
Now I really did it :((


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

@marcy I've said it once but I'll say it are the busiest retired person!

Had a BIZZY day today..and an extra work day scheduled tomorrow...I'm forgetting I have a life......

I seem to be losing my hair. Lovely. I may need a supplement or two.....

The rain seems to have dissipated from the forecast...yay! Maybe a bike ride is in my future......



Feb 27, 2007
@canuk-gal yay for a bike ride in your future. I hope tomorrow isn't too busy at work for you. I agree - I am too busy to say I'm retired. My binge TV watching is lagging and I haven't read a book for over a month. What was I thinking?


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday.
I am tired. I woke at 2AM for the day and we headed out to see my endocrinologist at 4:45AM. Fasting. That is brutal. I need my coffee and breakfast TBH and fasting is hard for me.

Our endocrinologist is super nice though and worth the trip. His tech took 14 tubes of blood from me. LOL. She was protesting but I said don't worry I am fine. She told Dr J it's too much to take but thank goodness we convinced her. She made me lay down to take the blood this time. First time I remember that happening. Anyway we now wait for the results.

He bumped up Greg's med dose and mine too at our request.
He was puzzled at my EPI diagnosis as I was able to gain (and hold on to) 20 lbs over the past few years so he isn't that concerned yet. He said his EPI patients are malnourished and cannot gain weight. However, I still am waiting to hear from my gastro. I feel there must be different degrees of EPI so that could explain it. But I really don't know. I have not yet researched this like I need to. Just so much going on I don't have the motivation to read about it in depth yet.

Yesterday was a whirlwind as Greg met with his specialist in the AM (who I found for him and he's excellent and agrees we can just monitor Greg for now) and then I saw my dermatologist later that afternoon. He burned off a number of Seb Keratoses on my face (I only knew of two and somehow he found them all over my poor face) and today I look like an accident victim. Not exaggerating. It is gruesome and I am worried about scarring. I never had electrical cautery before and this is much worse than cryotherapy but he prefers the electricity because it is more pinpoint accurate. BUT OMG if you saw may face. The derm was very impressed as I refused topical anesthetic and I took the electrical cautery (all over my face, did I mention that LOL) like a champ.

Dr J actually said how good we both look (with masks on haha) and he wanted me to take down my mask because he feels I am much healthier now and wanted to prove it. But I told him about the electrical cautery and he said OK keep it on lol. We are seeing him again in July. Depending on blood work might need to talk to him before them though. Sorry the all about me post. But I figure those who are interested will read it and those who aren't will skip ahead. Either way I still love you. Sometimes it helps me to get it out and share. It's cathartic but I don't expect everyone to read every word. Not at all.

@marcy love the blue afghan so much and cannot wait to see the ivory one you are knitting. Sweet you are busy like a bee and earning money. You are productive even as a retired individual. Though technically not retired anymore I guess...Enjoy and big hugs.

@canuk-gal yay for cycling and hope you get to go again soon. We are not cycling the rest of this week.Too busy but also too windy. So now I live vicariously through you. :)
I hope your workweek isn't too busy and goes smoothly. I am sorry to hear about the hair issues. I never found Biotin to help me. Do you know what your iron profile including ferritin is? That might provide a clue. Or perhaps you just need extra vitamins. In any case sending you healing vibes and hugs.

@MamaBee aww thanks. It's OK. My mom shared a healthy philosophy with me (which I already knew but it helps to hear it again) is a gift and if we have challenges along the way so what. We are alive and each day is a precious gift. True dat. So I am grateful. Yes I have many health challenges (as do many of us I know) but I'm tough and they won't stop me. And as long as they don't I am happy. One day at a time. Plus how did I get so lucky with my dh? IDK but I thank the universe for him every single day. And thankful for good friends like you. XOXO

@bling_dream19 hope you are doing OK and I am continuing to send healing vibes and hugs your way.

@Slick1 hope you are enjoying a good week. XOXO

Hi everyone else. Off to work out as we just got home and then errands to run. Everyone I know is getting Covid. Not happy about this and just stay safe and be well. Big hugs sweet friends. XOXO

Leaving you with my blood draw vials this AM. 14 vials.

