
Pink FCD Final Lineup!

Which is your favorite once again?

  • Leftmost 0.51 Emerald

    Votes: 14 18.9%
  • Round Brilliant 0.53

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • Right Side Emerald 0.56

    Votes: 23 31.1%
  • Rightmost Old Mine Round 0.28

    Votes: 20 27.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 6, 2011
Ok for all of you that have been following the saga that is the pink diamond centerstone, here are the finalists in no particular order. This is the last thread I promise :|

For once I'm putting in full specs because pictures have limitations with FCDs. They are all fancy pink, except for the deep pink on the right. Once again, purpose is centerstone for a ring. Voting time!

From left to right:
0.51 Fancy Pink (GIA) Emerald Cut, Argyle Stone - 6PR, Polish G/Symmetry VG
0.53 Fancy Purplish Pink (GIA) Round Brilliant, Origin Unknown, Polish VG/Symmetry G
0.56 Fancy Pink (GIA) Emerald Cut, Argyle Stone - 6PR, Polish G/Symmetry VG
0.28 Fancy Deep Pink (GIA) Old Mine Cut [open culet], Origin Unknown, Polish G/Symmetry G

i don't know a thing about FCD's but I love the shape and cut of the square-ish emerald cut, and the color is very pretty!! The far right looks like lots of other pink-colored stones and I don't particularly like round cuts personally so my vote is for #3, then #1 (emerald cut on the far left).
I still pick number 2. I like the overall size and even appearance of it.
I'm still going with #2 but I like round stones the best and there is just something about that stone. I like them in this order: 2, 1, 3, 4. I know #4 is probably considered the best color of the 4 but it looks so small compared to the others and I actually prefer the more delicate pink of the other 3 stones. Which one are you leaning towards?

I have a dumb question though :oops: What does "argyle" mean when it comes to FCDs?
My personal vote is for 2 as well, but this lineup is just to share the late stage decision process with everyone who has been giving feedback and being helpful along the way. These are the 4 that i will be seeing in person to decide between.

I've seen some really nice videos with pink radiant cuts as well, but even when i saw a half million one in person (B&M store, so actual price is probably 300k), something about radiant shapes just doesn't do it for me.

Argyle is the largest single Diamond mine in the world, located in Western Australia, in a region confusingly called Kimberly. The Argyle mine is popularly credited with being the source of as much as 90% of all pink diamonds available on the market, and also nearly all the known red diamonds.

A really short clip that shows a tiny bit about the mine

You can do a search for the "argyle tender" to read some interesting things about their annual closed door tender of the best 40-50ct of pink/red diamonds selected from their annual diamond production of 40-50million carats. So these are the best 1ct per million mined cts that the Argyle mine produced. Quite impressive.
Thank you for sharing Tristan! Very interesting.
tristan, i'm assuming price is also a factor in your decision?

i'm biased here... i LOVE step cuts, so i'm going with #3... but then again i know you've been asking the community here... the question is, does your soon-to-be fiance prefer RB or step cut? that's the most important question you need to find out... if she likes RB better go with #2... if she likes step cut better i vote #3... case closed... :love:
man I must be in the minority...number 2 is my least favorite. love both step cuts and love love the last one
my fav is the one to the far right......for me its all about color and everything else pales in comparison. for me the cut doesn't make up for what i perceive as a lack of color in the other three. i admit i'm not into pink but that #4 on the far right says make me yours and i'll never be untrue to you.
I liked nr 1 it had a little bit more color but nr 2 seems to be more sparkly.
My personal favorite is #2. Maybe I missed it in the thread, but does your soon-to-be have a favorite shape? If you decide to go with a lighter color, maybe that should be the final determining factor?
Like all good puzzles... Favorite shape depends on colour (I know right?)

But generally emeralds and round brilliants. So that's why that is all you see here. Favorite colour is well represented. If it were for myself, it would hands down be the last one on the right. But that isn't what this is for. But i still want to see it in person. had some other photos - they looked amazing.

Price is a factor, but all of them are within range of each other (difference spread is say, 10K) so they are all factoring here. Most expensive is the round brilliant followed by the bigger emerald cut. I really haven't seen a single round brilliant above 0.5ct in pink (not light, not very light) that is anywhere near this price range without massive inclusions.

Nicer rounds can be had, but the price is scary to me.
For me it would be no question: the one on the far right. There are any number of ways to make a stone look more prominent in a ring, but no other ways to make that gorgeous colour and saturation with that diamond flash. I think it draws the eye in and mesmerises in a way that the others - whilst very pretty - do not for me. Disclaimer: this is only on pictures, natch.
The far right for me (dark pink) because of the colour and of course, being a round makes it very versatile. Of course, it's not what I like but what SHE likes.
I voted for #3 - that gorgeous square step-cut just draws me in - I don't recall if you mentioned the ring setting you have in mind, but for me personally this stone could totally stand alone as a solitaire in yellow-gold double-claw prongs - it is mesmerizing.

I like #2 and #1 but am not wowed by them - my 2nd choice would be #4 because of the color, though I'm not crazy about the cut and size-wise for me it is a bit small.

What a lovely dilemma to have, though - choosing among these beauties!
:love: i'm not a round brilliant fan but number 2 is really beautiful
I really struggle with this choice.
If it was for me to put into a collection it would be the strong round pink on the right, hands down.

But since it is for an ering for someone who may not be that one in a zillion educated FCD aficionado, and like every other ering it will be viewed and judged by her family and friends whom will also not be educated FCD aficionados, I voted for #1.
Keep in mind that you one of a handful of people who are educated about a very rare and specialized thing.
Even if she "gets" it people seeing her ring won't, and that may matter to her.

