
Please share your real life paranormal experiences.

Do you believe the paranormal exists?

  • 1. Yes

    Votes: 41 71.9%
  • 2. No

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • 3. Unsure

    Votes: 10 17.5%

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I have had two experiences. My grandma moved into a new apartment. She was in the apartment for a short time when we went for a visit. My parents, grandma and I were sitting in the kitchen. There was a connected hallway that you could see from the kitchen. My grandma had a pull out step stool against the wall with an open paper bag on it. The bag started shaking...My parents and grandma exchanged looks but didn’t get up to look. I got up and walked over to see what was causing it to shake. There was nothing in the bag. It stopped when I got close..I also would get the feeling someone was watching me when I would visit. My grandma moved out in less than a month leaving her security deposit. They quickly found her a new apartment. I found out later...after she moved out...that she had told my parents she was levitated from her bed. This woman was the sanest person in our family. They thought that she probably had a dream. My father decided to humor her and stayed one night in her apartment with her. He said he didn’t want to admit it but he was a little nervous....He woke up to find a shoelace from each shoe tied together. She had severe arthritis who had to have velcro straps for her she couldn’t have tied them. They moved her out as soon as they could...after bringing her home to us until they could find another apartment.
The second was when I was engaged to my husband. I was still at home...I was crying because my husband‘s father didn’t want us to get married. He said it was too fast. I was on my bed crying and thinking of my Aunt Lena who had passed. The bed at the very end depressed like someone just sat on the end of the bed. I know it was my Aunt Lena.
My mom had one. My brother died. I went home to help my mom. We spent the night in her bed. I was very nervous because my brother committed suicide in that house. The night I flew home my mom said the bed depressed where he always sat to talk to her at night when he came home after being out. She said she felt it was him. She was wide awake with the light on so she wasn’t dreaming.

Aunt Lena was there comforting you. It's nice to know there are good paranormal experiences.
I am so sorry Joanne about your brother. :(
I believe too and if we ever live in a haunted house I would leave as soon as we realized it was haunted. I don't care if we lost all our money for the house. NO way would I stay. Glad you guys got out safely.

Buying a haunted house is one of my biggest fears about moving. Just like you, I’d lose my shirt in that sale...because this girl it OUT!

I always tell my husband that I think part of buying a new home should include allowing the prospective buyers to spend a night or two in the house, before fully committing. What better way to get a feel for the property?
The experiences you mention would be terrifying to me and part of the reason I am content to not investigate the subject too deeply.

However some of my other own experiences turned out to be related to sleep paralysis. On occasion I would swear I could hear people in my house, there would be conversations and I could hear the radio playing. Other times I will wake in absolute terror and just know there was someone in the room. These were instances of sleep paralysis which can also include auditory hallucinations. The human brain is a wonderfully complex organ but sometimes it goes wonky. But this knowledge has helped me on those occasions where I wake and know someone is in the room - I try to remind myself I'm in a weird state of hyper alterness yet not fully awake.

Yeah I definitely believe many of what people think are paranormal experiences can be explained by something else and not all of them are paranormal.
I believe too and if we ever live in a haunted house I would leave as soon as we realized it was haunted. I don't care if we lost all our money for the house. NO way would I stay. Glad you guys got out safely.

Me too! :shock:
Nothing to report and very grateful. I would not have lasted one day in some of these homes! I will say that the first home we bought, right before we closed, we found out that the 91 year-old owner had passed in the home. I was very close to pulling out of the deal but we bought it. I lived there for 3 years and though my paranoia was heightened, nothing ever happened—in my imagination or otherwise.
Aunt Lena was there comforting you. It's nice to know there are good paranormal experiences.
I am so sorry Joanne about your brother. :(

Thank you @missy...It was a long time ago...I can talk about it now..
I sense things and think of it as a burden sometimes as it does not just concern me. I descend from a well regarded mystic who lived in the 15th century and sometimes I think I might indeed inherited some weird stuff from him. Who knows...?