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I cannot leave you with that. So instead here's Sir Tommy. Looking ever so dashing this morning.

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Have a purrrfectly wonderful Wednesday all!


Feb 27, 2007

@missy holy blood withdrawal! That's a lot to pull out of your veins. I hope you are feeling okay after that! Sending mega dust for good results and answers to some medical puzzles that can be easily treated! Yay for maintaining that 20 pound gain. Ouch to the burning off those spots on your face. You are a champ! I hope they don't hurt too bad. Snuggle up with some kitties for comforting therapy. Thank you on the afghan. I am liking the new one I started so much it may end up on my couch. Hi Tommy!

Not much new with me being retired but not. I got up at 5 am today to see the planets and moon - took this picture too. Since I was up long enough to wake up I didn't go back to bed. I did some work until after noon, then lifted and might go back and review a post I worked on most of the morning. It's very poorly done so I've done a lot of editing on it. A friend is bringing me lunch today and we are playing cards - see I am doing some retired things!

Take care.
Marcy #kindofretired

Venus is brightest dot - Jupiter is the other one


Aug 18, 2013
Sigh. Coudln't bring myself to comment on this yesterday. Tim had a skin biopsy last week and got his results yesterday. He now has dermal sarcoidosis as well. So, so far he has sarcoidosis of the eyes, the skin, attached to his lymph nodes, in his lungs, on his thyroid, under his clavicles, in his mesentery - and maybe more, tho he needs to have more scans to pick those up, but we're thinking definitely liver, given the 2 months of random diabetes he had earlier this year. He's FULL of lumps. He's also been on steroids long term (which is the first line of treatment and normally successful, if it doesn't clear itself - which a lot do), and it didn't clear it, so we're assuming, given how much of it he has, he's one of those people with systemic sarcoidosis who doesn't respond to the less severe treatments. As such, he's a big cancer risk, so now has to start a rotating collection of biopsies. I swear to goodness, he and I are just going to pitch a tent in the carpark at Beth Israel hospital.

I had an appt with my gastro today and she suggested upping my Humira (have we not picked the worst time in history to knock out my immune system???). We'll see what my insurance company says. I told her that I seemed to cope better and have less symptoms when I was in warmer weather - to which she responded by telling me many studies have been done, apparently, exploring the correlation between auto immune in general and Crohn's in particular and geographical latitude. Apparently it's a well known phenomenon in the gastro community and my dr told me she'd had a number of patients who had left her care to move to warmer climes. So she's all about me spending as much time in CA as possible. The last time I had an apartment in California, I was in remission for 2 years, and it was AWESOME.

I'm a bit beat at the moment, tho, so am thinking I might go to bed. Please forgive me for this being all about me. I hope you are all well. Hugs to everyone! <3


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Sorry, I thought I’d posted yesterday!

Oy @mrs-b, I’m so sorry to hear about Tim’s health issues on top of everything you’re dealing with. Life is being really unfair at the moment, and it sucks big time. That’s really interesting about the weather making a difference to AI issues and Crohns, not something I’d have ever thought about. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way. I hope you get a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling more optimistic.

Good grief @missy, that phlebotomist would give Dracula a run for his money! I’m surprised you’ve got any blood left. Poor you, it sounds like you’ve had a hell of time lately. I hope you get a really good nights sleep tonight to catch up on your early start. We know several people in the UK who’ve had Covid lately, thankfully, they’re over it now and it wasn’t too bad because they were vaxed x 2 and boosted. Thanks for the lovely photo of your handsome boy.

I sympathise @canuk-gal, I’ve been experiencing hair loss, I think it’s the stress catching up with me. I’ve been using this I definitely think I’m shedding less, and when I had my hair cut recently, the hairdresser said she thought my hair was in good condition. I think I‘ll need to wait to see new growth when I’ve been using it for 3 months. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Wow @marcy, that photo is superb, thanks for getting up so early so we could see it! How’s the new knitting project going?

