
Opinions needed about a Rubellite


Jul 4, 2011
Hello everyone! I am still new to posting but feel that I know most of you since I have been "lurking" for over a year. I am asking for your honest opinions about a rubellite that I have ordered from Gene at Precision Gem. I will pick it up from the post office tomorrow so I only have Gene's picture at this time. Weight: 5.17 ct. Dimensions: 12 x 9.8 mm Origin: Africa


I can't wait to see it IRL. Please let me know what you think.
It looks very pretty, and I bet you will love the cut. I haven't bought from Gene (yet), but I have bought 1 precision cut stone, and it's amazing how different it is from my other stones.
That color looks delicious!
You have doubts? I think it looks divine. I would love to see pictures when you get it!
Thank you all for taking the time to respond. The first time I saw this picture, it took my breath away. Gene was wonderful about answering my many, many questions and he has a 7 day return policy. I love his precision cutting. I just wanted to know if you all saw anything in the gem that my untrained eye is not seeing. Can you tell that I am a little unsure of myself? I will be picking it up at the post office as soon as it opens.
I do value your opinions/thoughts/ideas- keep em coming.
Well, since my username stands for New Kid On The Block, I can't pretend that my eye is "trained". I have bought 4 gems so far from Gene, though, and his pictures are quite accurate in terms of what you will get. I am pretty confident that if you love the pic, you'll love the gem. :)
What are your plans for it? It is fairly large.
Hi FamilyNurse welcome to PS!

Looks like a beauty to me!

Im not much of an expert, but can say every Gene precision gem I've seen on his website and posted on PS is pretty dead on. So if you love the photo, I think its safe to say IRL you shouldn't be disappointed. From what I've read hear on PS and googled, the Rubellite color should be true in ALL lighting variations. Since Gene has 7 day return policy, you will have a few days to check the gem out.

If you type Rubellite tourmaline in search you will see tons of forums full of interesting post and point of view. :))
When you get it, view it in different light sources. A good rubellite should hold it's hot pink and red hues in artificial and natural light. Some rubellite tends to "brown out" or go more orange.
Nice color, cutting and size. Like TL said, make sure you view it in different lighting to make sure it holds its color and not go dark.
It looks wonderful, and of course Gene's cutting is stunning. Absolutely look at it in different lights as TL mentions, and look out for brown,

But in the end: if you love it, enjoy it! Your heart will tell you if you think it's a keeper. Can't wait to see in-hand pics! :twirl:
When you receive it, take it out for a "test drive". View it under direct sunlight, under a tree and by the window in your house. At night, check it out under fluorescent, incandescent and halogen lighting. Take note of how the colour shifts and changes and decide if you love live, can live with it or cannot abide by it. Typically, fine rubellite will vary from a pinkish purple to purplish red. Most people will avoid stone that shift to a muddy colour (orangish or brown).
Thanks so much for all the great advice! I mentioned to Gene that I didn't want a stone that is brownish or orange. His description-"The color is more of red with out the purple that the other stone had. The color holds good in all lights, but is it's best in daylight. In incandesent it does look a very little bit of saturation, but not much at all." I will pick it up in about 2 hours and plan to look at it under all kinds of lighting.
Then for the hard part- trying to take pictures and post them. It spent several hours trying to figure out how to post Gene's picture- and only succeeded because my son called and told me how to do it - took him about 2 min. Next I'll figure out how to post the "smiley" figures.
Ooooo scrummy looking :love: Can't wait for RL pics, though trying to photo the colour as you see it may prove more difficult that uploading the pics :D

BTW: Smilies are to the right of your screen when replying and you just click on one to add it to the text :wavey:
Gene's photos don't accurately reflect his stones in that what you get is usually MUCH nicer than the photo - so you can only imagine how lovely this one will be. To be fair, I find Gene's photos probably the best at replicating what you get BUT they're still better when they arrive. :appl:

As a lover of Rubellite I can tell you that I wouldn't hesitate to buy this one. It's gorgeous. However, one caveat, if it browns out in incandescent lighting then I wouldn't keep it BUT some people like this shift so, if you do, please keep hold of it!
Hello everyone- Well I have the gem and its a beautiful reddish pink color , the cut is beautiful and it doesn't turn brown or orange in any lighting. However, I am still making up my mind. It had dark angles depending on which way it is sitting. Even sitting up right it appears to have a dark ring around it. I call them black out areas. I can't seem to position the gem so that it all remains red without a black angle showing up somewhere. Is this normal? Will it change when it is mounted? Thanks for all your help.
Any gem that is a medium or medium dark colour will have areas that look darker when you move the gem. It's caused by how the light reflects off the facets. This won't change when set. If anything, gemstones tend to get slightly darker once set (depending of course on the setting).
familynurse|1312737998|2985903 said:
Hello everyone- Well I have the gem and its a beautiful reddish pink color , the cut is beautiful and it doesn't turn brown or orange in any lighting. However, I am still making up my mind. It had dark angles depending on which way it is sitting. Even sitting up right it appears to have a dark ring around it. I call them black out areas. I can't seem to position the gem so that it all remains red without a black angle showing up somewhere. Is this normal? Will it change when it is mounted? Thanks for all your help.

FN would you be able to take some photos of the gem at different angles and lighting to show what you are referring to?
I would say that usually Gene's pictures are pretty accurate although I have not bought anything recent, but not all rubellites show significant amount of black out areas, even if they are on a darker side. Like LD, I am concerned that it will darken even more in a setting. If anything bothers you now, setting may present a problem or become restricted to very few simple designs.
We finally got some sunlight here- three overcast days and rain after record heat. The rubellite is beautiful in the sun- it is prettier than the picture! I will take it to work tomorrow and see how it looks there and then make a decision. I tried pictures- let me just say my opinion of everyone's picture skills has greatly increased. Maybe someone at work can help take a picture that I can post. Quite a few of my co workers are very teckie.
I remembered someone said to wrap a gem in tinfoil to see if it would darken. I took the foil from a piece of chewing gum made a small hole in it and placed the gem in the hole so that the foil was even with the girdle. I then trimmed the foil around the gem. It really didn't appear to darken at all. Again thanks for all the information.
It is normal to see some dark areas interspered throughout the stone. I doubt that you are seeing extinction (huge blackish areas) although it is possible. However, it is more likely that you are seeing scintillation, small areas of contrast between facets that are lit up and those that aren't.