
OEC advice please


Mar 20, 2016
Hi again, well I have gone from looking at RB to falling in love with OECs or AVRs. At the moment GOG doesn't have any available in my size/price range so have been looking elsewhere. As I am very new to this I have been reading heaps of old PS posts about the OEC,AVR, AVC etc and would like some direction please. I have been in touch with Adam (via email) at Old World Diamonds and he has 3 diamonds in at the moment I am looking at 1.66 K Vs2 1.64 K Vs2 1.64 KVs1

also Love Affair Diamonds has 3 I am looking at 1.71 L S12 1.79 N VS1 1.82N VS2

(hope those links work as I am new at this)

In order to continue, what further information do I need to obtain? and can someone enlighten me as to whether it impacts on the diamond if it has No cutlet.

Shelley from Australia
I can't see images of the OWD diamonds. Erica at Love affair is very honest and knowledgeable about OEC's. Ask her which one she prefers and have her make you a video of all three next to each other.
Shelley9|1460465676|4018248 said:
Thanks Soxfan will try again to post link and pic again: K Vs1 K Vs2

1.64 K Vs2 7.41,7.12,4.73 Depth 65 Table 55 Polish Good Cutlet Medium(OWA32774)this one doesn't have a pic

Hopefully that link will work now :angel:

I just wanted to know if the depth and tables were a good range and other than that do you just decide by looking at the pictures

Someone should be along shortly to make recommendations!

The ones at OWD are beautiful! I'll wait for the cut experts to chime in, I am SO not one :oops: Gypsy helped me decide on my OEC-she's very knowledgable. I would DEFINITELY reach out and ask the vendors which stone they prefer. I was waffling with going up in size on my OEC (it's a .93) to over a carat and I called Erica and asked her which stone she preferred. She took the time to explain to me why she preferred the .93 and why it was a better performer.
I'm not an expert, but thought I'd chime in :bigsmile:

Those stones represent very different kinds of old cuts. The second 2 from Erica are transitional so they don't have high crowns and have larger tables. Also, being N's they will show significant tint (although they will probably face up pretty white). The first one from ERica is more classic OEC with a small table and high crown and is an L.

The first one from Adam looks more classic OEC, but I can't tell from the pictures if the faceting is crisp...especially under the table. I would ask Adam for his opinion since his pictures are horrible. I wish you could see it straight on instead of at an angle. I'm having a hard time with the second one from Adam because it's not straight on either. Could be promising, but it's hard to tell. He is very honest and has a great eye so I would trust him with his opinion on performance. K's are safer if you are not sure about your color tolerance. My experience with K OECs is that they look pretty dang white!

I guess I would want to know what is it you love about old cuts? What drew you to them? With such different looking stones, you probably need to decide is you are 1. ok with lower color (possibly down to N)? 2. Do you like high crowns (ie. does the profile matter to you)? 3. Do you prefer more classic flower pattern or more checkerboardy? 4. How are you planning on setting it?

You are in great hands with Adam and Erica!
My only question would be about color. All the OWD stones are K and two of the LAD stones are N, Have you been out to look at colors? I totally think OECs reflect color differently so Warner is not a bad thing but it helps to have seen some in the ranges you are considering.