
Opinions on this stone


Jun 6, 2006
hi everyone, I came across this stone and was wondering if you could share your opinions if this is a good stone according to it's specifications.


Measurements: 6.83 - 6.89 x 4.29 mm
Carat Weight: 1.24 carat
Color Grade: E
Clarity Grade: VVS2
Cut Grade: Excellent

Depth: 62.5%
Table: 58%
Crown Angle: 35.0°
Crown Height: 15.0%
Pavilion Angle: 41.2°
Pavilion Depth: 44.0%
Star length: 50%
Lower Half: 75%
Girdle: Medium, Faceted
Culet: None

Polish: Excellent
Symmetry: Excellent
Fluorescence: None

Let me know your opinions and thank you for taking the time to read my post.


I see your nickname is Singapore. Are you looking at such high color and clarity for a specific reason? I know that in some cultures and societies there is a great deal of interest of the rarer colorless diamonds and flawless clarities. If so, I get it so we'll move on. But if NOT... then you might be able to get a better value at a lower cut and clarity combo without sacrificing anything at all visually to the naked eye.

I think it's over deep. But there are cut experts who will evaluate the stone for you further. To start you off... Please run the statistics through this tool. ANY SCORE 2.0 and lower is good. IT IS PASS OR FAIL. One score is not better than any other. I suspect your stone is going to be over 2.0 in scoring. So if it DOES score over 2.0 I'd like to suggest you do a little homework and read this tutorial. And pay special attention to what the problems can be with an overly deep diamond. :wavey:

Then we can find you a stone that fits your budget, requirements... and make sure what you get is the best you can for you budget.
Thank you very much for your quick reply. Yes in the Asian culture, you are right, we look out more for the rarer colors and clarity. Thank you for posting the links, they are very helpful and will read through them. Just 1 question from you, what is the so called perfect specs of what a proper stone should be? Is there definite parameters that the stone should follow to consider it a good stone? Also I have checked that the hca score is a 3.8 and it's way beyond a 2. Thanks again.

singapore|1316324078|3019915 said:
hi everyone, I came across this stone and was wondering if you could share your opinions if this is a good stone according to it's specifications.


Measurements: 6.83 - 6.89 x 4.29 mm
Carat Weight: 1.24 carat
Color Grade: E
Clarity Grade: VVS2
Cut Grade: Excellent

Depth: 62.5%
Table: 58%
Crown Angle: 35.0°
Crown Height: 15.0%
Pavilion Angle: 41.2°
Pavilion Depth: 44.0%
Star length: 50%
Lower Half: 75%
Girdle: Medium, Faceted
Culet: None

Polish: Excellent
Symmetry: Excellent
Fluorescence: None

Let me know your opinions and thank you for taking the time to read my post.


Ditto - could be fine, could be not. Steeper pav/crown combo + steeper lower girdle facets = possibility of seeing too much light escape through the pavilion for your tastes IRL.. or maybe not. Depends on A) GIA averaging and rounding, whether they rounded crown and pav up, what range went into that rounded average... which we can't tell you from just the numbers on the GIA report, you'll need more info - a scan, some pics, etc., and B) what *you* see when you look at the stone with both eyes, and what your eyes like to see.

Definitely would recommend having this one shipped out to you to see in-person before getting it set, if you're interested. What does the vendor say?

Edit - just saw your reply to Gypsy. I'll let her field it, but I'll add that I would strongly advise against using any of the cheat sheets you might find on here that give you a poinpoint ideal to aspire to - you'll be shooting yourself in the foot trying to meet that ideal and accepting nothing else. The HCA is a good starting point, use it to weed through inventory, and if you see stones that sound interesting but that score 2.5, 3, etc. don't dismiss them out of hand - HCA does not consider lgf and optical symmetry, for example. Are you shopping online, or are you able to see these stones in-person?