
One thing you think everyone (most people) should do/experience at least once in their life?


Jun 8, 2008
I'll start
While I know there are no universal musts for everyone this is one thing I feel is something everyone should experience at least once in their life...

Falling in love
There is nothing more grand IMO
Nothing more wonderful or more special
Falling in love is a magical fall into a world you never could imagine to be so incredible

Your turn


Apr 30, 2005
Scuba diving!!!
That's not just snorkeling with mask fins and snorkle, but with the air tanks, regulator and all the other stuff for comfort and safety.
First get trained and certified because it is very dangerous if you are untrained.
I was trained by PADI back in the 1970s.

I'd opt to go somewhere with warmer water.
Then you don't need a wet suit and weight belt. :knockout:
I've only scuba dove (dived?) in the Philippines.
Go at the time of year when the water is most clear, IOW not during the rainy season.
It's awesome, absolutely awesome!
It's like flying.
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Jun 26, 2007
The Grand Canyon. Everyone must see it. Photos cannot capture its immenseness, only the human eye can really see how vast it is.
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Sep 10, 2003
Travel the world and experience the natural beauty of the planet and other cultures.


Jun 27, 2014
Things everyone can do no matter the age:

Seeing the night sky. Really seeing it. No light pollution, just to imagine the wheeling.
Putting your toes in the mud. Looking at the ocean.
Most people have forgotten these simple joys by the time they grow up.


Aug 4, 2008
Scuba diving!!!
Scuba diving and Sky diving are 2 things I wish I had done.
The opportunities always came with bad timing.


Apr 19, 2004

Having a six-pack. LOL


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I have a very strong fear of edges(heights) but on a rope I feel 100% secure.
I think my fear of edges stems from being clumsy and not having good balance.
At a young age I cracked my scull falling.

oh dear glad you survived
yes, i dont like heights either but you are facing the cliff and cant see down mostly
i dont think i would like rock climbing though
too much hard work ;)2


Mar 3, 2018
See the Earth from the moon -- just breathtaking!

Seriously, in terms of things that folks can access and have control over, I agree with @ItsMainelyYou: seeing the stars on a crystal-clear night from a comfortable, safe, super-dark locale. Give your eyes 30+ min to dark-adapt. No phone or other media. You will see satellites, meteors, Milky Way, planets, see a hint of color to some stars, and so on.

Also, have a well-prepared meal with alcoholic beverage pairings that are truly tailored to each course. This is worlds different from buying the most expensive food or wine. I was fortunate to be introduced to this concept (once!) before I was even legal drinking age in my home country. I protested that I knew nothing about wine and it would be good money wasted. But, instead, it was a complete epiphany. I understood immediately how the right wine can enhance a dish and make the whole experience show-stopping. And you do not need to know one word about wine (or beer, or sake or mead or whatever the accompaniment is). Just sit back and enjoy what the experts have painstakingly assembled! I made sure to create this same experience for our kids -- who said the same thing I did at their age until they tried it.


Mar 21, 2019
I have a very strong fear of edges(heights) but on a rope I feel 100% secure.
I think my fear of edges stems from being clumsy and not having good balance.
At a young age I cracked my scull falling.

Secure with a rope is your innate sense of physics.
Evidently you did not lose any IQ points with your skull fracture.


Apr 30, 2005
Loving and being loved by a pet - such an incredible joy!

+ 1,000!

But if it's a parrot, then + zillion!
Not being domesticated makes parrots 99% wild animals, even the hand-fed chicks who are imprinted on humans retain their natural DNA and instincts.

The expectations of parrots is (in countless ways) the polar opposite of what humans want ... especially parrots' expectation of almost CONSTANT interaction with their humans.
That's how it is in their wild flocks.


Since, over time, humans have derived both of these breeds from wolf then perhaps parrots' usually-annoying demand to never be left alone could be bred out.

In my experience if you research, learn, and finally get it, (likely after many unfortunate "starter" birds) the rewards of a companion parrot (which is not considered meerly a pet) are much greater than the rewards from one of the much-easier long-domesticated pets.
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May 15, 2014
Travel. See The David in Florence. See the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Go to the food courts at Harrods and Galleries Lafayette. See St. Chapelle stained glass. See the dome of the Parma Cathedral. Drive through Tuscany. Go to Krakow and walk through the ghetto. Go to the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. Go to the Vienna opera. So many more. And take your kids so that they can see that the world is larger than what they see every day.


Mar 13, 2004
I thought the most amazing experience for me was carrying a life inside me, and my 2 pregnancies were the most amazing experiences that I wish all would be able to experience. I know it is not something all can experience or want to experience, but I even told DH that I wish science would make it possible for biological men to do so one day….


