
Pics: What happened to my clarity enhanced diamond


Nov 13, 2011
I'm posting this because I couldn't find pictures anywhere on the internet of what happens to a clarity enhanced (fracture filled/Yahuda) diamond after years of normal wear.

I had a 1.3 carat G SI1 clarity enhanced diamond for just over 5 years. I should mention that I don't normally remove my wedding jewelry but I'm also not particularly rough on it. When I first got my engagement ring, I thought it was the most gorgeous, sparkly thing I'd ever seen--I was only 23 when I got married, and at that time no one I knew had anything close to this size stone. Unfortunately, after several years when more and more of my friends got engaged, I began to notice that my stone appeared noticeably dull and milky compared to theirs. There seemed to be new inclusions in it (was I crazy??), and it didn't even look like the same stone that was photographed in my wedding pictures.

After doing some research on clarity enhanced diamonds, I realized that this transformation was probably due to the glass/silicone "filling" falling out. I was devastated and had no idea that this could happen with normal wear. And I was not about to ship the stone back to Yehuda or any other company to have it re-filled if it meant I'd have to do it every few years! I'm also kind of attached to my wedding jewelry so that didn't help.

The last thing I ever want to do is become a high-maintenance brat, but eventually my stone bothered me so much that (conveniently around the time of our 5 year anniversary) I told my husband what I thought had happened, and insisted we take the ring to a jeweler and compare the center stone with other diamonds. He was shocked too when he realized what was going on and replaced my center diamond right away with a natural unenhanced stone (same size, color and clarity as the original). Here are the before and after pics of my ring (the diamonds in the halo are all untreated)--hope this helps someone who might be considering buying a CE diamond in the future!

(FYI my ring finger is about a size 3, the center stone is 1.3 carats (G/SI1/H&A), and there are 22 points of diamonds in the halo. I tried to get similar pics/lighting/angles of the two rings but it was hard since they were taken several weeks apart :/)

diamond before 2.jpg

diamond after 2.jpg
Wow, that is quite a difference! So glad you were able to get a beautiful replacement stone!!
Thanks for showing us what happens to clarity enhanced diamonds...I never even heard of them before PS.

Congrats on your 5 year anniversary too!
Thanks for sharing your story.
I'm glad this one had a happy outcome.
Thanks! I am *very* lucky that my husband wanted to and was able to replace the stone very quickly after I brought it up, because the comparable unenhanced version is not cheap (I told him no Christmas gifts...for like 10 years lol). I really thought I was going crazy when I saw the change...and when I looked up enhanced diamonds on the internet all I could find were pics of stones before and immediately after treatment (not years after treatment).
thanks for posting! I think this is important for people to know. For me, I would always choose a smaller natural, unenhanced diamond and this is great photo evidence of why :bigsmile:
Agreed! Not only that, selling the CE stone was REALLY difficult. A lot of jewelers would not even deal with enhanced stones and could not give me a quote. One of them even thought I had switched the diamond because the certificate said SI, but the stone looked like an I2-I3. We eventually let it go to a local dealer for $1600 (it was bought in 2006 for $2300 with a 14K setting). I'm glad we were able to get rid of it at all...I read somewhere that CE stones pretty much have no market value.
Thank you for sharing.
Yes, a good lesson for those considering CE. Glad you were able to replace your diamond!
The new diamond looks great.
The jewelers were probably right that it was an I2. Clarity-enhanced stones are usually in the I clarity range and get "cleverly" or dishonestly re-labeled in the SI range after enhancement.

However, in reality, the clarity will always remain the same. It's just that the imperfections are not as obvious as before.

Congrats on your new stone!! :appl:
Hubby and I were definitely duped--the UGL certificate it came with didn't even mention that the stone had been enhanced (which I now know is unlawful in New York, although we're from Canada). We only found this out much later--but we were both still in university and living in a basement when we got engaged. I guess we got a good deal on a bad stone lol--I don't even know if the cert was legitimate. But in the long run, we would have saved money and avoided disappointment if we had been better educated and invested in a good diamond the first time around :) Nonetheless I am absolutely thrilled with the new stone, which would have been way out of our ideal price range back then, so maybe everything happens for a reason!
What an interesting thread - thank you for posting those photos! I'm glad you got such quick and happy resolution :))
Thanks for posting this. Did any jewelers mentioned why or what caused the CE diamond to turn chalky?