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Dec 10, 2007
I think I may have broken my foot....

Seven weeks til my wedding. Just left my job two weeks ago so I can move to be with my fiance and prep for the wedding, which means NO MORE HEALTH INSURANCE! WHAT THE HECK DO I DO?

Here is the story:

I rolled my ankle, and was feeling okay (just a little painful to walk on) for about 6 hours. All of a sudden, I am in tons of pain, can''t put weight on the foot, and don''t have insurance to get it checked out just in case. The weirdest thing is no obvious swelling, but it hurts immensely to move the dang thing.

Go F****** figure I am healthy as a horse and a week after my insurance expires, something happens.

Anyone ever sprained or broke a something with no swelling? I am freaking out......
Whether it''s broken or not, I believe the treatment would be the same--stay off your foot, and ice your ankle.

I''m so sorry this happened, and I hope that your ankle heels soon!
Date: 2/10/2009 9:33:44 PM
I think I may have broken my foot....

Seven weeks til my wedding. Just left my job two weeks ago so I can move to be with my fiance and prep for the wedding, which means NO MORE HEALTH INSURANCE! WHAT THE HECK DO I DO?

Here is the story:

I rolled my ankle, and was feeling okay (just a little painful to walk on) for about 6 hours. All of a sudden, I am in tons of pain, can''t put weight on the foot, and don''t have insurance to get it checked out just in case. The weirdest thing is no obvious swelling, but it hurts immensely to move the dang thing.

Go F****** figure I am healthy as a horse and a week after my insurance expires, something happens.

Anyone ever sprained or broke a something with no swelling? I am freaking out......
Ice it every 30 minutes on/off for as long as you can stand it, elevate the ankle, and take some ibuprofen/advil. Usually with rolled ankles you are more likely to strain the tendons rather than to break something. Keep in mind that sprains can hurt just as much (if not more) than a break. However, if there is on obvious place that hurts (which can be more suggestive of a break), consider going to get it checked out. It could be much worse if you walk on it if it is broken. I would recommend an urgent care or even a primary care doctor in your are which will be MUCH cheaper than an ER visit. Keep us posted. Sending dust your way!!!
I sprained my so badly once, that the swelling didn''t go away for months, for real. But the good thing about a sprain is that it''s not a break.

Get off your feet immediately & try to stay off for at least a couple days. Ice it & take ibuprofen or some other anti-inflamatory. Sometimes your body''s responses to protect (like inflamation) do more harm then good. Bandage it, because compression helps, and elevate it. Also, do an internet search for community health places. If there is one nearby, they should offer inexpensive treatment or a sliding scale. If you broke or tore something, you don''t want to wait too long to get treatment. If the pain & swelling arent better after 3 days, you should go to the doctor. Your health is priority 1, even if money is tight.
Check and see if you are eligible for COBRA. Since you're within 60 days of leaving your job, you can pay premiums retroactively and be covered. If there's something that painful, you don't want to fool around.

ETA: I agree that rolling your ankle, you're more likely to tear a ligament, which can be extremely painful. But you know what? I'm not a doctor. (Well, not that kind.
) Go get it checked out.
Date: 2/10/2009 10:13:26 PM
Author: pjean
Check and see if you are eligible for COBRA. Since you''re within 60 days of leaving your job, you can pay premiums retroactively and be covered. If there''s something that painful, you don''t want to fool around.

ETA: I agree that rolling your ankle, you''re more likely to tear a ligament, which can be extremely painful. But you know what? I''m not a doctor. (Well, not that kind.
) Go get it checked out.
DITTO. A broken foot left untreated can cause you a LIFETIME of problems. You need it to stand on for the rest of your life afterall.

Get it checked out, and go for Cobra.
Well I am thinking that for a broken foot I would be put in a boot, which costs about $600 without insurance. I am going to call tomorrow and to start a new insurance policy and hopefully they will pay for this "pre-existing condition".

My mom also just busted out my brothers old crutches, so I will give those things a try for a few days and see how things go. Thanks for the kind words!