Apr 30, 2005
Travel. See The David in Florence. See the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Go to the food courts at Harrods and Galleries Lafayette. See St. Chapelle stained glass. See the dome of the Parma Cathedral. Drive through Tuscany. Go to Krakow and walk through the ghetto. Go to the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. Go to the Vienna opera. So many more. And take your kids so that they can see that the world is larger than what they see every day.

OMG! All that sounds TDF.
But I'm too old to travel like that. :cry2:


Jun 8, 2008
Loving and being loved by a pet - such an incredible joy!

Yes 100% yes. Everyone should experience the love of an animal. I completely subscribe to Anatole France's quote "Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened"

Travel the world and experience the natural beauty of the planet and other cultures.

go overseas and experience life outside of your home country -and not just touristy spots

Agreed. Traveling and immersing oneself in other cultures is an exhilarating and eye opening experience. We should all realize we are not the center of the universe. That there is a greater world out there. I have observed on many occasions too many people think they are the center of the universe and it's mind boggling how ignorant humans can be. I do not know what is happening in this upside down black mirror world. But travel can help humble you. There is so much more out there than your small little world

Scuba diving!!!
That's not just snorkeling with mask fins and snorkle, but with the air tanks, regulator and all the other stuff for comfort and safety.
First get trained and certified because it is very dangerous if you are untrained.
I was trained by PADI back in the 1970s.

I'd opt to go somewhere with warmer water.
Then you don't need a wet suit and weight belt. :knockout:
I've only scuba dove (dived?) in the Philippines.
Go at the time of year when the water is most clear, IOW not during the rainy season.
It's awesome, absolutely awesome!
It's like flying.

Agreed. It is awesome. It is truly an immersive experience in so many ways

The Grand Canyon. Everyone must see it. Photos cannot capture its immenseness, only the human eye can really see how vast it is.

Yup 100% breathtaking. A wondrous experience

Spend some significant time working or volunteering among people who have much less than you do.
It will forever change how you view your own assets (whatever they may be).

Absolutely yes. Volunteering gets you out of your own head and away from your (somewhat imagined) problems and allows you to realize there is a whole world of people and animals who need you and what is really important in the world. What real problems truly are and it can be a cathartic and stunning opportunity to put life and your own "problems" in perspective

I thought the most amazing experience for me was carrying a life inside me, and my 2 pregnancies were the most amazing experiences that I wish all would be able to experience. I know it is not something all can experience or want to experience, but I even told DH that I wish science would make it possible for biological men to do so one day….

Ha, I know many men who would not want that experience but maybe one day science can make it happen for those who do

I have a very strong fear of edges(heights) but on a rope I feel 100% secure.
I think my fear of edges stems from being clumsy and not having good balance.
At a young age I cracked my scull falling.

I am glad you survived that Karl and I also have a fear of heights. Maybe for a similar reason because I am what you might call a "Klutz" so maybe my survival instincts kick in making me afraid of heights.

Also, have a well-prepared meal with alcoholic beverage pairings that are truly tailored to each course

Yes, I agree with this. We were so fortunate when we were younger to experience many many finely prepared foods and liquor and amazing dining experiences. As we got older they became less important to us and we were less impressed but we had a good few decades of spectacular dining experiences all around the world. Though mainly in NYC

Things everyone can do no matter the age:

Seeing the night sky. Really seeing it. No light pollution, just to imagine the wheeling.
Putting your toes in the mud. Looking at the ocean.
Most people have forgotten these simple joys by the time they grow up.

Yes!!! All the above are delicious. I am (imagining the) feeling the mud between my toes I write this. And I adore the stars and knowing the world is so much more than us. The simple joys are truly the most special ones IMO. I value and appreciate every single day. There is so much beauty all around us and so many pass by it without taking notice. We all need to stop and enjoy the simple pleasures and nature all around


Having a six-pack. LOL


I had this when I was younger but I much prefer it on my men ;-)
Make a work of art (any kind--music, writing, dance, visual, food, or whatever you choose). Work at it for a long time, finish it, and share it with people who appreciate it.

Love this glitterata. I love music and art and it can be magical and life changing

Travel. See The David in Florence. See the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Go to the food courts at Harrods and Galleries Lafayette. See St. Chapelle stained glass. See the dome of the Parma Cathedral. Drive through Tuscany. Go to Krakow and walk through the ghetto. Go to the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. Go to the Vienna opera. So many more. And take your kids so that they can see that the world is larger than what they see every day.

Yes. It is such a huge privilege to be able to enjoy travel and all the great works of art all over the world. One of our most beautiful trips were to these places. Though my all time favorite trip is still Alaska. Right here in the USA. Such stunning scenery all over. Gorgeous wilderness in which we got to hike and it was a trip I will never forget

Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their thoughts and experiences. :love:
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