
OMG Christmas Shopping.

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Oct 30, 2002
Okay so there are what? 11 days left til Xmas? Only about what? 7 shopping days?

I have hardly ANY presents for anyone.

This year has just been sooo uninspirational Xmas wise for me. I don't know why but I am really not in the mood!!! My new job is pretty busy and my workout schedule combined with job and Portia keeps me from getting home til like 7pm each night, when Greg gets home too. So we make dinner, hang out then go to bed! The last 2 weekends have been crazy booked with stuff and this one is no better AND I got sick a week ago and cannot kick this stupid cold so I am exhausted each night by about 9 pm.

I plan to do all my shopping online but MAN by now I typically have like 3/4 of my stuff done and wrapped under the tree. Tree this year? BARE underneath. I have a handful of gifts I bought a while ago, 3 big ones for Greg, my mom and sister, but that's IT. I still have a crapload of shopping to do and don't want to do it!! Every time I sit down to do it, I get distracted and go do something else. Our house is beautiful and decorated to the hilt but that's about it.

HELP! I also am at a total loss for the first time in years about what to get certain people!! Where has my creativity and imagination gone? Plus all I can think of is my b-bag waiting for me for Xmas morning. Distracted much? Every time I DO go into a store for some shopping, I come out with something for MYSELF. Hardly the Christmas spirit.

Anyone else experiencing this strange phenomenon?!?!?! I need to SNAP OUT OF IT and get to shopping like TODAY. I'm already butting up against the whole 'last day for ground shipping' deadlines...and do NOT want to have to pay 2 day shipping. ARGH.

Oh and we are hosting our friend group's Christmas party on sunday and I hadn't even done a thing for that til like yesterday when I sent out the email about what to bring and when to get here. We didn't even do gift exchange this year because I didn't want to deal with having to assign everyone names.

Anyway...WHEW I feel better now. Kinda. I'd feel WAY better if I had presents all under the tree rather than PROCRASTINATOR written across my forehead in rouille ink.
You sound like your life is going the way mine is!!! No time to do ANYTHING, and too distracted to attempt looking for presents. I am in denial over Christmas... what holiday? I have no idea what you are talking about!! lol. Seems we both will be rushing around the maul sometime soon. I should have started this a month ago BEFORE the finals... sheesh!

I was really good about my shopping and shipping (both of our families live out of town) but I''ve had a strange block this year about getting the cards out. I have a bunch in a bag under my desk right now that I need to put stamps and return address labels on, but I still have over half to write out. VERY ODD for me--I usually write them out (I''m not kidding) in September or so and then drop them in the mail on Dec. 1.

Mara, don''t worry, pressure can cause amazing inspiration!
I''m putting off as much Xmas shopping as possible until AFTER exams, which leaves me a grand total of two shopping days before we go to VA. And I have to spend part of those shopping days holding office hours so my students can come complain to me about their exam and grades.

I''m kind of in denial about everything between now and Christmas.
I''m a brilliant procrastinator, so my mom was completely thrown off when i told her the other week that i have finished my holiday shopping!!! but this year was terribly easy for us -- we got married in july, so the perfect present from my mom, his mom, my dad and my grandma were wedding albums. could not have been simplier and i know that it''s something that they are going to treasure. i did them on shutterfly and the quality is great. I''m going to have to make some other books that are of our vacations, spring 2006, etc.

mara, perhaps you should have a mini purse forum and pricescope ban
and use that time to online shop!
I am right there with you! It''s like this year my give a damn''s busted or something. I have no holiday spirit, nothing. I am just looking forward to it being over, I know that sounds awful, but it is true. I am hoping to get it all done tomorrow. Hubby is taking the day off and I will have some help, so maybe that will help get me in gear. Glad to hear I am not alone on this one!
I usually have most of my shopping done by now. But now that the kids are away, I have to wait for them to come home to do their shopping. They are too old for me to get away with lots of surprises, they have specific wants, etc... I have the house decorated but no tree. I want them to be home to decorate it with me. I have done my shopping for other family members, friends etc.. Just not the kids. Their stockings are pretty much done. I feel uninspired as well. The last minute shopping is going to suck cause I''ll have to go to the MAUL. UGHHHH!!!!
I''m glad to hear it''s not just me!! I do not know what the deal is this year! I typically LOVE Christmas and shopping and all that. But even listening to Christmas music, which I typically do religiously between Thanksgiving and Christmas is soo not happening. Sometimes I happen on the station in the car and I''m like ....well okay but that''s it! I''m excited about giving and receiving gifts as usual, I love buying and getting presents, it''s just so much fun...but the whole actual shopping and buying is just where I get the BLOCK going on!! I just can''t decide on anything, can''t committ. I don''t even have any really creative fun ideas like I typically do for those closest to me.

