
Pricescope, you''ve got me obsessed again!!!

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Nov 30, 2004
Dilemma time. I’ve been away from Pricescope for a few months and I have to admit the time away helped me fall in love
with my e-ring all over again
, but now I’ve come back and keep seeing all PS’ers stunning upgrades
(they''re so fabulous), it’s got me unsettled again and wanting to upgrade. You people are such a bad influence, in the nicest possible way! How on earth can I keep involved with Pricescope and at the same time be satisfied with the gorgeous ring I am so lucky to have? I don''t know, I can''t help feeling like I am in a candy store and want more!

In fairness though, I can''t blame Pricescope entirely because when we bought my diamond, it wasn''t the size we really wanted, as Whiteflash had nothing suitable in stock. We settled for a 1.6ct instead of a 2ct and because of the size, we chose to upgrade the color, with the intention to upgrade the size later on if a stone became available. I''m not sure we did ourselves a favor with color because we chose a D color stone and I absolutely love it, so now I''m finding it hard to consider looking at anything below an F, which is bad because of pricing (it''s a big mistake to start with a D!).

When I think about upgrading my diamond, I’m not sure I could part with my current stone as I’ve become pretty attached to it, but it’s too expensive to consider using for another piece of jewelry and starting all over again because the prices have jumped way up the scale as you all know. Upgrading from my stone to a 2ct with similar specs would mean spending at least another $15K - ouch! Goodness knows what a 2.5ct would cost, which would be my dream sized diamond -that is what I''m aiming for.

On another note, have any of you ladies upgraded your e-ring stone and regretted it? I guess if the new stone blew me away then it wouldn’t be an issue, but what if it didn''t? I’m thinking I might have to wait until we can afford to keep the current stone and buy a larger stone too, but that would put an upgrade way in the distant future
. However, on a positive note it would give me more vendor options to choose from.

Don''t get me wrong, I love, love, love my e-ring, but hey, little did I know how much enjoyment I would get from staring down at a sparkly stone on my finger half my working life, it''s mesmirising and I find it totally amazing, which makes it well worth the money. Is it wrong to want a bigger table of sparkle to stare at? Is this what diamond shrinkage sydrome is all about?

Maybe I need to watch my stocks and shares and think about cashing some in. Hmmm.... Pricescope, you''ve got me obsessed with diamonds again...

I hate the upgrade dilemma my FI is in the army so we have had quite a long engagement when he first proposed to me we got a 1.75 solitaire and well I liked it but....
Its been about 9 months since then and he and I discussed it and we decided that I am going to go all out and do this ring thing right which means no upgrades in the future. The money was shocking to me and to be honest how much this ring has cost is nothing I ever thought I would spend on a rock but its worth it. I just really think that you should go all out if you dont want to always be looking for the upgrade instead get your e ring and plan some RHR :)
I upgraded twice and I certainly do not regret it, though my first upgrade I did love. It was a three carat emerald cut, E VVS1 with a one carat emerald cut on each side, also E VVS1, from Tiffany''s. I traded it back into them to get my current ring, and it was a bit bittersweet because I really did think it was a lovely ring, I just really wanted something bigger. Going from my original ering to the first emerald cut was not that tough and I set the stone in a pendant, it was not an incredible stone or anything so a necklace was nice, a way to keep it and have it since selling it I would not have gotten much for it...
I got curious and looked it up. A 1.6ct is about 7.5mm and a 2.0 is about a 8.10. Do you think that will give you that much more sparkle? What''s a bigger diamond going to do for you?

I''m not one of those people who believe you have to wear one engagement ring for the rest of your life. I think of the wedding ring as something precious and sentimental and the engagement ring as something fun. That being said, I could never get rid of my original stone. I''d have no problem recycling it into a different project. Just my preference, but I couldn''t be without it.

I''ve never suffered shrinkage. The largest diamond I have is a .5 asscher, and I adore it. It''s all how you see things. For me, a diamond is supposed to sparkle. As long as it does that, I don''t see how 2 carats is different than .2 carats other than being less practical. I feel that being satisfied with what you have is a choice. There''s nothing wrong with wanting more, but I think it''s best to set a limit that you''ll be happy at a certain point no matter what.
Date: 2/5/2007 8:57:18 AM
Author: colorkitty
I got curious and looked it up. A 1.6ct is about 7.5mm and a 2.0 is about a 8.10. Do you think that will give you that much more sparkle? What''s a bigger diamond going to do for you?

