
Original Tiffany 6 prong setting

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Nov 25, 2002
Hello everybody,

I am about to buy an engagement ring soon and fell in love (so did my girl) with the Tiffany six prong setting. Though I am not willing to buy (well, maybe not willing, but unable ;-) ) at Tiffany's directly, I was wondering if I could get the same! setting somewhere else. If I am not mistaken, I read somewhere that an online dealer offers this setting made by the same vendor. Could someone please help me out.

Thanks in advance.

Hi tweddy- I a little advice that could help you out. There are many options on different sites and different reputable companies make "tiffany style settings". What your paying for is the tiffany name. How dead set on a tiffany setting is your girl? I think I remember browsing through the and reading if you want the dealer to order you a tiffany setting he can, but you should check the sight out yourself. You might have to purchase the stone through him also in order to get a genuine tiffany setting if that is what in fact he offers. Just investigate a little online and you will see that there might be some alternative options besides a tiffany setting. If in fact your looking for a stone and setting you can find a better cut and quality stone which is cheaper than you might get at tiffany's. I can speak for myself and can say I have truly had better luck online finding better cut stones which score higher on the HCA (Holloway Cut Advisor) and on the brilliance scope for much less than Tiffany sells their rings at. It's all a matter of personal preference, but you have many options. ANd bottom line lets not forget is of course to make your girl happy. I hope I helped you out a little and maybe you can save some bucks so have fun searching.

Take er easy-:bigsmile:
Thanks scorpionrioux,

but I would appreciate it, if someone could remember the thread or even better the dealer where I can get the six prong setting Tiffany uses.

I think you may be thinking of, but I don't know that they sell 6 prong settings. Maybe I'm confused.
Many stores and online sites sell what they call a 'Tiffany 6 prong setting', but I don't know how close it is to the real thing. So you might do a search for that online on Google to see what comes up. I would also visit a few jewelry stores to see what they have in the way of a setting. I found one that I loved, it was a 6 prong beautiful knife-edged thin setting that the woman said was a Tiffany setting, and it was $500 in platinum which was not too bad. Obviously we were getting the stone elsewhere so I was just setting shopping. So you probably have alot of options in the way of 'is like' a Tiffany setting.
Okay I just did a quick search on the web instead of working and found these 3 links that have Tiffany be the judge on how close they look to the real 'Tiffany' solitaire. :)
(Ashford will give a 4 or 6 prong depending on size of the stone)
Thanks to you all,

but does not anybody remember who exactly sells the same setting as Tiffany's? I thought lots of sales people around here are posting...where are your inputs...they would be highly appreciated. :-)

Hi Tweddy,
I had a friend who also wanted the tiffany setting desperately. She did some research and it appears that the only way to get the 'real' tiffany setting is through tiffany. this leads me to believe either they have their own in-house craftsmen making these settings or whomever they deal with is doing well enough with tiffany not to want to jeapordize their exclusive deal with them by letting consumer know who they are. And frankly i think that way tiffany can claim that they are the 'original' because if you paid such a hefty premium to have a 'true' tiffany you woulnd't want all these available replicas around. in a warped way it's saying if you want a real tiffany setting and no compromise will do then you have to get the real thing. great marketing works unfortunately :wink2:
Hi there Tweddy~

I think you may be confusing some information from this forum. The Tiffany "manufacturer" who has been discussed on this board is Vatche, however, he produces a specific design for Tiffany for their Lucida ring. Vatche refers to the design the "X Prong."

The Tiffany six prong solitaire is a classic setting that most any jeweler can make for you. In fact if you do a google search on "Tiffany Six Prong Solitaire Setting" you will find many online vendors who will sell you that setting in a wide range of metals at a wide range of prices! If you had them side by side with a Tiffany setting, you would probably never be able to tell them apart, without looking inside for the Tiffany stamp.

Now even if you found the manufacturer who does supply Tiffany with their six prong setting, and purchase directly from him, it will not be stamped Tiffany, thus it will be undiscernable from any other vendor's Tiffany style six prong setting.

So that said, you can get a very nice Tiffany style six prong solitaire setting in platinum for under $300 at lots of places online. Mara gave you a few good place to start looking in her post above.

Hope this helps!
Best wishes to you and your girl!:appl:
I also really wanted a classic 6 prong Tiffany style setting. We ended up buying a fantastic diamond together with a setting that looks a lot like the ones on the sites (ie Ideal Diamond) that Mara kindly posted. The stems of the prongs are quite thick and the diamond sits relatively high up on the finger. Some people have told us that that the size of our stone (1.30c) necessitates this. My fiancee has very small fingers and we feel a lower setting would certaily look better (as well as catch less on fabric etc!).

Having taken another look at the original Tiffany setting recently, it seems that their setting actually does sit a lot lower and is, to me at least, more attractive than the thicker, higher setting we have. Having had a look around some jewellers as well as online, I have not been able to find anything that is quite as elegant "off the shelf". If it was available I would happily order online and have it shipped.

If anyone can help out...
Bingo--I don't know where you are geographically, but locally here in Northern California, we have a jeweler called Davidson and Licht. They have this one setting they call a Tiffany 6 prong setting, its platinum, and it is somewhat of a 'knife-edge' and has a thin diameter, in no way can it be called thick. This is the one I *love* if I were to get a solitaire. I don't think they have a picture of it on a website or anything, but maybe you can give them a call and see if they can help you out by emailing a pic or something, I don't know how their policies are. They call it THE Tiffany solitaire setting..but again I don't know what Tiffanys looked like..but there are many solitaire's out there that I have seen, and this one was my favorite..very elegant, delicate, with a thin band (about 2mm I think). I don't believe it sat the diamond too high as there was a 2 carat sized cubic in the setting when I tried it, and it looked gorgeous. Anyhow, good luck. The price they quoted me for the setting was $500.
So does anybody know where one could get a Tiffany style platinum setting, six prong with thin claws, elegant, thin (2mm), and the diamond not set too high?

