
OEC Advice -- First Post


Apr 15, 2016
Hello Pricescope,

I've spent quite a bit of time reading through the forums, and I've learned a lot from the endless supply of knowledge. However, I'm feeling rather overwhelmed now that my boyfriend and I are in the financial position to purchase a stone. So far we've decided that we would like to purchase an OEC/Transitional cut and have it set in the Love Affair Diamond/CvB "Jovyn" solitaire.

I was hoping that the community could advise me on the following stone. It falls within our budget ($8,000), but the size is larger than I thought we'd be able to afford. I really love the appearance pastel checkerboard, but I have some concerns about the cut and clarity.

The stone is a 1.94 Transitional M that measures 8.26 x 8.21 x 4.69mm (56.9% depth, 60.6% table). Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as through the stone is a little shallow. Should I be concerned about it having a fish-eye effect? Would a shallow cut affect light return? If so, are the arrows in the first through photos leaking light? When I contact the vendor about this stone are there specific questions I should be asking?

The AGS report lists the stone as a VS2, and the graph shows a small chip and an indented natural near the girdle. Again, are there certain questions that I should be asking the vendor? Would it be worth looking into having the chip polished out? I personally can't see a chip in any of the photos, and I think the two inclusions are spread out enough to not be an issue while setting.

I hope it's okay to link to the vendor's photo gallery --

AGS report --

Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Now that we're ready to purchase a stone, I'm afraid to miss out on a great stone, but I'm also afraid to take the leap. It's a huge purchase for us, so I keep thinking that it might be best to wait and see what comes up between now and the Vegas Antique show. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.

I'm not an expert but at first glance my concern would be less with the depth and more with the % of the table. I would prefer a smaller table. But... These are diamonds you need to see to know if you love.

Hopefully an expert will weigh in
Transitionals aren't as deep as OECs that is the style of cut of them. Many have big tables. The one above is what I call a fat arrowed tranny, it should be magnificent, I own a fat arrowed tranny with a table that you could drive a bus through as well and it's a stunning stone, nice chunky cut pattern tons of fire in real life.

There is NO fish eye with this stone and the chip is so small it's not worth worrying about. The arrows are the cut pattern like hearts and arrows, they could be quite noticeable if set into a bezel and you will see them more in some lighting situations. I love them because overall stones like this have heaps of fire, but not everyone wants to see fat arrows in some lighting situations in their stones, that is the only potential issue I can see other than M is also a subjective colour.

I like the stone, you can't base it just on numbers alone, get it and judge with your eyes if you can before it is set so you have a return period window, what appeals to one person might not appeal to the next.
You must remember OECs and transitionals are considered "fancy" cuts and the usual parameters for estimating light performance do not apply. In other words, the ONLY way to decide on these types of cuts is by seeing them in person. You have to forget the numbers (for the most part).

I noticed one of the SmugMug videos on that stone (it's on page 2 of the SmugMug page) somewhere else, maybe on Love Affair Diamonds Facebook page?? and it stopped me in my tracks--so prismatic and crisp. I thought it looked spectacular. Now I'm confused because I can't find the stone on the actual site, only on the SmugMug page. Did you buy it??

If you can, post the link to LADs description of the stone I'd like to look at it. But where is it on the site? If it seems to be as good as that video, you would make your decision by paying for it, having it shipped, and viewing it in your home, work, all your personal lighting situations, and see if you love it. If you don't you send it back. Shipping costs add up, but compared with a purchase of this size it's not that much. Although I don't know the price since I can't find the stone on the website!
Mayk -- Thank you for your input.

arkieb1 -- Thanks for your input as well. I personally couldn't see a fish-eye, but I wasn't sure if it was because I wasn't familiar with what to look for. Personally, the M color doesn't concern me, but I don't think I'd be willing to go any lower. I've decided that I'm okay sacrificing color for a larger stone, and I think the warmer pastel tones would look lovely in a rose gold solitaire.

Sagefemme -- Thank you for reaffirming the fact that I just need to trust my gut with these types of stones. I suppose I need to take more chances on stones that appeal to me. As far as I know, the stone is a trade in and it's not currently available on the website.
I think it's quite beautiful. Trannies typically have larger tables, shallower depth than OECs. The perk of that is they face up quite white with no fisheye. I own a Tranny and I think they are lively and personality-filled stones. Seeing the diamond for yourself will be important, certificate really isn't as important except for assessing true color. AGS should have fairly accurate "GIA standards" color. Erica/Love Affair Diamonds has a great reputation here on PS so I say go for it! It's a lovely stone.
aupolei - Did you end up purchasing this stone?
No, it had already sold :'(
Hey aupolei... it's back available again!

I was the one that had bought it, but have now just returned it.

It is a gorgeous stone with a super beautiful and unique facet pattern. It's like a kaleidoscope of rainbow triangles in some lights, and others you can see the big fat arrows, and in others it just glows bright! And you just gotta love the size too :love:

My reasons for not keeping it were not due to some flaw of the stone. I was looking for an upgrade for my engagement ring, but in the end I just couldn't bring myself to sell my original engagement ring to buy this gorgeous stone. If only I had the budget to keep my original engagement ring AND buy this stone - I TOTALLY would have kept it!

I hope you get another chance at this one!
I think it was a stunning stone. If I have one piece of advice about old cuts its this: with the exception of clarity and the stability of the girdle: the stats don't matter. Just focus on faceting and performance. If the stone is deep or the spread is compromised but you love it, that's fine: just make sure the price reflects the compromised spread and enjoy.
OP, call/email the vendor and have the stone put on hold for you NOW. It's a lovely diamond - lots of people read these posts and will buy it from under your nose in a second. Refraction has done you a massive favour by letting you know it's coming back into circulation. And if you post any others in future, make sure they are put on hold for you first ;))
Refraction- I was looking at this stone as well. Erica told me that you wanted a "different" facet pattern...I had asked why you returned it, as I was worrying about its warmth..... Can you comment to me at all about the color? Thanks!
heres a picture of an N AVR next to some J OECs if you want a color comparison if your concerned about warmth. Well cut OECs (like AVR) will face up super white.

It's a 1.64 N SI and I also have a video you can check out, since you've seen one lower stone in person perhaps you'll be able to tell the difference or not. You may need to go higher in color and smaller in size :)


Not sure if this will help you but heres a J to M AVR comparison. Not all OEC will face up as white as a lower colored AVR but it will at least give a bit more perspective :)
jetmal|1462795494|4029235 said:
Refraction- I was looking at this stone as well. Erica told me that you wanted a "different" facet pattern...I had asked why you returned it, as I was worrying about its warmth..... Can you comment to me at all about the color? Thanks!

Hi Jetmal,

I like the colour or this M tranny!. My current ring is an F, and I was specifically seeking out something warmer. This M stone was beautiful. Often it looked really bright and white and other times you could see the tint more. I don't have a lot of experience with warm stones, but have read comments on PS about warm stones having personality, and that is a great way to describe it! It's really a personal preference, but I found the tone of this M to be quite pleasing for me.

And yes, in the end, I did return it because I wanted a different facet pattern... for sentimental reasons. My ER is an AVR that I had a great time choosing with my partner, and I realized that moving away from that would make my heart sad to give up that AVR pattern we picked out together. If only I was shopping for a right hand ring, or my first ER, I would have absolutely kept this gorgeous tranny.
Refraction - thank you for your reply. I really appreciate it. It helps!

I understand your sentimental reasoning....that is very sweet.
It looks beautiful!
I hope you give it a try : )