
Oval and bowtie

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That is a definite bowtie, but over all it looks like a pretty decent oval. I wouldn't kick it out of the running because of that one pic. Get an IS from JA, and post it.

I'd take a look at this one too. May not be eyeclean, has a bowtie (again get an IS), but the spread is really nice and it's a color grade higher.
Thank you Gypsy, I thought it looked pretty too. I will ask them, they are really busy, I lost a stone last week waiting for an IS from them and the stone sold. They will only hold the stone for 24 hours, but have been told it will take 5-7 business days for the IS. Thanks for your help.
HeatherL, it looks like a very nice oval to me. I like the one gypsy posted too.
That's ridiculous Heather. Totally ridiculous. I would ask to talk to the owner and tell them, look I am not buying a FANCY stone from just one pic of it on the net, hold the freaking thing longer, or speed up the IS. I don't care which.

James Allen's customer service has gone down. I asked for something at the holidays... 2 weeks before Christmas, and they got back to me mid-January. What part of christmas present are you having an issue with??? AND when I asked them for the qoute, they were having a sale on the item, when they got back to me... no sale. Seriously. Sorry, mini-rant. JA has a lot of competition, and if they want to remain competitive they need to get their act together... I don't care if it's 2 weeks till Valentine's Day, if you want to make a sale you do what you need to. Sheesh.
It looks like a very pretty oval!
Gypsy, that is pretty bad!!! I would have been upset too!

I had requested the IS last weekend, I hadn't heard anything so I called on Tuesday and was told it often takes 48 hours for the IS, then I called again on Wednesday (past the 48 hour mark) and was told since Valentines Day is coming up, they were very busy and it would be 5-7 days. I asked the gentleman about putting a hold on it, and he said the holds were only for 24 hours. Then I'm sure he said he would pull the stone, which I took to mean a hold on it. I called them back again for a 3rd time on Thursday and it was sold. I was bummed, for some reason I felt that that stone was it.

But I am on the fence regarding what I want, soooooo, I just kind of think it wasn't for me, but yeah I kind of thought it was crappy.
I would complain. Seriously. That's unacceptable. You kept on top of them, and it's not like Valentine's Day is a surprise, for the love of god, they know it happens every year. They should prep for it. No way. The person that helped me was named Josh, if he's your sales person too, I'm not surprised they dropped the ball. Which dissapoints me, because frankly they used to be very good about their customer service and I thought my incident was a fluke.
I link to their stones on here a lot too, which is irritiating because if they're customer service is in decline, I'm going to have to stop doing that. I don't want to recommend someone, and then have these issues crop up.

For an Oval I would also recommend GOG. Actually I'd recommend them over anyone else without any hesitation. Second would be Mark at ERD. He has a good eye, very customer service oriented, though his pics kinda blow and he can't do scans. I don't like WF's ovals or EC's or asschers generally. And Wink... I've never seen any of his fancies so I can't comment at all. Pearlman's would be a good with fancies too, they do nice cushions and can do ASETS and WILL hold things for you. They held my wedding band for me for a couple of days despite the fact that they had 15 calls on it, and it was a very hot ticket item. Plus they always, and I mean ALWAYS bend over backward for their customers.

I've purchased from Wink and Pearlmans. I've bothered GOG a LOT, and nearly purchased two things from them (they got in a sample of a setting for me and took pictures for me with a similar sized asscher stone so that I could see if I like them together, I didn't like the setting for my diamond, but their service is impeccible). I've also bothered Mark a lot, and know many people who have purchased from him VERY happily. All fancies too.
Ovals are tricky. I bought mine from GOG. Jonathon brought in 3 or 4 and made a video for me. I got to see them in different lighting conditions. When I contacted him, I said NO Bow ties. He delievered and then some. He''s awesome to work with...
Ditto the IS image, it looks promising from the picture but an IS image would help.
The I stone particularly will show some stronger yellow zones to the left and right sides (on the image orientation) inside the table. It is a function of a longer ray path in that zone.
Can you spend a little more and find a G plus SI stone?

Michele is putting the kids to bed tonight so I decided to sneak in my daily PS fix. I'm sure glad I did!

I would love it if both you ladies can call me at the office tomorrow so I can try and straighten out these customer service issues and help in any other way I can to get the information you've requested. Things haven't slowed down after Christmas and we are definitely short staffed. Regardless, you should absolutely be able to hold an item while you wait for the IS. I will talk with Josh and the rest of the sales team about that tomorrow.

Sometimes I feel like our company is going through a corporate adolescence. We're trying to grow into something handsome, but our feet grew faster than our body and we keep tripping on ourselves!

