
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Fresh snow pics from just now. Cold off the presses. :lol:
It's another snow day off from school day for my nieces. Lucky girls! :appl:

Great news: My MIL is being released from the hospital this afternoon. She has intermittent atrial fibrillation and she needs to be monitored to see if it will calm down by itself or if she needs further treatment. She is (and so are we) so happy to be going home today, woohoo!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Thank you all for your caring concern. (((Hugs))).

And update from Greg regarding the beach house door. He managed to get it back in the groove and latch it in all 3 places (police were not able to do that so thank goodness Greg went today) so it is secure for now but we need to get it fixed more permanently at a later date. But it is good for now. Woohoo again. :appl:

I keep forgetting it is Friday because it feels like Saturday lol. So Greg has some work to do and will be headed home later. I am just so relieved on all fronts. Have a great Friday! :wavey:






Jan 23, 2016
Fantastic pictures Missy! They are happy-pictures!! :halo: :bigsmile:

Jimmianne, in the car thread - hope you know I didn't mean to say that your choice was anything less than perfect! I even looked up the truck you are getting and you are going to look so awesome in that with all your bling !! :appl:

Marcy, how is Marty's new job plans / gym plans coming along? Are you OK with them?

Callie, hope you are doing OK!

Kristie, how is the whether where you are?

Here: Snowing. Finally. We are heading towards the mountains in a few hours. Will get there late, but worth it to wake up there and go cross country skiing tomorrow :)



Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone -

Missy, I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL's hospitalization and I hope the tests pinpoint the problem quickly so she can get the treatment she needs and starts feeling better soon. And the door situation is awful and I'm sorry it's still not right, hopefully Greg can get it straightened out today. The pictures of your cute kitties and adorable nieces playing in the snow are such day brighteners. Love the pics of the city and your beach house too, so pretty.

We don't have LTHC yet but we're probably going to get it - it's hard to decide what to do but it might give me peace of mind to have it. I agree it's very confusing. I don't want my kids to have to worry about anything if dh and I ever need one. The whole topic is kind of depressing.

Scandi, so glad you are heading to the mountains and that there will be snow so you can ski. You deserve to have a some fun! A dark green marble floor in the bathroom sounds gorgeous to me.

Jaron, thank you for the nice words about the ring. I purchased it from an Etsy store called The Gem Hunter Shop. According to the seller it's from the early 1900's. Your earrings sound beautiful!

Kristie, welcome back! I hope you're having a good time at the show.

Marcy, I'm glad you're feeling better. It's terrible that the man at work hung up on you, what childish and rude behavior. I'm sorry you're losing your cell phone reimbursement, I think that's really unfair. I like all the settings you posted, but I'm with Missy, my favorite is the middle one on the bottom row. Out of the solitaires I like the one on the left. You can't go wrong with any of them though. You have very good taste lol.

Calliecake, I'm glad to hear you had a good check-up and that you're healing well, that is great news and I'm sending lots of good thoughts that you keep improving quickly and that you feel better with each passing day. Thinking of you!

Sharon, yeah, we must sound like such wimps lol! I hope you are doing ok with all the snow, please be careful!

Kristie, Missy, and Scandi - you all have gorgeous hair!

We actually made out pretty well here with the snow, we ended up getting only a few inches and the sun came out and melted a lot of it. Very cold and windy though, brrr.

Have a good night everyone!


Dec 9, 2013
marcy|1486175355|4124044 said:
A few photos from today.
what a great photo - the colors and the white! Such a pretty vehicle.

Scandi, no problem! I currently have a very nice SUV w/4 wheel drive that can tow 7,700 pounds, but I really need a vehicle with an open truck bed to haul more than one bale of hay at a time : ) I tried living without a truck this winter and it was very inconvenient.

Missy, I love all the photos you have been posting.

I am THREE pages behind on this swifty turning world.

hugs to everyone.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Scandi, love cross country skiing though it's been so long since I enjoyed doing it. Have a wonderful time in the country this weekend cross country skiing! Glad you liked my happy photos from yesterday.

Junie, yes it is freezing! Glad you didn't get much snow. Thanks for your good wishes. My MIL is seeing her cardiologist Monday and we will see what needs to be done. It's challenging that she is not closer in distance to us. Her sisters live near by her but they are all in their 80s.

Jimmianne, my partner in crime on instagram. I am just enjoying the heck out of instagram. Drooling over all the amazing bling. OMG. I wonder if I will get tired of it. I have to apologize cause I really posted too many long videos there. Wish I knew how to edit them. Do you know how?