How are things going with getting the house ready for sale @MamaBee?

We’ve been spending time researching excursions for the cruise, so we can decide what we’re going to do, and Colin‘s been checking out security systems for the house.

We had a trip to Costco today and manage to get out fairly lightly :lol:

Sending good thoughts your way @junebug17 @Slick1 and @bling_dream19



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@marcy wow that is pretty! Thank you for taking that and sharing it with us. On the drive to the endo yesterday early AM we saw the sliver moon but I couldn't see the other planets. So cool. Hope your afghan knitting is coming along and you have a good day. XOXO

@mrs-b I am so sorry :( No words for all you and Tim have been enduring. I am sending you and Tim so many healing vibes and well wishes. And all for you moving full time to a better warmer climate. California sounds like just the ticket. Big hugs sweet lady. XOXO

@Austina surprisingly I feel fine. Even good. Yes lots of things happening but one day at a time and I am in good spirits. Like my mom says, life is a gift and I am grateful to be here. There are many health issues but also a lot of good things and amazing people in my life and I still feel life is sweet. Speaking of Costco we went to Costco yesterday too and lol we are in and out so fast (due to Covid concerns). I am indeed an expert speed shopper and can accomplish a lot in one day since I am so efficient and fast. We love our home security system. Let me know if you want any info on that. We did a lot of research at that time and decided upon the one we have and we are very pleased with it. Hugs and have a wonderful day.

@Slick1 hope you are having a wonderful week. XOXO

@bling_dream19 big hugs. Hope all is going well and according to plan.

Hi everyone else. Hope all is going smoothly and it's a good week.

So yesterday, after the endocrinologist appointments, I worked out then we went to Costco and TJs and then my gastro called me personally. I love it when they call personally and don't have their nurses make the phone call. He is so nice. He agreed with me we should repeat the elastase test just to make sure. So I have to go to Lab Corp and get the tubes and supplies and repeat the test. I might head their today to pick up the materials so I can do it tomorrow. Though generally I don't like handing in lab tests on a Friday. We shall see.

Today is super windy OMG....are we in Wyoming @marcy haha.
Hoping to go for a hike but I guess we shall see how the day progresses.
I have a zoom call later today too that I am looking forward to...rescheduled from this past Monday since our week was so crazy busy.

Sending you all big hugs and lots of love.

Leaving you with the pretty butterflies.
I want to add some beauty and sweetness to your day. (((HUGS))).

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Jun 8, 2008


Feb 27, 2007

@mrs-b I am so sorry to hear about Tim. I am sending both you and Tim mega dust and well wishes. Big hugs to you both. Spending time in California sounds like a positive thing.

@Austina I didn't make it up early today but sure plan to catch the planets this weekend. I have about 6" done on my new knitting project and am anxious to get it longer so I can really see it - right now it's too scrunched up on the knitting needles. Sounds like you and Colin are really busy finding things for the house and thinking of cruises. My in-laws said the other day after this upcoming one they are probably done with them.

@missy I am glad you saw the sliver of the moon; that is always so pretty. I hope we have clear enough skies this weekend to see Venus and Jupiter so close. No, you can't beat personalized communication with your doctors. Darn to having to repeat at test but they are necessary sometimes. I am glad you feel good. Nice to get in so much shopping yesterday. I was considering doing some today myself. I went to Office Depot last night and got a notebook and sheet protectors to organize my desk. I was getting a heck of a stack of papers to keep track of for reference. LOL to asking if it's Wyoming with it beings super windy. I like to share that insane wind - just so I don't hog it all the time. Ha Ha. It's not to bad here today. I just ran to the bank for my gym bookkeeper job and it is in the 60's and only breezy. I stopped and topped off the gas tank - only cost $47 but then again it was only 9 gallons. Makes me feel better that way. Ha Ha.