All the best,
Hi Jim, long time no see!

I will give you a call tomorrow. I''ve always held JA in high regard, and understand about growing pains. I am happy to hear that you will be addressing the issue of diamonds on hold pending IS images, though I''m no longer in the market for anything myself, it gives me peace of mind when I''m recommending diamonds to others.

Thank you,
Gypsey & Jim,
I just came here to update you and I see the owner had made a post. Thank you for that Jim, I appreciate it. It is good to know and very reassuring that you care about your customers. But I just wanted to let you all know that I called James Allen today and talked with the gentleman that I had orginally spoke with. I called to get an IS on this oval and he questioned me about wanting an additional IS when I already has requested 2 others. So I explained that I was told and also under the impression that they were sold. He told me that they were not. He told me they were completely pulled from their site until the images were complete. So yeah!!! I apologized for bothering them so much and the gentleman(Darin) was very apologetic for the delay and misunderstanding and honestly everything was okay. So Jim, please I hope no one gets in trouble. It was a misunderstanding and I completely understand.

So as soon as I figure out how to post this IS image I am going to do that for you all to look at.

Hey folks,

It''s a new day and I just wanted to clarify a few things that came out in this thread.

- When any person requests an IS image from our company, we automatically create a hold in the system for that customer.
- When a diamond is placed on hold, it will show as unavailable through our website.
- In HeatherL''s case, that wasn''t properly explained and she thought the diamonds sold, when in fact they were just on hold for her.
- IS images are usually sent within 48 hours, although it can take longer.
- Once an IS image is sent to the customer, we continue to hold the diamond for an additional 24 hours.

At this point HeatherL has all of the images she''s requested or will be receiving those emails very shortly. So, it looks like the root of the problem was just a simple misunderstanding. I''ve made sure that all our staff explain the hold/IS process and appreciate your continued patronage.

All the best,
Hi Jim,
I seem to remember this same misunderstanding happening in the past now that it has been mentioned what happened.
I would recommend putting the information on the website in the FAQ.
Pricescopers are very good at pointing people to the website documentation when questions come up.
A section titled: What happens when I put a diamond on hold? would cover it.
That''s a good idea Storm.

Hi All, I spoke with Jim and explained what the issues were with my experience, and he''s going to follow up with his salestaff about it so that it doesn''t happen again. It was very nice to have such a quick resolution! Too bad I''m no longer in the market for those earrings.
Gypsy, That is good to hear! You could still always get those earrings-you know Valentines Day is coming up
I wish honey, but hubby was laid off in January, so I''m on a buying hiatus right now. Hopefully he''ll be re-employed soon, though I think the haitus will continue for larger ticket items (over 300) till the economy rights itself a bit. I''ll just be living vicariously through you all though!
Gypsy, I''m sorry to hear that. Hopefully things will turn around quickly for you and your hubby.
Thanks Heather. I can''t wait to see what you get. Do you have settings in mind?
For now just a cathedral solitaire, that I do know. But what I am really having a hard time deciding on is the stone. I like ovals and rounds. I like the shape of the oval, but I want the sparkle of the round. I worry the oval will disappoint me, but worry if I get the round I will think I should have gotten the oval. So I don''t know. My hubby made it clear tonight that he does not like the oval, but he definitely likes the round. I also want to make him happy (this was his idea-not that I''m complaining), but I need to be happy with the choice too. If you check out my other thread, I posted the pics of the IS images that I requested from James Allen. If you don''t mind, tell me what you think.
Hi Heather, I''m not a round person and Ellen and Lorelei, etc. are so much better than I am with rounds that I always defer to them. If I were to buy a round, I would post on here and ask for their advice.

As for the oval/ round issue.

Here are my thoughts.

Rate these in these two order of preference:

"whiteness" of diamond

size (spread) of diamond (finger coverage)

If it''s more important to you for the diamond to be larger... the oval you are looking at has an 8mm length, and will look larger, I think than an 8 mm round.

If you want a whiter diamond, the ideal round will have fantastic light return and ''mask'' any yellow in the J.

Also a round will be easier to find a variety of settings for, and you will be able to get stock settings for that size. If you want to go for a setting for that oval you won''t have the selection you would with a round.

I prefer fancies for rings, so I would go for the oval. My husband doesn''t care for them either (strange), but I''m the one wearing it. But, everyone is different and you have to make the chance that''s right for you.
Gypsy, Yeah I know, I just wish I knew for sure which way I want to go. But I just can''t let the oval go yet. I requested the IS today, when I get it, I will post it for you to see. Thanks for your help, you have been such a doll!
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