I''m not one of those people who believe you have to wear one engagement ring for the rest of your life. I think of the wedding ring as something precious and sentimental and the engagement ring as something fun. That being said, I could never get rid of my original stone. I''d have no problem recycling it into a different project. Just my preference, but I couldn''t be without it.

I''ve never suffered shrinkage. The largest diamond I have is a .5 asscher, and I adore it. It''s all how you see things. For me, a diamond is supposed to sparkle. As long as it does that, I don''t see how 2 carats is different than .2 carats other than being less practical. I feel that being satisfied with what you have is a choice. There''s nothing wrong with wanting more, but I think it''s best to set a limit that you''ll be happy at a certain point no matter what.
Actually there is quite a visible difference between the 2 sizes
Date: 2/5/2007 8:57:18 AM
Author: colorkitty
I got curious and looked it up. A 1.6ct is about 7.5mm and a 2.0 is about a 8.10. Do you think that will give you that much more sparkle? What''s a bigger diamond going to do for you?

I''m not one of those people who believe you have to wear one engagement ring for the rest of your life. I think of the wedding ring as something precious and sentimental and the engagement ring as something fun. That being said, I could never get rid of my original stone. I''d have no problem recycling it into a different project. Just my preference, but I couldn''t be without it.

I''ve never suffered shrinkage. The largest diamond I have is a .5 asscher, and I adore it. It''s all how you see things. For me, a diamond is supposed to sparkle. As long as it does that, I don''t see how 2 carats is different than .2 carats other than being less practical. I feel that being satisfied with what you have is a choice. There''s nothing wrong with wanting more, but I think it''s best to set a limit that you''ll be happy at a certain point no matter what.
ck, I look at it like this.

Say you''re looking at the night sky, but it''s rather cloudy, so there''s only a few stars twinkling. Some would think that is just beautiful. Then on another night, it''s somewhat clearer, and there''s many more stars out, some would say that was prettier than the other night. Then, you get that rare evening when the entire sky is just bursting with stars, and there are those that think that''s the most beautiful of all.

So, some are happy with just a few stars. Others need more. And some want that huge fantastic light show.

None are wrong, it''s simply a matter of personal preference.
upgraded and regretted it? no way! hehee. i love love love my new stone.

if you remember my last stone was 1.6 and the new one is 2.3.

honestly, i would wait til you can get slightly over the 2c mark, aka 2.1 or 2.2 because i think visually it will make more of an impact on you.

1.6 to 2c would still make an impact but it would not be AS large but yet you are paying SO much more for that jump. so add in another tenth or twentieth and it does add to spread enough to make you feel like it was more 'worth it' in my opinion. i wanted to go as big as i could because i knew that this would be the stone i'd have for the next 8-10 years....and i wanted to make it 'worth it' for all the extra $$ upgrade was like basically paying double for my 1.6c to get to a 2.3c. that is a significant amount of cashola.

i would hope that your new stone would blow you away but if it doesn't...send it back!!! nothing is absolutely final until you say it is...which is the beauty of PS and it's vendors etc. one thing about the bigger stones that i noticed right away with my new diamond is that the larger the diamond, the larger the facets because the larger stones have the same NUMBER of facets, so the larger stone means the facets are larger too. smaller stone, smaller facets....larger stone, larger facets. so one thing i notice in smaller stones, like my friend's 1.6 is that hers are more like tiny shards of fire, scintillation, brilliance...and my stone throws of larger, broader flashes. both are equally as beautiful but they are slightly different 'looks'. if i got a 3.5c i am sure that the shards that my 2.3 throws would be smaller and 'flashier' than the 3.5c but the 3.5c dazzles just by sheer size and amount of the light and fire coming off it. so each stone and size will have it's own 'personality' and it took me about a week to get used to that when i upgraded. i was like gosh why does this new stone seem not quite so shardy? it's because of the larger facets throwing a broader look. but now i adore it and it's just as amazing in it's own way.

