
Opinion on WF X-factor

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Jan 8, 2007
Hi everyone,

Been lurking on these forums for a while now and have loved all the help I''ve gotten and am finally getting to the point of buying a ring in the next month or so and have a couple questions for all the good people on the board :)

First thing is has anyone actually seen the WF x-factor diamonds that have come out? Searched the forum and really didn''t see much info on them yet and was just looking for impressions. it looks like they''re just what I''m lookng for but it woul dbe nice to know for sure.

Also any ideas on other stones similar to that, my gf loves the "clipped corner" look. Looking for something around the 3/4 carat range and would like to keep the stone in the $2500 - $3000 range. So really looking for the best combination of size and quality in the stone. I''ve looked at a few other sites like GOG and it''s hard to get a gauge of the pricing on some of the others so any help or info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again to everyone for the time you put in on the site, it has been invaluable
I think someone a while back ordered one here...but he hasn''t come back with pictures unfortunately. I''m afraid they haven''t really gotten too popular here yet, so that is probably why no one is responding to this thread.

Can anyone help remember who ordered the X-factor about a month or so ago???
I am also wondering about the X-Factor diamonds. Are they Princess diamonds with cut corners or something else?

Is the goal of the X-factor to get more fire, to get more diamond size (since corners are cut I would guess a 1 carat X would be larger then a 1 carat princess to the eye), or to help stop chipping?
square radiants and asschers have clipped corners.
I am curious about xfactor also. What is the goal of the design compared to a regular princess?
I beleive the point is a combination of getting a larger looking diamond at the same weight and also helping with the durability of it by not having the corners. More than anything I like the shape of it and think it looks better than some of the other similar cuts like the asscher. Just want to be sure it''s not something that will be dissapointing when I actually recieve it.
There was a gal on here who got one, and loved it. She was going to do a thread on it, but never did. I''ve tried to find her one thread, but can''t, can''t remember her nic.
i''ve seen the first ones in person...they were really pretty, but i have a regent which to me i liked the look of better. but as a clipped corner kind of square cushion they are surely lovely. i''d also look into regents and jubilees which are still out there, you just gotta search...and see what you think about the various looks...because i think that they each have their own personality.
Date: 1/9/2007 1:09:06 PM
Author: Mara
i've seen the first ones in person...they were really pretty, but i have a regent which to me i liked the look of better. but as a clipped corner kind of square cushion they are surely lovely. i'd also look into regents and jubilees which are still out there, you just gotta search...and see what you think about the various looks...because i think that they each have their own personality.
The pros are as-listed; durability and a slightly larger spread for the weight. The potential downside with unique cuts is that they have not survived the test of time and may not always be available in the future. That's more of a problem for sellers than it is for buyers who bought because they like the uniqueness and/or have trade-in options. Of course, a clipped-corner princess is likely to be around a lot longer than faceting some diamonds to look like flamingos and hoping your 'flamingo cut' will still be around in 50 years.
Relevant to this, Mara, the Regent was discontinued last year & existing inventory was recut into other shapes.
Thanks for the responses everyone. It seems like the impressions I had about it are the same as you all. the only thing I''ve been worried about is if she ever wanted to trade up and it was no longer made but I don''t think that is very likely to happen anyway.

John I will message you if you don''t get this and feel free to reply privately if you''d like but I was wondering if by setting up an appoitment on the new chat/video thing we could go over some settings and prices 1 on 1? Or do you not handle that side of the business?

Will probably be ordering in the next few weeks when I decide for sure and will post pics on here for others. Anyone think I''d be better off waiting until after valentines day or is that not really an issue? I''m not planning on proposing until after that anyway so if it woul dbe an advantage I can hold off until then.
Date: 1/9/2007 9:27:35 PM
Author: erizza
Will probably be ordering in the next few weeks when I decide for sure and will post pics on here for others. Anyone think I''d be better off waiting until after valentines day or is that not really an issue? I''m not planning on proposing until after that anyway so if it woul dbe an advantage I can hold off until then.
WF could probably answer best on whether they have a good supply now, or it will be better later.

Please do post once you get it, it will be nice to reference for future buyers.
Date: 1/8/2007 10:51:25 PM
Hi everyone,

Been lurking on these forums for a while now and have loved all the help I've gotten and am finally getting to the point of buying a ring in the next month or so and have a couple questions for all the good people on the board :)

First thing is has anyone actually seen the WF x-factor diamonds that have come out? Searched the forum and really didn't see much info on them yet and was just looking for impressions. it looks like they're just what I'm lookng for but it woul dbe nice to know for sure.

Also any ideas on other stones similar to that, my gf loves the 'clipped corner' look. Looking for something around the 3/4 carat range and would like to keep the stone in the $2500 - $3000 range. So really looking for the best combination of size and quality in the stone. I've looked at a few other sites like GOG and it's hard to get a gauge of the pricing on some of the others so any help or info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again to everyone for the time you put in on the site, it has been invaluable
Yes.....I have seen them in person this past May during a visit there. These were pre-market.

They are GORGEOUS in person.......but don't take my word for it. Here's a picture I took from that trip. Please keep in mind that this was taken with a dinky 2mp Nikon, and they still look phenominal.

Thanks so much for the pictures. Nice to see something other than the ones that are made to look perfect on the site. and they do look good.
I found another picture I took during that trip below...........

The aqua color you see in the stone is reflecting my aqua colored blouse!

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