
pricescope diamonds

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Oct 25, 2003
Can a local non-internet jeweler get access to diamonds listed multiple times on pricescope? Nothing against the internet vendors....I would love to be able to purchase from one of you, but my circumstances are complicated. I will try to breifly expain. My Mom gave my fiance and I a round diamond that we want to trade in for a square radiant cut (or cut-cornered square modified brilliant). Here is the history of the round diamond we are trying to mom had a 1 carat round zales diamond that she had paid about $5000 for (which I''m sure was way too much). She gave this diamond to my former boyfriend and he traded it in and paid $3000 more for a nicer round diamond and proposed (I since broke up with this guy and my mom and I paid him the $3000 and my mom got the diamond). Now my mom has given the diamond back to me and my current fiance (things are going to work out this time and we will make it to the alter!) and we are trying to trade it at the local jeweler that my ex got it from. It is a complicated trade because we are trading a diamond which was traded on.....if that makes any sense.

Here are the specs of the round diamond we are trying to trade:
EGL cer form 1998
round brilliant
1.17 carat
depth: 61.4%
table: 58%
crown height: 12%
pavillion depth: 45%
girdle: thin, faceted
polish: good to very good
symmetry: very good
cutlet: none
Clarity: si 2
graining: nil
color: e
Fl: none
comments: the propertions of this diamond are within the tolerance of those proposed by Marcel Tolkowsky, as ideal balance betreen brilliance and dispertion

The local vendor we are trying to trade with doesn''t have any radiant diamonds in stock, he only has a couple princess cuts. When we went in we weren''t sure what we wanted, only that we wanted square and he offered us one of two princess cuts:
1.01 G VS2 5.64X5.24.4.21
1.01 H VS2 5.84X5.39X3.9

he said he would sell the princesses for around $6200, and he would trade us out for the round brilliant without us having to pay anything, he said the trade would be in his favor by $800 (so I am assuming he is valueing the round diamond at about $7000, though he never specified). Now for the problems...we want a full certified diamond and we want a square radiant. I also feel we really would be getting short changed by taking one of those princess cuts (I think $6200 is expensive for those princess cuts even for a b&m jeweler because I checked some other stores for prices and they were less for compriable diamonds that had full certifications).

On Monday I am going to call him and ask him what he would buy back the diamond for so that we could get the cash and shop around. I also want to see what kind of radiant he could bring in for us.....I found a couple I like on pricescope and wonder if he would have access to them if it appears they do not belong to one particular vendor?

I know trading diamonds is a complicated buisness that never comes out is the consumers favor and we are willing to take a slighty less expensive stone (we really didn''t want to spend more on the diamond, $500-$1000 max). What is reasonable to expect from this jeweler if we ask him to bring in a radiant stone for us? Do you think he could get one of the stones I liked which were listed on pricescope? We would be happy with a nicely cut 1+ carat square radiant at least g vs2 (the 2 stones I found are cash priced at $5475 and $6114 on pricescope).

Any other advice or help is appriciated....I know this is a very long and complicated story.
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