Yes it can definitely be a burden. If you are not open to it you can probably suppress it. It's cool you are descended from a well regraded mystic. Very cool.
Did you ever look into the history of the home? To see if anything might have occurred in that room? Very interesting. I see you are content to leave it be and I respect that. I am very curious though and I have no doubt you are right and there is a good reason you don't want to be in that room.

The holiday home was a conversion of an old building last occupied in the early 1900's. So they took the original building and built a new house around it. The original building is now the lounge area that I preferred not to be in :-)
Nothing to report and very grateful. I would not have lasted one day in some of these homes! I will say that the first home we bought, right before we closed, we found out that the 91 year-old owner had passed in the home. I was very close to pulling out of the deal but we bought it. I lived there for 3 years and though my paranoia was heightened, nothing ever happened—in my imagination or otherwise.

Haha same. I am not brave that way. No thank you to hanging out with the spirits in a haunted home. It might be the very thing that keeps us where we are right now. But shhh don't tell Greg. We were just discussing a possible move in the future. And one of the towns we were thinking about has the most gorgeous old homes and I even said to him last night (watching House Hunters) those homes look haunted. :wink2:
The holiday home was a conversion of an old building last occupied in the early 1900's. So they took the original building and built a new house around it. The original building is now the lounge area that I preferred not to be in :)

Always listen to your gut. Always.

I have had a number of unexplained incidents. The last occurring last nite. On Friday I received some news about my son, who is not a young guy, but is old. In a factual sense it was about his living quarters. I have been mulling over what I could do to make things better for him if this change is permanent.(I'll find out next week). Around 10 oclock last nite a vivid recollection came into my mind.

Over 40 yrs ago, I came home from Europe and had to wait for a tenant to move out of my house. I rented a furnished apartment for several months. I went to the library(my favorite place) and got out a lot of books to keep me occupied. I read a book about two young men whose lives ended very badly. At the time I saw my son ending up in similar circumstances, but I told myself I was crazy. It had hit me like a Mac Truck and I couldn't shake it. I was so sad. How could I think such a thing. Nothing pointed in that direction.

Well, it was prescient. My son is in exactly the position that so saddened me 40 yrs ago. I can't explain how I knew, not willingly, that this would indeed occur. It is still very very sad.

Mamabee, The story you shared about your mom and brother broke my heart. I’m so sorry for your loss.

I’m sorry @smitcompton. I hope your plan works out well for you son. It’s really hard watching those we love go thru really tough times.
My cats are leashed trained and I used to walk them in a local cemetery -- fewer dogs. One sunny summer day I was walking one of the cats when he suddenly froze, sat down, and his back fur ridged up and his tail poofed. My immediate thought was that he had spotted a bird. I looked up to see a man gliding through a bush and into a tree and it look a minute for me to register that the man was opaque and visible only from the head to the waist -- no legs.

While in my teens, my dead grandfather came to me twice in dreams a year apart to tell me that my grandmother would get very sick but to tell her and the family she wasn't going to die from those events. Both times upon awakening, my room was nauseatingly scented by the aroma of flowers. When my mother came in to make sure I was getting up on time for school, she scolded me for using too much perfume.

During my teens my mother and I lived in a house divided into 3 apartments. Her sister and husband lived on the 1st floor, we were on the 2nd and her brother, wife and son on the third. Huge stress when my cousin went to Viet Nam. One night we heard pounding on the front door to the house -- it echoed and shook the walls -- woke us all up and all of us came out of our apartments to see what the ruckus was. No one was there. My aunt burst into hysterics because she had just had a dream that her son was killed in Nam and that the Marines had come knocking to give her the news. He came close to death and arrived home an emotionally wrecked man.

I've told the story here before in similar threads that I can tell when people and animals are going to die. I see what looks like cataracts suddenly cover their eyes and they're dead within 48-72 hours.

