
Now some stores are putting up signs denying customers who wear masks


Mar 16, 2018
from entering.

To that I say "good!!". Let all the selfish a**holes all shop in 1 place so they can enjoy their "freedom" & Covid-19 together :devil:.

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I mean it’s not all that different from a sign that says “No shirt, no shoes, no service” and that’s not controversial.

It’s their business, wear a mask or go elsewhere.

It’s like the guy who filmed himself refusing to wear a mask at Costco. The staff simply took his cart away lol. Thems the rules buddy. Don’t like it? Don’t shop there. If anyone is most at risk of stores opening it’s the staff who have to spend all day breathing in the air in the store and not the people who are in and out in a few minutes, so it makes sense they want their customers to wear masks.

Also I can’t imagine being the source of a breakout would be good for business.
Good because I dont really want to go in there anyway who knows what else they are not doing.
Im very high risk and am being extra careful so I like the warning.
I wasn’t even alive when this would have existed, but MAN I miss the good old days when people listened to smart people (scientists, doctors), used common sense (I wear a mask to protect you because I’m not an insane person), and otherwise stfu.
Good because I dont really want to go in there anyway who knows what else they are not doing.
Im very high risk and am being extra careful so I like the warning.

This. If they are not taking this seriously I doubt they are taking proper steps to clean and sanitize the place regularly, and it's a cesspool of germs and nasties. Now I know what stores to avoid.
a shop is private property
surely it is their right to impose conditions of entry

we have had this going on here regarding a register the govt makes bars and restaurants, hairdressers have as mandatory but some shops are also doing it.
a lawyer on tv said so long as its not discriminatory or violates the bill of rights the shop is within its rights

and for goodness sake its for people's own good !
from entering.

To that I say "good!!". Let all the selfish a**holes all shop in 1 place so they can enjoy their "freedom" & Covid-19 together :devil:.

oh my goodness
ive misunderstood

shops want to keep people out wearing masks ??
well id be running a mile from those places
... It’s their business, wear a mask or go elsewhere. ...

I believe you read it backwards.
These stores are banning customers who wear masks. :nono: :wall:
They're saying, "If you wear a mask you can't shop here."

It's totally understandable that this being read backwards.
It IS backwards.

It's like police who stop and ticket you if you are wearing a seat belt, and obeying the speed limit - as if freedom to do things that harm yourself and others is a good thing. :doh::doh::doh:

WTF has happened to my country? :cry2:
Oh Yeah.
Now I remember ...
Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 12.21.15 AM.png
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well little do they know they can be sued under more than one ADA Law for doing There are lawyer groups literally looking for this type of easy money. Good luck to them is all I can say.
I believe you read it backwards.
These stores are banning customers who wear masks. :nono: :wall:
They're saying, "If you wear a mask you can't shop here."

It's totally understandable that this being read backwards.
It IS backwards.

It's like police who stop and ticket you if you are wearing a seat belt, and obeying the speed limit - as if freedom to do things that harm yourself and others is a good thing. :doh::doh::doh:

WTF has happened to my country? :cry2:
Oh Yeah.
Now I remember ...
Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 12.21.15 AM.png

Ooooh. Hahaha. Yeah my brain just totally read it the way that mad sense to me.

I mean fine either way, like you say, I’m happy to avoid stores that aren’t taking covid seriously.
I wouldn’t shop in a store that didn’t care about my health or safety.
Hey, if I can wear a mask while exercising (and I have asthma that is acting up now too) I don't want to hear the grown babies complaining.

If you cannot wear a mask then stay the he** home. I say that with respect. :/
Care about others. Let's work together in getting through this.


I go into multiple retail locations daily for my job.
The signs "Must wear a mask to enter" are posted on every door now. Our governor has made it a state order.
However, this is not being enforced in public retail stores.
I have seen many people who still cannot bring themselves to comply.

I was in Target a few days ago, watching a woman smugly walking around the store without a mask. I gave her several dirty looks, but she didn't seem to care.
So I approached her and said, "You are supposed to have your face covered."
She said "The last time I checked, this was not a police state."
I said "But I have a right to come into a safe store and not worry that someone like you will sneeze on me."
She said "It's people like you who let Naziism take hold in Germany!"

(Whaaaaaa????o_O )

I said "Oh come on!........really?"
And she said "Oh come on yourself!" and she stomped off in a huff!!
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I go into multiple retail locations daily for my job.
The signs "Must wear a mask to enter" are posted on every door now. Our governor has made it a state order.
However, this is not being enforced in public retail stores.
I have seen many people who still cannot bring themselves to comply.

I was in Target a few days ago, watching a woman smugly walking around the store without a mask. I gave her several dirty looks, but she didn't seem to care.
So I approached her and said, "You are supposed to have your face covered."
She said "The last time I checked, this was not a police state."
I said "But I have a right to come into a safe store and not worry that someone like you will sneeze on me."
She said "It's people like you who let Naziism take hold in Germany!"

(Whaaaaaa????o_O )

I said "Oh come on!........really?"
And she said "Oh come on yourself!" and she stomped off in a huff!!

Super frustrating how there are people who don’t give a da*n about others. Just got back from food shopping and everyone was wearing masks in the stores but there were people wearing them under their noses. Umm yeah, no.