oh and yeah hanging here keeps you perpetually obsessed with diamonds for sure!! that is why i like peppering my obsessions with things like bags or jeans because i can't afford to be coveting and buying diamonds all the darn time...hehee.
Minimouse, I''m so with you. I actually have the perfect size stone for my current circumstances and I love my setting. But I also LOVE a big, gorgeous diamond. LOVE LOVE LOVE the gorgeous big diamonds on this forum and I do get the desire for something larger. But I had something much larger and I decided to trade down for size but up for shape, cut, and color. Quality is something that''s hard to go too low on when you see what''s on this forum and get all the info stuck in your head. I don''t regret it a bit, but I do sometimes wish I could have gotten something just a little larger. I also get lost in all the setting options -- Mark Morrell, Whiteflash, Leon Mege, I love them ALL and wish I could just have a ring for every day of the week! But in real life, I love my ring -- it''s perfect for my lifestyle, so I just resolve to enjoy everyone else''s bling while loving my own, somewhat more diminutive diamond. If you are used to a D color, going to near colorless may be a difficult step down for size. Your diamond is stunning, in fact it is MY dream! Somewhere around a carat and a half, D color, ideal cut, eye clean...YUMMMMM
. Someday when we are much more affluent, my kids are older and I have a great job, I''ll get there....although I don''t think I would be able to part with what I have -- I''ve decided not to ever trade this diamond in. I do really love it, I just want another, and another, and another.....Oh, dear.
I agree with Mara in that you should wait till you can afford the size that you truly want. I upgraded from a 1 carat to a 2.36 carat with Tiffany''s. At first I thought it was too big but quickly got used to it. I still am in love with it and the size still blows me away. No shrinkage here, but have tiny hands so that helps!!!
Date: 2/5/2007 11:12:32 AM
Author: Mara thing about the bigger stones that i noticed right away with my new diamond is that the larger the diamond, the larger the facets because the larger stones have the same NUMBER of facets, so the larger stone means the facets are larger too. smaller stone, smaller facets....larger stone, larger facets. so one thing i notice in smaller stones, like my friend''s 1.6 is that hers are more like tiny shards of fire, scintillation, brilliance...and my stone throws of larger, broader flashes. both are equally as beautiful but they are slightly different ''looks''. if i got a 3.5c i am sure that the shards that my 2.3 throws would be smaller and ''flashier'' than the 3.5c but the 3.5c dazzles just by sheer size and amount of the light and fire coming off it. so each stone and size will have it''s own ''personality'' and it took me about a week to get used to that when i upgraded. i was like gosh why does this new stone seem not quite so shardy? it''s because of the larger facets throwing a broader look. but now i adore it and it''s just as amazing in it''s own way.
Oh, Mara, when you get a 3.5 ct you could always get a solasfera or something with more facets! That would be an amazing stone, for sure.

I think no matter how big the diamond is, there is often the drive to get a bigger one. It''s a sickness, a real sickness!!!
I look at it like this.

Say you''re looking at the night sky, but it''s rather cloudy, so there''s only a few stars twinkling. Some would think that is just beautiful. Then on another night, it''s somewhat clearer, and there''s many more stars out, some would say that was prettier than the other night. Then, you get that rare evening when the entire sky is just bursting with stars, and there are those that think that''s the most beautiful of all.

So, some are happy with just a few stars. Others need more. And some want that huge fantastic light show.

None are wrong, it''s simply a matter of personal preference.

Please don''t take offense to this, because I''m really just curious, but is there a reason you felt compelled to type all this out? Did my post make you feel as if I don''t understand it''s a personal preference? If I had said that I totally get large diamonds, and can''t wait for my 1 ct upgrade, would you have reminded me that it''s all personal preference?

I have to know because every single last time I''ve expressed my opinion that large diamonds aren''t necessarily better I get a similar reminder, and I''ve never seen that happen to any size lovers. I''m just sayin''...
Date: 2/5/2007 11:51:24 AM
Author: colorkitty

I look at it like this.

Say you''re looking at the night sky, but it''s rather cloudy, so there''s only a few stars twinkling. Some would think that is just beautiful. Then on another night, it''s somewhat clearer, and there''s many more stars out, some would say that was prettier than the other night. Then, you get that rare evening when the entire sky is just bursting with stars, and there are those that think that''s the most beautiful of all.

So, some are happy with just a few stars. Others need more. And some want that huge fantastic light show.

None are wrong, it''s simply a matter of personal preference.

