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Apr 17, 2003
As an expression of my independence and all-around sassiness, I''ve decided to purchase a diamond for myself. Sparkle and size are critical. I want to make an elegant statement, I can afford something fabulous and if I do say so myself I have lovely hands that I want to show off. I''ve found two stones online that I offer up for the group''s critique:

1.720 ct
Depth 61.3%
Table 57
Crown 34.6
Pavilion 40.8
HCA 1.4

2.081 ct
Depth 60.3
Table 55
Crown 34.7
Pavilion 40.7
HCA .9

Will the 2.081 sparkle more because of its superior HCA rating or should I be content with the 1.720 of slightly better qualty? I understand that comments may have to be superficial due to lack of Bscope and other fabulous visual measurements, all raw opinions are welcome.
Assuming they're both eye clean or at least eye cleanish and that the price difference is okay for you, I'd take #2... The cut is nicer and, having a lower depth, will look significantly larger than the 1.720ct... I color isn't too different from J... Are you planning on setting it in platinum, white gold or yellow gold?? Are these AGS graded?? Also, do they have fluorescence??
Giangi, thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it!

Both stones are AGS "O" H&A.
Fluorescence on the smaller one is SB; the larger is MB.

I plan to set as a Tiffany-style solitaire, 18kt gold band, platinum prongs. Haven't decided yet about 4 prongs vs. 6.

What do you think?
Good for you! Diamonds do not always have to be bought by a man for a woman--enjoy!! Sounds like you have more than enough sassy to pull this off in style.

I have a J SI2 set in a yellow gold 6-prong setting, but much smaller than yours will be. (Check out my thread entitled "my superbcert e-ring" on the "Show Me the Ring" part of the site.) The J color doesn't bother me, in fact I'm one of those people who likes the "warmth." I did, however, prefer yellow gold for the whole setting, including prongs. From what I've read, both of these borderline color and clarity ratings depend greatly on cut quality: that is, a J SI2 could look yellowy and flawed, or white, clean and sparkly.

Hopefully these stones are with a vendor that has a good return policy, so you can look carefully at one and return it if it's not truly eye-clean to you.

Also, SI2 may very well have eye-visible inclusions in a stone of that size.

Good luck!
-Anna Magdalena
Hi Glitter --luv your name... Makes me think that you really are obsessed

So the 1.720 I has strong blue and the 2.081 J has medium blue... Well, I really like fluorescence -it's too cool- and in both cases will make the diamonds look a bit whiter... I'm not too fond of Strong Blue, though... The stone MIGHT (and I stress might) look a bit cloudy if seen in sunlight... So I'd get the bigger one... It's all about size
!!! Just kidding... Seriously, if the price difference is okay for you, I'd buy the 2.081, assuming it's nearly eye clean, as the color difference isn't that big and the cut is absolutely beautiful!!!
If you plan on buying a simple mounting, I'd consider seriously the Stuller Solstice... It's very simple yet quite modern... I really like it... You can see some very nice pics at and so you can get an idea...
I just checked and the diamonds are on GOG H+A list, so it's no problem for them to find this setting for you, should you decide you want the Solstice...
Anna Magdalena -- I know your ring well and it is gorgeous! I've been lurking on this site for weeks. I didn't realize the prongs were yellow gold too; that is interesting and I'll consider it. As for the inclusions, I'm hoping that the cut quality will override them but in the end you're right -- I'll have to see the stone with my own eyes to judge.

And Giangi, you've found me out, both stones are on GOG in the H&A inventory section. And I'm well-pleased and willing to be steered in the direction of the bigger one.
So thank you for that, I like your spirit! Am considering purchasing the stone at the slightly higher price for the extra service policies offered.

Your comments on fluorescence are insightful as I hadn't really paid much attention to that feature, or read much about it. Must continue obsessive diamond research behavior on this topic, immediately.
Have you seen the stuller solstice??
Definitely the 2nd stone. It's larger, better cut, less fluorescence, and the MB will most likely make the J color face up whiter than it really is. The HCA scores have such a minimal difference that would not make the decision on its own, but with the other factors, I would definitely go for the 2nd stone if you can afford it. Also a yellow gold setting will make the stone look whiter than it is, as the yellow absorbs some of the stone color. If you were setting it in plat, it may be a little different. But between the MB and the YG, your stone should look pretty white! Keep in mind also that a well cut stone faces up whiter than that same color stone with a mediocre cut.

Good luck!!! I love the Stuller solitaire...someone recently got that from GOG where they got their stone and it was amazing...they posted pix of it. Maybe Rhino has some to show you? I really liked it. It has the double prong setting, so 8 small prongs set in a 4 prong style. Very cool.

Congrats and nice choices! It's great to be able to buy jewelry for yourself instead of waiting for someone to do it for you. Hopefully I too will be traveling down that road soon with a diamond pendant!
I found two beautiful shots:

#2 - Side shot

I just looked at the Stuller Solstice and it is lovely. So simple. You have most excellent taste, Giangi.

What in your opinion is the difference between that and the Tiffany? They look very similar -- but is the Stuller band a bit wider with the stone setting a little lower? Hard to tell on crappy work computer monitor.
Hi Mara -- Thankyou thankyou thankyou for your input. Very reassuring as I'm new to the diamond world and have been relying on gut instinct. But your comments are quite thoughtful. I'm looking at the Stuller Solstice setting, seriously considering it too.

As for buying your own...I have to say that doing this for myself is incredibly fun. I can obsess all I want because it's my money!
Thank you Glitter! I always thought that matching women's tastes was next to impossible... Maybe I was wrong!!??

That setting is really eye-catching, in my opinion... Tiffany-style is VERY dainty and has a knife edge finish... The Solstice is more substantial and more rounded and is tapered... A very clean and classy design... It's like a modern reinterpretation, in my opinion...
Actually the one I am thinking of is a different Stuller. It has 4 prongs but with 2 each, so its an 8 prong. Very beautiful in the pix I saw.
Mara -- Are you talking about the Octet??
Quite possibly! It came from GOG in Nov and the buyer posted the GOG url with pix of the stone. Wonder if its still on the GOG site in 'stones sold' or whatever that section is.
Thanks for the pix! Gorgeous. I prefer a 4 prong I think, so that more of the stone will be visible but I absolutely love this look. I may do some exploring this weekend to see if I can find this setting in person.

Hey Glitter... Keep us informed!!!
Will do, absolutely.
Hi Glitter!

I just previewed a J H&A. Not quite so large, tho.
LOL No flour either.

I was VERY impressed with how bright and sparkly it was, as compared to what I would have expected. Lots of white light and color return even in candlelight. PS is sooooo right. Cut Cut Cut.

I was looking at a white gold setting, so I set it down inside a small WG hoop earring. It looked great. I tried lots of different lighting and it still looked great. It was only when I set the diamond as if it were a stud against a WG and diamond earring jacket I have. Only then did the warmer color of the J show prominately. Had I been looking to go yellow gold, or had the diamond had some flour, then maybe that J could have definitely been a keeper!

Good Luck in your decision. I'm sure it will be gorgeous!
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