
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Ugh sorry to hear your news @marcy. If it's a simple extraction, a competent dentist 'should' be fine, anything else, yep, go to the oral surgeon. I'm surprised they can't tell you if the other tooth can be saved. IF they suggest a crown, don't let them rush it, it needs time to settle before the permanent crown is put on. You definitely don't want to be here this weekend, we've got predicted temperatures in the high 90's.

Oh for goodness sake @missy, what's going on with these people? Why can't anything be straightforward and you get the service you expect? Life is stressful enough without dealing with all this extra crap caused by incompetence. As always, I'm sending good and positive vibes that you get the test results back and they're good news, not bad.

Safe journey @MamaBee, and good luck getting the house sorted.

We're busy trying to get everything organized for the house, and yet again, the CC company has closed our claim citing "not enough documentation". They never say exactly what documents they need, but have had all the relevant documents at least 5 times now. I don't think anyone is actually reading them. Talk about banging your head against a brick wall.

Wishing all the lovely NIRDIs a peaceful day, :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy - I guess it’s all about perspective - losing one tooth is way better than two. Thank you for the well wishes. I am so sorry you have some tele appointments with 2 doctors. I hope they both go better than expected. Sending you good health wishes and big hugs. I sure hope they still get those test results. We had rain most of the day too. Not heavy, just off and on. It’s pretty chilly too.

@MamaBee how awful to hear there has been some theft in your neighborhood. I hope everything is fine when you get home. Fixing up a house to sell is a lot of work. Good luck with that!

@Austina thanks for the advise on my teeth - more of that below. I hoping this will all be a bad memory soon. 90 sounds very HOT to me. That is unbelievable the credit card company is so uncooperative. Is it the one who’s slogan is “what’s in your wallet?” Just curious because my niece’s husband was a victim of identify theft and they were HORRIBLE to deal with and wouldn’t help them out at all; they had to pay over 10K in charges that weren’t his.

I got up about 6 am today. The things on my work to do list can’t be done yet but I got a text from sometime and was able to keep busy for about 4 hours. While working my dentist office called me and got me in at 2 pm today. The receptionist there always takes good care of me. The extraction wasn’t awful; maybe 10 minutes total. He told me pulling a molar is like working a fence post out of the ground - it takes a while and requires a lot of moving it around and pulling. It broke off (most of it) and what remained was easy to get out. I’m doing okay and don’t know if I’ll try to eat anything the rest of today or not. I can’t keep my tongue away from the spot and don’t want to create any issues and get a dry socket. Everything is pretty sore but hopefully the worst is behind me now.

I made burgers and mashed potatoes for lunch today so I ate before I went in and saved some mashed potatoes for soft food for me. I should hide them because I can see Marty devouring them when he is grazing after the gym.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy terrific Thursday!

Had the call with the surgeon yesterday. He called me early and on the land line lol...almost didn't get it as the landline wasn't near us and I didn't think it was anyone but a telemarketer as no one calls me on that line. Luckily Greg said why don't I get it in case so I ran to get it and it was the surgeon and another doctor.He was super nice but ultimately the bottom line is for adenomyosis I need a hysterectomy and he doesnt feel I can go on like this indefinitely. He said yes I can wait a bit but I should ultimately get the hysterectomy. I cannot continue spotting forever. It's just not compatible with long term. But for now I am waiting and I liked him so he will be most likely the surgeon I go with if I do a hysterectomy.

@marcy I am glad the tooth extraction went smoothly. And I hope the worst is behind you too. Hope you can eat something and are feeling OK today. Glad the receptionist takes care of you. Mashed potatoes always work. Yummm. XOXO

@Austina thank you as always. Your kind wishes are much appreciated. I hope everything gets straightened out for you financially very soon. XOXO

@MamaBee still waiting on Lab Corp but got Quest. I will keep you posted. How did the drive go yesterday? Hopefully smoothly. XOXO

@bling_dream19 you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs sweet friend.

@Slick1 hope all is well and the family is good.

@springerspaniel how is work going? Thinking of you.

@mrs-b does tomorrow work? Big hugs.

@canuk-gal hope you are having a good week. Hugs and hugs.

Hi everyone else. Big hugs. We had a good day yesterday but just ran errands for the most part and then at 4PM my surgeon called. The call was supposed to be after 5PM lol so luckily we were home and I was out of the shower as I washed my hair after errands yesterday. He was quite upbeat and friendly and I got a good vibe from him. Despite his motivation to do surgery on me lol. Have a terrific Thursday. We are cycling today despite a maybe call at noon with my endocrinologist. I will do it from the bike. Tired of wasting days at doctor appts so hopefully he won't mind me doing the FaceTime call on the bike today.

Have a terrific Thursday and be well. XOXO.

Look who came by to say hi yesterday after the rainstorm. Haha. The gang of three. Pepsi, Dr Pepper and Fresca. If only Dr Pepper could help me...hahaha

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Jun 8, 2008
Good luck at the orthodontist today @MamaBee !!!!!!!!



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I’m glad the extraction went OK @marcy. At the first sign of any problem with the socket (hopefully there won’t be) call the dentist and they can pack it with some stuff that looks like compost :mrgreen: but it’ll definitely help! We’re dealing with Amex, and you wouldn‘t believe the conversation I had with them today.

Please skip this part if you’re not interested.