Please don''t take offense to this, because I''m really just curious, but is there a reason you felt compelled to type all this out? Did my post make you feel as if I don''t understand it''s a personal preference? If I had said that I totally get large diamonds, and can''t wait for my 1 ct upgrade, would you have reminded me that it''s all personal preference?

I have to know because every single last time I''ve expressed my opinion that large diamonds aren''t necessarily better I get a similar reminder, and I''ve never seen that happen to any size lovers. I''m just sayin''...
Yes, I guess so, otherwise I wouldn''t have posted it.

No, from your posts, I don''t feel you "get" that it''s personal preference, because if you did, I don''t think you''d make some of the comments you do.

Let me say, I am NOT a size girl either (as in 2+ carats), but I do get it. And that''s why I would never dream of saying something that might offend a size gal on here. As in, one of your previous posts, you said large diamonds looked "unfortunate". That even offended me. If you get it, why do you feel compelled to keep pointing out how you don''t like large diamonds? Why did you go to the trouble of looking up how much more diameter she''d be getting? Why did you ask what a bigger diamond was going to do for her? If you really got it, I don''t think you''d have to ask that.

Now, maybe I''m just taking your posts wrong....
Date: 2/5/2007 11:12:32 AM
Author: Mara

one thing about the bigger stones that i noticed right away with my new diamond is that the larger the diamond, the larger the facets because the larger stones have the same NUMBER of facets, so the larger stone means the facets are larger too. smaller stone, smaller facets....larger stone, larger facets. so one thing i notice in smaller stones, like my friend''s 1.6 is that hers are more like tiny shards of fire, scintillation, brilliance...and my stone throws of larger, broader flashes. both are equally as beautiful but they are slightly different ''looks''. if i got a 3.5c i am sure that the shards that my 2.3 throws would be smaller and ''flashier'' than the 3.5c but the 3.5c dazzles just by sheer size and amount of the light and fire coming off it. so each stone and size will have it''s own ''personality'' and it took me about a week to get used to that when i upgraded. i was like gosh why does this new stone seem not quite so shardy? it''s because of the larger facets throwing a broader look. but now i adore it and it''s just as amazing in it''s own way.
Mara, do you think that aside from size, one of the reasons her stone throws off tiny shards whereas yours throws off larger, broader flashes is that hers is a Classic and yours is cut like a New Line? Just curious how much that might play into the two different looks, aside from size.
actually Kim I think hers is a new line and mine is an ES but it''s cut more in-between a classic and new line. it wouldn''t fit into either category.
Date: 2/5/2007 12:43:02 PM
Author: Kim N

Mara, do you think that aside from size, one of the reasons her stone throws off tiny shards whereas yours throws off larger, broader flashes is that hers is a Classic and yours is cut like a New Line? Just curious how much that might play into the two different looks, aside from size.
A lot of it has to do with the size of the lower girdle facets. If you do a search, much info comes up. They really contribute to a stones personality.
Sorry not to reply sooner, the evening was spent down the squash courts and at a friend’s, who was having one of her Saudi colleagues round, to show her some jewelry that he bought off the well to do Saudis (including Royals), which he resells.There was nothing of interest this time, although I tried on a 3ct oval diamond solitaire for fun – it had a definite yellow tint to it and didn’t look particularly good quality. It's worrying to say that the size looked rather good on my hand though.

Officers girl – I agree, I was absolutely shocked when my then fiancé and I started looking into the price of diamonds.At first he didn’t want to look at anything except D and IF.He soon changed his mind when he realized the price tag that came with it!

Diamondfan – in a way I wish my first engagement stone was smaller and cheaper, so it would make it easy to set it aside as a pendant, but it cost a small fortune and that money would really be useful against an upgrade, so it might have to go.

Colorkitty – we’re all different and each of us has difference desires and satisfaction levels, I wish my levels were a lot lower!!!During a previous engagement (which didn’t work out) I was given a beautiful 1.65ct solitaire diamond ring, which was beautiful.I’d never even thought about diamonds in the past, I didn’t care to have a diamond and didn’t think I’d ever be bothered about the size of a diamond if I got one.BUT, that guy gave me a ring that amazed me the way it sparkled away and drew my attention every time I moved my hand.I had never ever understood how anyone could get satisfaction from having an expensive diamond on one’s finger, until I had a gorgeous diamond on MY finger.Boy, I whiled away the days just staring at it, it’s a wonder I never got sacked for lack of work!I got used to that size stone very quickly and that has become my problem – getting a good sized rock as the first stepping stone. When we split up i was more upset about having to take the ring off my finger than losing him!