I wanted to go up to the guy I saw wearing it like that but then I thought let me get out of here as quickly as possible and not engage with those who behave irresponsibly and selfishly. Cause I know like your encounter @stracci2000 I’d be met with defiance and willful ignorance. Not worth our energy or breath.
a shop is private property
surely it is their right to impose conditions of entry

I am not a lawyer and they make big bucks arguing each side of every argument. My thought, to counter yours, is: what is the use of a governor ordering that masks be worn in stores if each store can choose to ignore the order?
My daughter's fiancé is chomping at the bit for the day when he does not have to wear a mask into stores here. Every restriction on him is a personal affront. He is not a Trump supporter. He just wants to do as he pleases and he remains convinced that he is invincible.
I think it is selfish to go out in public without a mask. Its more for the protection of others than yourself. And I think that in a pandemic, those with stronger immune systems need to watch out for those with weaker immune systems, employees who have no choice to be out, etc. It is startling to learn so much about people you thought you knew when you see their attitude about wearing a mask. A simple act that can protect those in your community.

I was in trader joes the other day and a man about 10 feet away from me SNEEZED. People turned around like there was a gun shot. It was really freaky. People panicked and scurried away from him.

THANK GOODNESS HE WAS WEARING A MASK! As bad as a sneeze in public is, can you imagine if he was not wearing a mask how much worse it would have been?

The man himself seemed very embarrassed.

I also feel for those who have seasonal allergies and are perfectly healthy but sneezing and coughing. Gong in public now, any cough or sneeze is met with glares and distrust.

So, back to the original topic at hand. I am glad that stores are requiring masks. It is the law in the state I live in too by governor's orders.

Did anyone see that story about the target employee who had his arm broken by a customer when he confronted a customer about not wearing a mask?

What is happening to our society?

And, as a Jewish american, I find the whole Nazi comparison people are throwing around disgusting. Being asked to wear a mask to protect others around you in the time of a pandemic when we have a deadly virus with no vaccine and no cure cannot be compared to the systematic goal of exterminating jews. This president has brought antisemitism out of the shadows and cultivated its growth. He has brought hate towards many many minority groups out of the shadows.
I find it incredibly sad that people can be so selfish. It’s for the good of everyone that people wear masks.

Many establishments have had the no shoes, no service rule in place forever and no one bats an eye about following these rules.

Does anyone really believe this would be an issue if Trump had been telling people they need to wear masks when out in public? It’s just another way for him to further divide the country and cause chaos.
I find it incredibly sad that people can be so selfish. It’s for the good of everyone that people wear masks.

Many establishments have had the no shoes, no service rule in place forever and no one bats an eye about following these rules.

Does anyone really believe this would be an issue if Trump had been telling people they need to wear masks when out in public? It’s just another way for him to further divide the country and cause chaos.

In my book, politicizing the use of face masks during a pandemic ranks high among the worst things he’s done.
Hey, if I can wear a mask while exercising (and I have asthma that is acting up now too) I don't want to hear the grown babies complaining.

And, as a Jewish american, I find the whole Nazi comparison people are throwing around disgusting. Being asked to wear a mask to protect others around you in the time of a pandemic when we have a deadly virus with no vaccine and no cure cannot be compared to the systematic goal of exterminating jews. This president has brought antisemitism out of the shadows and cultivated its growth. He has brought hate towards many many minority groups out of the shadows.

At least I can try to sympathize with people complaining about the stay home order or businesses having to close. I get that it disrupted their lives and caused much anxiety. Some more than others.

But now that things are opening up and the ONLY thing being ask of us is to wear a mask when we're out, to be able to keep things open and people to go back to their lives. For what, like 2-3 hours at most for most people? But some people seem completely unwilling to do ANYTHING while expecting everyone to do everything else not to disrupt their lives. I have zero patience for this childish notion. It's a mask, not a noose. Sometimes you might have to do something that you find annoying for the greater good, to save LIVES.

This is not freedom. This is not American ways. I just can't handle all this nonsense over wearing a mask, an act that can protect others in your community. How divided we are on this simple act is disgusting in my opinion, and I rarely get angry about what other people choose to do...
Super frustrating how there are people who don’t give a da*n about others. Just got back from food shopping and everyone was wearing masks in the stores but there were people wearing them under their noses. Umm yeah, no.

I wanted to go up to the guy I saw wearing it like that but then I thought let me get out of here as quickly as possible and not engage with those who behave irresponsibly and selfishly. Cause I know like your encounter @stracci2000 I’d be met with defiance and willful ignorance. Not worth our energy or breath.

This is my favorite mask meme. Hope no one is offended by the cartoon penis.

Everytime I see someone with their mask under their nose I picture this. Makes me much less furious in the moment.
@lovedogs, I am deeply offended by the penis cartoon, they couldn't make it bigger, give it a little girth?! Poor little cartoon man.
@lovedogs, I am deeply offended by the penis cartoon, they couldn't make it bigger, give it a little girth?! Poor little cartoon man.

Yes, this penis is so sad and forlorn. :P2

I saw a cashier at the grocery store wearing his mask like this. I immediately thought of this cartoon and laughed to myself.
He had a nose just like the one in the cartoon!
I am not a lawyer and they make big bucks arguing each side of every argument. My thought, to counter yours, is: what is the use of a governor ordering that masks be worn in stores if each store can choose to ignore the order?

i wrote that post misunderstanding and reading the OP completly back to front :doh: (i did post right underneath i had done that)
this was the argument put forward by a lawyer on tv for not letting people into a store if a condition of entry is to wear a mask
of course if people like a state governer say you have to, you have to if that is law binding
stores arnt a law onto themselves (as much as some head offices would like to think)
just to be clear i do want people to wear masks but there are alot if loose cannons out their so concerned about every little millimetre if their rights that they will argue every single thing even if to the rest of us ite obviously for the common good
here, those cases are for the most part so far have been chucked out by judges but the royal commissions of enquiry will follow this whole thing

stay safe and healthy =)2