
Now I really did it :((

Just a quick update -

After an absolutely hideous last 24 hours, we got a call telling us our things have been found.

A couple of things that were delivered yesterday were smashed, so I'm hoping this collection of things arrive safe and sound.

But, either way, it has to be better than them being completely lost. So I'm very grateful this evening and thanking God. Next time, we will self pack our own pod and ship that way. I am never - EVER - going through this again.
Hello lovelies

So glad you arrived safely @Jemi and are enjoying being home again, even though there’s lots to do.

Phew @mrs-b, let’s hope all your other possessions turn up too.

Wow @bling_dream19, you look stunning with all your beautiful bling!

Hoping both your Mums are doing better @MamaBee & @canuk-gal, hang on in there.

Glad you had a fun weekend @marcy, and yes, the days tend to merge once you’ve retired and you’ll find plenty to fill them.

What could be better than a picture of 1 doggie @missy, but 2 doggies! You know we totally understand about Francesca and all the other beautiful furries that are no longer with us. My poor Dottie, my only consolation is that she‘s being spared the trauma of having to be crated up and flown out.

Honestly, I don’t know where to start, just about everything that could conspire against us, is. I don’t know if you’ve seen the news about the so-called petrol shortage? Well, there is no shortage, just an abundance of morons running out and draining the petrol stations. The head of BP announced there was a shortage (he’s trying to blackmail the Govt in to letting lots of foreign drivers back in) so of course, people rushed out and emptied the stations. We’re supposed to be taking our car in on Thursday, Colin rang the hire company to check if the car we’re collecting will have a full tank, they said they can’t guarantee it. If we’ve got no fuel, the car will be useless. This is also making us wonder if the removal company will have fuel for their lorries next week, and whether we’ll be able to get a taxi to the airport. Oy, oy oy.

We’ve had a really busy weekend, getting rid of stuff - lots of charities will only collect large items of furniture @MamaBee, and we don’t want to waste what petrol we have driving around to drop things off. Rather than send the beds we’re not taking to landfill, we’ve paid for a company to come on Wednesday (assuming they’ve got petrol for their lorry), so had to move 4 beds in to the garage. It was exhausting, then I had to wash and iron the bedding, before packing that up in vacuum bags.

Sorry for the pity party, but it’s not supposed to be this hard.

Sending big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
Just got the gardener to dig a hole to bury Dottie’s ashes :cry:
Just a quick update -

After an absolutely hideous last 24 hours, we got a call telling us our things have been found.

A couple of things that were delivered yesterday were smashed, so I'm hoping this collection of things arrive safe and sound.

But, either way, it has to be better than them being completely lost. So I'm very grateful this evening and thanking God. Next time, we will self pack our own pod and ship that way. I am never - EVER - going through this again.

I am so sorry some of your things were damaged but relieved they were all recovered. I just had a feeling. I am mainly relieved your cello was found. I wish I could "see" more details but I did know that everything would be recovered albeit not damaged. Big hugs to you @mrs-b. There was no reason this had to happen and the incompetence is infuriating. With all else you are dealing with this is inexcusable. ((((Hugs)))).
Just got the gardener to dig a hole to bury Dottie’s ashes :cry:

Oh my, I know how hard this is. Big hugs and gentle thoughts to you sweet Austina. I am so sorry. :(
And as for life being hard and it shouldn't be this hard. I feel you and hear you loud and clear and feel the same. Yet it is, at times, isn't it? Sigh. One day at a time. And when necessary one hour at a time. ((((Hugs)))).
Nirdi shoutout! I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend and a fun Sunday!
@mrs-b YAY they found your cello! Let's hope and pray all items are found and returned to you. My heart sunk when I read your post.
Projects are in the works but I'm not sure what stage everything is in. I'm being patient but getting very excited lol.
@missy Your beach photos just look beautiful my friend. I love that you are living your dream life and it inspires me to do the same. I wish medical issues could be figured out for you and all of us.
@marcy I hope you can retire soon. You are always so sweet and good natured.
@Jemi How fabulous to be in your home again! I hope the weather is beautiful.
@canuk-gal thinking about your mom and you too @MamaBee It's very difficult. I had 2 bad dreams this week about my dad and his health.
Ok onto some bling! Hubby n I had a nice dinner so I poured on the bling! Also wore my diamond hoop earrings! Love and hugs to all!20210920_185714.jpg

OMG THUD!!!!! When I saw this photo last night I almost swooned. Gorgeous in every way. The bling and the beautiful woman wearing it. Inside and out. You look fabulous and so beautiful. Wear this always in blingy joy and good health my sweet friend. (((((Hugs))))))
We had a busy weekend. My SIL was here Friday and Saturday. We ate out most of the time. I wrote my October article for the local paper and got it sent off this morning. Marty grilled steak and corn on the cob for lunch today. Now the weekend is winding down. Just think if I retired I wouldn’t care what day it is. Sweet.

