
One Happy Camper

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Feb 15, 2003
Let me start this post with a giant THANKS to everyone who has given me any pointers along the way!! The finished ring showed up at Fedex today, and I am now holding the smallest representation of that much cash that I have ever seen (and I love it).

Most of the people who are active on the site know the basics of my story, but because I am thrilled with the service I got, and I am so excited to tell everyone, I will tell the whole story....grab a seat and a tasty beverage.

It all started when I was a little boy...sorry wrong story.

I decided I was ready to look for a ring early in February. At that point I was only a short bit into a 3 month assignment in Singapore (and my girl was back in the states in Atlanta). I heard rumors that diamonds were cheap in Singapore, so I started visiting some mainstream reputable dealers in Singapore. They gave me the standard 4 line diamond education and tried to upsell me on the premium brands. It was then that I first learned about H&A and "ideal" cut diamonds. I soon realized that I didn't know enough to make a purchase of this magnitude, and so I started talking to Mr. Internet. It only took a little bit of time to find Pricescope, and then I had the second love of my life. I spent every free minute reading posts back as far as I could. I was trying to be a knowledge sponge.

I finally emerged without a clue. I had learned so much that the search for my "perfect" diamond actually got harder, but more fun. I started looking for a place that could accomodate my situation (being in Singapore). I checked out most of the vendors here on pricescope...mainly Whiteflash, SuperbCert, and GOG. I was turned off by the amateur appearance of GOG's site, so I decided I would focus on Whiteflash...Things started off well, but I quickly lost the attention of Lesley when I started posting questions to Pricescope about non ACA stones...So on to Barry. Barry told me that he would not be able to extend the return "grace" period for me since I wouldn't be back in the states to see the stone until after it had ended. This is understandable...but I decided to check out Jonathan at GOG since I had read so many good things about him.

Jonathan was super quick w/ all of his responses. He told me he would extend the grace period to 30 days after I returned to the states (with a $500 deposit, which I had also offered to Barry). We worked through several suggestions, and then I fell in stone I kept coming back to. I decided to have Jonathan hold this one aside for me. It all happened so fast that I hadn't even thought through the mounting.

The next portion involved sifting through pages and pages of ring pictures. After many a day, I found one I liked (check out this post for more info on the setting search). In order to shorten this, I will say that I had the ring custom made in Singapore, then carried it back to the states.

I had the stone and the setting sent to RockDoc. RockDoc was pretty quick with it. He had an eye problem just before getting it, so I give him a bit of slack for a little of the delay. It was still done (set and inspected) in less than a week...While that was going on, I got Chubb to write a policy up for the purchase price. They were so easy to work with...I highly recommend their policy.

And despite a glitch with Fedex where they gave RockDoc the address of a drop-box and not a holding location (which caused me to drive 30 miles, or i would have had to wait another day), it got here just fine. The thing will blind you...I can't even imagine her reaction!

Thanks again to all who helped. And good luck to those who are reading this looking for suggestions. I will be checking the place on and off because I have become enthralled by it. And I will post pics of the final deal this evening (or tomorrow morning) once I get to my camera. And I will add the engagement story in a little over 2 weeks once it is over!

And to those who have made it this far...Take care.

Keep on Keepin' On,

I looked back and saw that I gave everyone but Jonathan at GOG a courtesy link...all of which open in new windows.
YAY Stu..congrats. And to think, it only took 99 posts to make this happen!
Much better than my 250 when I got my ring!
Didn't even realize I was about to reach the this one is for no other reason than to see me cross that mark!

PS's newest Century Club member (not that anyone else thinks/cares about it

Mucho congratulations!!!! Sounds like quite a beaut. Do let us know her reaction, okay?
Stu - congratulations! Good luck with the proposal now.

It must feel wonderful to finally have the ring in your hands! Looking forward to seeing the pics.

P.S. You did a good thing getting outta here - the SARS problem just gets worse and worse here.
OK, so I have had the chance to take a few...i will take some more when I have access to some better lighting. Though I think they are turning out pretty good so far!

Flowerpower...I owe you one for the suggestion about Whye Hoe. Next time I am in Singapore, hopefully my fiance will be w/ me, and I'll get you a beer
! I really hope the SARS thing settles down. I have many friends and colleagues that are either there now or will be traveling soon. Take care.

Thanks again everyone...

One more photo to come.


Actually, I decided I will throw the rest in the "Show me the ring" forum...check it out!

By the way, its a 1.02ct H VVS1 stone, and the setting is 950 platinum.

You can see the rest about the stone here.

Keep on keepin on,

Wow that is BEAUTIFUL!!! I really like that setting! The stone is a knockout! The GOG page and the Bscope results are amazing. Good job.
Very Pretty! Congratulations!
Hey Stu!!! WOWZA!!! That setting came out awesome!!! I am so thrilled for you!!! Can't thank you enough for the kind words. From start to finish it has been a great pleasure to be of service to you. I'm going to miss our emails!

Cya here on the boards.

Very attractive!
Yeah Stu, it looks FANTASTIC! Saw Whye Hoe today and told him you got your ring sorted out (with $50 extra for the finishing work!) and he was very pleased that it worked out well in the end.
What a beautiful diamond, and ring!

I'm amazed- so far I have *never* seen this quality of platinum craftsmanship in Singapore!

I will definitely have to recommend this craftsman to more people here!

Cowboystu, I hope your fiancee loves it! Then again, how could she not???
So it's been quite some time since I had a moment to sit down and even look at this forum...let alone post. For those who don't wish to read, I will give you the one sentence summary:
She said yes!

