
Ph.D in Pricescope and Ring Teaser


Sep 23, 2011
Hi all, you don’t know me but I feel like I know so many of you! I have been studiously reading this great forum since about August 2011 but this is my first post. I have been trying to decide on my dream ring which is how I found you and now I feel like I just about have a Ph.D in Pricescope! Yssie, Gypsy, Frankiextah, Acebruin, Mayk, Rockdiamond, Phoenix and many, many others have been helping me decide on my ring without knowing it!

I had never heard the term ‘upgrade’ until very recently. It is not done in any of my circles. And to me, although this is my second engagement ring, it is not so much an upgrade but finally getting a ring I love, as my first ring had not been made very well and DH knew I was always a bit disappointed with it. So this is very special to me, even moreso than my original engagement ring, because my DH has chosen to get it for me now when our resources could have gone on many other projects!

So what to get???

All I knew was I loved halos, after seeing my first ever halo around a princess diamond in a local store. Then I found Pricescope!!

My first obsession was Lovey’s milgrained halo asscher followed by Mrs Salvo’s exquisite cushion halo. I was also mesmerised by Kaleigh’s oval with half moons and Lady Lulu’s emerald cut with traps and bullets, and Lovestreet’s K color AVC with tapered French cut sides, and many others. I knew I had to have a halo though.

I finally decided on an oval shaped diamond for my centre stone. I love the elegance and lengthening effect on the finger, and I also love the pretty faceting of an oval. DH wanted me to have a brilliant cut of some sort, and he also liked a long-shaped stone for me as well, so the oval it was, after every kind of agonising. For a while I tried to like rounds because of the superior sparkle and better range to choose from but I couldn’t make a round ‘me’. yfzcentral’s and Winston5’s oval halos with pave on the shanks were my inspiration at this point.

It was huge for me to decide what size halo stones to have. I was trying to be a good Pricescoper and get a thin and delicate halo as that is what most people seem to prefer. DH thought I should get 2.5 pointers from the start as he saw those put around my diamond as a suggestion when we bought it loose and he liked the look. So did I, but I tried to explain that no one on Pricescope would approve but he didn’t seem to understand what a serious issue that was!!

I even contacted Victor Canera and he would not hear of halo stones that big… yikes! But still something in me didn’t want a really thin halo… Then Gypsy (an excellent thinker-outside-the-box, snaps for Gypsy), who I believe reset with an exquisitely delicate THINNER halo on her own ER, made me feel better when she said it is just a matter of current fashion and that a bigger halo was still a classic and beautiful look. THEN I saw Mayk’s lovely reset of her RB and she went for more substantial halo stones and I LOVED the look of that, and her centre stone is still the star.

I also felt, though no one ever said so, (very occasionally I have my own thought) that oval stones can tolerate larger halo stones somehow. Kind of in the classic, Princess Diana sort of way.

So at last I felt that I could successfully choose the 2.5 pointers for the halo!

It was Yssie and her famous unplated white gold that gave me the idea to not rhodium plate which would never have occurred to me. I LOVE the softer, creamy color of unplated wg. It also will also not be such a contrast when I wear my yellow gold bangles.

For the first 95% of my journey I was adamant I would have milgrain and bead setting (and I still LOVE that vintage look). Then after I saw some cut down pave and bead setting in real life I agonised for a while, getting that glazed-eye look from DH. Then after reading about the fact that with perfect cutting only light from the top of the diamond was supposed to be the issue but in many people’s experience the light from the side DID make a difference to the light return I decided to make the shock decision to go with cut down pave. I was really helped in this decision by some posts by Rockdiamond and Phoenix. Also Phoenix pointed out on another thread that halos with bezelled/metal edges look bigger which was very helpful also. I preferred to have bigger diamonds in the halo but less overall size and less metal.

I couldn’t decide on the ‘underside’ of the ring until I saw Acebruin’s pink halo ring with 4 curved, pave struts attached to a donut and I knew that was it for me.

For prongs I gave my jeweller pictures of the rounded but gently pointing prongs of LORNAJS’ gorgeous crosscut 3 stone ring. Perfection.

In the end the photos I sent my jeweller were of Frankieextah’s ring, as they were the most like what I wanted but in an oval. Her photos, comparisons and explanations were invaluable. One of her threads is responsible for the 25 degree tilt on my halo, which I wouldn’t have thought of! Then today I sent Susimoo’s pictures of her new halo as they are one step closer to my specs, with no pave on the donut as I don’t want to scratch up my wedding ring. So the jeweller says he will start my ring soon….

Now I am waiting….. patiently…… sort of…….