There's much more but ya'll get the idea that some of family members and I are/were oddly gifted.
I stayed at the Lord Baltimore hotel 2 years ago. Without knowing, my first day there, I heard consistent sounds, different pitches, off and on, in my room. I tried to find the source of the sounds to no avail. Later that night, while sitting at the bar, I told the bartender my story and he indeed confirmed that the hotel has a haunted history. Cool!
I don't believe in the ghost stuff.. naw, if there were my mother would be here because she didn't want to die and fought it for months. BUT

When I was a kid I was in my bedroom and I lay down on my bed and sort of fell asleep but I left my body, I looked down and I saw my body on the bed, I flew around my bedroom and my sister and brother's rooms, the feeling was so exhilarting, I felt to so happy and FREE to be able to fly and it's hard to explain but I felt like heaven, I started to drift/fly down the stairs to go to the first floor and all of a sudden I had this black feeling, DREAD, FEAR, and my brain said 'if you don't go back to your body you will never be able to go back' and then I flew back so fast, like I was sucked back, and jumped in my body and got up.. the few people I have told this to all believe I had an out of body experience, I think it was me as a young kid being able to project my astral self. I didn't want to die or get lost flying around the universe, it was amazing.

I have had precognition on occasion, one time I said to myself, my high school boyfriend was going to walk in the door of the store I was in and he did..

I knew several different times who was calling before caller ID..

But, on the whole, I'm not really into believing there is a paranormal.
@missy thats interesting I always thought she was tied to the house because when we moved in we found a grave marker. The grave marker was for a relatively young girl, I don’t remember the dates but we thought it couldn’t be her we saw but maybe the mother? The grave marker is still in the shed, we figured it was best not to disturb it too much.
I have had two experiences. My grandma moved into a new apartment. She was in the apartment for a short time when we went for a visit. My parents, grandma and I were sitting in the kitchen. There was a connected hallway that you could see from the kitchen. My grandma had a pull out step stool against the wall with an open paper bag on it. The bag started shaking...My parents and grandma exchanged looks but didn’t get up to look. I got up and walked over to see what was causing it to shake. There was nothing in the bag. It stopped when I got close..I also would get the feeling someone was watching me when I would visit. My grandma moved out in less than a month leaving her security deposit. They quickly found her a new apartment. I found out later...after she moved out...that she had told my parents she was levitated from her bed. This woman was the sanest person in our family. They thought that she probably had a dream. My father decided to humor her and stayed one night in her apartment with her. He said he didn’t want to admit it but he was a little nervous....He woke up to find a shoelace from each shoe tied together. She had severe arthritis who had to have velcro straps for her she couldn’t have tied them. They moved her out as soon as they could...after bringing her home to us until they could find another apartment.
The second was when I was engaged to my husband. I was still at home...I was crying because my husband‘s father didn’t want us to get married. He said it was too fast. I was on my bed crying and thinking of my Aunt Lena who had passed. The bed at the very end depressed like someone just sat on the end of the bed. I know it was my Aunt Lena.
My mom had one. My brother died. I went home to help my mom. We spent the night in her bed. I was very nervous because my brother committed suicide in that house. The night I flew home my mom said the bed depressed where he always sat to talk to her at night when he came home after being out. She said she felt it was him. She was wide awake with the light on so she wasn’t dreaming.

