
nowadays,am i the only person that don''t do their banking online?...

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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
and don''t have a ATM card? my wife thinks that i''m weird.
No. My mom doesn''t even have a checking account.
Yes. Yes you are.
Wow! You don''t have an ATM card?
I don''t think you are weird.

Just inefficient.
Date: 1/7/2010 2:29:24 PM
Author: Kitcha
Wow! You don''t have an ATM card?
We dont do any banking online either. I DO have an atm card though, makes things soo much easier.
Date: 1/7/2010 2:29:24 PM
Author: Kitcha
Wow! You don''t have an ATM card?
i don''t need it since i stop going to the horse track. lunchtime!!
Neither my parents nor DH''s parents have ATM cards. They both go to the bank once a week to deposit their checks and withdraw money for the week.

DH does have an ATM card (for his account, not the joint account), but doesn''t have direct deposit or online banking. He won''t go to the bank for months at a time, so he always has about 10 checks to deposit at once. That would drive me nuts.
I don''t bank online, but I''m thinking about setting it up soon. Sitting down and writing out the checks takes a lot of time.

I used to use an ATM card, but don''t even have one now. I carry cash or use a cc.
I do some of my banking on line and some of it in person.
I haven''t been inside a bank in 15 years or more.

All banking done online, use an ATM maybe 8 times a year.
It took me a long time to start banking online, but when my bank assured me (online and) in person that it would assume all risks, and reimburse me as well, I made the decision to try it over a year ago. I must say that it''s so much easier and faster that I''ll never go back to writing cheques unless I have to.

When I withdraw cash, I visit my branch so that I can maintain a personal connection as well. I do have an ATM card though.
Yep-I haven''t talked to a bank teller in like 6 years
Date: 1/7/2010 2:17:47 PM
Author:Dancing Fire
and don''t have a ATM card? my wife thinks that i''m weird.
We always knew you were weird but its not because you dont have an ATM card
I pay bills online.
I go into the bank often for cash and certified checks and depositing funds into my college kid''s account in another state.
ATM''s don''t give me enough change; I have to go inside to get bills other than $20''s.
If you give a teenager a twenty, you will never see the change.
Also, going inside business establishments and banks is a social activity here. I live in a small town.
If I lived in a city, I would not go inside a bank nearly as often.
Date: 1/7/2010 2:29:24 PM
Author: Kitcha
Wow! You don''t have an ATM card?
can''t think of a reason that i would need an ATM card.
I have an ATM card but I rarely use it.

I pay most of our bills with paper checks. I walk our mortgage payment into the bank (our lender''s bank, that is) each month because physically going in and paying it helps me stay on top of our budget and savings goals each month. I can''t wait to pay off that mortgage!
I don''t do any online banking. I prefer going in person where they know me. I pay my bills with checks.
My bank is online only -- so I do it all online! For a few minor things (cashing in a bond, etc) I have an account at a local bricks & mortar bank.
I pay bills online, and check my balance and I have an ATM card. Oh, and I transfer money online.
I pay some bills online and have the option of banking online but don't. I only use my debit card for purchases, instead of withdrawing cash randomly I prefer to get cash from my bank when I make deposits (my employers don't offer direct deposit). I refuse to pay ATM fees to withdraw my own money, as there are not a ton of branches of my bank around.

My mom has no idea how to use her debit/ATM card. She didn't have a checking account or a credit card until 5 years ago. My parents were sort of stuck in the 1950's in regard to gender roles until my dad got sick. I don't think my dad knows what an ATM card is.
DF ....





I don''t have a ATM card either; and my stab at onliine banking was not sastisfactory - so I ended it.

As far as the ATM card. I actually had one of the first ATM cards when they came out. I used them for many years.

Then banks started charging for their use (and got to charging for every use at one point). After cycling through a couple banks I just decided I wasn''t going to pay.

Many of you do not know that ATM''s allowed banks to save lots of $$$ by reducing staffing. It was much cheaper to allow you to use your card than to have enough staff and branches to serve walk ins.

Only a decade or so into it did banks start to charge fees - seeing the ATM cards as a fee center now that they reduced their cost.

I am aware that most banks realized that they went overboard on the fees - and now allow you a certain number of transactions without fees. But, I was long gone - and learned to live without them.

Currently I live 1/2 block from my bank. So its no bid deal to stop in every week or two and get spending $$$. Besides, my budgeting is much better.

I tend to have few bills - and don''t write that many checks (I know people who write 3-4 times as many checks s I do).

Nice to know I''m not alone.

England is fazing out checks. Even the old folks there are going to have to do online banking or make trips to the bank to pay their bills. I see this coming to the USA eventually because it is cheaper then paper. So you might want to get used to the idea.
I do most of my banking online, and our paychecks are direct deposit, and I do have an ATM card. I very rarely go to the bank, and I only write checks at the grocery store or to the babysitter.
Date: 1/7/2010 10:03:11 PM
Author: LisaRN
England is fazing out checks. Even the old folks there are going to have to do online banking or make trips to the bank to pay their bills. I see this coming to the USA eventually because it is cheaper then paper. So you might want to get used to the idea.

I had two problems with "online" banking.

1) They charge me every month for it. Checks are free (and if I can live with plane checks - even the checks themselves are free).

2) They were printing checks and mailing them for about 2/3 of my bills; and they were not responsible for any checks lost in the mail.

Its like, why bother. I can write my own checks and mail them ... then at least I know they were actually mailed. I do understand that the mail system is not perfect.

ATM cards were cheaper than personal service.... Then the banks started charging to use ATM cards as in "income" source.

Electronic Banking should be cheaper than processing paper checks. So why do I have to pay more for it?

Date: 1/7/2010 2:17:47 PM
Author:Dancing Fire
and don''t have a ATM card? my wife thinks that i''m weird.
My 91 one year old grandma does not bank online or have an ATM card. Neither does my children''s grandfather who is 82.
Hubby does his banking online.. Me?? I like going to the bank. I like my ATM card. Around here, there are many places like WAWA that don''t charge you for using you ATM card to withdraw... Love that. So NO DF don''t think you are weird. It took DH a long time to get into the online banking thing, but now he loves it and wouldn''t have it any other way...
I read a very interesting article about personal checks. It seems very relevant to this thread :LINK
I have been doing all of my banking online for roughly 15 years. I have never once had a problem. I have never had to pay for the service.

I HATE writing checks, and stamping the envelope, and mailing it. Too many steps! And what if I''m out of stamps, and I''ve also been known to put the bills in my briefcase to mail from work, and forget they were in there. It is so much easier to go online and schedule a payment. I have my mortgage, and electric and gas bills automatically debited from my checking account, and my credit cards are on autopay. I use Quicken, and I update my accounts all of the time, so I always know how much is due on the credit cards, and if there has been any unauthorized activity, (there hasn''t). I receive most of my bills online, which cuts down on the paper coming into the house.

My 84 year old father does the same!
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