Yay so glad you had a wonderful weekend and yes to retiring. I feel guilty as Greg is ready to retire but I am worried about health insurance and bills lol. Selfish of me I know. I think he should retire within the year if not sooner. It would be so nice to just be free without cares about work getting in the way. So yes Marcy, you go girl. You have worked hard and deserve to retire when you are ready. I think each day would be much sweeter indeed. XOXO.

Glad you had a lovely visit with your SIL and wrote your October article too. And eating out doesn't suck either. Though home grilled corn on the cob is always delish.
@missy I’m so sorry you cry every day over Francesca. All of us that have pets we loved know how you’re feeling. It‘s like your heart is ripped out of your chest. I’m trying to make myself look at Bailey’s photos. I get so upset I can’t really look but a few seconds. My heart hurts for you.
Archie and Luca are so adorable. Please give them a hug for me. I remember when Gordie, my Golden, passed away…I kept asking people if I could hug their pet. Some people understood…and if the pet was willing I would give them some kisses and hugs. Other people thought I was a crazy person and would say no.. :lol: Thinking back now..I think I was so crazy with grief that I was a little crazy. After Bailey passed I had the same feeling… Because of Covid..I can’t hug any pets except for my son and daughter-in-law’s dog. Fortunately she loves all the hugs and kisses I give her. She becomes a Velcro dog and follows me around.
I loved the photos of the skeleton bride and groom! The husband looked familiar! :lol:The kites are so pretty!
Thanks to you we’ve been going to get ice cream. My favorite is chocolate chip. Brusters makes it fresh..It’s so yummy. I went two times this last week to get some..but they were closed! We were devastated! Haha They were closed for inventory or something. The last time I went they were also closed. They had a sign in the window that said they are only open from 3pm now that it’s fall. Oh well…David and I will have to push dinner back until at least 7pm. My husband may actually get a warm dinner then..haha He always comes in too late for us to eat with him.
Yes..The flies are gone..according to my husband. I spent so much money on every fly magnet thing to kill them..I gave them all to my husband to put around the house. He went back again on Friday to see if they caught any of them. Of all the things I gave him the window clings worked the best. He didn’t see one fly. The fly strips didn’t catch any…I was really surprised. My husband has very bad peripheral I worry that he can’t see any if he’s only looking forward. He convinced me there weren’t any. We’re going on the 8th to check. I will be armed with disinfectant. I will wipe everything down including furniture. Then I’ll spray Lysol everywhere. Yuck! There won’t be a germ or virus alive after I’m done. His brother wants to go use the house the weekend before we go back. He doesn’t care if we didn’t get to clean it before he goes :roll2:…I usually do the same cleaning after he uses the house anyway. He throws all my decorative pillows on the floor from the bed..He also leaves wet towels in a ball on the washing machine. My husband won’t tell him to at least throw them over the shower to dry so we don’t get moldy towels. I threw out the last set that he used. Ugh..
I’ll be back..I noticed I’m a little long winded today..sheesh..

Dear Joanne, so glad the flies are gone and may they stay gone. I am glad to be a part of your ice cream enjoying experience. Makes me happy. I have been using Lysol frequently but that was before Covid and due to Ringworm gate if you remember that. In fact ringworm is harder to eradicate than Covid. True. Thanks for loving Archie and Luca. We saw them again yesterday lol. We cannot stay away despite the 27 miles between us :) Cycling the distance is fun especially when the weather is so wonderful. Yes I am crazy with grief and I know you get it. No one can ever replace Francesca and there is a deep hole in my heart missing her so badly. :(

Hope you had a wonderful rest of the weekend and big hugs.
Hi everyone else. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I cannot believe it's Monday already. if Greg was retired it wouldn't matter.

We enjoyed a fun ride yesterday and visited Luca and Archie again haha. The weather couldn't be better but sadly rain is coming tomorrow. I have a hand specialist appt (Dupytrens) tomorrow so I guess it doesn't matter too much about the rain though I wanted to go riding after. Oh well. I should not be so greedy. We are enjoying cycling lots and reached 6700 miles on the bike yesterday woohoo.

