
Opinions needed


Dec 21, 2014
Side by side of 1st & 2nd rendering



Jun 19, 2014
a few obvious differences to me between ur second rendering and the original:

1. the inside arches look better in the 2nd rendering vs the 1st (where it was just a perfect square rotated 45degrees), however it's still not as curvy as the original

2. the outer curves are too high compared to the original, which makes the whole ring look extra oval in the E-W orientation. the starting point of the original outer curves are closer to the elevation of where the top and bottom prongs are (if you know what i'm trying to say)

the third point is also about the outer curves, and is that it's much more vertical in the original than your 2nd cad. if you look closely in the original there's quite a bit of metal shown looking down from the top but in your cad you see more pave. (whether this is a good difference is up to you to decide)

4. the last difference i see is very minimal, and i can't guarantee that there is a difference just from pictures, but the original setting gives me the illusion that the shank is gets gradually narrower but it's more curved rather than a straight line (kind of like the curve drawn in #1).
and i also feel like i can see a little bit of the side engraving from the top so if you take the cross section of the shank, it's not just a perfect 90degree square, it's more trapezoid shaped



Dec 21, 2014
Ok everyone.. thanks again for everyone's help and opinions. I spoke with Ilya and he feels he got the ring as close as he can to the original, he doesn't see much difference between the two. So, we are moving to production. My wax should be mailed to me on Friday. I will post pics when I get it. I'm sure it will look good in person. It still has that antique feel to it (I think) and still is unique in the fact that it's not something that everyone else will have.


May 15, 2014
please post photos of the wax when you get it.


May 22, 2002
I suppose with any design you're trying to recreate from an inspiration will have some variance. Unless you buy the original, isn't the original. The ring is pretty close & you have your stamp on it. ;-) Will be beautiful. :))


Apr 22, 2004
We are still a long way from approval; the differences are stark to me.

1. The 4 curves closest to the centre stone
The edges needs to be softened up significantly. Yours looks like a diamond shape (granted there is some curve) but the original is very rounded.

2. Prongs
The prongs in the CAD looks stretched out whereas the original prongs look tucked under. Perhaps by doing this, the outline of the <> around the centre stone can be softened/rounded more.

3. Sapphires
Have him tilt them more. In the original, you can see almost the entire 2 diamonds in the middle.

4. Ribbon diamond
I'll have to take a closer look but something is definitely off

5. Shank
The CAD shank is straight whereas there is some curvature to the original shank (ever so slight concave curve).

Just saw that you approved it. In that case, ignore my comments above.



Dec 21, 2014
Chrono|1421938329|3820347 said:
We are still a long way from approval; the differences are stark to me.

1. The 4 curves closest to the centre stone
The edges needs to be softened up significantly. Yours looks like a diamond shape (granted there is some curve) but the original is very rounded.

2. Prongs
The prongs in the CAD looks stretched out whereas the original prongs look tucked under. Perhaps by doing this, the outline of the <> around the centre stone can be softened/rounded more.

3. Sapphires
Have him tilt them more. In the original, you can see almost the entire 2 diamonds in the middle.

4. Ribbon diamond
I'll have to take a closer look but something is definitely off

5. Shank
The CAD shank is straight whereas there is some curvature to the original shank (ever so slight concave curve).

Just saw that you approved it. In that case, ignore my comments above.
Thanks Chrono. I approved it because he told me that he felt it was very close to the original, that other than the sapphires being added, he seen no difference. He felt this was as close as it was going to get. So it was either I went to production or walk away and be out $600 in total


Apr 22, 2004
He sees no difference but do you? I would not be happy with this ring if I wanted it to look like the original. If you are happy with this ring, then great! However, if you do see the difference and it bothers you, I'd rather eat the fee and start anew with someone else who can see the differences and can make it happen, because it would bug me every time I look at it. I've walked away from such projects and paid the fee because I knew deep down that I would never be happy with the end result.


Dec 21, 2014
I'm not certain. I see differences, yes.. but I'm not sure if I'm gonna love it or just like it until I see it. Which is why I paid extra for my own wax. I figured I'd know for sure when I put it on and seen it in real life. I figured once seen I could make adjustments if needed before casted. I THOUGHT that was part of the process. Because cads usually look more bulky etc than the actual wax. So tweaking could be done at that point. But Ilya said he'd prefer all tweaking done before the waxing. I don't know how to have him change what he can't see. Like j mentioned that his rendering had more of an elongated oval feel n less of a rounded one. But he didn't see it. He said it was as close as he'd be able to get it. The original $300 deposite went twords the original CAD from my 1st ring. Then he added on the cost of this ring. So I assume if I walk, I lose an additional $300.


Apr 22, 2004
CADs are bulkier than the actual ring but the curvature and details are the same. If the details and curvature are not what you like in the CAD, it will not be there in the wax nor the actual ring. I find it more challenging to comment on the wax model because of the weird colour. For me, the wax is more about the comfort fit and proportion of the ring relative to the finger size, not to finalize the design. So yes, I agree with Ilya that all tweaking has to be done before the wax. It is perfectly normal for some benches to not be able to see the differences. Some cannot manufacture to that level of detail as well. That was the case for the 2 projects that I walked away from. I went to a different shop where I paid 2x the price but their bench could see the differences and made a ring that I love. Why 2x the price? Because the first vendor's price was really cheap and I guess that's because the skill level is lower.

Texas Leaguer

Jul 27, 2009
AntiqueLover|1421941543|3820386 said:
I'm not certain. I see differences, yes.. but I'm not sure if I'm gonna love it or just like it until I see it. Which is why I paid extra for my own wax. I figured I'd know for sure when I put it on and seen it in real life. I figured once seen I could make adjustments if needed before casted. I THOUGHT that was part of the process. Because cads usually look more bulky etc than the actual wax. So tweaking could be done at that point. But Ilya said he'd prefer all tweaking done before the waxing. I don't know how to have him change what he can't see. Like j mentioned that his rendering had more of an elongated oval feel n less of a rounded one. But he didn't see it. He said it was as close as he'd be able to get it. The original $300 deposite went twords the original CAD from my 1st ring. Then he added on the cost of this ring. So I assume if I walk, I lose an additional $300.
I think the ring is going to look great. However, as others have pointed out, it is not going to look exactly like the original. If that is your goal, you are not there yet, and it could be a long and expensive process to get alot closer.

One thing to understand at this point - unless you have looked at alot of waxes and then seen them made into finished pieces, evaluating a wax and the translation involved can be tricky. You will get an overall sense of dimensionality and other important basics, but the nonreflective nature of the wax together with the extra wax left on to account for polishing can give you a false sense of what it will look like finished. But if you like the wax, chances are you will love the finished ring.


Dec 10, 2004
I hope you like the wax when it comes .. it may be good enough.

I am with Chrono that I think we are a long ways away. The softness and curves that make the original ring beautiful has been replaced by rigid lines and harshness. However, we are looking at enlarged photos so in real life .. it wouldn't be that bad.

I feel the other ring you were working on came much closer than this one.
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