Apparently the ‘missing document’ they keep saying they need, is an email confirmation of the cancellation. We have rarely, if ever, received an email confirmation of a cancellation from BA. I pointed out that we had told them this many times, and surely the email from BA saying they owe us the money supercedes any other document. Then the genius suggests I get in touch with BA (yeah, me and the tens of thousands of other people trying to get them on the phone, only to get a recorded message saying go to the website and then getting cut off) and ask them for a copy of the document (email) that they didn’t send in the first place !!!! He then suggested I submit a copy of their email confirming they owe us the money, I told him if he or any other people we’ve already spoken to had bothered to check, they’d see all the relevant documents have been uploaded several times. I told him the PROOF of the cancellation is that BA are saying they owe us the money, and surely the onus is on BA to prove they’ve actually paid it!

When do you start the orthodonitc treatment @MamaBee? I broke my lower night time aligner recently, and contacted my dentist in the UK who ordered me another set. They took ages to come because they were sitting in Chicago for over a week.

I’m sorry that a hysterectomy is your last port of call @missy, but hopefully if it can be done via a laparoscope, it won’t be too bad or put you out of action for too long. I know it’s not what you want, but if it gets rid of that problem, then it’s one less issue to deal with. I hope you had a good ride today and managed to get you FT call sorted out.

We had lots of thunder last night, but it didn’t look like there’d been much rain. We had another quick shower this afternoon too.

I heard from my friend Ro today that she’s had a stroke. The Dr asked her if she’d had the Astra Zeneca vaccine, but she thinks it could’ve been caused from a blow to the head the week before. Her husband had a stroke 18 months ago, so the poor things have had incredible bad luck. She says she’s ok apart from some tingling/numbness in one hand and foot. This is the friend that travelled to Florida for the operation on her thyroid @missy.

We’re meeting a landscaper at the house tomorrow morning who has 3 plans for us to look at. We really liked this guy when we met him, he was very straightforward and understood what we wanted.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy FriYAY!

@Austina I hope everything gets straightened out soon. I am sorry you are dealing with this mess. I wish I had words of wisdom to share with you but in the end, I feel it will all be righted. I sincerely hope so. I am so sorry about your friend who had a stroke. I hope she recovers fully. Thanks for your continued good wishes. Looks like my EPI diagnosis is confirmed as the second set of results came back and they are worse than the first. It almost looks like I have severe EPI but how can that be? I am able to keep on weight and absorb nutrients. It's a mystery. Unfortunately there is a strong correlation between EPI and diabetes. Just another concern. My gastro probably won't contact me til next week as the results just came back this morning and being friday and his practice is a busy one I will wait patiently. I am in no rush to deal with this. Beyond taking digestive enzymes which I have been doing for years. Get this, the RX digestive enzymes needed for EPI costs thousands a month. Cannot make this stuff up. But one day at a time. It's all I can do. Have a wonderful weekend Austina and big hugs.

@MamaBee hope you're doing OK with your new braces. You are young at heart what can I say. You will do well with them and what gorgeous teeth you will have when you are done. Hugs.

@bling_dream19 big hugs sweet friend.

@Slick1 have a wonderful weekend. XOXO

@mrs-b safe flight. XOXO

@springerspaniel our tree has buds! Yay!

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Hi everyone else. We had a great cycling day yesterday. Gorgeous weather. My endocrinologist didn't call as all my results are not yet back and he wants to wait. Fine with me. Greg's PSA results came back and he needs a biopsy. I am trying not to freak out. His brother had prostate cancer in his 50s. Greg has had two forms of cancer already. I am fairly certain he has prostate cancer but praying he doesn't. Just more worries. I asked Greg to please email his urologist as you know these doctors are busy and may not see results as soon as we do. So many things we are juggling but trying to take it all one day at a time and do the best we can do. It's all we can do.

We are seeing my parents tomorrow and looking forward to it. With masks on unfortunately but it's going to rain the next few days so we will be indoors visiting which I am not thrilled about. But it's been many months (Dec 25th) since we saw my parents so we are going tomorrow and will wear masks.

It's a rainy next few days so probably will remain indoors. Be well. Be safe. Love you girls. XOXO.

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Sep 26, 2011
Good morning NIRDIs!

@missy I am so sorry about having to get a hysterectomy; my adenomyosis led to such severe anemia that they considered a hysterectomy and then fortunately menopause seemed to stop everything. I can tell you that without the anemia I feel 110% stronger. Also, I will be thinking about you and Greg as you await the prostate biopsy. My hat is off to you--you are such a strong person and care so much for everyone and everything else. I love that our tree has buds on it--very hopeful sign!

@marcy boy do I hope you don't get a dry socket. Sounds like otherwise, you are doing well, what with losing weight and getting new clothes! What's been your favorite new fashion item so far? I find I am selling off my fancy suits and stuff since I am no longer at the hospital.

@MamaBee I am loving all your new jewelry--please post more pictures, as I am living vicariously through all of you, enjoying the beautiful stones and mountings! Maybe you can get a grill for your braces...

@Austina no one can make this stuff up about dealing with CC companies and airlines. I am so sorry you are going through this. It does sound as if your house is moving along, though.

@mrs-b I sent an email a bit ago, but did not want to intrude if you have too much going on. Just wanted to let you know that I am here if you want to talk. I do enjoy following your adventures in jewelry here on PS.