Today we are going cycling again yay. It's going to be warmer but I am OK with that. :)

I hope everyone enjoys a marvelous Monday. Lots of love and good wishes to each and everyone of you.
@springerspaniel @sarahb @Jemi @Polabowla @canuk-gal @Slick1 @rainwood @PinkAndBlueBling @junebug17 and everyone else reading. Keeping good thoughts for everyone. ((((((HUGS)))))).


Look at his tongue.

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And his expression. Swoon! He is in bliss. So are we. :)
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And lastly our ICOTD.

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Have a sweet Monday all. XOXO.

The unit my Mother is on has a case of Covid. They are in lockdown, now. Just can't get a break. :(sad

not so cheery--Sharon

The unit my Mother is on has a case of Covid. They are in lockdown, now. Just can't get a break. :(sad

not so cheery--Sharon

I’m sorry Sharon…XOXO

The unit my Mother is on has a case of Covid. They are in lockdown, now. Just can't get a break. :(sad

not so cheery--Sharon

Oh for Pete's sake...I'm so sorry, Sharon.
End The unit my Mother is on has a case of Covid. They are in lockdown, now. Just can't get a break. :(sad

not so cheery--Sharon

I’m so sorry Sharon. The whole situation was hard, heartbreaking and stressful to begin with. Having Covid thrown in rises the stress levels even more so. Please remember to take good care of yourself. Sending your mom get well dust and sending hugs to you. Callie

@MamaBee, Were you able to spend time with your mom last Friday?
Dear @canuk-gal that stinks. I am so sorry. Keeping good thoughts for your mom and you. Praying she stays well and you can see her soon. Gentle ((((hugs)))) and bucketl of healing vibes.
Have a good morning girls. Off to the hand specialist soon. Love to all my sweet friends here.


Gracie is sending purrs and furry love to you and your mom Sbaron. XOXO.

I’m so sorry Sharon. The whole situation was hard, heartbreaking and stressful to begin with. Having Covid thrown in rises the stress levels even more so. Please remember to take good care of yourself. Sending your mom get well dust and sending hugs to you. Callie

@MamaBee, Were you able to spend time with your mom last Friday?

Yes @Calliecake! I didn’t see her for a month and a half even though my house is two minutes from the nursing home. It was great to see her. They made us visit outdoors at least ten feet apart wearing masks. My son David ran up to hug her. They were good about it though. He was wearing a mask and is fully vaccinated so it was probably low risk. I didn’t hug her as instructed. They had five cases of covid in the one and a half months that’s she’s been on lockdown. They isolate by floors..She had one on her floor so she couldn’t leave her room except to use the bathroom just outside her door. The latest is on another floor so that floor and another one are the only ones that staff member has been on. That’s why she is able to visit outside...We can’t go into the building..My oldest son saw her yesterday...also outside wearing masks. I see her again on Thursday..I’m holding my breath no one else tests positive. It’s all been residents…TG Thank you for asking..:kiss2:
Great news @MamaBee! I’m sure it made her day to see you and David too. I bet you are feeling a big relief now that you have been able to spend some time with her. I’m so happy for you.
The appointment with the hand specialist went well. He feels I can wait to do any invasive treatment. I do have an initial consult with an oncologist who does radiation for this disease. That is one of the better treatments IMO. However I am seeing this doctor again in January to see how it is progressing. My fervent wish is that it remains stable with no activity so I can hold off on any treatment. The key to this disease however is treating as soon as it starts progressing before contracture happens.

@MamaBee yay for seeing your mom. It's surreal how we are living right now and I am glad you got to see her and that she is doing as well as can be expected under the conditions. I remember you had surgery for DD and that it hasn't come back. That is the best possible outcome. XOXO.
The appointment with the hand specialist went well. He feels I can wait to do any invasive treatment. I do have an initial consult with an oncologist who does radiation for this disease. That is one of the better treatments IMO. However I am seeing this doctor again in January to see how it is progressing. My fervent wish is that it remains stable with no activity so I can hold off on any treatment. The key to this disease however is treating as soon as it starts progressing before contracture happens.

@MamaBee yay for seeing your mom. It's surreal how we are living right now and I am glad you got to see her and that she is doing as well as can be expected under the conditions. I remember you had surgery for DD and that it hasn't come back. That is the best possible outcome. XOXO.

