
Pick my engagement ring


May 19, 2011
Budget is $3k. I got some excellent information here last night and hope to find the rock over the weekend.

I've researched as much as I can. I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to go with Excellent/Ideal cut, SI1(or better), I (or better), very good symmetry, round, and .8 carats. I think this is the most bang for my buck. I want it to sparkle as much as possible and hold as much weight as possible. Thanks!

So far, I have these....[]=30832431&stones[]=29890572&compare=Compare+Selected+Stones

Any other sites to look at? Opinions/thoughts? Thanks again!
The angles don't work all that well together and the prices are on par with better cut ones from JA/WF/BGD/GOG with images.

It's generally safer to stay within 34 - 35 crown angle and 40.6 - 41.0 pavilion angle. The HCA can also help screen candidates but you'll still need images to confirm whether a stone is well cut or not.

Outside of the safe range, steeper combos are more likely to show leakage under the table and shallower combos are more likely to go dark up close.
OK...1st one from JA...request images/idealscope images (the AGS one)

2nd one...don't like it. Notice how it looks overly dark in the picture...not so great

GOG...this is a different look from a traditional RB, cut in the vintage style. If you're not sure if she wants this specifically I would go for a more traditional RB.

as the previous poster mentioned bringing in virtual stones from BGD/WF may not be the most cost-effective option, although if you find a really promising candidate based on HCA it might be worthwhile.

all of the ones thbmok mentioned look good.

I was looking for an engagement ring this weekend (to propose to my gf next week or so) and a James Allen rep helped me select one that I put on hold. Googled the item number just to see if maybe something was out there on another site or any possible info, and it led me to this pricescope thread and your post. Anyways, the ring I was considering happened to be the same as what you were recommending to the original poster of this thread. It seemed like a good deal to me, but wasn't sure since I'm new to diamond buying. You seemed to know your stuff and validated that it was indeed something that an experienced pricescoper would consider, so I went ahead and pulled the trigger on this:

I paid (with pricescope discount) $3130 for a JA TrueHearts AGS Ideal 0, H, SI1, 0.79 ct round brilliant with an HCA of 1.3, which, compared to all of the equivalent diamonds I'd been looking at seems like a good purchase to me.

Anyways, just wanted to thank you for the assistance you inadvertently gave me with your post. This is a great forum, and all of you pricescope regulars are awesome.

About to close and a house and this diamond budget has to be more reasonable so...I'm left with $2000 for the rock and $1000 for the setting ($3k total). Looking at Round, Princess, or Cushion. I color, SI1, Excellent cut. What rocks can yall find? I've found this:

And I'm ready to pull the trigger by this Wednesday. Thoughts? Other comparable rings? Thanks!
Why not go as big and bright on the stone and a simple setting you could upgrade later. With diamond prices climbing this would seem like a grid thing to me. But I am just a little more than a rough rock ..... But I am a girl.
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