Now for those who stuck around and want to hear the story....

After holding the ring for nearly a month (anxiety is a killer), it was finally time for me to fly out to Atlanta to spend a few days there. I did a good job of pissing her off by telling her that 3 hours after flying in, I wanted to go have "dinner w/ the boys." She said yes to me, but I found out through other people that she was not so happy about it. Anyway, this was just a coverup for going to have dinner with her family.

I went to dinner, everything went smoothly. They even started planning the wedding....I knew there was going to be trouble with that. Luckily she wasn't too upset with me after dinner, and we enjoyed the evening together. The next morning as we are preparing for a lazy day, my friend calls and "offers me his car" since he won't be needing it all day. I convinced Tricia that he is just that nice. So far she is falling for it....hook, line and sinker. I casually ask if she wants to have a picnic in the park (we used to go to this park all the time before I started my work abroad). She bites! It's a go, we head to the grocery store, buy some food and head out. The most nerve racking part of this whole ordeal is the fact that I am carrying 3 boxes in my pocket the whole time, and hoping she doesn't notice the bulge (i will fill you in on this later...)

After a nice picnic lunch, my heart starts beating a bit faster...the time is drawing near. Casual suggestion works again as I suggest we go sit on the wooden bench swing like old times...

Swinging and talking about the future, things are working out great except the fact that she keeps reaching for my leg. I have to keep grabbing her and and keeping her from touching my pockets...i think she thought I was being weird.
SUGGESTION TO ALL READING: Make sure to keep her away from your pockets...sneaky women
Now comes the time when I am ready to go...problem is, I didn't think about the actual motion of pulling out the ring and getting on the ground in front of her. That is one of the most unnatural things to I spent a minute or two rehersing in my head exactly how I was going to make the transition...and then it happens.

I pull out one of those plastic bubbles that grocery store rings come in and ask her to marry me...She kind of laughs a bit and says "Is this for real?"
Since I knew that was going to be her reaction, I said "hold on...let me try this again..." and I pulled out a ring box, slipped the ring in it, turned back to her and asked again...She realizes it is real and says yes, etc...but I have a thing with her about asking big questions 3 times, so I tell her to hold on, then I pull out the lighted leatherette box from GOG and ask one more time...Now she finally gets to put it on her finger.

Hours of sitting and talking and happiness go by. We tell most of our friends and family...then I pull her aside and tell her that we only have 20 minutes...She was very confused at this, but I told her we had to go home right then. She reluctantly agreed (we had been planning an evening out with friends). I quickly pack a bag with a suit, dress, and other basics while she waits in the living room....and just like clockwork, there is a knock on the door.

I feel I am starting to take a long time telling this, so I will start to shorten it up. We take a limo to the Ritz in downtown Atlanta(I kept her guessing where we were going until we pulled in). I had a suite booked with the "Romance Package." In Ritz style we arrived and had a wonderful room with rose petals waiting on the bed, etc. The package included 2 in-room massages, butler drawn bath, in-room candle-light dinner, and other odds and ends...needless to say she was in heaven. The next morning, there was breakfast and a return limo waiting...

And now the important part of our lives is in motion. I can't wait to be done working abroad so I can be back with her full time...

Sorry if I rambled too much...

Keep on Keepin' on,
awesome diamond, awesome it just me or should stu start thinking about selling the rights to this story to the networks?

good luck to you guys!!!
Wonderful proposal, Stu! Whatta guy!
AWWW...I just love a happy ending. Actually it's a happy beginning for you too!
Wow Stu that is so sweet!! I am so happy to hear it went off without a hitch...esp thinking what would have happened if she had wormed her way into your pockets. Hee Hee.

LOVE the Ritz and rose petals
The massages were a great touch!
Awesome Stu!!!

Do we get to see a pic of the happy couple? If not I understand but if you can send me a pic in my email!

What a beautiful ring and proposal story!!!! Congrats!
Here you go...Ignore the first couple waving to the camera in the first picture...those are just friends who helped deliver the camera. It's pretty easy to see who the fiance is, she is always showing the ring no matter how she is posing

Thanks again!

Yeah, I forgot to mention that 4 days after proposing, we both headed to Sweden...she stayed for a almost a week, but now I have to stay here for 2.5 months waiting to get home to my new fiance

Keep on keepin' on,
and WOW

Gorgeous ring! What a unique "twist" on the half-bezel setting!

Heart shape, placed rose petals on the bed!

The ring and the story are just Tooooo KEWL!!!!

Many Congrats and Best Wishes to you both!!!
Nice pictures!! I'm sure she loves you posting them to all of us to view..hee hee.

Maybe I am completely out of it, but I had no idea you were so young! Or maybe you just age well
Congrats again, awesome pix and the ring looks amazing, she has very nice hands!
The pictures are up for the world to see
Mainly friends and family visit the site, but its there for whoever...if anyone ever wants to know what part of the world I am in, or what crazy adventures I am up to, just go check it out...

I am very young in fact...23. However often people think of me as younger than that. I guess aging hasn't really kicked in, which I won't complain about. The fact that I do all of my world traveling for business probably gave you the idea I was older, but I have just been very fortunate in getting a great job for an international company.
You are both just sooo cute! I love all the ring shots...oh, to be so young again...
Looks like you know how to have a good time, Stu. Looks like you've got great taste in women as well. That diamond is only outshined by your fiancee.
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