
Post-Holiday Bay Area PS GTG

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Jan 6, 2005
Hello ladies,

just thought I''d send out a feeler to see how the SF Bay Area PS gals feel about another GTG in the near future. I know that asscher girl and I both have at least one new goodie to share and I''m sure others do too after the holidays
Plus, since I''m moving to Texas in August I wanted to make sure I see everyone at least a couple more times before that.

I don''t know what everyone''s schedule is like but I was thinking perhaps a Saturday or a Sunday afternoon (after 1pm) would work for me - anytime in January except the weekend of the 23rd, maybe in San Francisco proper this time?

Anyway, let me know who''s around and interested and when you''re available.
Anybody? Swingirl, Gypsy, Asscher_girl?? Where is everyone?
Here I am!! Sounds like fun. I have no new goodies but would love to see everyone else''s. My time is pretty open.

Moving to Texas...that means you''ll be closer to WF!! Lucky girl.
Hehe - yes, I had thought of the WF advantage in moving. We''re actually considering Houston - we have a choice between Dallas and Houston and will be flying out to visit both cities before we decide.
I''m here. Sorry, returning to work has sucked all the creatitivity and enthusiasm from me. LOL.

I''m not available on the 24th... and my mom is still in the hospital, but I am up for anything. No new goodies, but you know I need to see that Tsav. ring!!
Hey Gypsy - of course we couldn''t do a PS Bay Area GTG without you

I''m actually out of town the weekend of the 23rd/24th too - possibly I didn''t make that clear, I''ve been a little distracted by the green and white sparkle on my right hand

But any weekend other than that - how would the weekend before that, the 17th, work for people?
I''m interested! I might be able to get out for an afternoon. It''s hard to get out now that I have a baby. I will be getting a new goodie soon too. Not sure if I''ll have it by the 17th but definitely by the 31st.
Date: 1/6/2009 3:29:10 PM
Author: snlee
I''m interested! I might be able to get out for an afternoon. It''s hard to get out now that I have a baby. I will be getting a new goodie soon too. Not sure if I''ll have it by the 17th but definitely by the 31st.

Hmm...well, we definitely want to accommodate new goodies if possible
And I totally understand the difficulty with a new baby - that''s gotta be tough. When do you think you might have a better sense of the goodie''s timeline?
Date: 1/6/2009 3:31:32 PM
Author: AmberGretchen

Hmm...well, we definitely want to accommodate new goodies if possible
And I totally understand the difficulty with a new baby - that's gotta be tough. When do you think you might have a better sense of the goodie's timeline?
I won't know the definite date until late next week. I think it'll arrive the 16th or the 19th so either just in time or a little too late if the GTG is on the 17th. But please don't plan around me. If the 17th works for others, go for it. I'll try my best to make it. It's hard to get out for long periods of time so I'll have to see if the timing works.
Date: 1/6/2009 3:41:02 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 1/6/2009 3:31:32 PM

Author: AmberGretchen

Hmm...well, we definitely want to accommodate new goodies if possible
And I totally understand the difficulty with a new baby - that''s gotta be tough. When do you think you might have a better sense of the goodie''s timeline?

I won''t know the definite date until late next week. I think it''ll arrive the 16th or the 19th so either just in time or a little too late if the GTG is on the 17th. But please don''t plan around me. If the 17th works for others, go for it. I''ll try my best to make it. It''s hard to get out for long periods of time so I''ll have to see if the timing works.

That sounds reasonable, I guess we''ll go ahead and plan and just hope that your goodie (and you!) can join us

It sounds like the 17th works for a couple of people at least - anyone else out there who might be interested?
January 17th is good for me. I am anxious to see everybody''s new goodies. I don''t have anything new since the last GTG with Harriet, but some of you may not have seen my pink Tanzania spinels. I haven''t done anything about setting them yet, and can use some help.
Swing Girl: What''s that ring in your avatar? Is that a new addition?

Date: 1/6/2009 11:16:42 AM
Hello ladies,

just thought I''d send out a feeler to see how the SF Bay Area PS gals feel about another GTG in the near future. I know that asscher girl and I both have at least one new goodie to share and I''m sure others do too after the holidays
Plus, since I''m moving to Texas in August I wanted to make sure I see everyone at least a couple more times before that.

