
PP Mothers Day Pearls Need Advice


Feb 20, 2014
A few weeks ago I ordered a 5.5-6mm strand of freshadama Metallica from PP and they were my first white pearl purchase. They are so amazing! I instantly fell in love with them. Since they were so perfect, I went ahead and ordered a 7.5-8mm freshadama strand and the 7.5mm drop metallic earrings from the PP Mothers Day sale. They have arrived and I instantly fell in live with the earrings; but, I was not immediately wowed be the freshadama strand. The pearls are perfectly round and blemish free and they do look very nice. They just lack that wow factor the metallics have. To be fair I have NEVER seen a more lovely non metallic strand of freshwater pearls. Since the paperwork that came with the metallics said they were of a silver overtone, that is what I requested for the freshadama strand. I think part of what is putting me off is the fact that they are sooooooo white. I do like them though. I tried them on with different outfits and they seem to look nicer in the sunlight too; but, they are still really, really, white. If I send them back and request a strand with a more rose overtone would it make much of a difference? I did inquire about more metallics since I now know that is where my heart lies; but, to get them in the freshadama quality I will have to have my request put on the wish list for one of their big buying trips and they said the always have a wait list for them. So what do I do? Do I keep them and just try to let the super white grow on me or is it worth the time to send them back for another strand?

Pictures to follow in next post. I need to upload them from my phone.
From left to right 7.5-8mm freshadama, 5.5-6mm freshadama metallic, 7.5mm metallic drop fw earrings

Sorry, previous post they are from bottom to top, not left to right. That picture was taken inside on a white paper towel.

Next photo, same pearls outside, indirect sunlight on a white paper towel.

Neck shot

These strands have a different look altogether. Metallics are in a separate category. I've been wishing for a 10mm+ metallic strand for a while now to match my studs but they just don't come around that often. If you're not crazy about the freshadama strand, I'd give it a few more days to see if you grow into the look. Otherwise, return them and wait for a strand that wows you.
I was tempted by white round metallics (non-Freshadama) ever since they burst onto the scene about ? 3-4 years ago. However, I was not too keen on the notable semi-round shaped pearls that were on offer at the time. I remember Jeremy saying something in the line that if they were better in shape they would make the Freshadama grade.

Since then, metallics that made the Freshadama grade became available, and I have been lusting after them ever since, and have intended to have a 7-8mm double strand eventually.

However, they are very rare, especially in the larger sizes, and I am aware I may have to wait for a long time before they become available again.

If metallic Freshadamas were NEVER going to be available again, then I would opt for normal Freshadamas, as they are beautiful in their own right. I had a 8-9mm double Freshadama necklace in the past and love it, and only parted with it due to sad memories that were attached to the necklace, and it helped to raise funds when I needed it.

DK :))
I totally see what you mean from your excellent pictures. The metallics are absolutely amazing. The freshadamas are beautiful, but lack that super sharp metallic luster that you (and I) love.

I'd say live with them a few more days, at least, and then return them if you are not in love.

How do you like your new drops?! I have white metallic drops from PP and they are lovely earrings that go with any and everything. I wear them with my white metallic triple strand!

Metallic luster seems to be more and more prevalent, somehow. I think future pearls are going to knock our socks off!

(Rereading your post -- you could ask for pictures of freshadamas with rose versus ivory versus silver overtones to compare them, but I suspect you will be most pleased with metallics.)
Metallic luster is close to akoya luster. If metallic whites make your heart sing and the freshadama don't send them back and wait to have a strand found for you. Get by pearls always seem to be just that get by until the one you want comes along. They might be beautiful and wonderful but if they arn't what you really want now they probably won't ever be. Only buy and keep what you love.
4Ranch Girl - darn sound advice. Sometimes it's hard to stop yourself from buying something that you like but don't love when what you really want isn't immediately available. Have them send you photos of the different shades and maybe some Akoyas as well. See what you think... if something doesn't wow you then I'd say pass on it.
I have the opposite problem from you, OP-- I need whiter pearls to stand out from my skin, and my 8-8.5mm metallic white strand are just that. They have prominent green undertones that work great against my skin.

My daughter now owns the silver rosé Freshadama strand that was my first strand of good pearls. On her skin, they glow and are truly stunning. On me, they blended in too much.
It's too bad the metallic strand wrecked it for you. I'm crazy about them also, and there's nothing like them. I agree with 4ranchgirl and hope you get the strand you are dreaming of. They do show up from time to time and are worth the wait. Your photos are great and the two strands on your neck look wonderful.
If it doesn't wow you then return it. Don't settle for less. Sometimes it's worth the wait. I have a white Freshadama strand too and I love my color metallics more (don't have a metallic white strand).
I have a double strand that has one AAA metallic strand and one freshadama almost metallic strand and it is gorgeous! I also have a rose overtone single freshadama strand that is absolutely stunning! I would call over to PP and discuss it with them to see if they have something more metallic or a different freshadama strand that would make your heart sing.
Thank you all for your advice! I think if I kept this strand it would be a get by strand. I am going to call PP tomorrow and see about exchanging it or returning it. I may give the freshadama pearls another shot in a different overtone. I think if they were not so white I would like them more and while the metallics are it for me and what I plan to wait for in freshadama grade, just one strand of regular freshadamas might be nice to have if I can get the right strand for me. I will update this post if I return them for another strand.

If anyone is reading this who us considering a freshadama strand, please do not let this put you off of them! They truly are lovely and very round with a more satin look. I think they just might not be right for me. The strand I got just does not mesh well with my particular skin color; but, I could see this same strand looking absolutely amazing on a different person. I'm just learning that pearls are very personal. Each strand has to be the right match for the person wearing them or they just won't work.
Regarding the metallic drop earrings, the are simply divine! I loved them so much I ordered the round metallic earrings PP has now too. The drops are so lustrous and are practically blemish free! I highly recommend them for anyone who is thinking about buying them. Even at 7.5mm they are eye catching enough to stand out in an understated, classy kind of way.
I agree with the others and am glad you're going to contact PP and see what other choices you have. I too have a few "get by" strands and while I wear them I don't get the same "thrill".
So I finally decided to call PP and see about exchanging the Freshadamas for another strand to see if I could find a better Mach for me before writing off the Freshadamas for me. Boy am I glad I gave them another shot! They send me a picture of a special strand with a rose overtone that was very shiny and more like the metallics that I love. I specifically requested a rose overtone since the stark white did not work for my skint tone at all. When they arrived, before I even had the box fully opened I knew they were just right for me. I could not be more thrilled! I am going to try and get matching stud earrings in a few weeks too.
Sooooooo lovely on!

5.5mm white Metallics and 7.5mm rose overone freshadamas both from PP. Prior to getting this strand of Freshadamas I could not understand how some people felt they could not tell the difference between the freshadamas and akoyas; but, after getting this strand I can honestly say, I don't think I could tell them apart from akoyas. They are so amazing!

Just spectacular! Wear your beautiful new strand in good health. I love the side-by-side shot, and mostly, I love it on you!
I'm so pleased that you contacted them and didn't keep the lovely but not quite right Freshadamas. The new strand is beautiful and the luster on both is very special. I'm so glad things have worked out so well :appl:
ltlmsmfft - I'm so glad you received the strand you wanted! It looks beautiful on you!!!