I did wake up in time to check out the planets but Marty was still sound asleep so I hated to get up and risk waking him up. We both up got up about 6. I didn't have much to do with my work so did on article and think unless I get assigned something I'll skip that today. I ordered us sandwiches for lunch and am doing a batch of laundry. I did order myself a few more pieces of clothes yesterday. Yay for clothes that will fit.

Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@mrs-b your news made me sad for you. Healing vibes across the miles.....
@missy nice to have some personalized medical service. Kindness matters always.
@Austina I went to our organic store and got some Hair Force by Prairie Naturals. Essentially a mega vitamin. My sister uses Zenagen hair treatment for men. I will try and find that product where I live or buy it online. And yes, stress plays a major role in hair loss--for sure in my case.
@MamaBee hope your house repairs are well on their way.

My DH went golfing and I had an early medical appt and then poked around a few shops and found a glorious new bakery on my travels. YUM! Then I came home and rode my bike. Chilly around the water but otherwise enjoyable. There was a film crew in the park....I wanna be a movie star!! Oh and I wore the pearls I inherited form my Mother today--I adore that opera length and the earrings also looked wonderful.
@springerspaniel hope your new job is treating you well.
@marcy it was a bit windy here a well. But the sun was out so tolerable.

Last edited:


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay

Where are the days going?

Thank you @missy, ATM Colin is talking to several companies about alarm systems, and gathering information, but we’ll be sure to get in touch if we need any further advice. I’m glad you found at least one Dr who’s proactive and professional enough to speak to you in person and discuss any treatments. I keep meaning to ask how your dear parents are doing, hopefully still safe and well?

I hope the vitamins work for you @canuk-gal, I think after the last 2 years, everyone’s stress levels have gone through the roof, plus of course your recent loss adding to your stress. Let me know if they work, because I’m happy to try anything to regain my crowning glory. How lovely to be able to enjoy your mother’s pearls.

Yay to more clothing that fits @marcy, always a buzz to feel good in something. Will the new afghan be for you, or a gift? Loved the photo on FB, it really is an amazing sight.

Honestly, it feels like we’re in the twilight zone with our CC company, we’re just going round and round trying to get our refund from BA. We’ve just spent another couple of hours going over the same things again, if somebody their end would just look at, and read all the documents we’ve supplied supporting our claim, we could get this settled. What more proof do they need that we’re owed the money than BA admitting they owe us the money ? :doh:

So, we’ve finally got a closing date, 31st May, which is longer than we were hoping for bearing in mind the house is almost finished, but nothing we can do about it, at least we’ve got a date at long last.

Haven’t done much apart from go out to lunch, at the place we met Kate and John at, and bought a couple of lamps :lol: I‘ve got a thing for crystal lamps ATM, so have 4 for the bedrooms, and 2 larger ones for somewhere else! It’s going to drive me nuts waiting to get in to the house. Talking of which, we went up yesterday afternoon, and we now have a stone house number marker, and railings on the back steps.

Nothing planned for the weekend, but hope all the lovely NIRDIs will be having a great one :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Austina Love the idea of crystal lamp choices--jewellery for the house!!!! Congrats on a move in date--it's something. I had some highlights today--its been a year--and my hair guy told me he didn't notice I had hair loss. But I do. At any rate, I'll start with supplements. Perhaps I'll become beautiful???? LOL

Just a fly by, too busy for my own liking. Making moves to limit work taking over my life. I will say one fun thing; I got a call from my jeweller who is repairing my Mom's opal ring I inherited. Wanted to know if the size was right before they reset the opal. I saw it. In it's former glory and I started to cry. Can't wait till it is on my finger; an homage to my sweet Mama. And my emerald ring that is in waiting. Not decided yet on the design but it will be simple. Since it was from my MIL I sked my DH if he had any suggestions. I'm not sure he knew what that meant. LOLOL



