
Opinion on this 2.8 Lab

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
The proportions of this stone don't work very well together, so it won't perform as well as a better cut stone. Would you be open to buying online? If so, we can help you find another stone if you share your budget.


Apr 23, 2021
I agree with @Kim N ...looks to have a bit of a dull/leaky center, which is the result of the steep pavilion angle paired with the steep crown angle.

Run it through the HCA tool and ask for Ideal-Scope or ASET images to confirm its light return characteristics.


Apr 7, 2022
The proportions of this stone don't work very well together, so it won't perform as well as a better cut stone. Would you be open to buying online? If so, we can help you find another stone if you share your budget.

Hi, thanks so much! Were you able to take a look at the videos? The price is $3,600 for the loose stone…I think it’s worth it despite the cut but it’s my first time buying so I’m not sure…thoughts? it seems to sparkle in the videos, but is it supposed to do more?


Apr 7, 2022
I agree with @Kim N ...looks to have a bit of a dull/leaky center, which is the result of the steep pavilion angle paired with the steep crown angle.

Run it through the HCA tool and ask for Ideal-Scope or ASET images to confirm its light return characteristics.

Hi, thanks so much! Were you able to take a look at the videos? The price is $3,600 for the loose stone…I think it’s worth it despite the cut but it’s my first time buying so I’m not sure…thoughts? it seems to sparkle in the videos, but is it supposed to do more?

Just ran through the tool and yeah it’s good not an ideal like the report says. Bummer! But still not sure because the videos look sparkly I think? And the price is better than I’ve been finding


Apr 23, 2021
Hi, thanks so much! Were you able to take a look at the videos? The price is $3,600 for the loose stone…I think it’s worth it despite the cut but it’s my first time buying so I’m not sure…thoughts? it seems to sparkle in the videos, but is it supposed to do more?

Just ran through the tool and yeah it’s good not an ideal like the report says. Bummer! But still not sure because the videos look sparkly I think? And the price is better than I’ve been finding

Yes, I did look at the videos and pictures.
It has nice edge/crown brightness and sparkle as it is moved around, but I'm not a fan of how sleepy the center area under the table appears.


Apr 7, 2022
Yes, I did look at the videos and pictures.
It has nice edge/crown brightness and sparkle as it is moved around, but I'm not a fan of how sleepy the center area under the table appears.
Thanks to both of you. I'm going to see the diamond in-person tomorrow. It's $3650. HCA says it's a 4.8, good if main criteria is price but nothing else good score wise. So that's not great.

I found this one that is a 2.41, hearts and arrows with a 1.3 HCA score, with excellent on everything. It's $3957.

What do you think? Is there a big difference between a 2.41 and 2.8? Is this 2.41 going to look dramatically better? Sadly, they won't have it in time for tomorrow's visit, but I am going to compare other sizes in-person. Thanks again!
@Kim N


Apr 23, 2021
Thanks to both of you. I'm going to see the diamond in-person tomorrow. It's $3650. HCA says it's a 4.8, good if main criteria is price but nothing else good score wise. So that's not great.

I found this one that is a 2.41, hearts and arrows with a 1.3 HCA score, with excellent on everything. It's $3957.

What do you think? Is there a big difference between a 2.41 and 2.8? Is this 2.41 going to look dramatically better? Sadly, they won't have it in time for tomorrow's visit, but I am going to compare other sizes in-person. Thanks again!
@Kim N

Much better proportions and angles.
8.67mm vs 9.02mm will certainly be noticable for diameter. However, if the 2.41 has better light performance, then it will be way more eye catching, brighter, with more intensity.

Are these at Adiamor?

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Thanks to both of you. I'm going to see the diamond in-person tomorrow. It's $3650. HCA says it's a 4.8, good if main criteria is price but nothing else good score wise. So that's not great.

I found this one that is a 2.41, hearts and arrows with a 1.3 HCA score, with excellent on everything. It's $3957.

What do you think? Is there a big difference between a 2.41 and 2.8? Is this 2.41 going to look dramatically better? Sadly, they won't have it in time for tomorrow's visit, but I am going to compare other sizes in-person. Thanks again!
@Kim N

The 2.41 is much more promising, and it may well appear just as big as the other one due to the better cut. Can you see if the vendor can provide an ASET image for each stone? And when you look at the diamond in person, it'd be great if you can bring it away from the jewelry store lighting, such as by a window--the jewelry store lights will make everything look good, but you want a stone that will perform well in many different lighting environments.
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