My boyfriend and I are still kind-of young, and my dad doesn''t want us to be engaged yet. I really wanted some symbol or something that would show a commitment, so I really wanted a promise ring. I just mentioned something about promise rings being a nice symbol of a commitment or something like that to my boyfriend back a long time ago. So then this past summer he got this ring that''s supposed to be a promise ring. The problem is that he didn''t put any promise with it. The other problem is that it''s yellow gold, which I hate and had said that I don''t like, but I can live with that part. Anyway, we were just sitting there and he handed me this ring box and said something like, "It''s a promise ring. I thought you might want one." That was it. Now, months later, I''m still really upset about it. I''ve tried talking to him about how much it hurt that he couldn''t put any effort into it or anything. He didn''t really put effort into choosing it, just bought the cheapest one KMart (where he works) had, without thinking about what I might like. And then he didn''t try to come up with how to present it, or even what it could mean. So, the ring is meaningless to me and just reminds me of that day and other various not-so-good memories. I decided not to wear it any more. Does this make me a horrible person? I just can''t handle it. I''m dealing with depression as it is, and the ring just brought back more bad memories every time I would look down at my hand. I don''t know... Maybe I''m just picky.