Well whatever..I have to get going on it because I actually refuse to go to the maul. It''s a nightmare this time of year...sometimes I do go a day or two before the 24th and I go on a weekday at like 8am when it opens and I just go through in 30 minutes and get whatever last minute things I need. But that''s IT. The stores are absolutely no fun at this time of year. And parking, YEESH.

The other thing is that I always want to get motivated on baking and stuff for some friends but I never do!!! I even bought some stuff to make muffins and cookies but it is just sitting there. Jeesh!! Anyone wanna come over and make me 10 batches of cookies and mini muffins? I''m about to just hit up the bakery and buy everything!
Haha, I am right there with you Mara! I am such a slacker. To make it worse I want to print some wedding pics (for parents, grandmas...) and want to give them at x-mas as well! At this rate I am going to end up printing them at Walmart. At least I have a good idea of what to buy everyone. Baby steps.
Mara, for the past couple years I''ve felt the way that you''re describing. I''m getting pretty into the Christmas music and decorations and stuff this year, just not the shopping. (Although if I hear "It''s the most wonderful time of the year" ONE more time on the radio I''m going to scream.)

One thing that I am dreading -- my BMs and I are going to go shopping for BM dresses over the break. We want to go to Tyson''s Corner (mall in Northern VA). Unfortunately, the only time that works for all of us is right before Christmas. Ugh, can you say chaos?
OH. and our christmas cards? sitting in the box by my laptop on the kitchen island for the last 2 weeks. Haven''t even opened the box. ARGH!
It''s tough, huh.

I get no help at all from hubby or kids. I do all the decorating, deciding who gets what gift, then go buy it, I do all the food shopping and cooking, all the clean up. I should hate the holidays.

Hubby says he hates this time of year. I think that is because he sees the stress I''m going through, but will not help, so he just blames it on me. Easy way out. But if I don''t decorate and do it all, then who will?

I have 23 people coming for Christmas Day dinner. Right now my house is a mess. I just had my pool replastered and retiled, so my backyard looks a little scruffy, the house needs a through cleaning and that alone takes a lot of time, laundry is piling up, we have parties to go to and I got food poisoning 2 nights ago. I have about 3 more gifts to get, but I''m not done with my kids stockings. I don''t even have a clue what to put in them that''s fun anymore.

I''m seriously considering using paper plates for Christmas dinner - why bother with all the china, silver and crystal if I have to hand wash it all after everyone goes home? Not fair, just too much work for 1 person.
I agree Ann!! I think also why I feel overwhelmed is because I typically buy all the gifts for everyone, even Greg''s family. He NEVER gave them gifts before he had me and now I feel obligated to buy them stuff too and send it to them from ''us'' because they are family. But sometimes I am like HELLO they are YOUR family! Help here? Sometimes I do task Greg with going and getting my Dad something for Xmas because he and my Dad are pretty much alike and they like the same things. But this year I think I want to get my Dad a wine fridge for the countertop so that means *I* have to do the comparison shopping online and in retail stores and try to find the right one. So G is off the hook for that too. I should make him write out Xmas cards!!
I actually have a good portion of my shopping done. I just placed my last online order today so fingers crossed it makes it here in time. I still have to go the the mall to get the gift cards for those who requested them from certain mall stores which I will do soon, but don''t look forward to it all. I hate not being able to find a parking space easily and waiting in huge lines to pay. I haven''t even begun my christmas cards either and I so do want too..
For the first time ever I have sort of felt this way. I had to do a bunch of my Christmas shopping before I went home for mom''s surgery because I didn''t want to have to mail their presents like, 3 weeks after I left. So I got that done early. But then I got back and usually I throw a tree trimming party every year....and I SO didn''t want to deal with the hassle. I sort of got fried mentally and physically after the trip. But I forced myself to throw the party and I was really glad I sort of brought my Christmas spirit back. I didn''t go crazy with the planning and menu this year, just let it flow and made the menu less intricate. After the party I felt more in the spirit and I spent the next week hunting down the stragglers of presents and finally everything is done! A little late for me this year but what can ya do.
Well Firegoddess, I have to say it is amazing that you can even remember your own name after all you and your family have been through. Makes me feel bad about my bahumbug attitude I have this year. If you can do it with all that has been on your plate, then I can do it too! Thanks for the inspiration!
i still need to shop for one more person! my husband! i have no idea what to get him. he says he wants a PSP, but i don''t know if he''ll ever use it since he has no time.

i feel the same way you ladies feel, how it''s all ''on me'' to get it done. if i don''t then it won''t get done at all. it does wear you out! every year, i do all the xmas shopping, wrapping, cooking, cards, etc. this year i made sam help with the decorations. i refuse to do it by myself now. i''m going to make him write the cards too this year.

i used to LOVE wrapping gifts. all corners have to be perfect, the paper has to be creased. i would get all creative and add little trinkets to the wrapping, but this year? they''re lucky if they get a bow on it! most of it is just wrapped up with a tag so i know who it goes to. what''s happening to me?

whew, i feel so much better now!
I was all gung-ho with the shopping about two months ago, thinking I would have everything finished before Thanksgiving...I kind of lost my momentum, though, after we brought home the new puppy! I''ve been doing online shopping here and there and sort of have a hodge-podge of things but am still not finished. Bah! Even decorating and Christmas cards are only 3/4 of the way finished this year...I''ve just dropped the ball on several things and am feeling a little overwhelmed myself.