I am getting swept up in the new job, with lots of interesting new experiences, and a very different pace to my days. David says that I am "back." It certainly feels more like that, although the old fears about whether I can be successful at this endeavor raise their ugly heads and I do battle with them daily. Currently working on a project doing audio recordings of therapists and clients and asking each what parts of the meeting they feel are key. I am guessing that therapists and clients will have very different ideas about what was important in the session, but we will see. Also working on a better approach to treatment of cancer patients with depression. The best thing is--I am not being told how incompetent I am on a daily basis, or being reviled for what I do. AND did I mention I have a window in my office? :lol-2:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

@missy I am so sorry about having to get a hysterectomy; my adenomyosis led to such severe anemia that they considered a hysterectomy and then fortunately menopause seemed to stop everything. I can tell you that without the anemia I feel 110% stronger. Also, I will be thinking about you and Greg as you await the prostate biopsy. My hat is off to you--you are such a strong person and care so much for everyone and everything else. I love that our tree has buds on it--very hopeful sign!

@marcy boy do I hope you don't get a dry socket. Sounds like otherwise, you are doing well, what with losing weight and getting new clothes! What's been your favorite new fashion item so far? I find I am selling off my fancy suits and stuff since I am no longer at the hospital.

@MamaBee I am loving all your new jewelry--please post more pictures, as I am living vicariously through all of you, enjoying the beautiful stones and mountings! Maybe you can get a grill for your braces...

@Austina no one can make this stuff up about dealing with CC companies and airlines. I am so sorry you are going through this. It does sound as if your house is moving along, though.

@mrs-b I sent an email a bit ago, but did not want to intrude if you have too much going on. Just wanted to let you know that I am here if you want to talk. I do enjoy following your adventures in jewelry here on PS.

I am getting swept up in the new job, with lots of interesting new experiences, and a very different pace to my days. David says that I am "back." It certainly feels more like that, although the old fears about whether I can be successful at this endeavor raise their ugly heads and I do battle with them daily. Currently working on a project doing audio recordings of therapists and clients and asking each what parts of the meeting they feel are key. I am guessing that therapists and clients will have very different ideas about what was important in the session, but we will see. Also working on a better approach to treatment of cancer patients with depression. The best thing is--I am not being told how incompetent I am on a daily basis, or being reviled for what I do. AND did I mention I have a window in my office? :lol-2:

That’s an excellent point. He did say if I want to continue with hrt that a hysterectomy is advised. If I stopped hrt I probably would be fine without a hysterectomy. But I know how critical (for me) hrt is and I don’t want to give that up.

I am so glad you are enjoying your new job ♥️ And I hope your confidence soon follows. They are so lucky to have you! You rock in all ways. You truly do. Remember that.


Aug 18, 2013
HI ladies -

I'm so far behind and am unable to read all the posts to adequately catch up. My apologies.

@missy - I'm looking forward to our call on Wednesday. And I'm so sorry that it's looking like a hysterectomy for you. But - to be clear - I'm sorry because all surgery is a pain. The surgery itself I found to be so straight forward and easy, and it helped WAY more than it hurt. I'm hoping it's the same for you and that the improvements it brings far outweighs the discomfort and short term inconvenience. To be honest, I'm more concerned about your EPI results. And don't even start me on the inability to get the tests you need or the results delivered smoothly. I'm just glad you've had the insight and sense to keep pushing on these things. Well done you! I'll be praying both for you and for Greg re the upcoming biopsy.

@marcy - your teeth continue to be a nightmare, I see. I'm so sorry. I hope tho, that when it's all resolved, your smile it both stellar and goes to the soul. :)) You seem to be working a lot! Tell me this - are you *enjoying* it? Does it suit you to be working this much? I really hope so! I can't believe you had a molar out then came home and made dinner! You are made of steel, lady!!

@MamaBee - Tim had braces twice - once in his teens and once in his 30's. He has lovely teeth now, tho! How are your house repairs and prepping for sale going? House selling is SUCH a drain - I'm thinking of you and hoping all goes well. I can't believe that any house of yours (ie ALWAYS gorgeous!) won't sell immediately. I'm wishing you all the luck in the world. And safe travels to you, D and S as you go back and forth. ox

@springerspaniel - I'm so sorry I haven't responded to your email. I've been feeling very flat lately (reasons below), and I apologize. I'm not so disassociated from life, tho, that I don't HEARTILY RESENT anyone telling you you're incompetent! Gees Louise! And as for 'reviling what you do' - yeah - um - no. Not ok. I know what you mean about being 'back' (again - see reasons below) - and I'm glad to hear it. And YAY to having an window! Please now lash out and get a pot plant! <3

@Austina - the house photos were good for my soul; thank you for sharing. :)) That bathroom looks a-MAZ-ing!! Gardens are my passion - despite being useless at them - and I'm looking forward very much to hearing your landscaper's plans for yours. As for BA and that serialistic nightmare -you have my sympathies. WhenWendy was out here earlier this year, she moved her flights and had to make three calls to Qantas. She gave up the first time after being on hold for 4 hours, got on the second time after 4.5 hours, and the final time was just about dancing around the house in elation when it only took 1.5 hours! Insanity. And yes - the people who handle this stuff seem to have missed the fairy dust sprinkling of common sense given to most of us at birth. I'm pretty sure it's part of their approach not to have to pay out money. I had insurance once re a flight to Hawaii I had to cancel. I had a dr's letter saying I had to cancel as I was not allowed to fly - yet I never got my money back. Sending you *very strong* "I hope you get your damn money back!!" wishes!