ETA: COBRA: I'll have to check that out... thanks!
Do you have a walk in clinic near you? Teaching hospital? Maybe if you find out how much x-rays will cost out of pocket it''ll be easier to figure out what you want to do. Not that you shouldn''t get it looked at, but I''d be surprised if you actually broke it and were able to keep walking on it. But a hair line fracture wouldn''t be out of the question. Ditto all the Rest, Ice, Elevate, Advil advice. Here''s some quick healing dust for you.
Izzy03 - Your best bet here is really to try to get COBRA from your former job, which you should still be eligible to obtain since you left less than 60 days ago. You will be covered back to the date that you stopped working. Getting a new policy will most likely take more than a day it is very unlikely that they would cover you for an injury that happened prior to the beginning of coverage.

This should be a reminder to everyone that it is extremely important never to go without health insurance. It is absolutely a necessity, right up there with shelter and food.
Sorry to hear about your foot
Hoping it heals fully in time for your wedding
Cobra is insanely $$$$$$$ Like hundreds of dollars a month. I left a job in October, and the Cobra offered to me would have set me back $450/month.

I think you''d be better off looking into an individual plan on your own or trying to find a community health place.
Cobra is expensive but 2 xrays and a boot... plus if there is any ligament or tendon care could set you back A LOT more than 400 a month. Plus she only needs it for 2 months. Then she can be on her hubby''s insurance.
Short term insurance, is that an option? I just got a short term plan to last me until the wedding (6 months) and it was $300 total. Covers everything but a few prescription meds. They may or may not cover this, and it takes abt 10 days to get it (it took them that long to send me the cards), but you need something until the wedding. I think they have a 30 day plan. In the meantime, try to find a really cheap clinic or walk-in place as suggested above. So sorry this happened to you!!
Sending dust!
Can''t you just go to your local public clinic and use your Medicare card? Surely you can see a doctor and have x-rays and treatment for free somewhere?
I''m sorry, Izzy. No advice but sending dust for you hoping that it is nothing major or super expensive to get fixed up shortly for you.
Oh no, I'm sorry...If it's broken it's not going to heal before your wedding.
You can watch and episode from the Cosby Show titled "Clair's Toe" to see what you might be able to do.
Clair's Toe 1
Clair's Toe 2
Clair's Toe 3

Not a doctor, but I agree with everyone else, stay OFF your foot and ice and ibuprofren. To me, it doesn''t sound like a break, but like I said I''m not doctor. I also dunno about wrapping it. Maybe only during the day when you''re on your crutches, but leave it open at night. My sis sprained her ankle and the doc told her that wrapping it too much (2 wks after) was making the muscles "lazy." But again, I''m not a doctor.
Date: 2/10/2009 11:56:13 PM
Author: honey22
Can't you just go to your local public clinic and use your Medicare card? Surely you can see a doctor and have x-rays and treatment for free somewhere?

Soo... you don't live in the US, do you?
(Honey22, I hope I didn't sound snarky there. Yes, health care really is that messed up here in the states.)

Izzy03, I really hope that foot feels better soon. Definitely follow Pjean's advice to check into whether you're eligible for COBRA coverage. If you're not eligible and money is *really* tight right now, google "low cost health clinics" in the poorer part of your new town (or county); a trained doctor can probably assess the situation by touch or a single X-ray plate, and if no treatment is required other than bandaging and a $20 boot, you'll be able to rest easy (for a reasonable bill) and follow a course of action which will have you feeling better before the wedding.

Hope it turns out well!
I just wanted to wish you back to health and hope that your ankle isn''t broken.
I don''t have much advice.... listen to the other gals who do, though... BUT TONS OF HUGS AND NON-BROKEN ANKLE DUST!!!!!!
Lots and dust and hugs too. I hope that it will be ok by the time of the wedding.