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@Austina thanks so much for asking about my parents. Today is my dad's 88th birthday! They are doing well and I miss seeing them as often as we used to. We are planning on an outdoor visit soon. I know they (my entire family lol) think I am crazy how careful we are being but it's just we have come so far and Covid is still quite contagious. G-d forbid my dad or mom come down with Covid they probably wouldn't make it. And I do not want Greg or me to get it either (our asthma would make it severe) so yes I am being more careful than most. Still not eating out or socializing indoors and very rarely outdoors. For now. There is an end in sight. Anyway sorry for the long explanation but my parents are doing well and I appreciate you asking. I am sorry you and Colin are still dealing with financial issues with the CC company and trying to get your BA refund. It's surreal how this has been dragged out. I have no doubt you will get your refund but it's taking far too long with way too much aggravation. I am very sorry you are dealing with this still. Glad you and Kate and John met for lunch and enjoyed a lovely date. That sounds like so much fun. And yay for crystal lamps. Have a wonderful weekend.

@canuk-gal we are going cycling today woohoo. It's been a while since most of the week was crazy busy and the weather quite windy. I mean it's always windy here but it was something else this week. Hoping you enjoy a calmer weekend and wonderful news about your mom's opal ring. We are all excited for you! And emerald ring too. Swoon!

@bling_dream19 have a wonderful magical weekend sweet lady and continued healing wishes and hugs.

@mrs-b enjoy David this weekend. Big hugs.

@Slick1 yay it's the weekend. Enjoy!

@MamaBee so now there's no record of the correct SARS test omg. I think I will have to repeat it at Lab Corp but you know it has to be a rainy day lol. Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing the video of the deer yesterday. They are so beautiful. Truly gorgeous animals.

@rainwood you and my father are both Tauruses. That makes a lot of sense to me even if you don't follow the typical Taurus zodiac. I love Tauruses. Is that the plural for Taurus? It sounds all wrong now lol. Anyway happy weekend and be well!

Hi everyone else. Greg and I enjoyed a wonderful hike yesterday and I think the day before but I cannot remember as the days are all rolling into each other. Today's my dad's 88th birthday. I cannot believe how time flies. We are going cycling but planning on visiting with them soon. But outdoors. For some reason my mom is resistant to outdoor visiting lol. But I will make it happen. Have a wonderful Caturday Saturday sweet friends. XOXO.

We saw so many deer yesterday. Wow. At the same spot we saw all of them a few weeks ago. Must be good eating over there.

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And we saw a snake! We never see those here. I was fascinated haha. So small and delicate and pretty. Hope a bird doesn't get him.

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And leaving you with the tulips in NYC. They're blooming here too but this photo my friend sent me is too beautiful not to share. Speaking of beautiful...Enjoy a beautiful weekend my sweet friends. Love you.

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Feb 27, 2007

@canuk-gal I am glad the weather was nice for such a lovely bike ride. How wonderful to enjoy wearing your mom's pearls. What are opera length? I have pearls but never pull them out to wear; I like them though. The ring sounds gorgeous and will be so special for you. I am anxious to see pictures of it and the emerald ring.

@Austina I bet the days will zip by between now and closing - getting ready and arranging everything. I am sure you and Colin are looking forward to settling in to your lovely new home. Thank you for the kind words about my picture. The planets were close together today but it was clouded over this morning. I believe this afghan will wind up on our couch and I'll make my friend another one for Christmas. I have plenty of time. What a pain with the CC company and of course every time you call then the entire story needs explained again. Ugh - let's hope that is resolved SOON!!! Crystal lamps are very cool.

@missy the pictures from your walk are lovely. The deer are just out for a casual stroll and the flowers are gorgeous! Happy Birthday to your dad; I am glad to hear they are doing well. I hope you get to visit them soon. How was cycling today? I know you were out there adding miles and eating ice cream.

Not much new here. The wind was awful until yesterday afternoon but it was mostly sunny. It's not bad today but snow is forecast starting tonight. Marty tweaked his back over a week ago and it's sore and stiff so he spent the day on the couch with a heating pad. I planned on getting in some serious knitting since we were watching movies but one of my fingers is dry and kept catching on yarn so I put it up. Moonfall was pretty good - but don't waste your time or money on Apocalypse. We turned that off.