@canuk-gal - any progress on your mother's opal ring? Do you have a date by when you're expecting it? And how is the weather where you are? It's slowly becoming more mild here in Boston - into the 60's most days, tho I'm waiting till we're in the 70's during the day and the 50's in the evening. That's my favorite. Re hair loss, I use natrafol Women's Balance - which is for women in peri or post menopause. I also use Vegamour scalp serum, tho am thinking of using Nutrafol's new hair serum instead. I heartily advocate AGAINST Rogaine, as it can cause heart arrhythmia - and did, in me. I tried it twice, each time 2 years apart, and both times eventually led to arrhythmia. For someone with a history of a-fib, this is a no-go. So I had to stop.

@Tekate, @Slick1 and @bling_dream19 - love and hugs to you all.

As for me - so much going on here, I've avoided addressing it.

We got back all the results from Tim's tests and it comes to this: there are 3 stages of sarcoidosis - stage 1 - it resolves itself and causes no symptoms; stage 2 - it has symptoms and resolves with steroids; stage 3 - it spreads systems-wide, does not resolve with steroids, attaches to vital organs, and is life threatening/shortening. If you're stage 3 and have no response to treatment, the estimated life span from diagnosis is 10 years. Tim is stage 3. Stress is also a major factor in precipitating what's referred to as 'active sarcoidosis' (basically spreading sarcoidosis with increasing symptoms) - which is, again, where Tim is, so we've decided to take some major steps.

Tim is resigning from his job and switching to a new employer. He's taking a major cut in pay with a view to doing work he enjoys a great deal more and dumping some of the major stress. Without saying too much, he is currently a vice-president at a major, global, BIG insurance company. He is going back to private consulting at a director level and, like @springerspaniel, I've seen him smile and relax for the first time in years.

However, his most recent diagnosis and all that it means is spinning me up more than I can articulate, and changes in jobs are always stress inducing (like - what if he *doesn't* like it? What if it *isn't* better?) I'm meant to be going back to LA tomorrow and having Mother's Day lunch on Sunday. Then on the 20th I'm meant to be going to Hawaii for 2 weeks. Given their ages, this is probably the last time I'll be able to do this with both kids and, despite being invited, I've never managed it before. So I really wanted to go. But between my back and my Crohn's, I'm hideously tired, and I feel as tho I want to stay glued to Tim's side at the moment - even tho he says he feels better than he has in ages and is actually quite happy. Given that his sarcoidosis only became active after the pressure started to mount at his current employment - and he's now leaving, my very strong gut feeling is that it will subside markedly now and we might be able to get him into an in-active state. This would also slow or stop the progression of his loss of vision and perhaps reduce the granuloma in his thyroid, which for some years have been affecting his heart by raising his pulse.

Anyway, my head is spinning and I feel incredibly stressed. I'll be on PriceScope intermittently as I feel able, and my apologies if I miss any major life events with all you wonderful women here.

And do not even start me on the shit-show going on with the Supreme Court.....

I hope all of you are doing well and that spring is warming your hearts.


Mar 31, 2018
@missy and @mrs-b Words can’t describe how upset I am for you both..and your sweet husbands. I’m hoping with everything I have that things work out better than you can hope for. I’m sending you much love and hugs today..I wish I could give you one in person. XOXOXOXO


Sep 26, 2011
Given that his sarcoidosis only became active after the pressure started to mount at his current employment - and he's now leaving, my very strong gut feeling is that it will subside markedly now and we might be able to get him into an in-active state. This would also slow or stop the progression of his loss of vision and perhaps reduce the granuloma in his thyroid, which for some years have been affecting his heart by raising his pulse.

Anyway, my head is spinning and I feel incredibly stressed. I'll be on PriceScope intermittently as I feel able, and my apologies if I miss any major life events with all you wonderful women here.

And do not even start me on the shit-show going on with the Supreme Court.....

I hope all of you are doing well and that spring is warming your hearts.

@mrs-b, I am so happy that Tim changing jobs has brought him back and I agree with you that this is very likely to put him into an inactive state with the sarcoidosis. I am sure this was a big move, though. I do understand completely about your taking care of yourself--please don't feel obligated to respond if you are not up to it. And totally agree with you on the Supreme Court. (I think that if I did get a pot plant that I would be fired, though. Even if it's legal in some states...) I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day coming up and that your travel is not too difficult on your body and mind.


Feb 27, 2007
@missy and @mrs-b Words can’t describe how upset I am for you both..and your sweet husbands. I’m hoping with everything I have that things work out better than you can hope for. I’m sending you much love and hugs today..I wish I could give you one in person. XOXOXOXO

I couldn't say this better @missy and @mrs-b - @MamaBee said exactly my thoughts.


Feb 27, 2007

@missy I hate to hear the results for both you and Greg. Big hugs to both of you and I am keeping you in my thoughts. I don't want to make this about me but I hope this eases your mind a bit - I felt like a million bucks after getting a complete hysterectomy. Have a lovely time visiting your parents tomorrow. Will you get to see your nieces too?

@Austina what a major pain and mess trying to get your money back from BA. Maybe write the Better Business Bureau about it? I am sure you and Colin have tried everything you can think of and how frustrating. They hope you just quit trying. I am so sorry to hear about your friend, mega dust going her way. Did you pick your landscaping? You are getting close to moving in to your beautiful home.

@springerspaniel fun to be getting new clothes too. Everything I have on today actually fits me. I think the thing I'm most excited about is my old jean jacket fits me again. Funny story about it too - a local farm and ranch store has 2 big sales a year when all clothes are 30 to 50% off and we both picked out a lot of clothes. They kept moving my jean jacket to the scan pile - I told them 3 times you didn't ring that jean jacket up but they kept saying - yes we did. So I ended getting a big discount on it - we bought enough that day to probably make up for it but to this day I feel bad about it. I tried. It sounds like you are totally enjoying your new job; and you have a window in your office. Sweet. I am very happy for you.