I did just go on the Victoria''s Secret site and ordered a bunch of lotions and fragrance type things for my co-workers in the office. So there is one category finished! Tonight I need to go to the mawl (boo, hiss) and pick up a couple gift cards for our nieces (and something for myself to wear to my office party tomorrow night and a cocktail party Saturday night), and the rest of my gift wrap/bags. I have a ton of wrapping paper and bows, but no bags or boxes...
I''m ready for spring already.

Good luck everyone, and Mara thanks for starting this thread and lighting a fire under my butt!
I haven''t done any Christmas shopping at all, Zilch, well, except for ticketst to Miami for my parents that I am splitting with my sister ( actually she did all the work, I am just waiting to know what I owe her) and a bunny for my daughter, Kayla, oh and a new stroller for the baby, but that''s actually for me b/c the old one was getting uncomfortable for me to push.

But that''s it.

I don''t know why I feel this way, I have no desire to go Christmas shopping at all. I think it has to do with us moving around that time and I just don''t feel in the Christmas spirit at all.

Actually, I haven''t even packed a thing yet for our move either and it''s supposed to happen around the 27th or so. Two weeks and I haven''t packed a thing!!!

I think I will just give out money this year.
Date: 12/14/2006 1:11:28 PM
Author: Mara
I agree Ann!! I think also why I feel overwhelmed is because I typically buy all the gifts for everyone, even Greg''s family. He NEVER gave them gifts before he had me and now I feel obligated to buy them stuff too and send it to them from ''us'' because they are family. But sometimes I am like HELLO they are YOUR family! Help here? Sometimes I do task Greg with going and getting my Dad something for Xmas because he and my Dad are pretty much alike and they like the same things. But this year I think I want to get my Dad a wine fridge for the countertop so that means *I* have to do the comparison shopping online and in retail stores and try to find the right one. So G is off the hook for that too. I should make him write out Xmas cards!!

Yes, this is exactly how I feel. My husband never gets his family anything and since we''ve been married, any gift they''ve ever received was actually one I picked out that came from "us".

If I left it up to him, no one would get anything, including me and I am just getting tired of it.

Same thing with the Christmas cards and holiday decorating. If I left it up to my husband, no one would ever get a card. I mean it. And I didn''t mention taking out the tree this year, so of course, he didn''t bother to take it out.

I am also just tired from having to show the house all the time. I am burned out from all the cleaning and making everything perfect just in case. It''s killing me. Sometimes I get a whole two hours of sleep before someone comes to see the house, so I am just plain tired.

That''s probably why I haven''t packed, well, that and the fact that I have been telling my husband for the past 3 weeks to bring home boxes so we can pack and he still has not brought home any boxes.

Anyway, just venting!!!
you know what? i don''t think men even CARE about xmas at all! i bet, if i did absolutely NOTHING during the holiday season, thanksgiving and xmas will cease to exist!
Add me to the feet-draggers list. X-mas is coming WAY too quickly after our Oct wedding!!! The LAST thing I wanna do right now is DECORATE stuff ... I am crafty-mc-craft-a-lot BURNED OUT. We haven''t even finished sending all our hand-written thank you notes (''cause we were waiting for pictures to send with them) .. and now we''ll be overlapping with X-mas cards.
Is it rude to send them in the same envelope
-- JK!

Also, I lost the coin toss ... and it''s a "colored lights" year. My ONLY hope for aesthetic satisfaction is if I can convince DH to get a fake WHITE TREE! What kicky MOD-fabulousness would *that* be!
However - chances are slim. But I''ll be back with pix if I can pull it off

Presents? Don''t get me started ... budget/time/shipping/spread out/not knowing what to get/ennui.

I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one. This year is the worst by far, and I have no idea why...

Mara, as for you doing all the shopping, even for Gregs family, I used to do the same. One year around Mothers Day, I was stressing as usual. (I am one who also puts much thought into gifts, I love picking the perfect one) So, I told hubby, you know what, you're a grown man, and this is your mother, you buy her present. I knew full well what could happen, that he wouldn't do it, but I was determined to make him be at least responsible for one gift, for his own mother.