I spent time yesterday writing up a section on May planets and when I went to update the night sky guide for May this morning - it was already done. Oh well, I told them it looks great! We went out for breakfast and picked up groceries. I am working on laundry and am off to lift. We are meeting my sister, BIL and my nephew - their Uber driver for lunch. Mmm peanut butter pie is on my mind.

Take care.

Here is my picture from yesterday of Venus and Jupiter.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a chilly ride today. DH and I got separated as there was a big car show in the park.. he was looking for his old Vette and I looked at other stuff. Packed. I put my mask on and got a few glares. :rolleyes: and a comment. I held my tongue, but stuck it out--no one could see!!! :lol-2:

I need to go "home" this week, so I need to take a shift off. I thought about going myself but it is too lonely there and the turn around will be quick so it is always good to have company.

@marcy sorry you hubby strained his back. And I won $22 bucks on the Lotto!!
@missy happy belated BD to your Dad. I hope you see them very soon.



Jun 8, 2008
Happy Marvelous Monday girls!
We had a great weekend. Cycling both days and enjoying animals and ice cream while cycling by the shore. Pure bliss.

@canuk-gal yay for cycling this weekend too. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Sweet you got to enjoy your mom's pearls. XOXO

@marcy wind is something we have in common but this past weekend was light for us on wind so really lovely cycling weather for us. OMG what a gorgeous photo of the planets. Thanks for sharing. I hope you had a great time with your sister and BIL and ooh peanut butter pie. Yes please. Nice you got to lift and write yesterday plus accomplish laundry. You are always so productive. How's the new afghan going?

@bling_dream19 happy birthday to your sweet dad in advance. Hope you enjoy a wonderful time celebrating with him. Big hugs.

@Slick1 hope you have a good week and soon it will be summer vacation. Woohoo.

Hi everyone else. It's raining and thundering here now. I do not think cycling is in our future this week as it is supposed to be a rainy week. We shall see. But may be able to go hiking later when it clears today. Have a wonderful day and be well. Big hugs.

Leaving you with a few photos of our cycling adventures this weekend. We saw lots of dogs and enjoyed seeing some human friends too. Outdoors. :)

Jenny and Cricket and Cleopatra.

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She's looking quite predator-ish here. LOL but there was nothing to stalk I promise you. She's a diva. And so much cattitude too. Haha.

Enjoy a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh wait forgot the ice cream! Sorry :lickout:

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Greg had blueberry muffin (which I had a sample of and was too sweet for me) and I enjoyed strawberry and vanilla. So delish. OMG. YUmmmmmmm. Wish I could share with all of you. One day...


Feb 27, 2007

@canuk-gal woo hoo for hitting it big in the lottery. We may make it to $100 by the end of the year. LOL. Definitely it is good to have company for your quick trip home. I am keeping you in my thoughts. I am glad you found something else to do while your DH was enjoying the car show - I would probably have been wandering around the car show.

@missy you did have a perfect weekend. Sweet. Dinner with family was fun and that PB pie was delicious, it’s a whipped peanut butter and so good. Speaking of wind there was a 5th wheel on it’s side along the road. We both commented that wouldn’t have been fun getting knocked over - I’m sure the pickup went with it. Pretty scary and awful. I have about 9 inches done on the afghan and plan to work on it soon. Love the sweet animals you saw on your outing and the ice cream looks delicious!

I woke up before 5 but decided to try and sleep in. I got up before 7 and quickly found out it wasn’t a good day to sleep in. I had several emails to respond to from work - I was fact checked on one of my articles. I had something about 5 pounds in 1930 and the conversion to U.S. Dollars in parenthesis was listed as “now” not “then” and that got the attention of several people. I don’t have an official work email with them so I had to decide which of my assorted email accounts to use to email them back. Such fun!

At my family dinner yesterday we were all going down memory lane about colorful phrases my dad used to say. It may lead to a t-shirt for everyone. We will see. It was kind of fun. He was a mechanic by trade and whenever he’d work on one of our cars the follow up exchange went this how “what do I owe you?” And his answer was “how much you got?”