How terrifying to have your bed levitate!
Oh man, I had my one and only experience with sleep paralysis a couple years ago and I’m not eager to repeat it (hence why I make sure to never fall asleep on my back anymore). Mine involved being fully “aware” and feeling a dark presence come down the hall into my bedroom. It felt like it crawled on my chest and I couldn’t breathe. After some research, I found out that was perfectly normal. Still, I’m not interested in repeating it. :shock:

My mother had an experience like that, waking up to a sinister dark / black figure literally hovering over her. Except that the cat beside her in bed ALSO saw it and howled. hissed, and went on the attack! My mother said she swore and yelled at the black form and concluded with "And get out of MY house!" It vanished and was never seen again. She said she was willing to call it sleep paralysis, except that her cat also saw it and went after it. A few times after this, she saw wispy white shapes of people moving or huddled around the fireplace in that same room. The house is over 150 years old.

eta: I wasn't going to tell this, but I will. Back when I was a kid, the family were all outside and it was almost dark. No lights were on in the house. I walked into the house from the side porch, and I followed a man wearing a '40s style hat, through the dining room, one of the twin parlors, into the hall, and I stopped and watched as he walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor. I felt no fear whatsoever. He was about halfway up when I switched on the ceiling lights. There was nobody there. :lol: I've always thought that man I saw and the shadowy black figure were the same entity just seeing how much it could get away with. Later, when I was in my late 20s, I was house-sitting for them and about the same time just as it was getting dark outside. the house started filling up with a smoke smell as if it was on fire. I ran the 2 floors and the basement and even up to the tower on top, but there was no actual smoke. I grabbed a smoke alarm and took it with me on a repeat of searching all levels. Nothing but an odor. Went outside and sniffed the air. No smoke out there. Went back in and yelled "Ha. Ha. Now cut the crap!" Smoke smell disappeared.

Everyone here and not a few house guests have heard someone walking around in one of the upstairs rooms, and on the adjacent stairs to the tower. I once saw my cat walk up to thin air and rub up against someone's legs, but there definitely was no person there.
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Im sorry im not enjoying this thread one littler bit
im a scardy cat
I also have zero 6th sence so alot of stuff goes right over my head - not a bad thing
Our house is an ex state house built in 1959, young families lived here
before we moved in i had desided the little bedroom at the front of the house would be the Bruce room (a place for all the Bruce Springsteen stuff to hang out) when we moved in i luged all the boxes with Bruce on into that spair room
but that first night i went in to close the curtains and the room just gave me the creeps big time
the next day i moved all the Bruce boxes into the other spair room
Because we were moving ourselves it took ages and Borris was on holiday at the cattery till we got sfuff unpacked and settled
i avoided going into the front bedroom.
we went and got Borris and the first night we set her up in my room - the first thing she did was wanted to go explore the ex Bruce room and i realized there was nothing wrong with that room - Tibby also loves that room so if anyone comes to stay with me please don't worry and it has lovelly cool cross ventilation in the summer
(and Bruce is happier in the other room because there is more wall space )

Another spooky not spooky thing about this house is due to the paper thin walls and possibly the physical shape of the street on a really still night we can hear the neighbours walk up their hallway
That was a bit freaky till we worked it out
Yes it sounds like a positive experience in that it saved you from a fire. Spooky but positive nonetheless.

So interesting,thanks for sharing
My cats are leashed trained and I used to walk them in a local cemetery -- fewer dogs. One sunny summer day I was walking one of the cats when he suddenly froze, sat down, and his back fur ridged up and his tail poofed. My immediate thought was that he had spotted a bird. I looked up to see a man gliding through a bush and into a tree and it look a minute for me to register that the man was opaque and visible only from the head to the waist -- no legs.

While in my teens, my dead grandfather came to me twice in dreams a year apart to tell me that my grandmother would get very sick but to tell her and the family she wasn't going to die from those events. Both times upon awakening, my room was nauseatingly scented by the aroma of flowers. When my mother came in to make sure I was getting up on time for school, she scolded me for using too much perfume.

During my teens my mother and I lived in a house divided into 3 apartments. Her sister and husband lived on the 1st floor, we were on the 2nd and her brother, wife and son on the third. Huge stress when my cousin went to Viet Nam. One night we heard pounding on the front door to the house -- it echoed and shook the walls -- woke us all up and all of us came out of our apartments to see what the ruckus was. No one was there. My aunt burst into hysterics because she had just had a dream that her son was killed in Nam and that the Marines had come knocking to give her the news. He came close to death and arrived home an emotionally wrecked man.

