
People give their kids weird names.

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Some of the items I never heard of either. I think it depends on what part of the US people lived in.
A poor patron of the arts is named "Ima Hogg." She has a young artist competition through the Houston Symphony.

A former music professor is named "Dick Swift." We'd refer to him as Swift Dick.
Linda, Deelight... TOO FUNNY!

Yes, Linda! They were SO hard and tough! And the flavor lasted about 5 seconds! It always reminded me of Tom Sawyer, when he and Becky were sharing the gum? I''ll never forget it because we were reading it in grade school and when it came to the part where Becky goes, "Well, I''ll let you chew it for a while if you give it back." We all went, EEEEEEWWW! I always thought, "Gosh, gum back then would have had no flavor... I have no idea why those people thought gum was so spectacular."

Remember Fun Dip? Mary Janes? Sugar Daddy!
Date: 7/18/2008 2:07:56 AM
Author: Bliss
Linda, Deelight... TOO FUNNY!

Yes, Linda! They were SO hard and tough! And the flavor lasted about 5 seconds! It always reminded me of Tom Sawyer, when he and Becky were sharing the gum? I''ll never forget it because we were reading it in grade school and when it came to the part where Becky goes, ''Well, I''ll let you chew it for a while if you give it back.'' We all went, EEEEEEWWW! I always thought, ''Gosh, gum back then would have had no flavor... I have no idea why those people thought gum was so spectacular.''

Remember Fun Dip? Mary Janes? Sugar Daddy!

I sure do. Sugar Daddy, another one... this time it pulled my brothers filling out. ha ha ha ha
Date: 7/18/2008 2:04:09 AM
Author: Linda W
Some of the items I never heard of either. I think it depends on what part of the US people lived in.

I live in Australia so a few have filtered through but not all hence why I probably don''t know hardly any

Dr Pepper had gum
OMG if only I knew

Bliss I used to love buying fun dips :) I would get them from the ice-cream truck :)
Sorry to threadjack! It's just too fun to talk about sweets! :-0

YES! Linda, I can tell we both had filling issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a candy freak as a kid. Now, after all the dental nightmares I suffered growing up... I can't eat sweets! Just the thought of candy makes me hear the dentist's drill!

Deelight! Hahahahaha! Ring pops? Lemonheads? Shocktarts? Gobstoppers! Fireballs! WOW, you are totally making me go down memory lane! Driiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllll
Date: 7/18/2008 1:27:25 AM
Author: Bliss
Noooooooooooo... Please tell me Dick Butt is a fabricated story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear it is true!
Date: 7/18/2008 12:15:00 AM
Author: miraclesrule
I remember two names of injured workers I had to set up files for a long time ago and I swear they must have purposely named themselves and had a side job...

They were''

Caroline Climax


Trudy Tender

wth? These were fast food workers at a hamburger joint.

They sound like they could work in adult entertainment. Personally I would be changing my name if it were CLIMAX.
Date: 7/18/2008 1:26:36 AM
Author: Bliss
Date: 7/17/2008 7:38:37 PM

Author: diamondfan

OMG Sephillis and Clamydia can have TRIPLETS! Or can we leave out little Herpeze? If you change the spelling than it just sounds pretty and does not have anything to do with an STD (and I DO NOT mean a save the date!!)

Luv, I hope it is a good thing! A good laugh is worth a little tinkie sometimes!


Little Herpeze?

Oh my gosh. How about baby Clap? Or... (reaching back into my high school sex ed classes)... Tiny Gawnrea?

Clap for the Clapper...OOHH, maybe if people saw this they might think twice? But I doubt it!
Date: 7/18/2008 2:12:27 AM
Author: Bliss
Sorry to threadjack! It''s just too fun to talk about sweets! :-0

YES! Linda, I can tell we both had filling issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a candy freak as a kid. Now, after all the dental nightmares I suffered growing up... I can''t eat sweets! Just the thought of candy makes me hear the dentist''s drill!

Deelight! Hahahahaha! Ring pops? Lemonheads? Shocktarts? Gobstoppers! Fireballs! WOW, you are totally making me go down memory lane! Driiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllll
I have sugar free Bazooka in my kitchen drawer because I always order my sugar free candy on line. It still has only five seconds worth of flavor. In fourty years, they still haven''t figured out how to make the flavor stay longer.

