
playing with the idea pad sapp, what setting?

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Feb 27, 2006
I''ve seen a nice cushion cut padparadscha that I''m thinking of buying. Any ideas for a nice cheap setting under $800. I love to put it in a halo.
Hi MustangFan,

Well you said the magic word for me. I am an all time fan of the Padparadscha and own many of them.

May I ask where you saw yours? I have purchased mine from The Natural Sapphire Company. I worked with Steven Bliss. They have many settings to chose from and all different price ranges.

Please keep in touch with us and tell us what you chose.

Hi Linda,

I must confess I've been a naughty girl, my boyfriend is in the processing of making me a deep blue sapphire e-ring and I'm already looking for another ring project. Let's call it my graduation present... I graduated from community college last year and this year I graduating for university! I've been a hard working girl..
I really just want to get the stone for now and get a setting maybe when I graduate in 9 months. But I'd love for some affordable ring ideas... I'm thinking maybe half moons, or trellis setting, or even a halo.
Linda, Also I love to see your stone that you got
Oh wow you guys! I''ve gotten addicted to sapphires after shopping on The Natural Sapphire Company website and I love the pad sapphires. I saw one that was out on memo that I was hoping would show up again, but it didn''t
. Linda, have you posted pictures of yours?
MustangFan and Tulip,

I am soooooooooooooooo bad. I have 3 Pad rings, a pair of Pad earrings, a Pad pendant and two unset Pad stones.
OH I have another Pad ring, that I purchased from Direct shopping Network, but that has a big fat window in it. My other jewelery was purchased at my favorite place The Natural Sapphire Company. I am such a PAD addict.

No, I don''t have any pictures. I have tried and tried to get my daughter to take them for me, as our camera is the pits. I have to bug her again for her, or her hubby to do it for me.

That is so funny. I just emailed Steven Bliss about another "unique" sapphire that is calling my name. Oh my! I''m drooling over some of those stones. Fortunately, my budget keeps me in line! I want to see your rings!!!
Mustang - Here's a halo, pick your sapphire by scrolling down to "select stone for mounting". Find a sapphire you like, and you'll get a price for the setting and sapphire. If the size of the sapphire you want isn't too large, you may find a setting close to $800. I'm getting to be an expert at this!
I guess you can''t just buy the setting from NSC anymore?
I am sooo excited about this thread! My boyfriend and I have just started "the ring" talks and since I''m not really a diamond girl I was left with the question... "well what stone do you want?" Through the fun Colored Stones- E-Ring/ Eye Candy and all of the ever so helpful pictures and threads I fell into the natural sapphire company and more specifically padparadscha sapphires (and the cognac also!). I know nothing about gems, but my eyes have fallen in love!!! I know I am kind of taking this thread on a tangent, but are there specific things that I should be looking for in a stone that I can figure out online, or is it mostly by sight? I have seen Natural Sapphire and Handpicked both say that people can order stones to see and then send them back, is this really done? Is it proper etiquette to look at stone from one company and then order from another in the end? Is there any place in Chicago that deals in sapphires? Are sapphires a much better deal online then they are at a b&m store? ok, I know that is a ton of questions any help you knowledgeable gem loves can throw my way would be much appreciated!
Ok guys, ya got me confused. One of the stones on that link is gold. I thought a Pad was a salmon color, a pinky/orangey sapphire. Newmann shows it as being quite saturated, dark, almost red. I took this as an example off someplace online, because I''d read that it should be a salmon color.

padparadscha sapph.jpg
Then as further research, to see exactly what a Lotus blossom looks like I grabbed this picture of a Lotus plant:

lotus blossom  pl.JPG
And here''s a close-up of a Lotus flower:

lotus blossom.jpg
On the flower, the edges are purple-red, graduating to a pretty salmon, and then finally to a very pale yellow near the center. So what color exactly is a Pad? is yellow REALLY allowed??

I personally love the salmon set of 3...I''d take them anyday.


Pad''s, come in all different shades of pink and orange. Some are pink and orange and some are orange pink. That is why I love them. They are my favorite stone and I own many of them. Yes, yellow is allowed in the blend of colors, but I am not sure how it works. I hope an expert will join us here.

I have heard the pink/orange are more expensive, but I may be wrong. Please correct me experts, if I am.

The salmon ones are beautiful and I do own one of those. I also own the pink/orange ones too.

I probably confused you didn''t I??? LOL

Another discussion here (don''t have the link) gave a link to an article about the "new" abundance of Pads. Look at ebay and there are about a dozen pages of them...hundreds of stones. The article said, as I understand it, that HEATING pale yellow stones with some chemical (BE?...not sure) can add a reddish hew to them. That when they first starting doing this, the color was only on the outside and would be gone if the stone were to be recut. But now, "they" have gotten so good at it, that the color penetrates deeper into the stone. And the pictures they showed for examples were those deep rich rosey orange colors...makes me kinda skeptical about dark Pads!

However, if the color range is that large, I think I have at least one Pad which I got in a JTV parcel. It''s the darker rosey orange, through and through, and VVS, but small, a bit more than 1/2 ct. It tests like sapphire/ruby, and is a toss-up between orange and red. hmmmm

I still like the pale salmon ones...
But anything like that color is usually quite small, almost always under 1 ct, or extremely $$$.

JTV does not sell Padparadscha''s. I don''t know what stone you have. Your best bet would be to take the stone to a jeweler. It is most likely some other type of stone.

Yes. On a rare occasion JTV does have natural Pads, very few and far between.
Date: 1/9/2007 5:27:19 PM
Author: bec
I am sooo excited about this thread! My boyfriend and I have just started ''the ring'' talks and since I''m not really a diamond girl I was left with the question... ''well what stone do you want?'' Through the fun Colored Stones- E-Ring/ Eye Candy and all of the ever so helpful pictures and threads I fell into the natural sapphire company and more specifically padparadscha sapphires (and the cognac also!). I know nothing about gems, but my eyes have fallen in love!!! I know I am kind of taking this thread on a tangent, but are there specific things that I should be looking for in a stone that I can figure out online, or is it mostly by sight? I have seen Natural Sapphire and Handpicked both say that people can order stones to see and then send them back, is this really done? Is it proper etiquette to look at stone from one company and then order from another in the end? Is there any place in Chicago that deals in sapphires? Are sapphires a much better deal online then they are at a b&m store? ok, I know that is a ton of questions any help you knowledgeable gem loves can throw my way would be much appreciated!
I just wanted to jump in and try to address at least a couple of your questions..

Of course it''s ok to order stones and return them...who would shop online if you couldn''t? Shipping and insurance do add up however, and it''s preferrable if you''re pretty confident that a stone is a serious candidate before you order it.

I suspect prices of online stones are a little better than what you can get from a B&M, and certainly there are more to look least through pictures.

I''m sure there are good jewelers in Chicago who could call in some candidates for consideration. The big advantage of going this route is that you can compare stones side- by-side in real life. I personally would feel more committed to a B&M merchant who goes to this trouble and expense, and would be inclined to work with him/her exclusively.

As Movie Zombie pointed out in another thread, this is the perfect time to have a vendor search for your ''dreamstone''....the Tucson Gem Show is coming up soon.

From what I have read is that the "ideal" color from pads is a dominance of pink over the orange. These pads are the most desirable and fetch the most money and of course deep colors that are still transparent.

That is what I have read too.

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