I''ve done my research and read the tutorials....but alas, a question persists.
I am looking to purchase a princess cut.
The GIA certificate states the Girdle is "Medium to Very Thick". The Sarin Report indicates it is .11 and 1.7%. When I plug this info into (DIY Cut Grading), it comes out to a "3A" (domestic average cut). Am I misreading the chart? Am I placing too much emphasis on the girdle? Some tutorials state that a thick girdle may be a good buy as it facilitates a lesser loss of light.
Please help --- either I''m totally clueless or getting way to anal.
Thanks for any help you can provide
I''ve done my research and read the tutorials....but alas, a question persists.
I am looking to purchase a princess cut.
The GIA certificate states the Girdle is "Medium to Very Thick". The Sarin Report indicates it is .11 and 1.7%. When I plug this info into (DIY Cut Grading), it comes out to a "3A" (domestic average cut). Am I misreading the chart? Am I placing too much emphasis on the girdle? Some tutorials state that a thick girdle may be a good buy as it facilitates a lesser loss of light.
Please help --- either I''m totally clueless or getting way to anal.
Thanks for any help you can provide