husband is 100% heterosexual!
I don''t know, I think the outfit is SO mismatched it almost looks uber fashionable
Like geek chic!

Not to say your DH isn''t hetero, Blen
, just that he *may* be morefashioable than we all think! LOL!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 7/9/2009 1:52:05 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 7/9/2009 11:10:34 AM

Author: Pandora II

Blen that picture is fantastic!

I showed it to my husband who says that you should be relieved that it demonstrates that your husband is 100% heterosexual!

I don''t know, I think the outfit is SO mismatched it almost looks uber fashionable
Like geek chic!

Not to say your DH isn''t hetero, Blen
, just that he *may* be morefashioable than we all think! LOL!

I''m going to throw down 3 "lol''s" in a row.
1. Blen''s Pic
2. Pandora''s DH''s comment
3. DD "geek chic"

HAHAHHA. amazing.

Going to my company''s summer party. Romeo''s first meeting!
I''m a geek because I coordinated our outfits.


May 18, 2008
Hi ladies

I''m sorry for the selfish post but I wanted to see if i could get some advice from you all. I''m having a really hard time bf''ing. Once she latches on, its great. I had some problems in the beginning with really sore nipples but I met with an LC who taught me how to get her on properly and it doesn''t hurt anymore. The problem now is that she won''t latch on at all. I do the whole routine, she latches on, takes herself off, and then screams from being so hungry. It breaks my heart
. I had rented a pump from the hospital when my nipples were really sore to give them some time to heal but I''ve been using the pump now a lot more to make sure she''s getting enough to eat. I''m thinking of getting a nipple shield today but don''t really know how it works.

Any tips

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Fiery -

I suffered this same problem during my first week. Romy would not 'stay' latched. He would bob on and off, and then get so frustrated he would scream and cry. I just persisted. It would take me up to AN HOUR sometimes to get him to latch properly - a latch where he would actually feed. It was so frustrating. I would cry with him because we both wanted the same thing, but it was so hard.

My advice. DO NOT GIVE UP. Keep trying and trying to get her to latch - even if it takes an hour. It will get easier for her. (in theory).

The thing about the pump, is that sometimes it can actually aggravate sore nipples further. Watch out that the pump isn't causing your nipples to crack. Do you use Lanolin on your nipples? It helps...

Also, are you pumping and then bottle feeding? I worry that if you introduce the bottle this early (and the paci) then she'll try to suck your breasts as she would a bottle or paci - which is not what you want. What did you OB or Pedi say about introducing these things?

I'm no expert (gak) but I waited 4 weeks to introduce the paci because I wanted to make sure his latch was strong first. that's my 2c.

I feel your pain. BF IS SO HARD!

ETA: I truly truly believe that success in BF is a result of rigorous determination and commitment on the part of the mom. I know you're tired, anxious and doubting yourself, but honestly, try not to let it get the better of you. Just take a deep breath and keep trying.


Jun 18, 2004
I went through the same thing fiery, sore nipples, pumping, and the baby wouldn''t latch on
. I ended up giving up, so I''m probably not much help, but try the nipple shields, and call the LC again to help with those, I had a hard time keeping it on my boob while trying to position a squirming baby.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 7/9/2009 3:55:05 PM
Author: fiery
Hi ladies

I''m sorry for the selfish post but I wanted to see if i could get some advice from you all. I''m having a really hard time bf''ing. Once she latches on, its great. I had some problems in the beginning with really sore nipples but I met with an LC who taught me how to get her on properly and it doesn''t hurt anymore. The problem now is that she won''t latch on at all. I do the whole routine, she latches on, takes herself off, and then screams from being so hungry. It breaks my heart
. I had rented a pump from the hospital when my nipples were really sore to give them some time to heal but I''ve been using the pump now a lot more to make sure she''s getting enough to eat. I''m thinking of getting a nipple shield today but don''t really know how it works.

Any tips
Sweetie, you poor thing - I know just how hellish the first weeks of bfing are.