When are you getting your new truck? Did you choose the color? So excited for you! :appl:

I am getting my haircut today. Not sure if I am doing something radical or just trimming. I feel the need for a change but my hair grows so slowly I am hesitant to cut it off...Have a good day girls! :wavey:

Sharing some photos for your (hopefully) viewing pleasure. :halo:




Oct 24, 2012
Hi NIRDIs! It's been a while. I'm just jumping back in.

Got back from Europe and it was the trip of my life. We had a private tour of the colosseum. Early admission to the Sistine chapel and only 6 people on the tour. Loved the food in Venice and saw St. Mark's Basilica for the first time. Absolutely floored. Van Gogh museum, Rijksmuseum, and Anne Frank's house. Did all this with my kids and my son was studying the renaissance just now too.

Food in Amsterdam was fun. So much variety. I had the best burger and great ramen. Venice...seafood pasta. Every place we went into was delicious. So fresh, flavorful, and perfectly made pasta. And every place was a perfect photo op. Rome is all about the history. So so glad I did it with my kids. Worth busting them out of school for two weeks. :).

We had an apartment on the grand canal. It was just unbelievable. I would go back.






Jun 7, 2014
Welcome back LLJ'smom. I've missed you!!!

JImmianne and Missy, Just stay on Instagram. The world is kind of depressing right now! With Instagram it's just hours of beautiful bling!
Thank you so much for all your help this morning Missy!

Junie, I'm so glad you didn't get hit too bad with the snow.


Dec 31, 2006
callie - I am always checking in. And if I'm not checking in, I'm thinking of checking in and wondering how you're all doing. It made me sad that you'd think maybe I wasn't anymore ;( but so glad you thought of me anyway and gave me a great tip for how to look younger and not have to do fillers ::) what's funny is that I have an appointment for a cleaning this week so I'll look into it ::)

Of course loving all the kitty pictures. So so cute.

Just wanted to stop in and say hi. Went out of town for a few days to attend the funeral - it was of course sad.

Started watching Batman vs Superman last night I had very low expectations but I'm actually really liking it (and I am kind of sick and tired of superhero type movies. We've seen only about a 1/4 of it but so far so good.)

Watched The American last night too - didn't hate it but didn't like too much either. Had potential but somehow it fell flat. It was like really silent or something through the whole movie.

Found yet another vet and I'm going to try him this week. We'll see. I was going to bring him to my regular vet because it feels so uncomfortable and almost like scary to switch vets but if I don't try I'll never know.

I think it was Callie and Scandi (hi Scandi miss you! :wavey: )who mentioned something about expecting to wait when they go to appointments - you are both nicer, and way more evolved than me. If I have an appointment with my hairdresser or for my nails I want to be seen within 5-10 minutes, even 15 I'll deal with if it's not something that happens all the time. With Doctors it's longer because we've become accustomed to waiting 45 minutes or even an hour...and if the Doctor is really good I'll put up with it. But for the most part if I have an appointment at a certain time I want to be on time and I want to be seen on time.

missy I can't wait to see your haircut. I need one too. I toy with the idea to do something different but always end up doing the same haircut.

marcy hope you your rabbits and marty are doing great and that your job's not giving you too much grief.

june hello I loved the picture of your ring and I just loved that whole picture. Looks like you're wearing a really pretty cozy sweater and your hands look lovely.

Everyone else - kristie (it was nice to see a partial picture of you!) rainwood (think of you often) jaaron (hello!) jimmyanne (hi!) everyone else hi, even if I've missed you, I didn't in my heart. :)) eta hi LLJsmom! (glad to hear you had a wonderful time in Europe.)

Hope you guys are all doing good and enjoying the weekend. Hugs.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all!

Missy, so glad to hear your MIL is heading home and is doing well, great news! I missed the update about the door - oops, sorry - and I'm glad it's more secure now. Such a relief on all fronts!

Jimmianne, congrats on your new truck! Sounds like it is just what you need. Hope you're having a good weekend.

LLJsmom, wow, such amazing pictures! Your trip sounds like it was really wonderful, I'm so glad everything worked out so well and you and the family had such a great time. You had some fantastic experiences, and had a chance to see and do a lot. Thanks for the pics and details, it all sounds fabulous. Welcome back, you've been missed!

CJ, thanks for the kind words about the pic! Dh and I watched Superman vs Batman and we liked it a lot more than we thought we would. It was pretty entertaining.