I’m happy you don’t need surgery now @missy! Hopefully it will remain stable. Fingers and toes are crossed!
Mine only involved one finger. It stayed bent for over a year. Since it was in my right hand it was difficult to even wipe the counter..I managed though. Mine was a mild case. Does yours involve two fingers?
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@mrs-b I am glad they found your things but I am so sorry some of it is broke. Pretty poor service. How are you feeling?

@Austina yes I’ve been following your fuel problems there - stupid people hoarding things. All sorts of ships can’t get in to port here because no one wants to work these day so they can’t find workers. The fallout from this continues to spread. Grr. Hoping your car and movers don’t have problems getting enough fuel. Big hugs for Dottie’s ashes. Keeping you and Colin in my thoughts.

@missy I am sure I’d enjoy retirement and I am so glad you are retired. Hopefully Greg and you work out a good time for him to retire. More miles on your bike after that. Sweet. I am glad your appointment with the hand specialist went well, that would be great it could be treated without surgery.

@canuk-gal - Sharon, I am so sorry the home where your mom is has a COVID case and is shut down. I am keeping you and your mom in my thoughts. Hopefully you can visit her soon.

Hi @Calliecake

@MamaBee I hate to hear the place your mom is at has COVID cases too. That is nice you can visit her outside and how wonderful David hugged her - I am sure that made both of they days.

I sure thought today was Wednesday already - I was so sad when I realized it’s only Tuesday. Wishful thinking, ha ha.

The new girl is doing pretty well and definitely trying to learn things. Refreshing to see. We still don’t have her access to everything yet; what a pain that is for training.

The weather has been pretty nice recently but we are going to get cool tomorrow. I can smell snow out there somewhere. Phooey!

Take care.
Thank you for all the Nirdi love! That really means a lot. Sending love and hugs to all!
Hello lovelies

Just a quick fly by.

I’m so sorry @canuk-gal, I hope that they’ve contained the case and your Mum is safe and getting better.

Glad you got to see your Mum @MamaBee, she, and you, must’ve been so happy.

Oh no @mrs-b, I’m so sorry to hear that things have turned up damaged. You’re not filling me with confidence about our move, but with everything that’s going on, I’m trying to tell myself it’s ‘stuff’.

You’re not alone @marcy, I don’t even know what week it is!!! Glad things seem to be working out with the new lady.

Fingers crossed your hand issue doesn’t progress @missy, and that you won’t need any major treatment on it.

Sorry to be so brief, but we’re not full scale armageddon here, and as you can imagine, it’s pretty overwhelming.

Thinking of you all and sending big love and hugs :wavey:
GM girls! Just a quick post and run.
I did blood work already this morning and we are getting ready to go cycling.

@marcy oh no to snow. It’s freezing here but not literally. Stay warm.
@Austina good luck with all you are doing. Soon you’ll be in the states woohoo.
@bling_dream19 good morning sweet friend.
@canuk-gal thinking of you and sending continued good wishes.
@MamaBee glad it’s going to be a regular thing. It’s ridiculous not to be able to see and advocate for our loved ones in person.
@Slick1 how is work going how are you and how is Bear?
@mrs-b any surgery update? Keeping fingers crossed for you. I feel it will happen soon and relief will be yours finally!
@Jemi good afternoon. Hope you are settling in and your DD and grandbaby are soon there with you.

Hi to everyone else. Ok somehow winter is here. Lol not literally but it’s very chilly today. Had a busy morning. I had to fast which sucks for me but did blood work and fingers crossed the results are ok. Not sure she took enough blood but we shall see. Lab Corp was super busy today. I had never seen it that crowded. They made everyone wait outside so I felt safe but man it was a long line today. Anyway I feel the tech might not have taken enough blood for all the work ordered but hoping she did. I don’t want to repeat. I do enough blood work as it is lol.

Wishing all my sweet friends a wonderful day.
May the day be as super as you are. Big hugs and much love.

Leaving you with a photo of one of our favorite boardwalks. ♥️


Enjoy a glorious day girls. XOXO.
@missy, that one went into the PTP (pictures to paint) folder, just look at that gorgeous sky!!! Thank you for posting! Here's another I loved & saved a couple of weeks ago:

NIRDI shout out to of luck to all with your challenges & next chapters!

All is good in the sarahb household, just watching fall's beauty unroll here. Jack is approaching his 17th. He's an old man now.
