
Pearl remorse


Nov 8, 2007
Okay, I know it happens to all of us, but I'm pretty disappointed in a recent purchase of a metallic white FWP necklace from a prominent vendor. It was AA+ grade (versus AAA, which is not in stock), but the description for both is "near round." It was not clear to me if AA+ versus AAA was more about uniformity, blemishes, etc. versus roundness. I know that metallics aren't likely to be round, but these are basically all potato shaped. Do not appear even vaguely roundish on the neck. They also appear fairly small for the mm size. In fact, these 8-8.5mm look the same size as my 7-7.5mm FWP strand, maybe because of the potato shape?

I have contacted the vendor to see if the AAA would likely be somewhat rounder, and when it might be in stock (and also because the clasp was damaged on receipt). I don't want to get too much into griping without seeing a response. But I also want to consider my other options. I love the luster on these metallics, but am very bothered by the shape and apparent size.

Because I'll probably return the metallics, I am now considering a similarly-priced 8-8.5mm baroque blue akoya strand. I have a strand of keshi metallics and really enjoy the luster. I am not currently in the market ($) for high quality white akoyas or something equivalent. The luster of the akoyas appeals, and the more silvery color also interests me. But I worry that that this might not be a wardrobe staple like I had intended to purchase.

Ultimately, I had planned to get a high-luster white pearl that is roundish and a good size, an upgrade in size over my current go-to FWP strand. But if I'm not likely to be able to get something closer to "near round" than potato, then maybe I should just go in a different direction entirely? Any thoughts?

ETA: Oh, and maybe white ripple pearls? I have not actually seen any of these in person.

ETA 2: White baroque akoyas, maybe???


Nov 8, 2007






I have recently purchased a strand of SS white pearls from - they are drop shaped pearls and on the neck appear to be round. They have some wonderful strands of white SS pearls on their website and also have many strands not listed. Take a look and maybe give Jose or Veronica a call to see if they can help you. Hope you find what you're looking for. :wavey:


Nov 2, 2012
I just got a custom order 48 inch strand of white metallics, 6.5-7.0 mm. Mine were the AAA and I nearly sent them back because of the off-roundness. But then I wore them out to dinner and they really popped in the different lighting and there's no way I'm giving them up!

I think a rope of small pearls is different though, the off-roundness isn't noticeable unless you put them right up to your face and carefully inspect. It's more noticeable on larger pearls like yours.

Anyway, I believe the grading is all around, not just one factor. I agree with you that baroque pearls don't fill the same gap as the classic round white strand, although I'm sure some others would disagree.

If you want to stick with your original mission of upgrading your white classic strand, I'd send those back and get a 8.0-8.5mm AAA white freshwater strand (not metallic) instead, or the vendor's gem grade if they have one and it's in your budget. I did ask for pics of those in the size I got when I was considering exchanging them, and the AAA regular pearls looked completely round to me, whereas the metallics are not. After all, you can always return that too if you don't like it in person. Good luck and please post pics of whatever you get!


Jul 7, 2013
When "metallic" CFWP first came on the scene a few years ago, I refrained from getting any as I am shape-sensitive, and the metallics available at the time were near rounds, and they were priced accordingly as CFWPs and not the vendor's top end named/branded CFWPs.

Some time later, white metallics that did make the vendor's named/branded CFWPs were available, however, in very small quantities, and they were snapped up in no time, and I missed the boat as I did not have the pennies to spare at the time.

I have asked to go onto the waiting list for named/branded CFWPs in white metallics, and have been on that list for over a year.

I am resigned to the fact that they are rare as hen's teeth, however, I am not in a hurry to buy, and they will be on my pearl holy grail list.

DK :))


Aug 6, 2014
I bought AAA metallics about a year ago, and they are potato shaped too. I think it's hard to find round white metallics, as the round ones have been pink and lavender over the past few years. I have always regretted not spending the extra money for a branded top quality freshwater strand. (Even though that would have been more than double the price for a similar sized strand).

If you are shape sensitive (I am too), I'd avoid baroque pearls and instead go with the top quality freshwater pearls offered by the various vendors. Ask to see a picture first too.


Sep 10, 2011
I wouldn't keep a strand with a damaged clasp. If you are unhappy with the shape, time won't change that, and you'll have buyers remorse and probably won't enjoy this strand. If your vendor has no round metallics, I would change over to AAA rounds or Freshadama's. I would also ask for photos prior to having them send your pearls so you can inspect the shape and quality.


Jan 4, 2010
Just an "out there" idea if you like the shape and luster of akoyas: what about a vintage akoya graduated strand?

Otherwise, I suggest getting the Freshadama/gem grade freshwaters for the next best luster and near-roundness. They will not have the same degree of luster as the metallics, though (speaking as someone who bought both.)


Feb 11, 2015
I recently ordered some metallic freshwater pearls with amazing surface luster, but I did not like the off round shape of the pearls. The pearls weren't off round enough to be obviously baroque, and they weren't round enough to be round. Yes, the luster was amazing, but I just couldn't live with the potato shapes. I sent them back.

Right after that I bought some blue baroque akoyas. While baroque in shape, they are more consistently round, which sits better in my eye, if that makes sense. I wear them all the time. They seem to go with everything.

By buying and returning pearls to reputable vendors, I'm beginning to learn what I like and don't like. I've learned I don't like ripples and I don't like potato shapes and I don't like pits or dimples or warts. I do like rounds, I do like smooth drops, and I do like interesting baroque forms that don't have pits or warts. I've also fallen in love with blues.

The best thing about the good online vendors we talk about here is that they are good about returns because you can't just pop into their store and browse. I've also learned that I can e-mail them and ask them to look for a particular type of pearl for me next time they go shopping. I don't get immediate results, but eventually they do find something that sets my heart on fire.

P.S. I second getting Freshadamas if you really want a good, round pearl. I have a double strand that I adore. It's a different surface look than the metallics, more traditional pearl looking, but I love them.


Jul 7, 2013
Personally, if I were to get a strand or a double strand of CFWPs now and do not have the patience to wait for gem-grade metallics to become available again, I too would opt for gem-grade non-metallics from the likes of PP and POJ.

I am holding out on buying any pearls as I shall wait and see what takes my fancy when I go to LA in July/August this year. Hopefully, my piggy bank will be sufficiently full for me to tick off one or more items from my pearl wish list.

DK :naughty: :bigsmile:


Oct 1, 2014
I have a strand of AAA metallics and they too are quite off round. Some are very potato shaped, some just a little. The luster is amazing, though. I don't wear them a tonne, but I do like them.

If I were I would return them. Next month many vendors go on buying trips and are likely to replenish their stock of metallics. If I were you, I would return those and ask them to put a strand of rounder, AAA metallics in their shopping list.


Sep 10, 2011
PP is going shopping soon , if they haven't left already. I would call and get on the shopping list and see what they come back from Hong Kong with.


Aug 22, 2012
I am interested in how the return will be handled. If you upgrade vs return only. I wonder why the potato shape is common in the metallics. I have wanted metallics for so long but ,unless baroque, I too am a bit picky when it comes to round.


Aug 6, 2014
If you decide to get freshadamas, ask to pick your strand from pictures. Some seem rounder than others based on pictures people have posted, and it would be good to make sure you're going to be happy with the second strand.
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