Marcy, that video is just terrifying! Wyoming definitely has some serious wind. I'm relieved nobody was hurt.


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, that is fabulous news your doctor thinks you are looking better than expected and the bruising has subsided. I hope the pain eases for you soon.

Scandi, are you enjoying the mountains? I hope you get in some cross-country skiing. I am stressed about Marty but I am hanging in there and trying to be patient, supportive and just listen. He is very excited about it all and have a level head.

June, I agree thinking about LTHC is depressing. As my dad always said getting old isn’t for sissies. That is way cool your ring is from the early 1900’s. Good deal you didn’t get much snow and it melted right away. That is the kind of snow storms I like. It was darn lucky the highway patrol car was empty. Now you see why I go crazy fast when I pass semi’s on a windy day. Very scary!

Jimmianne, what truck are you getting? How exciting! Everything was so pretty here those 3 days of frost. Hopefully I’ll get another chance to get some pictures this spring.

Missy, glad to hear your MIL got to go home. I hope she is doing better today. I am so glad you insisted she go to the hospital. Are the doors that popped open French doors? Just wondering because we have to get the fixed door French doors here because of wind. That friend of Marty who had his roof pop lived in a modular home. I only had a few dishes today – what a treat. Fred and Tommy look very cute and love the beach shot and view of the city. Your nieces look like they are having fun in the snow. Did you get your hair trimmed or cut some length off?

LLJsmom, good to see you here. I am glad to hear you had a lovely time on your vacation. Your pictures are awesome. Very cool memories for you.

CJ, I am sure the funeral was hard. How is his family doing?

Marty had fun on his snow shoeing trip today. The brat pulled in to the jewelry store I go to and took a picture of it. His sister sent it to me. They are going to Fogo De Chao got supper.

I had a busy day. I washed sheets and towels then started on our laundry. I went to the grocery store, the florist, stopped for lunch and then went back to the florist, took a carnation sundae to the cemetery, went to the mall and came home and worked on more laundry.

The florist has a very cute teddy bear I almost bought but I resisted. I may go back though.

I am leaning towards a RB for my solitaire pendant instead of a pear. I’ll get more sparkle that way. No one at the mall had a ¾ carat solitaire pendant for me to try on. One of the jewelers took a ¾ carat earring and put it on a chain for me to try on. All 3 stores believe I’ll be back to order a diamond from them. I took my UV light with me and had fun in one store looking at their fluorescent diamonds. One was very strong and looked fabulous under the UV light.

I ran in to my sister and BIL at the mall. The sister who talks forever on the phone so she and I sat down and talked for about an hour. That was way better than talking on the phone.

I ran my dirty car through a car wash; it looks better but no completely clean.

Wind is still bad here today. It probably won’t die down until it gets cold and the snow comes back.

Have a fabulous day.




Feb 27, 2007
Here is a few of my city coming in from the east. Those wind mills are probably 15 miles away. The Rocky Mountains are about 50 miles away.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!
I slept late this morning and feel a bit zonked still like a sleep hangover. Trouble falling asleep but made up for it by sleeping in. Gotta love sleepy, cloudy, rainy Sundays. No excuse needed to be a lazy bum. And awww all the kitties are hanging out in bed with us. LOVE.

LLJsmom, love the photos and I am so happy you guys had the best trip ever! Cant wait to hear all about it in person. You missed some excitement though I think you are caught up by now.

Callie, honey you are such a caring and wonderful friend. I don't know what I would do without our daily marathon chats. Hahaha I told Greg I might have to fully retire just to have enough time for them. :lol: It would be well worth it! :halo:

Junie, thanks for sharing about the LTHC. Not looking forward to deciding but the alternative isn't great either. So much unknown and gotta make the best decision we can with what little info we know. Yesterday turned out to be a lovely weather day right? Crazy was almost 50 degrees by us. Did you get to enjoy outdoors at all yesterday? Today is miserable and rainy. Perfect Sunday for staying in most of the day. Greg was up before 5AM and already did all the laundry and other chores and I am feeling a little guilty but that's OK cause now we are enjoying more coffee in bed and just chilling.

CJ, you have been missed here and always love having you chime in and post with your adventures and thoughts. Again, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. We watch The American. My dh likes it more than I do especially this season. I loathe violence and it is in so many shows that I can hardly find enjoyable things to watch on TV anymore. We just started watching a comedy on Netflix called Schitt's Creek. It is sort of funny but I am reserving judgment. At least there is no violence in the show yet at least. We watched 2 episodes. So far I give it a B-. Not sure I will continue watching because I am picky and would rather be bling gazing or something else to watching not great movies/shows.

