
Opinions needed on this 1ct Oval


Apr 11, 2016
Hi there,

My soon to be fiancé and I are considering buying this 1ct oval - H, VS2. Price - 4 560 USD

We live in Spain and have been made this offer by a dealer here. The options of James Allen, Good Old Gold etc. don´t really make sense for us once the import duties have been added on. So, is this a good deal? Links to GIA cert and video below...

I´d really appreciate your thoughts about the stone.



Dec 17, 2008
Well, I'm just going to say it. I dont fine the faceting pattern to be attractive. It looks like a very average oval to me. It is also
shallow for an oval which doesnt necessarily mean it's bad. Have you seen it in person?

I'm going to post what I find an attractive oval. (this is what you should be looking for IMO) Ignore color, size and inclusions. Just
look at faceting and light return.

This was a quick look so they may not be top of the line but they are much better than average.


Aug 8, 2005
I don't like it either.


Feb 8, 2014
Yes, sorry, another vote for "not my favorite."


Apr 11, 2016
Thanks so much for your feedback. After seeing the videos of the three stones from tyty333 I immediately see what type of faceting and light return I should be looking for... much more attractive! Thanks for sending the examples :)

I have made a filter on James Allen using these guidelines and would like your opinions on these stones...

What are your thoughts on this one? Does it look like it is losing light at the head and tail, or is that just an illusion created by the facet design? I´ve also heard not to go as low as I for colour in ovals as they show colour more. Is that true or should one judge each stone individually?

Is the flourescence in this one of any concern? It also has a cavity, but from what I can see on the GIA cert, it is on the pavillion.

These three are pretty similar, any preferences...?

I love this last one. It has a really interesting facet structure, but it seems it is cut quite deep, so won´t face up very big.
It´s l/w ratio is also quite fat, but I guess that is up to personal preference.

We may have to end up purchasing through James Allen and paying import duties, as the choice in Spain is so limited. On the other hand, we could always visit the States on our next holiday and arrange to collect it then!


Dec 17, 2008
KimH731|1460474560|4018287 said:
Thanks so much for your feedback. After seeing the videos of the three stones from tyty333 I immediately see what type of faceting and light return I should be looking for... much more attractive! Thanks for sending the examples :)

I have made a filter on James Allen using these guidelines and would like your opinions on these stones...

What are your thoughts on this one? Does it look like it is losing light at the head and tail, or is that just an illusion created by the facet design? I´ve also heard not to go as low as I for colour in ovals as they show colour more. Is that true or should one judge each stone individually?I'm not color sensitive but I dont usually go below an H in ovals/pears. But yes, they do need to be evaluated on their own merits. I would rather have an I with supper light return then and F that only had so-so light return.
The circled green area show where leakage is. Unfortunately, this is pretty typical for Ovals. The color (I) will show up more in
the leakage area. This one does have a nice center. I would consider it above average. If you were interested in this one I would
ask JA about the color and how "I" it is.

Is the flourescence in this one of any concern? It also has a cavity, but from what I can see on the GIA cert, it is on the pavillion.
Fluorescence is rarely an issue but you would need to ask JA if it affects the stone at all(milky/hazy in sun). If interested in this
stone I would also ask JA if the cavity is a durability issue. If not, I would find a way to cover it with a prong.

These three are pretty similar, any preferences...?

This is nice and bright. Has a wide area of nice facets in the center. Also, color sholdnt be an issue (G). You would need to
check with JA that it is eye-clean. Looks like it has a very good chance at being eye-clean.

Also pretty nice through the center. You would need to ask JA if it is eye-clean.

Also decent light return. It's facing up smaller then the last 2 may be due to thick to slightly thick girdle. Again, I would ask
JA about the color. It's showing up with a brown tinge on my screen but I think it's just the photo set up...there is nothing in
the cert about browb tinge.

I love this last one. It has a really interesting facet structure, but it seems it is cut quite deep, so won´t face up very big.
It´s l/w ratio is also quite fat, but I guess that is up to personal preference.

This is a 4 main which tends to have fewer but larger facets. Personal preference. It does look to have nicer light return on
the outside of the stone as well. It is deep and is facing up smaller. Thick girdle also...

We may have to end up purchasing through James Allen and paying import duties, as the choice in Spain is so limited. On the other hand, we could always visit the States on our next holiday and arrange to collect it then!

When ready to buy you can see if JA can get aset images on these stones. They will give you up to 3 (don't get them till you really
need them) and they can only get them on stones in the NY area. I feel better that you know what to look for now! :appl:
Ovals are hard to buy so if you live in a place with limited ovals it's going to be way harder to find a good one. I think buying
here and picking it up on vacation sounds like a good idea and lots of fun to boot!



Apr 11, 2016
Thank you so much for your comments, they have been an immense help and I REALLY appreciate it!

We are actually already pretty sure that we want to do a trip to New York in August. Do you have any idea if we could purchase a stone (and probably have it set as well) now and have James Allen hold on to it for us until then? Or is it better to make the purchase closer to the time? In other words, do JA replenish their inventory often enough that we will find similar stones in a couple of months from now or if we have seen something we like, should we bite the bullet now?


Dec 17, 2008
KimH731|1460489513|4018419 said:
Thank you so much for your comments, they have been an immense help and I REALLY appreciate it!

We are actually already pretty sure that we want to do a trip to New York in August. Do you have any idea if we could purchase a stone (and probably have it set as well) now and have James Allen hold on to it for us until then? Or is it better to make the purchase closer to the time? In other words, do JA replenish their inventory often enough that we will find similar stones in a couple of months from now or if we have seen something we like, should we bite the bullet now?

You know, I cant really answer the question of when the best time to buy is or if JA will hold on to it until you get here. JA seem to
have a good selection of decent 1 carat ovals right now. It's not always that way. :(sad I think you should ask them. Dont know how
long you are planning on staying. If you are going to wait until the last minute to pick the stone and have it set you need to
coordinate really well with JA to make sure they understand that your timeline is pretty tight and you are leaving to go back on
such and such date so it absolutely has to be picked up before then.

Edit...does JA have a setting that you like? Just curious.


Apr 11, 2016
Ok, I will contact JA about timing etc. The setting was going to be my second question to them. I know exactly what I would like and it would mean finding out if they could modify any of their settings...
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