@mrs-b I have been thinking about you and Tim and sure hated to hear the news. Big hugs and mega dust coming your way. I am glad Tim took another job with less stress and that he likes more. I am enjoying the work so far and don't mind having something to do. I worked almost 6 hours today. I don't know if I'm tough or stubborn - maybe a combo of both. LOL.

I am doing okay. My tooth is sore but not too bad. As the Knight says in the "Holy Grail" - I've had worse. I need to quit checking it though because I'll convince myself something is wrong with it. Marty said he was going to hide my little flashlight and mirror.

Work has kept me busy this week and I've knit about 16 inches on my new afghan. I am not eating much because it's a challenge to eat for a few days but it's good for my goal of losing weight.

I met Marty for breakfast this morning after he was done at the gym. I was able to eat the inside of pancakes - they were soft. I picked up a lot of yogurt and pudding to eat. Chewy things are hard to eat. This was kind of funny - I beat Marty to the restaurant and there was a goose right outside the door. It didn't pay any attention to me when I walked in the door. When Marty came in he said the goose hissed at him. I immediately pointed out - that must mean geese can detect evil. I do crack myself up.

Take care. You wonderful ladies deserve the best in life!



Aug 18, 2013
@mrs-b, I am so happy that Tim changing jobs has brought him back and I agree with you that this is very likely to put him into an inactive state with the sarcoidosis. I am sure this was a big move, though. I do understand completely about your taking care of yourself--please don't feel obligated to respond if you are not up to it. And totally agree with you on the Supreme Court. (I think that if I did get a pot plant that I would be fired, though. Even if it's legal in some states...) I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day coming up and that your travel is not too difficult on your body and mind.

A POTTED plant - POTTED, you great loon! Not a pot plant!! (sorry about that - nobody says 'potted plant' in Australia - it's always just said as 'pot plant' - ie a plant in a pot - and NOT of the marijuana** kind!)

That made me laugh for the first time in days. Bless you, my friend. ox

**Altho, I suppose it *could* be, grammatically speaking....
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Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday from the stormy Jersey Shore!
And happy Mother's Day weekend to all!

@mrs-b I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you and Tim. I am glad he is switching jobs to a more enjoyable and less stressful atmosphere. May that put his sarcoidosis in remission and in fact may it go into remission forever and ever. Biggest hugs and much love and healing vibes. I too am looking forward to our chat this Wednesday. ((((Hugs)))) Umm where can I get that "pot" plant haha. I never tried pot. But then again I never potted a plant either. :)

@marcy aww thanks for your kind wishes. And for sharing your hysterectomy experience with me. I am glad it went so well. No, today we are just seeing my parents. I am still in the physically distancing mode lol. People=germs. LOLOL. I mean I am laughing but it isn't funny. We plan on wearing our masks the entire visit. I hate wearing the masks but I would hate getting Covid more. And while it isn't a guarantee it's the best we can do, I know I am being super cautious. Even my parents think I am crazy. Perhaps I should write especially my parents think I am crazy haha.

16 inches of the afghan-you go girl. That's awesome. What is not awesome is that you don't feel well enough to eat. I hate seeing you lose weight because of that. Hoping your tooth feels better soon. And yay for work being busy and bringing you lots of activity and money. Haha about the goose hissing at Marty and not at you and I am right there with you cracking myself up. Did someone say pancakes? Yummm. Hugs.

@springerspaniel happy weekend!

@MamaBee you are the sweetest. Don't feel bad for us. Remember one day at a time and I feel (and hope and pray) everything will work out. For everyone. Big hugs sweet friend. And a very happy Mother's Day to you.

@Slick1 happy Mother's Day weekend. May this be a sweet wonderful weekend with family.

@bling_dream19 happy Mother's Day to your lovely mom. And big hugs.

@canuk-gal happy Mother's Day. I hope you are doing well. XOXO

@Austina hope you are enjoying a good week and your new house is coming along well. Happy Mother's Day weekend. XOXO

@Tekate hoping everything is well with you and everyone is good.

@rainwood those are awesome.:kiss2: Sparkly and glamorous. LOVE.

Hi everyone else. Yesterday was raining all day. Today is very windy and raining as well. My gastro contacted me and as with all things related to my health nothing is straightforward. He isn't keen at this point on putting me on meds. He wrote to me he will call me this weekend. We shall see. We are heading to see my parents later. I hope everyone enjoys a sweet Caturday Saturday. Lots of love and well wishes.

In honor of Caturday Saturday.

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And yesterday when Greg dropped off his results with one of his doctors look who was in the lobby? A sculpture from one of our very favorite sculptors. T Rex. We love you.

Dedicating this to all the sweet NIRDIs I love. You are all fierce women. Who are kind, wise, smart, funny and rock in all ways. Happy Mother's Day weekend. XOXO

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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Oh my gosh @mrs-b, I’m so very sorry to hear the news about Tim, what an awful worry. Hopefully the new job and less stress will have such a positive effect on him and make a huge difference to his overall health, and your mental wellbeing. We often worry about others more than we do ourselves, and you certainly don’t need this on top of everything else you’re dealing with. Sending lots of positive energy your way that things will work out.