I see a noticeable difference between a 1.6ct and a 2ct, but now I’ve had the 1.6ct for a while, I actually think Mara and Kaleigh have a point about aiming a bit higher, for say a 2.2 or 2.3 carat.I know my limit would be a 2.5ct, although I’ll never say never
(remember I'm a PS'er).

Ellen – sigh, I think you’re right… I’m after the whole caboodle… the light fantastic!!!Oh dear, I think I really am turning into a size whore, I’ve got the disease, there's no hope for me

Mara, I remember your diamond travels and yes, I remember your fab 1.6ct stone.I am now reminded regularly of your 2.3 (whenever I see your name!).When you posted your monster diamond ring pics, they left me speechless.I guess now I’m so used to having a 1.6ct, I too don’t think a 2ct will cut it, but I’m deviously planning a trip to the States in December this year, with a stopover in good old Texas to meet friends (when hubb and I can hopefully pop into Whiteflash and look over a few gems).Even if we don’t upgrade on that occasion, I’m sure we’ll walk away with a pair of diamond stud earrings, which hubby is keen to buy me. We'll be in the States in April, but it's not enough time to get together enough cash for an upgrade, but who knows, maybe the earrings might be a possibility (I'm already looking for suitable candidates on the WF website!).

Mara, I never really thought about the facets being larger in a bigger stone.That’s interesting.I think I’ll be scrutinizing everybody’s rings at work tomorrow, trying to check out the bigger stones. I’m not sure there are any as huge as yours though.I’ll check around.

Lumpkin, thanks for the compliment, I too adore my stone, it really is a dream.I guess my problem is I thoroughly enjoy lots of finger coverage and although it’s a great size, I want more. I know, I know, I agree, I'm greedy.

Kim and Mara – mine’s a WF expert selection classic stone.I guess it makes sense that the larger the stone the bigger the facets, seeing as no extra facets are added.I’d never thought of that previously.

I really appreciate all the thoughts you've all forwarded.I seriously believe that I will upgrade at some point, but perhaps I need to keep squirreling away money, so when DH decides to fork out for an upgrade, I can slap down some additional cash and get exactly what I want plus a bit extra (so diamond shrinkage doesn't set in), if we can keep up with the prices! That's not going to be easy.

Oh dear, it's 10pm in Saudi Arabia and I need to be up at 5am. Groan. Off to bed I trot.
You know my opinion on the matter Min - you should do it!
Lorelei, you and your kneading pussycat are a bad influence!
Date: 2/5/2007 2:26:10 PM
Author: MiniMouse
Lorelei, you and your kneading pussycat are a bad influence!
She''s an enabler, isn''t she?
MOI ????
Date: 2/5/2007 2:44:13 PM
Author: Lorelei
MOI ????

It''s ok, you''re in good company.
Yes, I guess so, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it.

No, from your posts, I don't feel you 'get' that it's personal preference, because if you did, I don't think you'd make some of the comments you do.

Let me say, I am NOT a size girl either (as in 2+ carats), but I do get it. And that's why I would never dream of saying something that might offend a size gal on here. As in, one of your previous posts, you said large diamonds looked 'unfortunate'. That even offended me. If you get it, why do you feel compelled to keep pointing out how you don't like large diamonds? Why did you go to the trouble of looking up how much more diameter she'd be getting? Why did you ask what a bigger diamond was going to do for her? If you really got it, I don't think you'd have to ask that.

Now, maybe I'm just taking your posts wrong....

Yes, you are taking them wrong. That's not necessarily your fault and not mine, though. I thought the phrase "it's all in how you see things" denoted an understanding that it's a personal preference. I asked mini what she'd get out of it, because that's exactly what I'd ask myself if I were going to make a new purchase, upgrade or otherwise. Is this going to make me happy? Is it worth the cost? Will it give me the desired affect? Will this be it, or will I want more in the future? I thought these were valid questions because mini didn't seem sure to me that this is the right choice from her first post. If she's not sure it'll make her happy, she shouldn't do it.