I've told the story here before in similar threads that I can tell when people and animals are going to die. I see what looks like cataracts suddenly cover their eyes and they're dead within 48-72 hours.

There's much more but ya'll get the idea that some of family members and I are/were oddly gifted.

Does this gift work only in person? Or do you see cataracts in Trump’s eyes, on tv or soc media?
Does this gift work only in person? Or do you see cataracts in Trump’s eyes, on tv or soc media?

Doesn't have to be in person. When I was a wee little girl, I predicted the deaths of Alfred Hitchcock and JF Kennedy. My mother thought I was possessed, lol. It's random, I can't turn it off and on. I haven't seen any cataracts in trump's eyes but I also haven't seen a close up of them lately.
My mother had an experience like that, waking up to a sinister dark / black figure literally hovering over her. Except that the cat beside her in bed ALSO saw it and howled. hissed, and went on the attack! My mother said she swore and yelled at the black form and concluded with "And get out of MY house!" It vanished and was never seen again. She said she was willing to call it sleep paralysis, except that her cat also saw it and went after it. A few times after this, she saw wispy white shapes of people moving or huddled around the fireplace in that same room. The house is over 150 years old.

Oh wow!
My mother had an experience like that, waking up to a sinister dark / black figure literally hovering over her. Except that the cat beside her in bed ALSO saw it and howled. hissed, and went on the attack! My mother said she swore and yelled at the black form and concluded with "And get out of MY house!" It vanished and was never seen again. She said she was willing to call it sleep paralysis, except that her cat also saw it and went after it. A few times after this, she saw wispy white shapes of people moving or huddled around the fireplace in that same room. The house is over 150 years old.

I can’t even imagine having that happen to me for real. Your mom is a bad-a** woman...cussing out some bad entity like a baller.
Man this thread has brought back some memories!!! I have a few stories, but the ones that really stick out happened fairly close to each other when I was a kid. Both happened in Colorado Springs in the early 90s.

The first house we lived in, we had those touch lights. You know the ones you touch and they turn on. Were pretty cool, except that they would randomly turn on/off w/o anyone around. That wasn't the worst, though. Both my step-sister and my bedrooms were down stairs, I don't remember anything happening to either of us. Now, my other sisters bedrooms were on the main floor, and parents were in the top floor. Several times, my sisters woke up screaming because there was someone coming through the wall for them. The story we got, I can't remember where we got this information, possibly from my grandma who seems to know these things. But essentially, it was a woman who died in a fire trying to get her child.

Second house, also in Colorado Springs. Beautiful house. It was HUGE! My parents would still be living there, but they were forced to move (military, not ghost related). This house was easily 3,000 ft and had a mil apartment outside. Originally, my room was (again) in the basement. Now this basement room was ok, but the room next to it, was a RED room that was terrifying. I would run by it w/o looking in at night and would rarely if ever go in during the day. Super scary. Now, my dad ended up gutting almost the entire basement to make it better. When my room was finished it included the red room (it became this amazing walk in closet that would rival some bedrooms!). It wasn't scary, but I remember one time when I was half asleep (can't remember if it was before/during construction), when I felt a presence in the room. I felt a heavy weight on my chest, like a bar across me. I weakly (cause I was terrified) called for my mom (which would have been impossible for her to have heard because she was on the top floor, and we use intercoms). After I called out, I didn't feel the presence any more. I had told my grandma, and she said it was an old man who had a cane and was watching over us. She had (at a later time) told him we were going to be ok and didn't need to watch over us anymore. Apparently, he had traveled with us at some time. The last one, this is the same house, but upstairs in my sister's room. If you had the bed along a certain wall, you couldn't sleep, had horrible nightmares. Mom moved sister's beds from the wall, and no more nightmares.