We had about 2 inches of snow but no wind - strange to see snow level and flat everywhere rather than drifts and nothing. It is all melted by this afternoon though.

I got the last of my new clothes so I am washing them now. I didn’t try them on yet but I figure it they don’t fit yet - they will.

I made tacos for lunch. Poor Marty was just ready to come eat and got invited to a short call. Over an hour later and already late for the gym he got to come upstairs and eat. I’d put the hamburger and cheese away because I didn’t want it to spoil. He always makes a taco salad and isn’t very picky if his food is hot or not.

Take care.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Woohoo to getting highlights @canuk-gal the hairdresser I went to suggested them to me, but I don’t want to over stress my hair with anymore colour. I’m touching up my roots every 3-4 weeks and trying to keep any other chemicals to a minimum. That’s great that you’ll soon have your Mum‘s opal ring. Lol to asking your DH about the emerald ring, Colin would be the same, a ring is just a ring to him. I’m with you on the mask, I‘ll wear it as long as I feel it‘s necessary, and yah boo sucks to anyone else. I hope your trip home doesn‘t prove too upsetting for you, I’m sure it’ll be emotional. Hey, you and @marcy will soon have enough for a little turquoise box :mrgreen:

Good grief @marcy, snow :-o, it’s been 82 degs here today, hot and sticky, yuk. “How much you got” sounds like a great slogan for a T-shirt. Sounds like you had a lovely get together with your family, and you’re getting on well with your afghan. Poor Marty, not just a bad back but cold food too.

Colin would love that blueberry muffin ice cream @missy, he has a really sweet tooth. I hope your Dad enjoyed his birthday, and I understand about wanting to keep them safe. Wow, you‘ve had a great weekend, I love the smiley black doggie, I’m glad you managed to pack a lot in with the change in weather. We didn’t meet Kate & John, I meant it was the restaurant where we met them previously. I haven’t heard from Kate in a while, I’m assuming they’re really busy, because we were going to meet for lunch.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIS had a great weekend. We caught up with a cruising friend in Canada. I think I mentioned her dear sweet husband died last year, he was such a gentlemen, and they were a devoted couple. We had a long phone call with her, she’s 82, and is having a knee replacement next week, but sounded like she’s coping well on her own. She’s still working too!

We went up to the house today, few more things done, door furniture on, shower door installed in bed 2, and the glass panel installed in our bathroom. They were prepping the fire place for painting, and someone else was touching up paintwork. We met with the pool guy as we’ve decided to extend the area around the pool and add lights.


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Love & hugs to you all



Feb 27, 2007

@Austina I don't want to think about how nice your weather is - since I'm really chilly right now. It's in the 40's and windy - not semi tipping windy - but windy. Enjoy your warm weather. That's great your friend is still working at 82; she must like to keep busy. I hope her knee surgery goes well. Your place is looking great. Did you sneak in or have to make an appointment? It worked out so well for us that patio door wouldn't lock when they were building our house. Glad no one else found it though.

I got good news and bad news at the endodontist. One tooth needs pulled but one can be saved. The numbness is wearing off so my mouth is a bit sore. I am waiting to hear from my dentist if he can pull the tooth or if I need to see an oral surgeon. Joy! Who would think saving only one tooth is the upside here? Plus, I still don't know if my broken tooth can be saved. It's like they keep looking around in my mouth and finding more problems. Stop looking!!!

Have a great day.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday!

@marcy ugh I hate to hear that news. I am happy one tooth can be saved. That is something. And may the procedure to pull your other tooth go smoothly. I definitely think yes to the oral surgeon doing it over the general dentist. As for looking and finding I hear you. Sometimes I think I'd be better off if I stopped looking lol. Big hugs and lots of good tooth health vibes being sent your way. XOXO

@Austina oops I misunderstood haha. Well maybe that was a premonition of a get together you will soon have. Looking forward to post pandemic days. When we see you we shall make sure Colin gets blueberry muffin ice cream and you will have to tell me what is your favorite. I personally don't think one can beat strawberry and vanilla. But I am a simple girl. Glad you got to catch up with your friend and the house is looking lovely. So excited for you. XOXO