Good luck with your new veterinarian.

Marcy, wow that is windy! And terrifying is right. It is so windy by the beach too and I just have a feeling the wind caused it to unlock. They are french doors but they don't have the separate panes so not traditional french doors. How funny you ran into your sister and BIL. And I'm with you. Talking in person is best. Love the pics and haha that killer rabbit. He has great teeth! And I agree wit you about getting older. You gotta be tough to deal successfully with aging. No doubt. Cannot wait to see what you decide about the pendant. And also looking forward to seeing your sapphire earring project completed and on your ears. I got a trim (couple of inches off) yesterday. I decided for now it's just easier to keep my hair longish because all I do is wash and go. I never use a blow dryer on it and let it dry naturally curly and if it is shorter it would need more maintenance. I will share a pic below for you and CJ.

Thank you all for your good wishes for my MIL. We will see what the cardiologist says tomorrow. She is low energy right now which is unlike her as she usually swims laps 3 times a week and is in great shape (especially for an 83 year old) so she is not herself. Hoping they can fix her rapid heart beat so she can get back to feeling well.

We saw Tuey yesterday and I love Tuey and we have been friends for 30 years. But he just cannot do curly hair and when I started seeing him in my twenties I was keeping my hair straight so it was fine. But since my early 30s I have been letting it go curly and he just cannot style it the way I like it. So he cuts it and I let him blow it straight at the visit. I don't like the look of it straight since it is so fine/thin and it looks much better curly IMO. But I will share a photo since CJ asked. This is taken in natural daylight inside with no lights on and I would say the color representation (at least on my screen) is accurate. Tuey just does a temporary hair color on me because my hair is too delicate for permanent hair color. So while I would love a more dramatic change it isn't happening. Oh well. So for now I will just continue acting blonde but being brunette. :lol:

And it was a bit exciting too because Tuey surprised me with a bling dilemma and oh wow what a dilemma. He has a 10 carat irradiated blue green diamond from his dad (who died 10 years ago) and his mom asked him to sell it. So he asked me what I thought it was worth. NO idea of course since I have no clue about irradiated diamonds. I asked Kristie (thank you for your immediate help yesterday!) but we just don't really know. So I am calling Adam tomorrow and hope he can help Tuey. I am thinking maybe I can also start a thread in Rocky Talky but I am not sure anyone here knows about irradiated diamonds. I guess it can't hurt to is really pretty and I took video but cannot share the video here. I did put it on instagram though and a very lovely PSer gave her opinion so that was nice! And immediate feedback too. Gotta love instagram. And again, thank you for your fast help yesterday Kristie!

Have a great Sunday girls and big (((hugs))) to all of you. :wavey:






Oct 24, 2012
Hi June, Callie, Marcy!

It is good to be home and back to the regular routine. I do always find comfort in repetition. Going to go for a walk early but catch up with you all soon.

Marcy, that video is just scary. We don't much wind here. I have only personally seen once how much damage high winds can cause. Downtown this winter, one night winds got so bad it almost brought scaffolding down. It was scary with all the people walking around.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi LLJsmom! Are you over your jet lag?

Adding the GIA grading report for Tuey's irradiated diamond.



Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Would Kenny be able to answer questions regarding the diamond?

Marcy, That video is frightening. PLEASE Be careful. Better yet, stay in the house!


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1486914113|4127772 said:
Missy, Would Kenny be able to answer questions regarding the diamond?

Marcy, That video is frightening. PLEASE Be careful. Better yet, stay in the house!

IDK, but I posted the question in Rocky Talk. Hope someone chimes in there!


Jan 23, 2016
Can I take a picture of you?



Jan 23, 2016
I'm going that way



Jun 7, 2014
Missy, You know I feel EXACTLY the way!

Scandi, I love your baby!!!


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, glad you slept in and are going to have a lazy day. Of course the cute kitties want to join in on the fun. You guys probably have similar French doors at the beach to the one we have. Only one side opens; I know wind just destroys traditional French doors around here. We had sliding glass doors in our house and replaced them about 2 years ago now. Your hair looks fabulous. Isn’t it amazing how a trim just perks up your hairdo? I hope the cardiologist has ideas to get your MIL feeling better. Slowing down is hard. That 10 carat blue green diamond is amazing. I have no idea on price or what the irradiation means about value. I saw Kenny suggested the same guy I would have suggested to you; he seems very helpful and knowledgeable. Great pictures and awe you and Greg are the cutest couple.