I feel it's a double standard. I asked her if SHE thought the diameter difference would make a difference. How is that offensive? It wouldn't have been if I'd offered up my opinion that it would make a significant difference, now would it? I also fail to understand how not liking small diamonds is fine, almost expected, but not liking large diamonds is offensive. Seriously, I don't get it. Maybe people get offended too easily. I know I'm guilty of it. If I really feel it can be advantageous to this poster to consider appreciating what she has instead of looking to the next biggest diamond, why not offer that advice? She's free to ignore me.
Colorkitty, probably 90% of the people here want larger diamonds than they have, at least someday. Once they get the size, color, shape, etc. that they ultimately long for, they generally move on. Not always, but generally. No one is particularly offended when someone says bigger, bigger, bigger, because generally, that''s what most of us would ultimately like to have. Those that really do have what they want are not offended by someone who wants bigger. If you are really happy with what you have, you should be pretty much okay with other people wanting what they want, even if it''s 20 times larger than what you have. I don''t really get the impression that you ARE satisfied with what you have and that there''s a certain amount of resentment towards someone who already has a way larger diamond than you wanting an even larger diamond. I can understant that to a point, because my dream is a lot smaller than other people''s here and it''s easy to feel like the little fish in the big pond. The people with the ginormous rings get a lot more attention when they post pics than those of us with smaller diamonds. It''s just how it is. The larger the diamond, the more rare and valuable it is, so it''s onlly natural for it to get more attention.

Yes, a Toyota is a perfectly nice, practical, well engineered car, and it will certainly get you where you want to go as well as a Bently, but if you go to a car appreciation board, you can''t expect it to get the same amount of attention as the Bently, KWIM? I guess that''s where you are seeing the double standard.
Date: 2/5/2007 3:27:05 PM
Author: colorkitty

Yes, you are taking them wrong. That''s not necessarily your fault and not mine, though. I thought the phrase ''it''s all in how you see things'' denoted an understanding that it''s a personal preference. I asked mini what she''d get out of it, because that''s exactly what I''d ask myself if I were going to make a new purchase, upgrade or otherwise. Is this going to make me happy? Is it worth the cost? Will it give me the desired affect? Will this be it, or will I want more in the future? I thought these were valid questions because mini didn''t seem sure to me that this is the right choice from her first post. If she''s not sure it''ll make her happy, she shouldn''t do it.

I feel it''s a double standard. I asked her if SHE thought the diameter difference would make a difference. How is that offensive? It wouldn''t have been if I''d offered up my opinion that it would make a significant difference, now would it? I also fail to understand how not liking small diamonds is fine, almost expected, but not liking large diamonds is offensive. Seriously, I don''t get it. Maybe people get offended too easily. I know I''m guilty of it. If I really feel it can be advantageous to this poster to consider appreciating what she has instead of looking to the next biggest diamond, why not offer that advice? She''s free to ignore me.
I guess the difference is, and maybe why I took things the way I did/have (this post and past ones), is because I don''t believe I''ve ever heard one of the size girls insinuate that a smaller stone (than what they''d want) was undesirable for people who like/were considering one.

I''ll just leave it at that.
Date: 2/5/2007 5:13:13 PM
Author: lumpkin
Those that really do have what they want are not offended by someone who wants bigger. If you are really happy with what you have, you should be pretty much okay with other people wanting what they want, even if it''s 20 times larger than what you have.
Exactly. Something may not be for me, but if it makes a poster happy? I''m happy for them.
Date: 2/5/2007 5:13:13 PM
Author: lumpkin
Those that really do have what they want are not offended by someone who wants bigger. If you are really happy with what you have, you should be pretty much okay with other people wanting what they want, even if it''s 20 times larger than what you have. I don''t really get the impression that you ARE satisfied with what you have and that there''s a certain amount of resentment towards someone who already has a way larger diamond than you wanting an even larger diamond.