I don''t know what everyone''s schedule is like but I was thinking perhaps a Saturday or a Sunday afternoon (after 1pm) would work for me - anytime in January except the weekend of the 23rd, maybe in San Francisco proper this time?

Anyway, let me know who''s around and interested and when you''re available.
only gals?
17th works for me too. I MAY have a new goodie. Not definitely, but it''s possible. If it''s still at the store and wasn''t sold. I''m so indecisive.
I''m here!
I could do the 17th if that works best for everyone but I don''t think I''ll have my new eternity band by then
The 31st or 7th would be better, but if the 17th is better for the majority, I could swing that.

Do you think that once we figure out who''s coming and if they are all on the email list, we should then discuss details by email?

I''m up for SF proper! I''d love to revisit some of the places we went before.
DF - men would be welcome as well, of course
Also, it sounds like the 31st or the 7th might be better for a lot of people, at least in terms of having goodies in-hand. How does everyone feel about those two weekends vs. the 17th? Anyone''s availability changed?

I think SF proper is a good option. Do people want to meet for lunch someplace near Union Square? Any suggestions?

I''m partial to E&O Trading Company: linky ''cause it has lots of different options and can easily accommodate a large group.

We could also do the Grand Cafe again - that''s always tasty, and has better diamond lighting
Date: 1/6/2009 9:29:35 PM
Author: asscher_girl
I''m here!
I could do the 17th if that works best for everyone but I don''t think I''ll have my new eternity band by then
The 31st or 7th would be better, but if the 17th is better for the majority, I could swing that.

Do you think that once we figure out who''s coming and if they are all on the email list, we should then discuss details by email?

I''m up for SF proper! I''d love to revisit some of the places we went before.

Ooh - new eternity band??
Do tell - we need details lady
I am not available on 1/31, but 2/7 would be fine.

Hey Amber!
There''s actually a tease picture in my thread for my new T&Co pieces. I won it on ebay - 1930''s art deco single cut, platinum, millgrain, yummy, yum-yum!

E&O looks great. We could meet at that coffee place like we did last year right in union sq, then go to 1 jeweler, then to lunch, and then some more jewelers after that.
Date: 1/6/2009 10:48:05 PM
Author: asscher_girl
Hey Amber!
There''s actually a tease picture in my thread for my new T&Co pieces. I won it on ebay - 1930''s art deco single cut, platinum, millgrain, yummy, yum-yum!

E&O looks great. We could meet at that coffee place like we did last year right in union sq, then go to 1 jeweler, then to lunch, and then some more jewelers after that.

Ooh - that''s right, I saw that picture and I am SO EXCITED for that ring.

OK, so how is 2/7 for everyone??
I like E&O a lot! Great choice. The coffee house is a good idea too.
AG I think you''re in a diamond and tsav fog right now, no worries about not remembering my eternity band.

2/7 works great for me. Yay, I can''t wait to see everyone and their new stuff too. Snlee, hope you can make it w/ your new goody!

Thread jack, I''m so in love w/ my kitty right now - he''s sound asleep on my lap
and is sooooo freaking cute!!!!! If I could just get the other one out here to hang out w/ me - but''s he busy warming my side of the bed, hehe
I''ll have to pass on this one. Have fun! I had a great time meeting some of you at the last one.
2/7''s great for me.
Ahhhh Harriet, just buy a ticket to come see us for a day!
We''ll miss you though! Hope to see you out here again soon.
snlee WHAT?!?! a new goodie? is it a "mommy present?" i can't wait to see it!

ETA: SORRY for the thread hijack
I''m bummed I won''t be able to make it on 2/7. That''s a very busy weekend.

puffy, yes, it''s a mommy present! It''s very similar to Tacori''s Tessa ring. I can''t wait to get it!!!
its possible.....depending on weather and other factors. it would certainly give me motivation to clean my spess!

movie zombie
Does Sacramento count as Northern California? I''d like to join in the fun (no date preference right now). And... I just might have a new Daniel Stair beauty to show off...
Sacramento... NY... Northern California means anyone from PS that can make it. LOL.

Snlee...... NOOOOOOO. I MISS YOU. I haven''t seen you since, well... GOD it''s been so long.
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