You really need to get an x-ray. I''m sorry. I am in medicine and you don''t have a choice. Hopefully it is only a sprain, but if you have an ankle fracture, you NEED to be treated. This is not something that is an option. And I have broken something with no swelling when I was young. It is not necessarily the usual way things work, but please take care of yourself!
Definitely get it checked out please! $600 is nothing for your health. And if you don''t have it, you can usually get on payment plans with hospitals.

I really think that if it was a sprain there would be a lot of swelling. When I sprained my ankle really badly playing soccer it looked like there was a baseball on the side of my ankle after a couple of hours. And I could still walk on it, too. (And play soccer on it, which was a bad idea!) I''ve sprained my ankle a ton of times since then, and every time there''s swelling, so no swelling makes me think it could be a break.
I''d get it checked out...for $600.00 bucks, it''s not worth not ggoing.

Also, if it''s may be put in a walking cast (or a boot)...but depending on the break, you could end up in a full on cast.
DONT GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. My GF did this and is still paying the medical bills. It was like $8 grand or something like that.

Oh, and my friends dad is a podiatrist... it depends on where the break is... if they can even do anything about it. Friends dad says a boot is a waste of $$$ it just protects the foot which can be accomplished other ways... like loose sneakers... honestly it is just an eyesore for people to say.. OMG what happened!!! (unless you had a surgery then it is neccessary)

Rest: get off of your feet!!!
ICE: Every 2-3 hours for 20-30 minutes... be careful not to overcool w/ frostbite.. use a towl as a skin barrier.
IBROPROFEN: take 3 every 3-4 hours to reduce inflammation.
Compress it to push the blood out of the area and into the leg... helps circulate white blood cells (but this is an area people often do wrong.. so you could skip this step if you dont know what you are doing)
Elevate: keep your leg up... it accomplishes the blood flow sitch
HEAT: if this is not a break but a sprain, 2 days after incident apply heat to the area.. this is more to increase blood flow to tendons and ligiments and muscles...

ETA: IBUPROFEN: okay to take up to 2,000 MG for 7 days... be sure to take w/ food.
So here is my update:

I have been talking to my brother, he has his undergraduate degree in athletic training and is about 1/2 way through schooling to become a physical therapy school. He said that if I was walking on it for a few hours, its not likely I fractured anything important. Plus he said that fractures cause a lot of night pain. I slept like a baby last night, no pain, and I do feel better this morning. He said because there is no swelling, its likely to be a mildly stretched tendon. If I need him to, he is going to come see me this weekend.

COBRA is going to cost me about $1000 because my previous policy was a health savings account, so they pay NOTHING until my deductible is reached, plus the $400 premium. I am going to use the crutches and wait another day or two. My brother thinks that is my best bet right now. In the mean time, I am off to get some short term insurance!

Thanks for all the advice and dust, so far the dust seems to be working!
The ladies have given you excellent advice. I suggest keeping off of it and alternating hot and cold in addition to the Advil. Don''t let it stiffen up on you, but don''t go nuts trying to move it around in a warm bath either. Good luck hun. I''m sorry that happened to you so close to the wedding. I rolled my ankle the first week the kids went back to school, and I had swelling and no bruising. I am pretty sure it was a sprained ankle. I didn''t go to the doctor (like a moron...I have state insurance - no co-pay!), and I really should have. I STILL can''t wear a heel higher than 2 inches!

Get well soon!
I broke my ankle (badly) after I graduated college and was between insurance (off my parents'' and waiting for employer insurance to kick in). I went to the state/county hospital, had to have surgery, went without physical therapy, etc. My surgeon had also operated on my mom''s broken ankle ten years before mine, and my mom traded her a quilt in exchange for taking a couple grand off her bill. I applied for financial assistance from the hospital itself to help cover the OR costs, I spoke with the anesthesiologist''s office and worked out a payment plan with him, and I paid off, over time, what I owed the county hospital. It isn''t the end of the world if your ankle is broken and you don''t have insurance, it is a setback, though, and you may have to get creative on how to handle this financially. Best of luck to you.
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