
Picture of my New Sapphire

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Jul 21, 2004
Hi guys/gals,
All comments are welcome, good and bad!
I''m new to colored stones.


Another view.


My precious! Some details please--it is visually enthralling!!!!


Is that your new sapphire toy?
is it going to be a ring or a pendant?
Oooooh la la! I love your stone! I love saphs- they're my birthstone. I likey your avatar. You must be a Scorpio. I find myself in the Colored Gemstones forum more and more lately. Is this stone intended for a pendant? It looks massive in size. Specs s'il vous plait!
I love these pastel colors !

Very nice... everything about it. What is it going to turn into ?

There is no way I could find any detraction to this as long as the price is right. I would expect to see a slightly graish (meaning not too saturated, not literally 'gray') light violet stone with goon traditional cutting. I can't see any window in these pics (although a front one is the most revealing not the sides) - which is good.

How large is it? What is the price? Just as a generic aside, there are a few violet / violet-blue sapphires of about the same tone and saturation, between 3 and 5 cts, all not heated, on display at Multicolor. Just for comparion - this one looks great anyway.
Thanks for all the comments!
1.62ct (Aint that big right? Fooled by the pic eh. haha..)
Cushion Cut
Mid-blue (unheated)
Price paid:$490

Have not decide on what to do with it yet. Its just a bauble I wana own, But I feel that its too small as a pendant.

Hi Valeria,
Thanks for the link to multicolor, good source of sapphire!
So you think its a fair deal I got? Or its a tat too ex?
A graish violet blue stone is not desirable, meaning a richer color is the preferred range?
This is sorta of a complusive purchase I made. haha..

Yes Iceprincess, I'm a scorpio.

Thanks guys, any further comments?
Nice stone. $490, I think thats actually quite inexpensive. Where did you buy it?
I took a risk and bidded for it on e-bay, my first e-bay purchase. Actually heard and read many negative comments on e-bay purchases, but the seller was very approachable and help.

Came with an independent cert.

Could have gotten it for cheaper (300+) if not for a last minute bidding.. Literally last minute.

On 10/13/2004 10:23:27 PM Sasori wrote:

A graish violet blue stone is not desirable, meaning a richer color is the preferred range?


Hm... did I say that ? As long as you like it, it's great. Besides, it is by no means certain that the stone will look like the picture exactly - it is hard to tell on a colored background. Is this standard color for whatever is called "fine" sapphire and priced accordingly? No.

Not sure what to say about price given those pictures. I would have likely not bid this much.
Need I say more?
Oh.. so objectively speaking the price I paid is too high? What will be a more reasonable price?

No worries, just lemme know your views, wouuld gladly welcome so that I'll not commit same mistake next time
The price is the the right range for that type material. Not a screaming deal but not overpriced. You may find that the stone has a slight color change from the yellowish lights in your bathroom vanity to the sunlight. It will look more purple in the bathroom, more blue in sunlight. If it is not heated, I bet there will be a slight change in your stone. It won't make it worth more money, just a little more fun. I can post a few pictures of designs with that shape stone if you want.
On 10/17/2004 12:17:30 PM Sasori wrote:

No worries, just lemme know your views


Unless I must have that very piece, I would usually try to find a matching offer and bid up to the cost of the alternative. THIS seems such an alternative at first sight. Or this and this - all found in 2 minutes at three sellers I already know something about. The list could get longer but this wouldn't be impulse buying anymore

Bargain hunter me would have stopped below 300.

On the other side, I do like this shop and their nice pictures, although the pompous language they use needs a little mound of salt. Ever heard of "Hot Blueberry To Padparadscha" color change spinel ? Not that the little quirky gem is guilty of anything.
Thanks Valeria,
Agree with you, the first alternative looks very good.

At the time of bidding, they had another similar stone which eventually closed at $260. Was actually thinking hard, just that the desire to own a stone and not losing it at last minute got the better of me.

Well, good think was that I didn't really over pay, just no screaming deals.

Will adopt your advice and do a comparison for my future e-bay ventures. Keep a level-head to derive maximum bargains.
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