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Jul 12, 2002
my boyfriend and i are going to end up in a tight spot. we want to get engaged, but he's also attending post secondary. i have always dreamed of the hearts on fire cut, but i doubt we can afford it. i was wondering if there was a way of getting a synthetic diamond with that cut or any other way of affording it. we live in Ontario.
thank you very much
Can you give us an idea of your budget and how large it "has" to be?
well basically we want as low as we can get, but whatever we pay, we'll just adjust our budget to accomodate the wedding (less luxuries, etc.) so we just need to know what we're looking at. we don't even have a clue what a good price is. we've got time to save up for the wedding after, but we need to know who much the ring will set us back.
I'd go with the cubic zirconium. If you are tight on money, a diamond is a luxury. The CZ are cut well. A less expensive diamond may not be. Don't get too big a stone, even if its a CZ. If you get a 1 carat CZ it will look real. If you get a 5 carat CZ (not much more money), given you said that money was an issue, everyone will assume its glass and you'll feel crummy.

I've gotten my wife five diamonds. She's gotten into this thing about "upgrades". You can upgrade the CZ. Or go for a diamond, get the hearts and fire if it makes you feel more special, and just take the smallest one that you are comfortable with the price on. Its all psychological, how it makes you feel.
I really hate the idea of "upgrading" later on, especially if it means starting with a simulant. To me there is just too much sentimental value in "the" engagement ring. Another idea is to go with a smaller diamond now and to "upgrade" to a three stone ring later, where the diamond from the first ring becomes a side stone in the next one. Just an idea . . .
ok, so whats the smallest cheapest hearts on fire cut i could get. or could i get the CZ cut like that. im really kind of clueless about this stuff.
You're considering HeartsOn Fire or a CZ? Quite a range there. What is it about the Hearts On Fire which appeals to you? You might be able to find those properties in another diamond if the budget doesn't fit HOF.
It needn't be a branded hearts on fire. You can go for the unbranded version, the hearts and arrow, which should be a lot more inexpensive. You should be able to do comparative analysis with a number of online stores here since most are brokers. For diamonds 1 carat or smaller, you can go lower in color w/o noticeable visual difference. Same for clarity.

Good luck!
how much do you think it would cost for a 1 carat hearts and arrow. the thing is that i've just basically been trying to see what kind of prices we're looking at. i really have no idea.
thanks a lot for your help.
I hope this link works. If not, follow the link on the top of this page titled "price stats" and click "only" for H&A and AGS0.

As you can see, the "per carat" prices for 1-1.5 ct stones with "H&A" cut range from $14,712 for D-IF to $3,201 for I-SI2.
I, like you, knew nothing in the beginning. However I researched and asked every question I could think of to people on this board and to independent brokers. Use pricescope to help compare prices. I bought a .77 carat,VS1,G,ideal H&A for $3276. and it is an awesome stone. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have.

Good Luck:wink2:
I agree, just ask a lot of questions, but I would suggest reading everything you can click on from Read all the educational info, decide what you can tolerate as far as quality goes, and then do a search from the front page. If you are willing to give up the Hearts and Arrows thing, you can get something that is visually very very beautiful without the microscopic pattern. I visit this forum daily and ready all of the new posts that have subjects that I am interested in. It's a good way to learn!
Good Luck!:wavey:
hi the way, who says you have to have a diamond anyway? you could have a wonderful platinum or yellow gold band engraved w/some special personal verbage or why cant you get married or engaged with a diamond eternity band? you can find some beautiful eternity bands w/platinum too for around $1500. PLEASE FORGET ANYTHING FAKE!! that eternity band w/real diamonds would have more meaning...then a few years or so down the line...add a diamond solitare & you could wear the two together. :)) good luck on your decision
In retrospect, I agree, don't go with CZ. Psychologically, it is important that it be a diamond.

The idea of starting with a small stone with the idea of moving up to a three stone ring sometime and keeping the original as a side stone is a great one.
i think that we might have some help paying for the wedding, so we might not have too much trouble anymore like we thought. if we do end up paying for it ourselves, than we'll start with a cz and get a real one later.
the diamond doesn't matter to me. i just want to marry him, and if we have to get a cz for now to afford the wedding, than we'll do that. im not a materialistic person, so diamonds don't mean everything to me.
anyways, i wanted to say thank you for the help i've gotten here. you guys really helped a clueless person figure things out, so thanks.

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