When she starts to pop off the breast, how long into the feed is this? If it''s right at the beginning it might be that your let-down is very slow - so work checking that the milk is immediately available by hand expressing a tiny bit before you put it in her mouth.

If it''s a few minutes into the feed Sophia may just be very efficient. Most babies can get 80% of a feed in the first 5 minutes. Daisy can pretty much empty a breast in 2-3 minutes and will then start bobbing on and off - if I put her back on and then compress the breast she gets another load of milk and will stay on. She''ll then either dose off doing the six sucks followed by long pause and repeat thing or come off completely, refuse to latch on again but continue to root and then burst into tears. At this point I know that she''s still hungry but that boob is completely empty so I just stick her on the other side and she''ll feed the same way.

I used a hand-pump so that I could start off very slowly and not injure my nipples - especially as I had pretty much zero milk. Pumping was great when it was just too sore to want to put the baby on.

I also tried nipple shields in the hospital when one of the Healthcare Assistants suggested I try them. Basically they are very thin silicone - wet them and stick them over your nipples making sure that you have a good seal and then latch the baby on. You can see your let-down by checking after 10-15 seconds to see if there is milk in the end. It helps to express a bit first and put some of the milk on the end so that they smell and taste right to the baby. They were how I discovered I had no milk - but a godsend in that it really helped my poor nipples when I was desperate.

Finally, if you can get one, order a copy of ''What To Expect When You Are Breastfeeding - And What If You Can''t?'' by Claire Byam-Cook. It really helped me.

I gave D a bottle (with formula too) as well as trying to feed her and haven''t had any problems with nipple confusion - although I did use slow-flow teats and fed her in a more upright position with lots of breaks so she didn''t get it all too easily. Now I only use a bottle if I''m leaving her with DH for a few hours.


May 18, 2008
Date: 7/9/2009 5:26:10 PM
Author: Pandora II

Sweetie, you poor thing - I know just how hellish the first weeks of bfing are.

When she starts to pop off the breast, how long into the feed is this? If it''s right at the beginning it might be that your let-down is very slow - so work checking that the milk is immediately available by hand expressing a tiny bit before you put it in her mouth.

If it''s a few minutes into the feed Sophia may just be very efficient. Most babies can get 80% of a feed in the first 5 minutes. Daisy can pretty much empty a breast in 2-3 minutes and will then start bobbing on and off - if I put her back on and then compress the breast she gets another load of milk and will stay on. She''ll then either dose off doing the six sucks followed by long pause and repeat thing or come off completely, refuse to latch on again but continue to root and then burst into tears. At this point I know that she''s still hungry but that boob is completely empty so I just stick her on the other side and she''ll feed the same way.

I used a hand-pump so that I could start off very slowly and not injure my nipples - especially as I had pretty much zero milk. Pumping was great when it was just too sore to want to put the baby on.

I also tried nipple shields in the hospital when one of the Healthcare Assistants suggested I try them. Basically they are very thin silicone - wet them and stick them over your nipples making sure that you have a good seal and then latch the baby on. You can see your let-down by checking after 10-15 seconds to see if there is milk in the end. It helps to express a bit first and put some of the milk on the end so that they smell and taste right to the baby. They were how I discovered I had no milk - but a godsend in that it really helped my poor nipples when I was desperate.

Finally, if you can get one, order a copy of ''What To Expect When You Are Breastfeeding - And What If You Can''t?'' by Claire Byam-Cook. It really helped me.

I gave D a bottle (with formula too) as well as trying to feed her and haven''t had any problems with nipple confusion - although I did use slow-flow teats and fed her in a more upright position with lots of breaks so she didn''t get it all too easily. Now I only use a bottle if I''m leaving her with DH for a few hours.
thanks for the tips ladies.