@missy, what can I say? Life is throwing you more than your fair share of curveballs, you know we’re thinking nothing but good positive thoughts for both you and Greg. What’s that saying about life never giving you more than you can cope with? I think life is determined to test you to your absolute limits because it knows your love is strong and fierce and you’ll get through whatever comes your way together. Have a lovely time visiting your parents today, I’m sure they’re thrilled to be seeing you again after such a long time.

Well the store can’t say you didn’t try @marcy, and the bargain was your reward for your honesty! You’re getting on really well with your new afghan, and I’m sure it’ll be lovely when it’s finished. Geese are brave creatures considering their size, whenever Dottie went in to the lake near them, they’d come swimming over hissing and spitting and scare her off despite her being many times their size.

:lol: I too misunderstood the pot plant reference @springerspaniel, like mrs-b, I thought you meant an ordinary plant in a pot! Glad things are going well with the new job, and that it’s a lot less hassle than the old one. How’re the doggies?

Sending good thoughts your way @canuk-gal and hoping you‘ll soon have your lovely treasures in your hands - and on your fingers.

The meeting with the landscapers was really productive, he brought 3 different plans with him to discuss. In the end, we’ve decided on a simple plan, mainly because of the heat, watering, and maintenance. We’re going to have Cherry laurels (I think, might be mountain laurels) along the fences both sides and along the bottom, to grow in to a screening hedge. The vast majority of the garden will be grass, but around the pool area, we’ll have pretty planting. This will allow us to maintain the garden ourselves while we’re able, and then get a service to come and mow, when we’re not. We don’t think it’ll be sustainable to have a garden like we had in England with lots of pretty shrubs because of the heat and water situation. He’s going to go away and revise the plan (as we took elements from all 3) and come back with the final draft.

A couple of more things were done at the house, the ‘chimney’ on the vent hood was up, the incorrect floor plug had been changed, and the remainder of the wood flooring in the small hall area from the study to our bedroom had been done, plus all the quadrant around the floor edges, and the coat hooks in the drop zone near the garage. Only waiting on the a/c units and carpets, which are expected this coming week, and for the fire place to be painted. Still lots of touching up to do.

Colin and Adam are going for a sauna later, which is funny, because Adam never used the sauna in our house, but it mad keen on them!

Adam wants to see the house again tomorrow, then is taking us out to lunch, which Kim sees her mother.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs have a peaceful and stress free weekend, sending you all love and hugs :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!

DH and I went "home" earlier in the week--although I really don't feel like it is home anymore. We were very productive and accomplished the many things we went to do. I was teary on the way down and said goodbye to my Mom's house. When driving back I heard one of my all time favorite songs by Paul Simon "Mother and Child reunion." I turned it up REALLY loud and grooved in my seat while tears rolled down my face.

@missy enjoy your visit and may this be one of many. I wish your medical issues were not as such and hoping Greg is OK .

@marcy I am very sorry about your teeth. Nothing fun about that.

@springerspaniel LOL I knew what the pot/potted plant meant. Enjoy your new job and I a know you'll a great fit.

@Austina enjoy your MD lunch out and glad your house is well on it was to being finished. As for the BA boobies :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Oh and I did pick up my Opal ring today and started a thread. Turned out beautifully!

@MamaBee much success to ya'll on the house repairs.

@mrs-b that news about Tim is upsetting indeed. Glad he is winding down working so hard. Healing vibes across the miles...



Jun 8, 2008
Happy Mother's Day girls!!! Sending you lots of love and well wishes!!!

@canuk-gal thank you so much for all your kind wishes. We had a lovely visit. I am sorry it was a difficult trip home. I can only imagine sweet Sharon. I am so sorry for your loss. May your memories soon be more sweet than sad. Your dear mother is with you always in your heart. That Paul Simon song gets me every time. Gentle hugs and lots of love.

@Austina glad the meeting with the landscapers went smoothly and was productive. Things are really coming along now. I hope Colin and Adam had a good sauna. Good to sweat out the toxins. I hope you enjoy a lovely time with Adam at lunch today and Kim enjoys a lovely day with her mom too.

@Tekate you go girl! That is awesome you are helping out at the polls. And you look so beautiful. Miss you and big hugs. Happy Mother's Day Great Kate! XOXO

@bling_dream19 aww thank you sweet friend. Don't worry about us. Please take good care of you and you are in my thoughts daily. (((Hugs))).

@mrs-b I would have done the same thing. June will be here soon enough. Big hugs and looking forward to our chat this week. XOXO

@Slick1 have a terrific time with your sweet kids. Big hugs.

@marcy I hope your teeth are being quiet and you are feeling better with each day. Gentle hugs.
Hope the killer bunnies are nice to you this mother's day and that the bears are giving you lots of bear hugs.

@MamaBee happy Mother's Day! Thank you for being a wonderful friend. (((Hugs)))

@springerspaniel hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day and that your furry babies are giving you lots of kisses today.

Hi everyone else. We enjoyed a wonderful visit with my parents yesterday. Their rescue cats (they have 7 indoor rescue kitties and many outdoor ferals they take good care of) were quite friendly and I had grand time with them too.


Yesterday the gastro called me and looks like I am back to square one. He just doesn't think I have EPI despite the tests showing otherwise. He feels in the absence of clinical symptoms we cannot treat. He is calling my endocrinologist but I have zero hope about that. My endocrinologist still won't concede I have secondary HPT. Despite the fact the parathyroid specialist definitively diagnosed me and with the treatment my PTH is back to normal. So I hold no hope he and my gastro can figure this out. So I am back to searching for a good gastro despite the fact I really like this one. But my good friend, who is a nurse, is insisting I need to find another gastro because she is convinced I have something going on and well truthfully I agree. But am ready to just stop searching and rest. But she is like a determined dog with a bone and won't let me rest. IDK. I am tired and would like to think everything is OK. And I feel OK. But why am I not absorbing calcium from food? And why do I have to take lots of supplements to keep my D where it needs to be etc? And why is my serum iron super high but my ferritin super low? LOL what a soap opera. But I do feel OK for the most part so one day at a time.