Lumpkin ... are those of us who don''t WANT to want a bigger diamond but might have a deep, dark bling-lust-oriented "shameful" secret lurking beneath the surface counted in your 90% guesstimate?? (If not -- ya might wanna up the tally by, uh, at least *one* person)
Date: 2/5/2007 5:27:38 PM
Author: decodelighted


Lumpkin ... are those of us who don't WANT to want a bigger diamond but might have a deep, dark bling-lust-oriented 'shameful' secret lurking beneath the surface counted in your 90% guesstimate?? (If not -- ya might wanna up the tally by, uh, at least *one* person)

Deco, I never remember seeing you post anything harsh towards someone who wants something larger, and therefore I never thought you were resentful towards anyone who wants a bigger diamond.
However, I am flexible on my 90% estimate. I guess I should post a disclaimer on the percentage.
Okay, I understand how you feel. I JUST bought a 1.5 center stone and now I want a 2 carat. My friend has a gorgeous stone that is proably .5 carat and it is set in yellow gold tension setting it is sparkles like a star!!! I think I love all diamonds, but for me I would love a 2 carat at some point. I always have fun going to a local jewelry store and try them on. Go try one on for fun!!! I appreciate all kinds of diamonds and do what will make you happy.

Ellen you are a sweetie pie and I understand what you are saying about size!!!
I got a camera so I can take gorgeous arrow pics like you. be prepared for Ellen shots (or hoping for them). heee heee
Date: 2/5/2007 3:27:05 PM
Author: colorkitty

I asked mini what she''d get out of it, because that''s exactly what I''d ask myself if I were going to make a new purchase, upgrade or otherwise. Is this going to make me happy? Is it worth the cost? Will it give me the desired affect? Will this be it, or will I want more in the future? I thought these were valid questions because mini didn''t seem sure to me that this is the right choice from her first post. If she''s not sure it''ll make her happy, she shouldn''t do it.
Colorkitty, YES, YES, YES and the budding size whore says WHY NOT!
after all WF has a great upgrade policy.

I have to say Saudi Arabia is not exactly the best place on earth to be, and the more I think about it the more I feel if a diamond can make me happy on a daily basis, then it''s worth the cost, whatever it is. You girls can relate to the fantastic feeling of being delighted with what''s on your finger. Some girls like small diamonds, some like large diamonds, some couldn''t care less, but ultimately we can all feel the same sense of joy about a diamond full stop, unfortunatley I delight in having a larger diamond.

All the feedback has been mega helpful. I remember the thrill of buying our first diamond and the thought of upgrading and having that thrill all over again really appeals to me. Although I adore my diamond, I think I will always view it as not quite what WE wanted, and not the size WE would have chosen had there been a 2ct in stock. With that in mind the next stone would have to be a bit more than what I now want (remember DS girls!). Mara, Kaleigh and Lorelei (who has been encouraging me for months, you bad girl!) are right, I need to go higher than a 2ct to get the full impact of a larger stone, especially now I''ve got used to the 1.6ct. That''s what I''m going to aim for (hubby doesn''t know that bit yet), although it''s going to take a while to get it (but I will plunder some investments when the time comes, if need be). What I will say is a valuable lesson I have learnt from you girls, is to consider SI1. It is a clarity I would never in my wildest dreams have considered before venturing on Pricescope, but now I feel comfortable that with Whiteflash''s help (and pals like you), if the right colorless stone comes along, it could be a keeper. Yes, I know I should look at lowering color expectations, but it''s hard after having a D (I really adore the icy white and so does hubby), so I''m probably going to have to stick with the D-F range, unless we''re persuaded otherwise if we manage to visit WF in December.

Lumpkin, you speak a lot of sense and the Toyota vs Bentley is a good example. From my point of view I love a large diamond for ME, I''m not one to go to parties or to flash my jewelry around, I personally hate that kind of attention. I only have a wedding set, not a lot else, but I love it for ME to adore. I spend a lot of time at my desk doing absolutely nothing, so it''s good to have something to look at and feel overjoyed about. You''re all probably thinking I''m such a sad case, but if we stay in this country long enough, we''ll reach our goal of retiring early and enjoying life in the real world.

Skippy - it sounds like we''re both on the same wavelength. The more I think about it and the more I read here, I don''t see anything wrong with upgrading. I''m almost sure I will, once we get a few more dollars together. I''ll be keeping an eye out for your upgrade

On a final note, one of my friends has the most gorgeous 1 carat diamond with pave setting (E VVS1). She got it at a diamond exhibition in Thailand. I would love that ring, it''s stunning and sooooo sparkly. BUT, I still want my 2+ carat as well
. Variety is the spice of life!
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