Well, the day came and, guess what, no gift. As we were all together, I finally took my MIL aside and apologized, saying I had left it up to her son this year. Being the peach she was, she just smiled and said, I know. Guess she must have realized I would never do that.

The good news is, he never did THAT again, and I had one less present to stress about until she passed.

Long time no see
Count me in as a major procrastinator this year!! I usually have everything done before Thanksgiving, but this year just couldn''t get into it. I waited til the last minute and ordered things online that are now LOST in shipping land never to be seen by me or the intended receipient...LOL I''m seriously scrambling.....

I will actually have to pay a visit to the MAUL to finish up and I DREAD it!!

I can relate to the doing everything for the other half....started doing the shopping for both families many moons ago and now it''s just expected and I''m like.....What was I thinking....why did I start this.....and why isn''t he helping??

It''s funny, I came here looking for gift ideas.....because you guys always have the BEST ideas....and ran across this thread and just had to chime in!

Happy Holidays''s gotta get better
I think my DH just thinks I LIKE to shop, therefore I don''t MIND being responsible for his family''s gifts!

I must admit, I do get a certain satisfaction out of shopping for fun things for his family members, especially since he was used to always giving them a card with a GC inside before he met me. However, it is now "expected" that I will get additional gifts so they all have something to open. Ahh, what a PITA. And I really love the fact that somehow he doesn''t worry one bit what we get for my side of the family, LOL! Oh, and the friend g/exchange...same issue. I think this must be why my mother starts her Christmas shopping in like, May.
haha it's so funny how the ladies get stuck with the family inlaw shopping!! it's SO true that if i don't do it, greg won't send ANYTHING. he never did before me and i started the whole gift giving thing (i mean how can you not send your family presents?!) and now i'm just STUCK with doing it year after year. mothers day, birthdays etc. it's like i gained a whole new slew of financial gift obligations, hahaha. OH and if left up to greg? he'd get a funny gag white elephant gift. i have had friends and stuff complain when he buys them stuff so basically he's not allowed to shop anymore. so's all me!

lol milly re: if you didn't do any of it, it would just cease to exist. imagine if men ran the world. there'd be no christmas!! no b-bags either i'm sure.

well i actually got off my butt today (well not really as i was sitting down) and ordered gifts on RE for greg's mom, my grandma and got a random plate and mug set that i really liked off there, it was on clearance so why not. maybe i'll keep it.

so i actually only have about 3-4 more things to get...nothing too scary except i want to get my dad a wine fridge and that might take some research. and shipping costs and all that. but i did get my mom, greg, and my sister 3 gifts a few months ago that are significant and will compromise most of what they are getting. now i just have my other sister, small gifts for the others and also my cousin. oh and a few more for greg. hmm. still sounds like a lot.
hehe- I totally hear you about being stuck as the "shopper" for the family! DH just ASSUMED that since I like to shop (for me), that I would take over his list and do his Holiday Shopping. I usually like to shop for others. I always have my eyes open for gifts that friends & family would like. Giving someone a gift that is SO them brings me tons of joy.

But, ugh- Holiday shopping when you''ve got 10 days to go just isn''t fun. Talk about stress!! I finally bit the bullet tonite and placed a mega-order on I covered about 6 people on our list- YAHOO! Now I''m crossing my fingers that everything will get here on time.

Tacori- I''m with you on printing wedding pics for presents. I''ve totally procrastinated on this, and will now have to go somewhere local instead of ordering them off the pro site our photog uses. Oh well... I have no one to blame but me.
So I sat down when I got home and wrote out the rest of the cards. I also have three packages that I''m going to send via US Mail (fingers crossed, but they are all within my city) and three packages to send via UPS so by tomorrow at noon it will all be on its way.

LOL about the ladies doing all the shopping. I swear my husband hasn''t bought a single thing for anyone since the day we got married. Oh well, I am the better gift buyer anyway.

Dee*Jay- just wanted to say that I LOVE your new avatar. Looks like the demon dog is full of holiday spirit!
I don''t post much, but I had to chime in. I''m definitely in the bah-humbug mood, but most of that is because I live in China and nobody celebrates Christmas here. In fact, hubby has to work on Christmas so we will be celebrating on Sunday.

We decided with the families a few months ago that we would celebrate when we came home in April so I''ll do my shopping right after Christmas to get all the deals.

I also get stuck doing all of the shopping, but last year I told Mark that he decides what we are going to get his parents. I''ll do the research and buy the gift, but I refuse to decide what to get them.

Milly - If you decide to get a PSP try to get a refurbished 1.5 version. If you can find on you can download the games. It has been about a year since I''ve researched PSP''s, but I am pretty sure that a version 2.0 can be downgraded to a version 1.5. On of Mark''s gifts is all of the games every made for PSP. I found it in the dvd shop I go to for $20.
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