What a stormy few days it has been and today too but more wind than rain. We are hoping to hike today.

Wishing everyone a very happy Mother's Day. Sending you lots of love and hugs from my family to yours. XOXO.

Happy Meowwwwy Day! From Zoe
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Isn't George handsome?
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Speaking of handsome...
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Love you girls!


Jun 8, 2008
Oops almost forgot JJ. Look at that mug. Hahaha don't let that resting B***h face fool you. He is the sweetest mush. :kiss2:



Jun 8, 2008
happy mothers day.png


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDI's! Happy Mother's Day to those with kids - whether they be children or fur babies

@mrs-b LOL to pot plant.

@missy I am glad you had a lovely day seeing your parents. That T Rex statue is great. I have one of those little books name T Rex trying - it's got lots of T Rex comics in it; it highly amuses me. Then again we've already determined I am easily amused. I hate to hear what your gastro thinks and your doctors have conflicting opinions. Sometimes specialists only have tunnel vision for their piece of the puzzle. I sure hope you get some answers and decisions sooner than later. We are having rain too. Glad to see the moisture because we sure need it.

@Austina that is kind of funny geese would pick on Dottie - you'd think they'd avoid larger animals. I guess they have little Napoleon complexes. I keep teasing Marty about it - he says they can detect evil all right and didn't hiss at me because I am evil. Your landscaping sounds great; can't wait to see pictures of it. Good deal there is more progress on the house. I remember thinking no way our place will be ready for closing but it was. Enjoy dinner out today with Adam.

@canuk-gal IMO those good cries are helpful and necessary. Big hugs to you and I am keeping you in my thoughts. Glad you and DH got a lot done at your mom's house.

Spring arrived in Wyoming. It was yesterday. Ha Ha. It was near 80 yesterday. Now it's cold and rainy.

We went out for lunch yesterday and then picked up groceries. We ended up watching the first 4 episodes of Bosch Legacy last night. We are meeting some friends for dinner later today. They are coming back from the vacation in Jamaica.

My former tooth is about the same today but I still think it doesn't look right - but then again I have absolutely no idea what "looks right" means. So I used my fingers and poked around on my check and jaw only to result in shooting, sharp pains off and on for about an hour. All my teeth in general seem more sensitive which I guess should be expected. Once the pains started I convinced myself it's infected or I have a dry socket. My mind and google can be my worst enemy. I guess applesauce, yogurt, cheese, scrambled eggs will be my primary source of substance for the near future.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy marvelous Monday! How did Monday get here so fast?

@marcy ugh I am sorry about your teeth and hope everything is fixed soon. I hope you enjoyed a lovely dinner with your friends last night. Definitely don't google. I myself have to resist that and occasionally I win haha. I adore T Rex and we sent a photo to the family that has the red one we admire so much and she didn't know he had a brother so close by so will be checking that out. Hope you have a good day that is pain free.

@MamaBee Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

@Austina hope you enjoyed dinner with Adam yesterday.

@bling_dream19 hope you had a lovely Mother's Day celebration and enjoy a good week.

@Slick1 Monday again, Sigh. Hope your Mother's Day gathering was fun and holds you for the week.

@canuk-gal swoon! Your mom's opal is GORGEOUS. So happy you have that to wear and enjoy and hold close to you.

@mrs-b hugs and more hugs. Thinking of you and Tim. Hope you had a good Mother's Day.

Hi everyone else. We went hiking yesterday as the winds were great. Today is also windy but we are risking cycling because we want to. Hopefully we won't regret it. We have a friend visiting later (outside) and I also have my Zoom call later. It's a busy busy day, Hope everyone is well and enjoys a marvelous Monday. XOXO.

I took video of the ocean. It was ROARING yesterday. Maybe I will download it and share here later. It's so calming. In the meantime here's a still photo. I love ending up at the beach after our hikes.

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Aug 18, 2013
Hi ladies.

So here's the thing. I feel incredibly sad at the moment about my beautiful boy and all he's going through. Would you mind if I posted a few photos of him here? He's just so precious to me and I'd just like to share him in happy times a little bit.

Here he is last year with our favorite waitress from the diner we go to most days. For Halloween I had matching t-shirts made for them both and here they are together. Her name is Amanda and we're very fond of her. She adores Tim - and why wouldn't you?


Here he is 4 years ago with the puppies, Ballin and Cirrus.


Halloween 2021, giving out candy.


Tim and Eleanor last year at our favorite restaurant in Boston.

Eleanor and Tim at Menton.png

Taken some years ago and we're both quite a bit thinner now, but this photo encapsulates just how happy we are together.


The day we were married. I was getting over the flu and was just zonked out at the end of the day. Here I am asleep on Tim's shoulder, while he was enthusiastically waiting for his third serving of Bombe Alaska!

Wedding photo.jpeg

And lastly - the two photos that say it all. Firstly - the way he looks at me....

Timmy and Koo_2.jpeg

And us on Thanksgiving, 2019. I always mean to use this as our Christmas card, but haven't gotten around to it as yet. Perhaps this year. So relaxed and happy and at home together....