I guess this would solve some questions.
Thanks for any input.
Tweddy, email me and I'll send you the info of someone who can make it for you.
It's me again,

At first my appologies for not responding earlier. Anyhow, thx again for all the input. I was able to look at quite a few six prong settings, however....exactly...the head was too high. I found some with nicely thin prongs, but still was not satisfied with with the whole package. I think a chase waterfalls. Does anybody know how the whiteflash setting looks like. Seems like quite a few people seem almost crazy about this sompany, so maybe you can share some information.

thx in advance
I'm a big Whiteflash fan and purchased my e-ring from them. They sent me a Tiffany style six prong -- and the ring is set very high. I called back and asked if they have anything lower, and they do: there is a high setting and a low setting. So they're sending me the low one and we're going to a jeweler to have the stone switched. I'll let you know.
this would be great, please let us know how the other setting looks like, maybe even with a picture.
Well, we got the lower setting and weren't exactly blown away. The other posters are right -- the generic Tiffany settings aren't nearly as good as the real thing (ironic, because the generic internet diamonds are much better than Tiffany's!). The low setting isn't too low, it just doesn't show off the diamond enough (and it's a 1.5 carat), and the high setting is just too high. We're probably going to keep looking. Was thinking of the Vatche Royal Crown 6 prong, but $900 is a bit steep for plain platinum. And I'm not sure it will suit our wishes, anyway. If other people are getting advice about someone who actually makes a 6 prong Tiffany style setting that is true to the original -- which is low but shows off the diamond fantastically, please post and we can all take advantage.
Well, having done some more research on this subject, it appears that all the "Tiffany style" settings you see on the internet are nothing like the real Tiffany style. Which is a shame because it can't be that much harder to make. Now I'm really torn. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get a style much closer to Tiffany? I don't care about the brand name -- I care about it looking good. I am thinking about the Vatche Royal Crown, which is similar but different -- more rounded like Tiffany. It's a bit pricey though. Anyone have any ideas?
Interesting accounts. . .

My fiance and I looked at Tiffany's early on in our search, and the salesman had to explain to us the "classic"-ness of the Tiffany six-prong. However, my girlfriend wasn't blown away by it, as a matter of fact, she felt that the band was too thin and would have preferred something thicker. (Although the salesman was a little stunned when we asked if Tiffany's had such a variation -- we didn't know how *classic* their setting was) ::)

With that in mind, when time came to buy the setting, I went to a number of jewelry stores but eventually purchased my setting in San Francisco, CA at a store called Derco Jewelers. They have a huge variety of settings, most of which are variations on established styles, such as the Tiffany 6-prong, the Lucida, the Cathedral, etc. Keeping in mind my fiancee's preferences, I went for a modified Tiffany 6-prong, with a thicker band and a lower head, since neither her nor I wanted a stone that sat too high and caught on everything in sight.

Now that it is sitting on her hand, we both agree that the thicker band as well as the lower head have the exact appearance that we wanted (I'll have pictures soon, I promise!) :bigsmile:

So in my experience, it seems like there are quite a few vendors out there who sell variations on the Tiffany 6-prong, from the head height, band thickness, and even how the head is connected to the band (some taper, some do not). Best bet is to check these out in person. While one can do a lot of research on stones (and read up in forums like these), I think it makes sense to hold and feel settings in person and put them on fingers to see how they fit in the context of a unique individual hand. I'm glad that we did.
I find it funny there are duplicates of the Lucida, but not the six-prong. The six-prong is so simple and classic, yet nobody else has it. The shallow shank and the fact that the shank sits in the band, not on it, make it extremely appealing to me. I will not overpay for a Tiffany ring, but I will find a jeweler that can make a ring as exquisite as the Tiffany. Any help out there?
Yes there is always the option of having the setting custom made. Most jewelers should be familiar with the Tiffany style, and if you specify you want the exact replica or as close as possible, I would be surprised if they could not easily and affordably create a similar setting.

Get specifics on what makes the Tiffany style so different (e.g. head sits in band, band width, rounded or sharper edges, etc) and see what your jewelers designers can come up with! :)
This should come quite close, don't you think?

Not "quite close" but a little closer. Where's it from, and how much is it? If Diamond Talk servers will cooperate (they're always down) there's a good thread over there illustrating the difference. I think your ring is better than most of the imitations, but not quite there yet.

Look at the pictures:
the price was close to $600 @ and well i am not 100% satisfied yet either.

Is that the Solstice setting from Stuller?

If not, let me invite you to look at the Solstice setting. Please go to the links below. They are links to the Good Old Gold website.

I think the Solstice is a good Tiffany-inspired setting, especially the 6-prong low-setting with a knife-edge band.

I hope that helps! Good Luck!

I think Fusaro carries a similar setting:
You can get more pictures at:
I too have been looking for a replica of the original Tiffany and have found a setting by Van Graff that I think comes very close. You can view it on the following DT thread:

Does anyone own this Van Graff setting, and if so, does it look as good in person as it does in the picture?

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