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Feb 20, 2003
I just finished purchasing my ring from Bill Pearlman at and I highly recommend him. He offers the top designers, quality diamonds, and wonderfully personal service. He respondend promptly to my internet requests for information. He was straight with me on every question I asked. The website is also beautiful with gigantic, detailed pictures of the rings/settings so you can see exactly what you are getting. He also seems to truly love helping people find jewelry for their loved ones.

My Purchasing Story:
I went to local shops to look for settings and fell in love with Michael B. Michael B rings are expensive, but I think an engagement ring is about overall beauty, not just the beauty of the diamond. So I tried to work with my local jeweler but they were incredibly unhelpful, resorted to scare tactics, and were unrealistic about their diamonds. The process was becoming stressful and unpersonal and I didn''t like it. I started looking online for a different ring and diamond. I relied on many of your comments and insights when searching for rings/diamonds. Many of the other online diamond retailers were very nice and prompt to respond to my questions. I''m a big fan of the online diamond stores and how they impower consumers. However, Bill Pearlman stood out among them because he was interested in me personally, in my girlfriend, and he took the extra effort to work with me on matching the ring and the diamond. After telling him my budget and the Michael B. ring I wanted, he paired a AGS-000 diamond with the ring for thousands less than I could find at any other retailer. I''m not sure how he stays in business. He made my dream ring come true for my limited budget. The next time I need jewelry, I''m just going to call Bill.

I''ve been smiling for days now and I''m going to have to stop before my girlfriend gets suspicous.


Sep 3, 2000
Give her the ring!!!! That will stop her from becoming more suspicious.


Feb 6, 2003
Proposing Tom,
Glad to hear all your expectations were eventually met, how are you containing yourself from giving her the ring? Love to hear the proposal story.
Keep smiling


May 31, 2003
Proposing Tom,

Congratulations on your purchase. I am happy you found a ring and diamond you like. However, I am disturbed that internet companies are deeply discounting designers like Michael B. without the designer's permission. Contrary to what many people believe, not every designer's piece is grossly marked up. Michael's pieces are extremely labor intensive and have very high quality diamonds. Some companies make customers happy by practically taking a loss on rings. They do not carry or support the line, and have no way to service a piece if it needs sizing or repair in the future. Most regular jewelry stores cannot expertly repair or size these rings; they are highly specialized. I understand that price is always a concern, but sometimes the least expensive way isn't the best in the long run. Jewelers should not overcharge for fine jewelry, but serious undrcutting is both unfair to the customer (as it nulls any warranties on their piece) and is disrespectful to the designer. I would be cautious with Pearlman's. He's "playing the game" but he's burning bridges as he goes...


Feb 15, 2003
Hi Winston -

This is probably completely obvious, but can you help me understand why selling the setting at a lower price would a)void the warranty and b)hurt the manufacturer?

I thought that the store would buy the setting for a set price from the manufacturer, and then they could sell it for whatever they choose. Most stores wouldn't sell under their cost (that wouldn't make much sense, unless there was a good markup on the diamond). But I would think that since they had purchased it from the manufacturer for their pre-arranged cost the manufacturer would be making the money necessary to recoup the production costs (including labor). If the manufacturer is always getting their money - how is this a problem?

And I don't understand how this would void the warranty - as long as they are an authorized dealer I would think that the setting they sell would qualify for any existing warranty from the manufacturer.

I am probably completely wrong - but can you explain this so that it makes sense to me?



Jan 1, 2003
Hi Winston, How can you know that he is selling designer pieces for less, since Tom never stated the price? I checked the site, and they sure seem pricey enough to me!


Mar 31, 2003
It sounds like the $1000 discount was more on the diamond, not the setting. Interpreting these stories reminds me sometimes of a reading comprehension test.


