
Prayers and positive wishes needed for our friend Independent Gal

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Dec 16, 2007
I don''t know whether many of your lurk on the Pregnant PSers board, but our friend Indy is in need of all the positive wishes and energy that we PSers can send her way.

As many of you know, she is currently about 20 weeks pregnant with identical twin boys (whom she affectionately calls "the cubs"). From the start her pregnancy has been considered high risk, because her little cubs share a placenta--which is a rare situation for identical twins and carries many potential complications. Recently, Indy began having contractions and signs of labour.... needless to say it is too early, and even though modern medicine has made great strides in recent years, there is nothing that her doctors can do at this point to help keep her cubs where they belong, inside their mama!

As I write this, Indy is on bedrest at home waiting to see what happens, and I am just so worried and overwhelmed for her! I consider her to be one of my close PS friends, and I know that many others here on PS also consider Indy a friend, and have benefitted from her energy, wit, enthusiam, and support over the years. Now it''s time for us to return the favor.

I am a firm believer in the powers of positive energy, and since we cannot offer Indy the support she need in person, please send your best prayers, wishes, hopes, energy, and support through the internet, and lets all hope that God/the universe/fate hears us and helps Indy''s cubs, and Indy and her hubby, make it through this difficult time.

Indy, my thoughts are with you all the time. I know you are laying low, but if you see this, please know that I care and wish your boys, you, and your hubby nothing but the best! {{{HUGS}}}
Oh, positive thoughts to Indy and her two boys! I''m thinking of you.
So sorry to hear this news - best wishes, thoughts, and prayers are with Indy, her DH and the cubs at this difficult time - hoping for a good outcome.
prayers outgoing
Oh. My best wishes for IG and the cubs.
Thoughts and Prayers for Indy and her cubs and the doctors that will be caring for them.
IG- I know I don''t "know" you as well as others on this board, but my heart hurts for you. I''m sending you best wishes and health.
Indy, you know I loves''re in my prayers and thoughts.
Indy, you bring so much to this wonderful community and by your presence you have made it a far richer place. You, your cubs, and your family will be in my prayers tonight.

Thinking of you and the cubs IG, sending positive vibes!!!!
I''m sending prayers, positive wishes and some very special PS fairy dust your way, IG. Note to little cubs: stay where you belong, inside Mom, until it''s time to come out and raise "a little h*ll".
I hope all is well with, hugs and plenty of dust going your way!!

Best wishes to you and your family! I''m so sorry you''re going through this. Please check in whenever you can to let us know how you''re doing. ((((HUGS))))

Praying for you and your family at this unsettling time.
Lots of prayers and love going out to you and your family, Indy.
We have gone through this so many times in our family and I know how difficult the waiting can be.

I wish her nothing but the best and all the love to her, her family, and her cubs. I''m going to keep her family in my prayers and happy, happy thoughts!
Indy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. I hope you and your cubs remain safe. Please know we''re sending all our love and positive energy your way ((((hugs)))
Indy, the positive thoughts and prayers of my family are going out to you and your family! We wish you love, dear!
Oh, so many good thoughts and prayers for you and your cubs, IG!
Prayers for IG and her family!!
Prayers being sent every day IG. Hoping those cubs stay put!! HUGS.
Indy, I''m thinking about you and the Cubs and will continue to send the positive energy your way.
Never underestimate the power of miracles. My thoughts and miracle mindedness are with you and your cubs.
More prayers for Indy and the cubs!

God Bless you all and keep you safe.
Indy, my thoughts and prayers have been with you since I first saw your post in the pregnant PSers thread. DH and I are sending tons of good vibes your way.
I hope those cubs stay, put Indy. I''m sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
I will be praying for you and your family Indy.
Please stay strong Indy! Sending all my prayers your way!
Very best of wishes to you, IG!
Thinking of you and your Cubs Independent Gal.

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