Those are the ones that I remember. Thankfully, I haven't seen/felt more since that time. But I have had premonition at times, I remember once when a friend's wife had stage 4 cancer (was very shocking) but he was quite optimistic. I knew she wouldn't last, and unfortunately she did pass. I didn't tell him, though. When husband had back issues several years ago, I knew it wasn't going to be a short thing. :/
I'm battling a migraine, so I'll start with just one. I have many stories from many places as, well, it runs in the family.
This little tidbit is a nice one. It's about our house we live in now.
When my DS was about 18mos we decided to move from our little starter house, so we began looking. We had already seen at least five at this point and those tours were uneventful. We were going to meet up with the realtor for another house in the area when we drove past this one and saw the sign. This was an area we were unfamiliar with. After the other tour we inquired about it and the realtor said let's go look now, so back we go. When we pulled into the driveway my DS suddenly started excitedly yelling, "Home, home, home!" while laughing, clapping and pointing. He had never said the phrase before in relation to our house that he was 'born' into. He waltzed wobbled right in like he owned it. The tour was uneventful. Nice enough, though unremarkable. Not our first pick.
We put it on the list but continued looking at many houses and it was several months before we went back for a second look(we brought family friends with their two kids)
When we pulled in my DS once again goes crazy saying "Home, home, home!" and getting really excited. We thought it cute and a little weird that he would remember this particular one (not even the nicest or prettiest) out of many houses over several months and have the same reaction to it. The only house he had any reaction to. When we all went inside and this time he grabs the hand of our friend's 10yr old and gave him the universal pick me up gesture and told him, "Upstairs? Now?" so our friends' son graciously took him up the stairs and into a room which he promptly happily announces as "This is my room!" Our friends' son said he put him down and our DS toddled around singing, "Room, room." for a minute or two before we all followed. DS stopped when we all came up.
When we left the last time he waves and says,"Bye house, bye my house." in a sing song. Never did anything remotely like that again. We closed on it a few months later.
We bought it partly because he picked it and yes, it was his room. Still is.
*I'm not entirely sure but maybe the house picked us.
I'll come back with more when I can think.
I don't believe in the paranormal and my mom DEFINITELY doesn't. But when I was a 6 years old, we lived in a 2-story condo. We had just moved to the US, which we had been warned was a very dangerous place where we would probably be murdered :) My dad was travelling all the time, so it was mostly just us in this new, scary country.

One night my mom woke up at 3am because she heard someone walking up the stairs. She is not the type to imagine, well, anything. So she definitely heard someone coming. She crept into the room where my sister and I were sleeping and quietly locked the door. And then the footsteps stopped. Which was a relief! But it meant the footsteps stopped on our floor - no one ever walked back down the stairs. It was the most scared she has ever been, and she stayed up all night. In the morning, everything was normal. The doors and windows were locked like they always were. We still have no idea what happened that night.

Of course maybe it was paranoia and being overwhelmed in this unfamiliar place and imagining the worst. But she's so wildly logical that it seems extremely unlikely. It gives me chills thinking about it!
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My SIL and her hubbie used to live on the shores of Lake Tarawera
There house was build on an old maori trail
my SIL used to see spirits walking through her house at night
not in the least bit with any untoward intent so everdently not scary
others also saw them
not me and i barely slept a wink

My MIL was English
She had always had a good relationship with the people we now know to call travellers
She always brought something from them
anyway one day her and her sister went to see a fortune teller
the fortune teller immediately got up and left the room saying my MIL had more power than she
I have shared the story on here before..the house I grew up in had a ghost named Goarge(how he spelled it).
Worked at a place one time that walking by a certain tank would cause my hair to rise and get hyper alert.
Would be training someone and they would get near the tank and turn around and run out of the building.
I quit shortly there after.
3 people died in that tank, they did not use the safety lines/harness and one went in and passed out, the other followed and passed out and the third tried to rescue the other 2 and fell in, all 3 died.
There were other places to but I never managed to verify a death.