Apr 14, 2004
The remarks you make to this thread is totally out of line. We are a full service Michael B dealer with a outstanding inventory of his product. We sell, service, and maintain the integrity of his products through our store. Our pricing is MSRP and I think you will find that the people who have used our store and internet website find us fair and wonderful to deal with. Read his comments again. He was having a lousy experience with the store in Austin. He did not have that problem with us and I was pleased to read Tom's post. I think everyone who is on the net understands the pressure of diamond pricing in the 21st century and if your on the net your diamond pricing had better be right or you won't sell. Over all our profit on this piece was very good and Tom knew it. It was not a over inflated price as he was experiencing. Our store has thrived for the last 75 years with the knowledge that we work for our customers. The customer is my boss. We don't have to take advantage of their lack of knowledge to make a living and that is something that lets me sleep well at night with. If you were in the business I might avoid you!!!!

Bill Pearlman


Jun 18, 2003
So the point here is that a store can easily meet (or beat) no-frills internet diamond pricing when they're getting full retail on a designer setting - and still satisfy their obligation on minumum pricing. (I posted this suggestion about a potential Tacori purchase a few days ago.) Win-win for both parties.


Mar 11, 2004
I would have to second ProposingToms praise of Pearlmans. I spoke with Bill a few months back and he was willing to go above and completely beyond to make me happy with my purchase. Extremely personable and very good guy. I wound up changing my mind on designers for my ring but I would be extremely comfortable doing business with Bill in the future.


Jul 22, 2002
It's Mara's full service idea.

Bill Pearlman has got it right. He is a man ahead of his time. Gee, just when I thought I would give up with all the whining about the old days, B&M, Pearlman's, accepts, adapts & adjusts.

Yep, a win-win for everyone.


May 21, 2004
Like you ProposingTom, I also have also had a wonderful experience with Bill and Pearlman's. I have been dealing with Bill for the past month. Like you, I too decided on a Michael B: the three-sided pave with 1.5 carats around. Unlike you, however, I purchased my stone from an outside vendor (Jonathan at Good Old Gold who was also awesome) and had it shipped to Pearlman's to set. All in all, my experience with Bill, his staff and Pearlman's has been amazing. Bill and I chat on a consistent basis on more issues relating to diamonds (cut primarily) than I can post. Bill and I have never met but through our conversations I regard him as a friend. Bill has bent over backwards for me, going out of his way to go beyond expectations for yet another customer. I will and am going to recommend Bill to anyone I know interested in a diamond, designer setting, rolex watch or any other piece of jewelery for that matter - I think Pearlman's even has a line of clothing. You will find more designer names on Pearlman's site than anywhere on the net and the fact that they have been in business for over 75 years says something about the company. Good job on finding Pearlman's, proposing Tom - you were dealing with the best. Winston, if you are reading this, you were out of line with your post: you know nothing about Pearlman's, Bill, their business model or their integrity yet you are quick to form a damaging opinion - shame on you.



Jun 16, 2004
I fully support and will add to the KIND words given to Bill P. here. My fiancee proposed to me in February and surprised me with my diamond, in a very simple Tiffany setting that he told me I could change if I liked. I love my diamond, and have spent many months looking for the "perfect" setting. Like some of the folks who have posted in this thread, I saw the Michael B line in a local store and adored the rings, but not the price. So I went shopping online for different options and came across Pearlman's Jewelers. Beautiful website, nice pictures, lots of options. I wrote an e-mail asking about comparisons of a couple different designers, and Bill responded essentially immediately. After long e-mail exchanges and phone calls with tons of questions, Bill sent me the actual samples of the rings he had that I was interested in, for no cost other than asking me to mail it back to him in a couple of days. No local jeweler had what I wanted, nor were they able to get it for me so I could see it. I have found the setting that I want (because of Bill and largely because of this fine PS website), and now am just waiting for a little more info (from a family friend) before I put in my order. I was perfectly honest with Bill and told him I might buy from the family friend depending on how things panned out. He said to me "we're here for whatever you need, just let me know how I can help".

Bill's a good guy!
Thanks to Bill and PS both.

It's funny, my fiancee totally doesn't care about what setting I get (he feels he did his part with the diamond
) and all my family and close girlfriends live far away from me. I need to share all my discoveries about diamonds and jewelery with SOMEONE, and it's fun to tell everybody here.
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