It''s always right in the beginning. I get her latched on and then she either stays on but does nothing or she shakes her head to come off. I''m usually leaking when this happens so I know the milk is there. I think it may just be my nipples. I''m going to try the manual pump in a bit since she''s due for a feeding and see if that works. I''ll let you all know. Thanks again.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
It could be that the flow is too fast for her - babies can get scared if the milk is coming at them faster than they can cope. If this is the case then using nipple shield would really help until she''s a few weeks older.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/9/2009 5:55:52 PM
Author: Pandora II
It could be that the flow is too fast for her - babies can get scared if the milk is coming at them faster than they can cope. If this is the case then using nipple shield would really help until she''s a few weeks older.
You have gotten good advice form Pandora and Mela, but it really really sounds to me like the flow is to strong for her! Does she sputter or choke when she bobs off?

The BEST way to deal with this is to hand express some milk before you feed her, or hand pump about half an oz. That will get rid of the really fast flow and then she will have an easier time nursing.

I don''t think this is a nipple shield issue, esp since you aid that it doesn''t hurt and she is *able* to latch. Many LCs don''t recommend them because they stop baby from learning to latch properly. Also, in the long term, they are such a PITA esp. in public that it can make BFing hard to maintain. Obviously, use your own common sense and do what is best for you, but that is just something to keep in mind.

Also, be careful with pumping too much. If you have a good supply -- and leaking milk from your boobs suggests ample milk, as does engorgement -- then pumping and nursing will tell your body to make even more milk! LOL! You don''t want that!

When you are having troubles, my best advice is this -- take a deep breath, relax, stay calm and focused, and try again. I also had issues with latch, especially on one nipple, and like Mela said, it would sometimes take forever to latch him. But if you get frustrated then she gets frustrated and all heck breaks loose! Sometimes all it takes is takeing a few moments to compose yourself, switch sides, and try again. It WILL work. It sounds like you have milk, you are just learning and so is Sophia! It will get better every single day.


Sep 13, 2008
Date: 7/9/2009 8:32:59 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Success!! Hunter only woke once last night at 4am for a big chow down! Woop woop! So any other moms with similar age babies, try the method that we used (wich Tacori originally sugested) and offer a bottle at wake up one. If baby doesn''t take it, then you can try ''weaning'' them off the feed!

NYC BFing is really convenient and easy IF you have a good maternity policy! I think it is the combo of trying to BF when you work full time with a small baby that really makes it killer
. I feel for all the moms who have to go back when their babies are only 12 weeks
And yup, you MIL has some interesting theories! can''t say wepractice any of them! LOL!
hahaha! yes she is smthg!!! for a nanny is still on

MGal- urgh to teething! are u prepared in terms of orajel n teething toys etc? what works well?

Fiery- so sorry about bf''ing issues but the experts here are grrreat! good luck!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/9/2009 5:55:52 PM
Author: Pandora II
It could be that the flow is too fast for her - babies can get scared if the milk is coming at them faster than they can cope. If this is the case then using nipple shield would really help until she''s a few weeks older.
That''s what I first thought too.

After 15 months, I''m still jealous of you women with milk! Can you imagine having a kid that latches beautifully from day one, no sore or cracked nipples, all is TOTALLY hunky dory and there''s just no freakin'' milk? Gah! It''s always something.


Jul 12, 2008
Fiery, I''m so sorry you''re struggling right now - please know that we''re all here supporting you and almost all of us struggled with BFing issues as well at first! It is really hard and as TGal suggested, if it''s not one problem, it''s usually another. I know that isn''t really helpful but I''m just wanting you to know that you''re not alone. If you''re able to keep trying, I think it''s very likely that you will figure out what the problem is but if you find that it''s too tough or if it just doesn''t work, know that Sophia will do just fine with formula! keep your chin up and know that it DOES get easier one way or another! You''re doing a great job and Sophia is so fortunate to have you as her mommy!! Hugs!!


Jul 12, 2008
Date: 7/9/2009 8:32:59 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Success!! Hunter only woke once last night at 4am for a big chow down! Woop woop! So any other moms with similar age babies, try the method that we used (wich Tacori originally sugested) and offer a bottle at wake up one. If baby doesn''t take it, then you can try ''weaning'' them off the feed!

congrats DD! This is great!
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