This was one of my favorites.......... remember Bonamo taffy? We used to put it in the freezer, then smack it on a kitchen counter to break it into bit sized pieces?
There''s an orthodontist in my home town whose name is . . .

. . . wait for it . . .


LOL! I swear, it''s true!
23.gif dip....
Tacori E-ring... Dick Butt is REALLY a true story???? LOLOLOL! FH was crying, he was laughing so hard at these!

gemgirl - Bazooka STILL doesn''t hold its flavor? WOW, that is something!!! I don''t remember Bonamo taffy! But I do remember Fralinger''s molasses taffy!

Yes, MonkeyPie! MMMM, Fun Dip! The stick was an unusual flavor. Vanilla?! Rolaids flavor? Strange hospital flavor!
Weird, I used to deliver advertisements for Dr. Toothman... do you live in Western Maryland?

Names I saw that I don''t like
Azlyn Didawick...sounds **** to me

Jorja Brown

I hate ''unique'' spellings for names too, it just means the kid will never find cool stuff with their name on it.
Date: 7/18/2008 11:39:17 AM
Author: reader
Weird, I used to deliver advertisements for Dr. Toothman... do you live in Western Maryland? Yep! Born and raised in Maugansville, MD!

Names I saw that I don''t like
Azlyn Didawick...sounds **** to me

Jorja Brown

I hate ''unique'' spellings for names too, it just means the kid will never find cool stuff with their name on it. I know how you feel . . . sometime, when you''re bored and have nothing to do, try finding a keychain with "Emmalee" on it! LOL!
Date: 7/18/2008 12:42:59 AM
Author: Elegant
Date: 7/17/2008 10:22:30 PM

Author: jcrow

there''s also ''abcde'' pronounced = ab ka dee

not kidding.

Do you live in So Cal?

HONESTLY...I personally know what school this child went to...NO KIDDING!!! I am as serious as a a heart attack.

Her name is Abcde - pronounced - ab - si- dee


Another student we knew of was Champagne. That''s not cool.

what do ya know? another pronouncation

know not in cal. hub went to school with this one.

champagne as a first name? that''s a common last name around here, but it''s not pronounced like the drink
Date: 7/18/2008 1:37:48 AM
Author: pennquaker09
Date: 7/17/2008 10:22:30 PM

Author: jcrow

there''s also ''abcde'' pronounced = ab ka dee

not kidding.

lemonjello & orangejello. i promise, i''m NOT making this up.


I present to you all,

the list.

eeks! hubby''s mom taught at a school with the jello siblings. crazy.
I love unusual names as long as they aren''t cruel. I actually used to wish I had a more unusual name, even though mine (Lori) isn''t too common among my generation. A lot of my friends'' moms are named Lori, but not many people my age.

Ascher is my FAVORITE name, but it''s so popular in our (Jewish) community that I would never name my child Ascher because it''s too common. I think it''s a pretty common Serbian name, too, because my husband grew up with a lot of kids named Ascher and he lived in a very Serbian neighborhood in the city.

My parents have friends that are three siblings, named Flint, Flash, and Flame.

I work with a guy named Serry, and he has ELEVEN siblings--all of the males'' names end in -erry, and the females'' names end in -eri, so they all rhyme. I thought he was joking when he told me, so I laughed really hard, and then realized he was serious. We never really hit it off.

I went on a trip with a girl named Arielle, and she had four siblings, they were something like Darielle, Sarielle, Marielle, and Carielle. Their parents'' license plates were "DAD E L" and "MOM E L". Seriously.

My mother has a student named Tallulah (which is my dog''s name) and Tallulah''s siblings are Daschel (female) and Chapman (male).

I have a friend who had a student named "Yerhynes" or something like that, so it was pronounced "Your Highness". I think those are a bit extreme.

I knew a girl named Aphrodite, and another named Monet. And I went to high school with two brothers named Rocky and Bronco, lucky for them they were really gorgeous and athletic, so they could pull it off.

My mother really wanted to name me Fritzy after her father Fritz (we''re German) but my father wouldn''t let her. I kind of wish he had, I think I could have TOTALLY pulled of Fritzy.
This thread is too, too funny!

My doctor''s name is Dr. Fee!!!
Seriously! That''s apropos, no?!