Thanksgiving 2019.jpeg

Thanks for letting me share. I adore this man.


Mar 31, 2018
Hi ladies.

So here's the thing. I feel incredibly sad at the moment about my beautiful boy and all he's going through. Would you mind if I posted a few photos of him here? He's just so precious to me and I'd just like to share him in happy times a little bit.

Here he is last year with our favorite waitress from the diner we go to most days. For Halloween I had matching t-shirts made for them both and here they are together. Her name is Amanda and we're very fond of her. She adores Tim - and why wouldn't you?


Here he is 4 years ago with the puppies, Ballin and Cirrus.


Halloween 2021, giving out candy.


Tim and Eleanor last year at our favorite restaurant in Boston.

Eleanor and Tim at Menton.png

Taken some years ago and we're both quite a bit thinner now, but this photo encapsulates just how happy we are together.


The day we were married. I was getting over the flu and was just zonked out at the end of the day. Here I am asleep on Tim's shoulder, while he was enthusiastically waiting for his third serving of Bombe Alaska!

Wedding photo.jpeg

And lastly - the two photos that say it all. Firstly - the way he looks at me....

Timmy and Koo_2.jpeg

And us on Thanksgiving, 2019. I always mean to use this as our Christmas card, but haven't gotten around to it as yet. Perhaps this year. So relaxed and happy and at home together....

Thanksgiving 2019.jpeg

Thanks for letting me share. I adore this man.

I love these photos of the two of you together @Mrs-b…I know you’re worried about him..I hope now that he has a less stressful job he will do well. ❤️


Aug 18, 2013
I love these photos of the two of you together @Mrs-b…I know you’re worried about him..I hope now that he has a less stressful job he will do well. ❤️

Thanks J. He hasn't put in his resignation as yet - end of this week - as the company to which he's going needs to draw up a fairly complicated work contract. They said he'd have it by the end of today but they called this afternoon and I think it's going to take another day or two. He's also off on a conference with his current employer - which is a huge waste of time, but he's not prepared to tell them he's leaving until he's signed with the new folks. We're thinking he'll start a month from now, after he's had a week off, at least. ox


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Awwww @mrs-b, you can see the love pouring out of every pore! Such great photos, and thank you for sharing. :kiss2: I hope everything falls in to place for Tim and he get’s the contract soon so you can move on to the next, happier, healthier phase of your lives.

In the spirit of sharing, here’s a photo taken at Christmas

The weeks are just whizzing by aren’t they @missy? So glad you had a wonderful time with your parents, and wow to all the pussy cats. They all looks so happy and healthy. Oh no to more medical woes, I hope you can find a good gastro to help you, but in the meantime, I‘m taking it as a good sign that you feel otherwise well.

Your ring turned out beautifully @canuk-gal, it really is a unique piece. Sorry your trip home brought so much sadness, but I hope all the lovely memories you have in time, will bring you comfort.

I hope your tooth is feeling better today @marcy, if you can avoid poking about it’ll be for the best. Often if one tooth is achy, you get referred pain in the whole area. I had to :lol: about your weather comment, it‘s been hotter than hell this weekend, up to 100 degs! It was positively cool earlier at 80 degs + but it did go up to 93.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, we went to a brewery for lunch. I had ribs, which were absolutely delicious, and salad. :lickout: We then went up to the house, and a few other things had been done. The trim under the island counter top had been painted, the window contacts had been put on, and the front door had been stained - not the colour we wanted, but hey ho! Hopefully it was just the first coat. We heard today that the carpet is due tomorrow and the a/c on Wednesday - of course the wrong way round, but as long as it all gets done.

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:


Mar 31, 2018
Hopefully the new job will work out soon @mrs-b..and your “beautiful boy” will be much more relaxed. I love that you call him that..❤️


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@mrs-b what gorgeous photos. They truly show how much love and adoration you have for each other. True love is a priceless gift not that many experience. I am sending so many good wishes and healing vibes your and Tim's way and lots of love. The photos show pure love.:kiss2:
Looking forward to tomorrow. (((Hugs)))

@Austina I love that photo as well. Gorgeous couple. Who are in love with each other today, tomorrow and always. Thank you for sharing. And yes the house is coming along and while some things might not be quite right you can fix it all. Most important you will be in your new home soon. XOXO

@bling_dream19 big hugs

@Slick1 hope the week is going well XOXO

@marcy hope your tooth is feeling better. Hugs.

@MamaBee how is your mom doing? XOXO

Hi everyone else. Hope all is going smoothly.

Well, what a day we had yesterday. LOL. It was a great day to cycle despite the wind as the temps were purrrrfect. We cycled to Sea Girt and headed back to Asbury to get ice cream. And then on our way home (20 miles from home at this point) our front tire got some metal in it and got a flat. No biggie you would think. Greg's the bike expert. After all in HS and college he worked at a bike shop. He can do it all. But the spare tube was unusable and we (I thought) stranded. It was Monday so all the bike shops here where we could get a spare tube were closed. Greg said watch out for another cyclist maybe they have a spare. LOL no cyclist came by. NO ONE. And now it was getting late as I had a zoom call and we had a friend who was supposed to visit too. Long story short Greg filled the hole in the original tube since the replacement tube was not workable. And we made it home. Whew.

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I mean it could have been worse. Look at our backdrop.

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Today is another cycling day despite high winds again. Greg changed all the tires last night while I was on my Zoom call. And hopefully it will be smooth sailing umm I mean cycling today. Have a wonderful day girls. May your Tuesday be terrific. XOXO
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