
Optimal Parameters for HCA?

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Feb 27, 2003
Are the default values in HCA''s online version the optimal set of inputs? Are there other combinations of inputs that will drive the score even lower, to zero perhaps?

Hm an idea...
I wonder if anyone has a diamond that can produce BrillianceScope''s highest rating (not just VHs on all three bars, but VHs where each of the three performance meters are resting at the farthest ends of the bars). Then maybe we can compare the two sets of optimal measurements to see if there are any discrepancies.
You are asking for the equivalent of the most intelligent, best looking and most pleasant natured person, all in the one woman.

Impossible. Best looking women need not learn to be intelligent and pleasant.

Sorry, had a few nice glasses af wine, it just slipped out
That was very wrong, Cut Nut!

Do you realize how many woman will read your post. It's a good thing your no where close, or you'd be in big trouble

Doesn't sound like you're ready to buy, or look at diamonds yet. Do you feel like everyone is conspiring against you

Be a little more trusting, and go to a reputable jeweler in your area, or an on-line dealer.
If you look for the negative in everything you buy, do you own a house or car

If it doesn't look good to you, don't buy it. If it's too high, go somewhere else.
Good luck
Cut Nut astutely used the qualifier "need not" learn to be intelligent and pleasant. Nice one!

That doesn't mean it CAN'T happen...

I'm sure many of the men on this forum have found the perfect woman with "VH3+" on all three parameters.

Are those also B.S. readings?

But, Garry inserted that pesky "impossible" into the post, thus nullifying the "need not" phraseology.

Maybe Garry is just a bit too comfortable in his faraway Australian hideout. Perhaps being so far away from the bulk of the readership has gotten him feeling a little bit invincible? Unfortunately for him, some woman with an "L1-" on the pleasantness scale may have no problem flying over there and giving him a piece of their VH3+ right hook. LOL!

Have some more wine, Garry. It'll deaden the pain of the blow!

Maybe when Garry sobers up he'll post something a little more helpful, like this:

Check out starting with the Developing HCA section. The method is spelled out pretty clearly, and there are some graphs that look like topographic maps that show how combinations of different angles determine particular scores.

To answer your question about the default HCA being the best...I don't know, but 0.4 sounds pretty sharp to me!

I think it may be possible to get low scores like that with a few different sets of proportions and angles, however... aww heck, go look at the website, it will probably answer questions about HCA you didn't know you had.

Just lay your neck on a block next time and hand the ax to the first impossible lady that happens buy.
You are asking for the equivalent of the most intelligent, best looking and most pleasant natured person, all in the one man.

Impossible. Best looking men need not learn to be intelligent and pleasant.

Sorry, have a slight hang over

But does this make more sense?
Garry, that was both intelligent and pleasant.

I know you don't know me from adam, but it was just sitting there wide open, and noone else took it.
wish i could delete this post

Oh, I don't know if you get off that easy, but it was a valiant effort!


Nice try Gary! Going for the equality thing....

It is actually funny you say that (such a blanket statement!!)...because my darling fiance whom I adore (disclaimer) loves to say that it is his experience that the best looking women (variable) are the ones that are more demanding (variable) because they are more used to more attention and/or getting what they want...while other women (variable) are much more easygoing (variable) as they are 'just happy to have you around' (a male).

Of course this is usually accompanied by a big grin and seems to be somehow related to his perception of my level of demanding-ness (?)...the result of which almost always earns him a good VH3+ jab to the bicep (thanks to my kickboxing..I'm a strong girl) as long as he is within striking range.

He is penitent after that...for all of 5 minutes.



So yyou admit it Mara - and now I know the secret you* will have to kill me!

And by the way, We have seen you photo, so we know you are drop dead gorgeous. We know from your posts you are super intellignet. I am so please your only failing on the Holloway Woman Adviser is you lack of a pleasant nature as evidenced by a tendency to displaay violent outbursts of kicking and punching under duress. Most men place more value on your first mentioned attributes.

He he he
Boy am I in for it......

* You = collective womenhood.
So Garry is the HWA going to be posted somewhere so we can enter our angles and see our scores??

Greg always told his friends & fam he was looking for a tall, strong girl. He got his wish! In light of this... pleasant? Overrated!

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