
Post pics of your grandkids...

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Wife and I are proud grandparents of two new grandkids...:praise:
The baby boy was born on Oct. 6 to DD#2
The baby girl was born on Dec. 23 to DD#1

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My grandkids are old enough to be recognized so no go, but they are 3 yr old girl and 3 mo old boy. Isn’t grand parenting the best?
I can't post mine either since they are not infants. But they (2 girls) have long beautiful red hair and blue eyes!

Your grandchildren are just precious, DF! How fun for your daughters to have babies close in age! My youngest child was adopted from China, so I just adore Asian babies! I know you and MrsDF are in love with those sweet babies!
Beautiful babies!

DF what’s that giant fat yg herringbone chain on your neck? My dad gave me a similar one that’s very thick/solid and I still have it but don’t wear it! Oh, and that blinding rock on your hand is dangerous to new babies’ eyes so be careful. o_O
OMG! So cute! (The ring and watch are nice, too:lol:)
Congrats to all of your family!!!!
Congratulations. Your grandchildren are beautiful.
Beautiful babies!

DF what’s that giant fat yg herringbone chain on your neck? My dad gave me a similar one that’s very thick/solid and I still have it but don’t wear it! Oh, and that blinding rock on your hand is dangerous to new babies’ eyes so be careful. o_O
I bought that 24K gold chain in SF Chinatown when gold was $325 an oz. it weigh 71 grams. koi 067.jpg
koi 060.jpg
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Our two babies are mommies now. This pic (fall of 1988..:confused:) seem like it was taken yesterday. moi128.jpg
Thanks for sharing these DF. Your new grand babies are just adorable! And of course both your daughters were beautiful little ones as well. My adult children are currently happily unmarried without children so I have nothing to post. Grandchildren would be lovely but as long as they are happy I am happy.
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Dancing Fire, No wonder these babies are so beautiful. They get their looks from their moms! Enjoy this time of your life. Life doesn’t get better than this!!! Enjoy every minute with these sweet little ones.
@Dancing Fire your grandkids are precious.:love: Thank you for sharing them here. Wishing you and your family all the best and big hugs to all of you.
Congratulations DF...beautiful GC!
They are just precious DF! Congrats! There is nothing sweeter than grandbabies and I know you will enjoy them immensely just as I do mine!!
What beautiful daughters and grandbabies you have DF. You and your wife are truly blessed! My little grandson is 14 mo. old so I share in your joy and wonder. It’s the BEST!
OMG, those babies are like little dolls! Congratulations, DF! How lovely that the two cousins are so close in age.
Congratulations Dancing Fire! Your grandbabies are beautiful!!
Congratulations on your grandchildren! So adorable.
oh my gosh, so cute!
no grandchildren for me yet, but congrats they are adorable!
DF, it does not get any better. Seriously. It is the nature of life. So happy for you and your wife.
How wonderful DF--what joy they must bring both of you, congrats on those 2 gorgeous babies---and here's to more!!!:wavey:
DF, adorable grandbabies, congratulations!

Luv2, great pic with the book, wonderful!
DF, it does not get any better. Seriously. It is the nature of life. So happy for you and your wife.
Will they grow up to be liberals??...:lol:
@Dancing Fire , congratulations to you, your wife, your daughters and their spouses! What adorable grandbabies! One grandchild is reason to celebrate. But two! And both a grandson and a granddaughter! Bet you have a perpetual smile on your face. I'm very happy for all of you! =)2

Your daughters are adorable in that photo from 1988! So sweet!
By the way, 1988 was yesterday. Surely no more than a couple of years ago. :mrgreen2:
@luv2sparkle , oh what a sweetie! Your grandson is totally adorable!
Bet he's an enthusiastic little bundle of energy and curiosity, giggles and fun.
What a wonderful photo to have of all four of you!
I'm counting your cute little furbaby as part of the family, of course. =)2
Thank you decemberfire! The pic is of my DD and SIL, with
Wyatt. He loves everything Mickey Mouse (he calls him Hot Dog, because of the tv show)
He is a giving my DD a run for her money, and she is expecting baby #2!
I adore him!
Your grandchildren are just precious, DF! How fun for your daughters to have babies close in age! My youngest child was adopted from China, so I just adore Asian babies! I know you and MrsDF are in love with those sweet babies!
Will you teach he/her to speak Mandarin?..:bigsmile:. I hope my SIL will teach his daughter Mandarin.