LLJsmom, wind can do awful damage. On bad days when we go to Denver (N/S highway) the sides of the roads are full of semis who just pulled over to wait out the wind storm or sadly some of them are on their sides. Luckily the drivers rarely get hurt but holy cow that must be scary.

Callie, we often joke around her we need rocks in our pockets to walk around on those days. When it’s not windy we don’t know how to stand up straight without that wind resistance. How are you feeling today?

Scandi, love the snowy pictures. Your furbaby is way more interested in what’s out there than posing for pictures.

I stayed up until after midnight but got up at 6:30 to get a roast going in the crockpot. I tried to go back to sleep but drifted in and out of snoozeville for a few hours.

Marty got home about 11:30 and is napping on the couch.

Not much exciting going on here today. I ran out to see about getting some Asti Spumante for Valentine’s Day but the neighborhood liquor store didn’t have any. I picked up Asti sparkling wine yesterday but that isn’t what I wanted. While I was out I swung by the florist again and bought the teddy bear I liked yesterday. He’s got a spot right by the TV.

Have a great day!


Feb 27, 2007
Here is the new teddy



Jan 23, 2016
Hello :wavey:

Missy, please take a picture of your hair when its all curly again - love the colour! Please tell your friend that the diamond is worth about USD 10 so I can have it... LOL

Marcy, such a cutiepie bear!!

Callie, awwww thank you! :halo: :halo:

LLJsmom, sounds like a fantastic trip!

Jimmianne, will you be able to beat Marcy re car colour? :cheeky:

June, how is everything coming along?



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LOL Scandi! I am totally in love with your sweet baby and haha love the photo captions. Perfect.
Will get you a curly hair pic when I wash it if I remember.

Marcy, I love the new Teddy. What is his name? Darn on not getting the Asti Spumante you wanted. Thank you for your good wishes for my MIL. She is not feeling well at all and she thinks the cardiologist will be readmitting her to the hospital today. I sure hope not but we are prepared. Thanks for your advice re the green diamond. I contacted Adam and Neil and am waiting to hear back. Kenny chimed in but said he would recut it. Tuey however wants to sell the diamond so he won't be recutting it. It is a pretty diamond and if it was an old cut I would snatch that baby up.

Hope your Monday goes well.

Greg and I hung out yesterday playing cards and listening to music and then we watched a movie in the evening. American Werewolf in London. He had seen it before but this was my first time. I didn't care for it. I am too picky I guess as it got a 4.5 star rating from Netflix based on what we watch and like. But it fell short for me. I have been having trouble finding anything good to watch lately. We just started watching Red Oak on Amazon Prime and that has potential. I am enjoying it so far. We will see.

Have a great Monday girls. It is super windy here (gusts of over 60 mph) but I think the weather calms down in a few days and then becomes mild. I sure hope so. I am getting spring fever! Not literally I hope though. Everyone stay fever free! :bigsmile: :wavey:
Sharing a photo of our drive back home as we approach the Brooklyn bridge. A slice of NYC on a winter's day for my NIRDIs.



Jan 23, 2016
Missy, have you tried watching "Miss Fisher's murder mysteries" on Netflix? I like that one but no promises that you will ;-)

EDIT: and fingers crossed for your MIL!


Jun 8, 2008
Scandinavian|1486992130|4128038 said:
Missy, have you tried watching "Miss Fisher's murder mysteries" on Netflix? I like that one but no promises that you will ;-)

Ooh no I haven't heard of that. Thank you for the rec Scandi! And no worries I won't hold you responsible if I don't like it. I really appreciate any recommendations since I am so difficult to please in the movie/tv entertainment area. :wall: ;))

And thank you for the well wishes for my MIL!


Jan 23, 2016
It is a roaring 20s kind of setting with beautiful costumes and a very strong and independent female detective that is - off course - much smarter than the police ;-) LOL And more of a crime mystery than violent, which is why I thought you might like it :)


Nov 19, 2014
Hi Missy,

I hope you don't mind me imposing on your thread but I just had to jump in and second Scandinavian's recommendation of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I am hooked on this series. I have to admit that I enjoyed the first 2 seasons more than season 3. I am disappointed there won't be anymore seasons but there is hope for a couple of feature length films.

Have you watched Foyle's War. I don't know if it's currently on Netflix in the US. DH and I have watched every episode at least 3 times.

I hope your MIL will be okay. I understand your concern.
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