Hi everyone else. We had a great cycling day yesterday but today is rain rain rain. This evening I supposedly have a FaceTime consult with an oncology gynecologist to discuss my adenomyosis. I say supposedly because it could be changed due to his surgery schedule and truth be told I am not excited for the appointment and wouldn't mind if it got pushed out further. However I won't know til this evening when the call is supposed to happen. And tomorrow I might have a call with my endocrinologist due to some (more) troubling results. But as I say one day at a time. One hour at a time when that is too much. Yesterday was sweet and Jimmy gave us T shirts he had printed up for his ice cream parlor. I love getting gifts. :)

Have a wonderful Wednesday girls and big hugs.

Look who we saw saw as we were cycling yesterday. Awww.
He wasn't in the least bit phased at us cycling by either. :kiss2:

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 6.15.06 AM.png


Mar 31, 2018
Love to all! I’ve been reading in drips..I’m still in Maryland..but we’re going home today. We visited my son and family Sunday in Virginia. I’ve been painting kitchen cabinets and cutting back shrubs so the handyman can make repairs here in Maryland. Hubby has been busy too cleaning our porch furniture covers..and basically doing all the stuff I can’t get to. We’re both exhausted.

Two different neighbors in our subdivision in Pa said men had come in the middle of the night and stolen things from their cars. The doors were unlocked. We’ve never had anything like that in our neighborhood. The thought of someone prowling around in the dark is scary. I’m very worried about my jewelry. We go home today so I’ll know then..:oops2:

Talk to you when we’re back in Pa..❤️


Jun 8, 2008
@MamaBee safe trip!
Can you believe my antibody results are not back yet?
I am thinking I have to repeat it now. :/


Mar 31, 2018
@MamaBee safe trip!
Can you believe my antibody results are not back yet?
I am thinking I have to repeat it now. :/

@missy Thank you…I’m driving my car. S is taking his..I hope David will go with me without a fuss..

I’ve been talking to myself out loud knowing you didn’t get them back yet. I knew you would text me if you did and I didn’t want to bug you. If it were me I would go ahead and test at Labcorp. If the other one does come in then you have two results which isn’t bad. It would confirm that the numbers are close and accurate.


Jun 8, 2008
@missy Thank you…I’m driving my car. S is taking his..I hope David will go with me without a fuss..

I’ve been talking to myself out loud knowing you didn’t get them back yet. I knew you would text me if you did and I didn’t want to bug you. If it were me I would go ahead and test at Labcorp. If the other one does come in then you have two results which isn’t bad. It would confirm that the numbers are close and accurate.

I’m frustrated because there are other findings I’m desoperate to get and my endocrinologist unfortunately took half my blood work to do in house and half to quest. And the results are quite different. But basically he might have not given enough blood to quest which means I might not get some of my (critical) results. And I also know he will be reluctant to run more labs. Ridiculous. My fingers are crossed that somehow thr most important results will come through. And that it won’t be upsetting results. Thanks for your support. ♥️


Mar 31, 2018
@mrs-b I just wanted to say I’m sorry you and Tim are going through the wringer medically. I’ve been wanting to comment..but since I’m up to my eyeballs in house stuff I wanted to wait until I could write something coherent...I think that idea won’t work since the house stuff is never ending. I so wish you and Tim get some good news in the health department. You both definitely deserve some peace…Big hugs to both of you.
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Mar 31, 2018
I’m frustrated because there are other findings I’m desoperate to get and my endocrinologist unfortunately took half my blood work to do in house and half to quest. And the results are quite different. But basically he might have not given enough blood to quest which means I might not get some of my (critical) results. And I also know he will be reluctant to run more labs. Ridiculous. My fingers are crossed that somehow thr most important results will come through. And that it won’t be upsetting results. Thanks for your support. ♥️

That’s crazy that he would do half of the labs there and the other at a different lab. I’ve never heard of labs taking that long either. It is ridiculous..
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