After reading PS for 6 years now I've learned that ering diamond size is very very important to almost every gal.
Almost every gal wants everyone she shows her ring to to understand and appreciate it.
90+% of the public put 90+% of the importance on SIZE alone.

I've also learned that gals and guys often have VERY different thought/logic/reasoning processes, so I really recommend you get her input and do not surprise her.
Clearly you want to get this right, you have put so much work in to this project.
While what you are giving is super fantastic, it is super DIFFERENT.
Different is risky when it comes to something as important as an ering that she will wear forever.
Please get her input.

I feel ECs looks large for their weight.
The EC shape looks the most elegant and, unlike the other 3, those long side facets will return some huge blings of fire.
Large blings will be particularly appreciated in a half carat that costs as much as some 2+ct white diamonds.

I think you said these are from different vendors.
How in the world did you get all four to appear in one pic, or is two or more pics photoshopped together?
If they are from different vendors did it talk a lot of arm-twisting to get them to agree to handling and photographing their competitor's stones?
Kudos to you for having the huevos to ask for this service. :appl:
3,4,2,1 in that order
Absolutely love the delicate pink of #2, as well as its round shape. Then, #1, 3, 4.
Happy to buck the trend!

#4 by miles because:

COLOUR is king
OLD MINE CUT yummy and unusual
THE GENERAL CUT because a round cut will give much more bling for your buck. Step cuts "flash" rather than blind you with rainbow colours.

If you surround #4 with diamonds it'll look absolutely amazing. I have an irradiated red/pink that looks very similar to this and have surrounded it with white diamonds. The overall look is stunning and every time I wear it, I get compliments.

The lighter pinks are much easier to source and if you team with white diamonds, will have less of an impact than having a strong centre stone.

Having said that ........... you need to pick what you love and you know your partner better than any of us so go with your gut feeling.
LovingDiamonds|1310588016|2968274 said:
. Step cuts "flash" rather than blind you with rainbow colours.

Whether you see rainbow colors, from dispersion, or not in any diamond depends on the size of the light source.

I have some asschers and some emerald cuts and DO enjoy their dispersion of rainbow colors in spotlighting or sunlight.
I especially get a kick out of the huge size of the colored flashes coming from my step cuts.

Perhaps you are referring to a poorly cut diamond vs. a well cut one, which can happen with any shape.
My eye is immediately drawn to the one on the right, so that's my choice. It doesn't look much smaller than the others to me, for what it's worth.
3, 1, 2, 4

3 and 1 because I think light colored stones look really great in step cuts.
2 because it's it's a nice pink round stone, but for someone who likes round stones, this would be number 1.
4 is last because I think it's too small for an e-ring. For a RHR, I would rank it first, and halo it to increase finger coverage and contrast the color with the color of skin.
Tristan, did you see this new listing with Arygle inscription?

Of course photography can vary a great deal but the color seems like it is near-Intense and a lovely hue of pure pink leaning on the warm side of GIA's Fancy Pink range.
After almost 20 purchases, my personal experience with Leibish's photography has been that they do NOT pump up the color saturation compared to how the FCDs look in real life.

At 0.44 ct you are getting near 1/2 ct size without paying the price per carat premium that is charged when a stone goes over that magic landmark of 1/2 ct.

For comparison:


BTW, both pics above have "white" backgrounds.
I'd guess in person both backgrounds are very very neutral white, but look at them compared in this screen capture . . .

When compared to the top pic, the lower pic's background "white" looks like it is leaning very slightly in the cooler purplish direction.

We all know that comparing the hue of colored stones in different pics is an exercise in futility.
One way to make a slightly more informed guess about the stone's hue is ignoring the stone and comparing the backgrounds when you suspect the backgrounds were white in real life.

If you used software to "correct" the lower pic so the background is no longer purplish the 4 diamonds would also move away from purplish and towards a warmer pink.
This makes me suspect the 4 pinks in the lower pic are actually a tad warmer in color in real life and closer to the pink on the top pic.

Background comparison.png
I vote 2 or 3, or the one Kenny just posted.

I like the deep color of #4, but as an ering that I would be wearing every day I'd want a lighter color. But I'm anal about my colored stone rings not clashing with my clothing. So I wouldn't wear a deep pink ring very often. Just my two cents.

I agree as well that size is king having went through some of my own issues with that. All of these are great stones, so I'd probably go with #2. Classic round, nice pink color. :)
Oh YUM, what a fun poll!! I voted for the larger round because I love the pastel shade, it's well-cut and it looks like it will have the most fire and brilliance out of the 4. The second choice would be the emerald cut, followed by square emerald cut and the smaller round.

When it comes to pinks, I prefer the lighter, pastel shades. I love how delicate they look.
TristanC--what a sweet gesture. I haven't posted in a long, long time thanks to grad school, but I'm bored at work today so what the heck? My e-ring is actually a .31 fancy brownish-pink emerald cut. So I voted for #3 :naughty: Of course, as other posters have commented, it really depends on what SHE wants, and you said she liked both emerald and rounds. But does she lean towards a particular shade? I love, love, love the intense pink round, but the lighter stone is far more versatile. It would not be a color that I, personally, would want to wear everyday. As a right hand ring, however....... :lickout: You may have posted about the setting already, but I would just say that if you go with a paler stone, make sure that the setting will actually highlight the stone. My now-DH picked my stone out all by himself ( :love: ), but he did a horrible job on the setting. It was originally set as a solitaire and just disappeared into my hand. Now it stands out. Not to hijack your post, but I wanted to show you what a lighter pink looks like IRL. Good luck!