I knew an older lady whose name was Ruth Guth. (She married Mr. Guth). Now I ask you, would you even DATE someone named Guth if your name was Ruth?!! Haha!

My 85-year old mother swears she knew a woman once who named her two daughers Preg-Nancy (stress on second syllable) and Placenta! Ack!

In the hospital where I work, someone apparently didn''t know how to spell the name she had chosen for her newborn, so on his birth certificate it''s spelled JOUSHA (although it''s pronounced JOSHUA) ... and that is how he is going through life!!! Duh!!!

Another true story, a new mom heard a name on the radio that she liked for her newborn daughter, but had no idea apparently how to spell it. The kid''s name? Danyale. ("Yale" like the lock, her mom proudly announced!) Alriiiiiighty then!

And lastly, there was a wedding announcement in our paper some years back and the groom''s name was Rex R. Rex. Our neighbor knew him and said, yep, his middle name was indeed... Rex!!!
Can you even imagine? Rex Rex Rex????!!!!!!!!!!

What ARE these parents thinking?!!
My cousin named her first son Jessie. Fortunately, the boy grew up and now spells his name Jesse. Got tired of the "aren''t you a girl" questions, I suppose.

Oprah was supposed to be Orpah, like it is spelled in the Bible. But, she is doing fine, last I heard.
Totally true:

Two Urologists in practice together are Dr. Richard Chop and Dr. John Hardeman. Dick performed my husband''s vasectomy!
Date: 7/17/2008 3:42:57 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Bill and Moya Lear of Learjet, named their daughter Shanda
What's wrong with the name, 'Shanda'? It might not be what you're accustomed to, but it doesn't make it a bad name. There are lots of Shanda's where I live (Caribbean), and many derivatives of it - like 'Ashanda', and 'Shandi', and they're all considered to be beautiful names.

In fact, most children's names in the Caribbean today are very unique. There are names like, "Kalea", "Onica", "Lavonne", "Ashika", "Imazi", "Shakim", "Anton", and "Sibu". Definitely not your standard Western names - they reflect the mixed African, European, and Asian heritage of most Caribbean people. It's true that some of the names are really "out there", with strange spellings and pronunciations, but most are very pretty. And definitely unique - I Ilike the fact that they're not the typical names that evey other child has.
Date: 7/18/2008 12:54:28 PM
Totally true:

Two Urologists in practice together are Dr. Richard Chop and Dr. John Hardeman. Dick performed my husband''s vasectomy!

Thats hilarious!!
One of my teachers in high school, Mrs. Shaver..named her son Richard (Dick) BAHh DICK SHAVER!
HAHA I just sent out a bill just now to: Bob Evans
My bestfriend had a babysitter growing up named SHITHEAD pronounced sha-tead
Date: 7/18/2008 1:21:58 PM
Author: Sha

Date: 7/17/2008 3:42:57 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Bill and Moya Lear of Learjet, named their daughter Shanda
What''s wrong with the name, ''Shanda''? It might not be what you''re accustomed to, but it doesn''t make it a bad name. There are lots of Shanda''s where I live (Caribbean), and many derivatives of it - like ''Ashanda'', and ''Shandi'', and they''re all considered to be beautiful names.
Shanda by itself, no problemo.

Shanda Lear aka Chandelier (as in Light Fixture), is asking to be made fun of in school.
I went to elementary school with a girl named Earthling.

My swim coach was Mr. Kramp.

When I was in college there was a politician from NH named Dick Swett... now really, why not Richard or Rich.
Date: 7/18/2008 1:51:45 PM
Author: AmandaPanda
I went to elementary school with a girl named Earthling.

My swim coach was Mr. Kramp.

When I was in college there was a politician from NH named Dick Swett... now really, why not Richard or Rich.

EWW Dick Swettt.......nASTY! I went to school with a Jack Daniels
There used to be a lawfirm in town called Seiman & Creamer. No comment

On my hall freshman year, there was a girl who would sleep with anyone and tried to sleep with everyone, as did her roommate. She went by Sherri, but her name was Sharon, Sharon Cox.
I went to college with a kid named Orel (pronounced "Oral") Gaynor. The kid was really nice but as soon as I heard his name I just thought about the mass amounts of teasing he must have gotten from not-so-nice middle school kids.
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