Jun 17, 2009
Sounds beautiful!! I love ovals, looking forward to seeing pics!


Apr 19, 2010
I love halos with larger stones :love: :love: :love: You should never worry about what PS would approve of, always pick what YOU love! I can't wait to see your ring, it sounds like you have put a lot of time and planning into creating your perfect ring and I'm sure it will be gorgeous. Please post pics once you receive it.

When does your jeweler expect to have it completed?


Dec 1, 2011
Looking forward to seeing your ring! Like you, I just couldn't love a round brilliant, no matter how hard I tried. Oval is my favorite shape, too.



Jun 6, 2010
Wow! You have certainly put a tremendous amount of thought into every detail. Your ring is sure to be perfect as a result! Looking forward to photos...I'm kinda partial to ovals and I considered a halo similar to the one you describe for a's going to be stupendous!

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Can't wait I see this masterpiece!!


Feb 12, 2011
I can't wait to see your ring... :appl: and thank you so much for the "shout out" about my ring... You made my day :wavey: :appl:

As you know...making those decisions are so tough...glad the subtle was noticed... :naughty:


Jan 28, 2009
Glad to hear from you! Whether or not a PH.D in PS is ever developed, you've certainly gone through the journey (perhaps rite of passage is a better way to put it) that is often the case with many PSers. I can't wait to see your treasure!

One thing I'll say is, whatever the trend is on PS - thin halos, thicker halos, rounds, cushions, etc - choose what you love. No one's gonna say that what you chose isn't in keeping with PS likes and dislikes if such categories existed. And if they do, they're not keeping with PS spirit ;)) :rolleyes:


Sep 23, 2011
Thanks everyone for your comments. It is so fun to finally be a part of Pricescope!

junebug, Libby, yennyfire - lovely to hear from others who also love an oval diamond!

Stargurl - My jeweller said 3/4 weeks but there have already been delays ;(

Snicklefritz - You are so right that the PS spirit would always be to celebrate with those who love their ring regardless of the style. It is just that the trend for thin halos did seem very strong from people with great taste so I had to really think about whether I was heading into 'gaudy and tasteless' territory! It would be an expensive decision to undo! Also my first ring was a custom that went a bit bung so I think I am really sensitive to that happening again... hopefully I have it right.

And about the obligatory photos - not a clue how to do that but when I get my ring I will make an effort to figure it out!


Mar 7, 2011
It sounds like it will be a truly amazing ring!! I hope that it is everything that you hope it will be and more! Pricescope is a fantastic place to come for inspiration to be sure!! I'm looking forward to lots of pictures of your journey! Also very happy that you've come out of lurkdom! Pleased to meet you! :))


Aug 8, 2005
Hi oohsparkly! :wavey:

First, thank you for the lovely comments. I'm so happy that anything I said helped you.

Second, this is the reason why so many of us keep posting. Because we know that there are people who may not be actively posting but who are reading what we say and being inspired while on their own journey's.

I can't wait to see your ring. I hope it surpasses your dreams for it.

Best, Me.


Dec 16, 2007
I feel very led on my dear ;)) A long lead up and no follow through... no PICTURES!!! Unacceptable. Very bad PS manners don't you know :tongue:

Can't wait to see it.


Sep 23, 2011
Amy's Bling - Thank you. Me too!

Mayk - You're very welcome. And thanks for your great pictures!

Christina - Thanks for the welcome!

Gypsy - Thanks for chiming in. I feel like I'm talking to a famous person. I know I need help :lol: But your many insights and comments have sure been a great help.

Dreamer D - Another big name! Well clearly I have managed to breach protocol on my first post and I do plead guilty to long-windedness with no redeeming photo as of yet!! Even my diamond is with the jeweller right now...

Will specs help? I have a 1.3 ct oval diamond, G, vs2. Very sparkly with only faint bowtie in some lights. Photos will follow my ring actually coming into existence and me figuring out how to do it. (not sure which will take longer... :roll: )


Oct 4, 2011
Welcome oohsparkly! Man, I am *impressed* by all your PS research from your lurking days!! :D :appl:

Your ring sounds like it will be awesome. Ovals are very sophisticated and that's a nice big size you've chosen! 3/4 weeks will DRAG by, from our end! Can't you poke them or something??? :lol: ;))


Sep 23, 2011
I could try poking them... not sure just how well they will respond to that!! :lol:


Oct 4, 2011
oohsparkly|1332818356|3157078 said:
I could try poking them... not sure just how well they will respond to that!! :lol:

yeah... may not turn out to be as inspirational as we'd hope!
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